There is a special place in heaven reserved for people that detag (especially Lainey tags :)
Tags at the bottom of the picture etc. are okay, we understand you paid for them or are exclusive to you but tagging "THE HAIR " is a cardinal sin!

Thanks to
Oh how I love un-tagged pics of Rob. Makes me SMILE.
Anyhoo...pic # 8 is just...GAH! His lips look AMAZING!! Me likey.
Yes, Mel, pic #8 is a killers! He looks so kissable! Sighhhhhhhhh!
I ♥♥♥♥ YOU
That is all.
Im glad you agree with me btw.
Paula- Miss_McElroy
Misspelled killer. oops!
Just love these pics.
I want to DeTag Rob! *snickers*
Ooh I love these pics! Thank you so much for de-tagging them !
Dear all
ET just uploaded a new video :)
Thanks so much Goz for feeding our habit. Where would we be without your fab site.
Thanks a billion.
Kissable is right. Damn
suz hearts de-taggers
shiteous nikes
Kerr-bear: congratulations on being the first post to get censored. I replied to you on another thread. YOU bringing it to this one is just petty. I have NOTHING against the girls at I am saying they are a good site and don't post paparazzi pictures. Go check them out and stop bitching on my blog! It's not like I bring it to your home. It's a fucking blog, if you don't click on it you don't see it!
Paula, thanks again for the detags :)
Your welcome!
Whats with the drama??
Thanx Goz! Love the daily gifts you give. <3
LOL :) There is this girl "kerr-bear" with no sense of humor that keeps calling me GoDze and just blah blah blahs all the time :) Nothing important. She just made me angry :P
Suz <-----rubbing Goz's shoulder...
Congrats Kerr-Bear that is some honor, hope your parents are proud.
sheesh, amateurs!
Love my daily fix of Rob.
Ah, these pictures of Rob are delectable.
He looks hot just standing there doing absolutely nothing.
Well, duh.
Ellie, delectable is a good word.
downright edible.
xxx RobSnogs
Excellent response, Goz! xoxo
Hi, Suz!! {{{waves}}} and {{{hugs}}}
Goz~Thanks for the eye candy pics!
I only have eyes for Rob, but have u seen the new official "wolf pack" poster! Pretty hot! I luv their tattoos! Maybe the pack will scare away some of the shiteous people that r pissing u off!
The article talks about horse size wolves, kind of exciting!
i love these pics thak you miss mc and patt life,my wish came true
Hi Gozde I apologised on another thread for spelling your name wrong yesterday. Then I came on this thread and see that you are not happy with getting it spelt wrong. sorrreey.
May I call you Goz. It is only three letters and I can't possibly stuff that up. (you would think)???
Haha, no problem katykeene, I only mind it when it's a dumbass like kerr_bear :)) A lot of people misspell it, it's okay :)) Call me whatever you want :P
Horse Sized.....
(am I the only one thinkin' it?)
Wolves are mad sexy..
"I" rub with Vampires
(oh I mean run!)
Good morning/evening everyone :)
Untagged pictures make me smile.. He's just amazing.
Posting annoying comments is another Cardinal Sin.
I ♥ you Goz...
HUUUGE FEET! Large feet, large... shoes! I love them. Love the lips, the hands, the jeans, even the Nikes. Love the... ok, there is not enough room in here form my "I love his...", not enough..., never enough...
Goz I have only recently found your site and it has become my daily news stop.
Hey.... to be totally honest..... Robessed has become my obsession to obsess over Rob. If you get what I mean???!!!
If you don't mind my asking have you posted a history anywhere here that I can read that tells me a bit about how Robsessed all began and a bit about yourself.
Suz~Rub w/ vampires! OOOOH! I'm dreaming again!
Are u keeping some Bad Company-runnin' w/ the pack!
Good evening, I just read the 30 comments above mine. Seems like I missed something this afternoon...
Girls, things are a bit crazy around here lately. I was in a fight once in here, 'bout 3 or 4 weeks ago. Was no fun. Now I just come, drool a little on Rob´s pics, talk to my "Rob, lover", sometimes to some of the girls and leave...
Honestly, I love normal Rob much more accessible!
Yeah, Rob does have large feet---to carry all of that lanky goodness around. YUMMY. YUMMY!
Hey Suz!
Suz Babe - Rub-a-dub-dub.....
Me and Rob in a tub.....
Oh no not the tag on the HAIR...That deserves a back hand bitch slap...oops up side your head*SLAP*...I said oops...up... side...your...head*slap*...:P
Thanks bb for we get virginal likey...
this made me sing like susan boyle.
can anyone detag his clothes on the picks ?? At least the shirt ??? pleeaaassssseeee ............
i wonder is that a Iphone he holds in his hand because now i want one even more than ever grrr
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