Chelsea or Arsenal?
If you are following my Tweets (here) you probably saw me wondering which team Rob supported during last night's Champions League game between Manchester United and Arsenal. I got quite a bit of replies for it (thanks :)) and coldlightt found the bunte.de interview where Rob answers the question :) The funny thing is I posted this interview back in January. I guess I should pay more attention to the stuff I post :))

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ugh i love rob but Arsenal?! LOL! I'm Liverpool all the way ;)
what's soccer? is that like football? or baseball?
My brother is a huge MU fan lol. Personally I am not a football fan (soccer for you Americans out there hehe.
soccer is football :)
Jeez Rob, clearly Chelsea are the better team ppffft!
Im actually reading Money by Martin Amis at the moment. Its emm.. interesting!
How much of this shizz just he just make up on the spot, its hilarious!
At least he has that in common with dh
Man U forever...
Hannah, Martin Amis is not an easy read.
Try London Fields.
Oh i´m Chelsea but I don´t think this is going to be a problem in our relationship :)
I wonder how many times he wanted to punch is woman...I lost count at 8 for myself..
sheesh.. what a horrendous interview.
Arsenal!! I guess I can go for that.. ManU gets all the fans!
We are Leeds fans here... I know, I know.. (hangs head in shame..)
for some reason I am breaking out in song....
"You're Chelsea, United
but baby Ive decide.. you're the best team I've ever seen..."
(yes I know..changed team to suit myself!)
Tina - Thanks I will. I have about 1/3 left of Money. Quite curious on how the end tie up.
The only thing my Dad said to my brother in law when he asked if he could marry my sister was 'Are you willing to support Chelsea?'
Soccer is a big thing in my folks house!
Oh Suz - so sorry about the Leeds thingy.
Hannah, I thought all Irish were for Liverpool.
Suz - Hey there missus!
Tina - You have been misinformed!
I would say Chelsea, Man U, Liverpool and Arsenal are the biggest have the biggest following here.
Over here we have loads of 'Irish' sports like Gealic Football, Hurling and Camogie so when it comes to soccer people take their pick of a British team.
Although we have our own soccer teams too... They're just quite shite.
oh hell yeahhhhh! go arsenal!!!
Hannah, your teams might be shite.. but your Guinness sure is FINE!
(really what else matters?)
Oh and you gave the world Oscar Wilde, Paul Brady, Van Morrison, U2... etc. etc.
ohhh snap!
We have a game called hurling too...
it is usually followed by too much Guinness..
Suz - We're small but effective ;)
Suz - Everythign here is following by (and also started with) too much Guiness! Not much of a fan of it myself though.
They're gona kick me out of Ireland for saying that.
Hannah, Hannah, Hannah.
you disappoint me...
ahhh youth
wasted on the young!
(ahh just kidding I luves ya too much!)
Go Chicago Cubs! Oh wait if I have to choose a soccer team, Chicago Fire! :)
I also can't leave out Chicago Bulls, Chicago Bears, and Chicago Blackhawks (may they kick Vancouver's ass in the playoffs). :)
Suz - I have been told that to some Irish Guiness is like some sort of ambrosia!
And Im sorry. I'll go sit in the bold corner.
..Or wait in the naughty room
Ash - You wouldnt happen to be from Chicago by any chance would you?!
Well Rob is from London, so really, Arsenal makes sense... better than Chelsea imo. Now what I really want to know is, does Rob play cricket?! He'd be so cute in one of those little white jerseys :)))
I didn't like this interviewer. She was way to pushy about the "one thing you've always wanted to say"he said,"no I don't"and she wouldn't drop it.
I wanted to give her a whack upside the head and tell her to shut up and open her ears he answered the question. Duh!
omg, Arsenal? blasphemy!! Rob,I'm so disappointed. haha United all the way baby!!!!! lol sorry I just looove Man United.
LB- RP would be hot as hell in one of those cricket outfits. Better than that shiteous outfit for the fake game of polo in Teen Vogue.
I know nothing about Chelsea or Arsenal,but here in Dallas we do have a soccer team. I don't know the name of it though. I'm more into the NFL our type of football here in the US. So DALLAS COWBOYS all the fucking way..."HOW BOUT THEM BOYS".
Ooooo, Petit Ourson, Rob in a cricket outfit. I like that.
Thanks for posting.
Is there a transcript of this please? I cannot hear half of it!!
Didn't he once say, when asked about HIS obsessions, somwthing about Arsenal? About George Graham maybe? Anyone else remember that?
Chelsea are in London too.
Closer to where he lives too!!! Much closer!
Man Utd are not :)
So Arsenal v Man U were playing last night.
But the interviewer asked:
Chelsea or Arsenal?
Rob would obv choose Arsenal both times.
If Chelsea were playing Man Utd? Then -- who knows?
I agree with Shani...I don't know much about soccer, but I LOVE THOSE COWBOYS! I did catch the Chelsea and Liverpool match a couple weeks ago and it was pretty awesome! Saw another match the week before that also tied but I can't remember who was playing. Oh well. Anyway...
Cullens playing baseball. :D that`s the sport I like. <3
Totally with you Daneh...
Liverpool all the way, but at least he doesn't support Man U or Chelsea!!
Arsenal??!! WTF! Now finally Rob has disappointed me. And he's from Barnes - so much closer to Chelsea than Arsenal. My family are all from Chelsea and my 80 year old dad still goes to every home match.
Arsenal, Rob, Arsenal?
Thanks deandawg for the support!!!!
I hope now that we got rid of T.O. that we can go to the Superbowl.
Okay, I can't pretend to know anything about European football, but the fact that Rob's favorite drink is whiskey and that he's a dog person means that I will have to break up with him now. It's red wine (or the occasional gin, vodka or tequila...really, anything other than whiskey or rum!) and cats all the way for me, baby. I'm sure he's crushed...I just hope he can find a way to pick up the pieces and move on. ;)
Leann - if you are breaking up with Rob I'll take him ;o) I love whiskey so we can get drunk together every night...ahhh blisss
But i think we gonna have a problem with the dog I'm a cat person all the way.
He did mention that he stood in line for a George Graham autograph. And asked whether he liked Chelsea or Arsenal he chose Arsenal. So on two different occasions he chose Arsenal. I'm very happy about that! At least he isn't a Spurs supporter. lol
Amen to that Shani! I did a little dance on the day they let him go! I was completely freaking out with excitement! haha. Good grief and good riddance that he is finally gone! I thought they should have let him go 2 years ago.
Amen to Martina too about the Cullens playing baseball! I adore baseball and it's even better when played by total hotness!
I LOVE Rob for this! YES Rob :)
wow id like to see rob snowboarding! haha thatd be...hot actually ive always thought snowboarding guys are really hot...i wonder if hed be good at it...hes not relly into sports but who knows? lol
What does he say his favourite movie and book was?? I couldnt hear it..
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