Celebrity Mundane in HQ :)

Source via RPSource


elainnie said...

They are not mundane to me. Thanks!

Lynn said...

Thank goodness for seeing food in his hand, Rob looks fit but still really thin. I love this shots...and the banner....yum!

Suz said...


Too much pleasure.. is not enough.

Daneh said...

That pic of him through the window, you can tell he's like "oh shit they're here..*sigh* " i feel really bad that i am gasming over these pics :(

Anonymous said...

Oh no, if you do close up you'll see rob needs a lint remover..poor thing.

Anonymous said...


Melissa said...

Srsly, #5???? AND its in HQ??? GAH! His lips...his mouth...it's just too much....I can't take it!


OH and it's so nice to see he traded up and finally got an iPhone. SWEET! :P

Suz said...

hey anon, it's all good..

its just his lovely plumes and DNA samples...


Melissa, looks like another day of robness goodies..hang on sister, its going to be a bumpy ride.

Anonymous said...

awww it was raining on him :( no wonder...he was probably calling a friend or a cab for a lift

Anonymous said...

I FIND IT FUNNY THAT at this time last year, HE was having TROUBLE WORKING THE WIPERS TO HIS CAR BUT HE NOW OWNS A IPHONE. LMFAO i wouldve loved to see him trying to make a phone call that first day he owned the phone.. mmmm Rob.

fantasia22 said...

Clever pappz though to capture the shot with him directly below the words "you don't walk alone".

sort of unsettling though...

If he wasn't so damn appealing perhaps we would stop looking.

lulusfolie said...

i saw these yesterday but much smaller... I enjoy seeing the mundane... I'm ALL about the mundane

Anonymous said...

did he absolutly wanted an iphone???

elainnie said...

Rob doesn't need anything IMO! Except me jumping his bones! MMMMM!

elsa said...

LOL can't get enough of these pics of his. What I love about them is that they are really really recent and show he is in good health!!!

I kinda worry about him you know (since I don't have anybody to worry about, he he he except my bf; so I have two to worry about!)

kchambers77 said...

i'm kind of bummed they didn't catch the pimp band following him playing "rico suave".

Anonymous said...

it is positively ticklish to know that Robert Pattinson is running around in our town, although I don't see him, I know he is here running around . . . leaving his footprints all over the place....how ticklish!!!!!!!!!

Laura said...

Goz, I fucking love you!!!!!

I seriously cannot look at these pics at work anymore b/c I am fucking DONE for the day, thank you. My brain has gone to Robbieland.

Oh, and I noticed something in his pocket (well, I noticed it after noticing the many other wonderful THINGS in these pics--hot raybans, lips, sexy flannel shirt, jaw porn, etc.) in a few of the pics. Is it wrong that I was desperately trying to figure out what it is? God, I need help. *THUD*

Sherri S. said...

He is SOOO damn sexy! :)

Totally got my Rob fix today!

Anonymous said...

I´ve noticed too but I can´t tell whats in it... sry

Anonymous said...

It gives me chills that I've walked on this sidewalk where these pics were taken a dozen times when I was on vacation in Vancouver last year. I wished I would have gone there this year :( as I even stayed in the same hotel as the cast is staying, but I wouldn't have approached any of them anyway. Arg, whatever.

I just adore these beautiful photos!

K said...

water and starbuck my two favorite drinks.

He just well beautiful!

Anonymous said...

The thing I think when I see these "mundane" photos these days is how much a part of his life this has become now. He seems to be dealing with it so well. "Ho hum, just another day, crazy people with cameras documenting my every move." (Heck, he looks like he's *whistling* in one of the pics.)

But I always wonder what the heck he is thinking. He expressed from the beginning that he was NOT happy about all the attention and it made him a bit crazy to deal with it. I'm glad to see that it hasn't outwardly driven him mad. But I wonder what's going on inside that gorgeous head? I think he makes it look a lot easier than it is. I don't think I could handle it.

Anonymous said...

I love Rob's posture. His back is so straight.

rebeccaouellet said...

Jeez H. Holy God...why does this man have to be so handsome? And down-to-earth? And FUNNY?? He is just so precious. I wish I could take him home in my pocket...

elainnie said...

Rebecca, I just settle for my PE! A girl can dream!

Shani said...

Praise God for this yummy man with those puckered lips...*daydreaming*...

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