Here is the email Jenny sent us:
The screening in Chicago last night was great (but still somehow not sold out. I KNOW!!) We were able to get a decent recording of the entire Q&A. There was only 1 question that earned a collective audience groan: What was the best part of working with Rob? But their answers made it very worth it. We'll get it cleaned up a bit & send it. Mike started it off just saying 'Well, he's hot.' It progressed from there. :)
All the guys hung around taking pictures & signing things (we were lucky enough to get our soundtracks in the mail Monday so we had those signed). Very chatty & fun. The pic is honestly the name of the bar beside the theater showing HtB. We had to laugh - and have a beer. :) (Gozde: Rob would approve ;))
Thanks to imdominating and shutupinyerface :)
These guys are so much fun.... and such good sports, indeed.
NYC was soooo cool and didn't ask a "Rob" question until the very last question... and Oliver had already mentioned him... so I guess it was ok.
I was proud.
(Oliver did thank and acknowledge Rob for the "help" this wonderful film is getting...)
Oh Rob you big manly man, walking about the dressing room, flexing your biceps. LOL!
They like a fun and lovely bunch of guys :)
what a great bunch of guys. no surprise Rob fit right in.
Oh God, that pic!! just ROFL :D
I would like to have a beer there too.. :D
They were totally awesome and gracious, in NYC. there was a "collective groan" when Rob was mentioned at the midnight screening as well. But they were polite and answered everyone's questions. I would love to eat some grub and drink a few pints with them, including Rob of course.
Cullen's bar and grill? Why does that remind me of the kitchen scene in Twilight?
LOL these guys got a great sense of humor and how good sports they are too. I think they do expect questions about Rob though. They are no fools those guys. But yeah I do agree it would be nice if THEY got the recognition they deserve too!
LOL at the bar there..I'd go inside too and have a beer (or as well!
They should have had a Bloody Mary in that bar.. you know.. for kicks.
This was great!!!
And Goz...I love those gals for giving you a shoutout in the video!!!
How freaking awesome!!
Yeah i missed it *hits head* but i saw it back in march for free so :D
(= just seeing cullen melts my hearttt.<3 thats the only place im going to go to get a beer. (=
Seems like we missed out on a mini-meet at the NYC showing, as I was there too.
I really thought they'd get away unscathed, without a "Rob" question, and then that last one... *smiles and shakes head*
wild cat!!! i saw you!
I don't think these guys would mind the "What was it like working with Rob?" questions that much because it's sort of the elephant in the room anyway, so why not address it? If no one asks a question like that, it's just as obvious by its absence, know what I mean? No point in tip-toeing around the fact that Rob "blew up" in a huge way over the past 6 months and this indie film will now get a lot more attention because of it.
I need to tune my mental radio in to Britspeak again, because I couldn't understand half of what was said! I think that was mostly due to audience noise though. Still, it was fun to hear this!
Leann, I have the Q & A from NYC if you are interested in the link.
I can send it to you.
YEA!!!! CHICAGO! (Chicago is very Irish...they even dye the Chicago river green on St. Patty's Day, so no surprise there's a bar named Cullen's)
is there someone who could type up a transcript for this?
their sexy accents are making it hard for me to understand what they're saying.
and these guys-- Rob must be that great of a guy to work with given the fact that he is constantly brought up wherever they go. if it were any guy i bet they would probably get really annoyed and mouth off.
Hang on though, they would be complete dicks if they were annoyed if you ask about the actual star of the movie. Regardless of Rob mania you can't just ignore him/Art.
Oh damn I crave to see this movie in Oz, that last bit of footage on the utube clip with them playing with the computer kills me.
Oh I wish I could have seen this in a screening! But the IFC Direct last night from my couch was so worth it! What a great movie!!
Thanks for always posting such great interviews Goz! :) Love your blog!
Go Cubs Go!!!
Ok, I'm a little late with this, but thought I'd give you my experience seeing How To Be at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Film Festival and hangin with the cast and crew. I have a few pics but need to work on getting a link for you.
I found it to be a wonderfully fun, quirky, and amazing film! I was lucky enough to have tickets to the first showing where the cast and crew introduced the film and then did a Q&A. A buzz had started, some from pretty reliable sources, that Rob may show up at this festival. Alas, it did not happen but hopefully it caused more people to come out and see the movie! The festival did end up adding another showing later that evening. Rob was sooo cute in the movie and his character is so pitiful at the same time. All of the actors did amazing jobs in the film. And kudos to the director and composer, too!
During the Q&A, there were a number of questions asked – luckily none of them directed at Twilight. We asked the following: “Was Rob really driving in the movie?” Oliver said that Rob was supposed to drive in the movie – and was supposed to have been working on getting his drivers license. But he didn’t get the license so they thought they could set up the scene in a field and just let him drive. That way, he wouldn’t hit anything. But their insurance company would not allow it. So they had a stunt double doing the driving. In one scene where you see Rob excited and screaming while driving, the crew is actually at the back of the car pushing it – at about 2 mi per hr!
The other question we asked was “Who’s idea was it to have Rob put his head in the cooler at the supermarket?” Oliver said that he had done something similar in a previous movie and realized this would be a good scene for Rob’s character. He said they originally had Rob hiding in a grouping of brooms but then went to this idea instead. For those of you who have not seen the movie, this is a really cute and funny scene. Someone asked about how the director decided on the other characters in the movie. Oliver said that he had written the characters with Mike Pearce, Johnny White and Powell Jones in mind. Then they had to look for an actor to play the lead and he said Rob was perfect. They especially liked that he had not been trained classically as an actor. As Rachel, from Nashville, commented, the bar scene does show them drunk and is especially amusing since they had actually been drinking. Mike said that they were just hanging around all day so why not drink since they are in the pub anyway. He said by the time they started filming they were fairly drunk. Either Mike or Oliver said that, regardless, the actors were still able to get the scene the way it was written for the movie. Mike commented that he kept messing up his lines throughout the movie (not just at the bar scene). Oliver then commented that the great thing about Rob is that he could ad lib and keep right on going when Mike messed up, but once Mike got back on queue with the script, Rob could go right back to the script version. WE already know Rob is a great actor – this is just more proof!!
After the Q&A, we hung out with them afterward in the lobby, had pictures taken and got autographs. My daughter had Mike and Johnny sign her arm. We then met up with them again at Brit’s Pub in downtown Minneapolis. All four were great, very, very nice, and very appreciative. I assured Oliver at Brit’s Pub that I would get the word out about the movie in any way I could. So, I hope you can attend one of the festivals or buy the DVD when it comes out. We saw a great movie and had a great evening, sans Rob.
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