Entertainment Weekly has a piece about Bobby Long. For those of you living under a rock: Bobby is Rob's long time friend and the co-writer of Let Me Sign. Check out his music, he is really soulful.
I am posting this because he talks a bit about Rob, Twilight premiere and McLovin': 3 things I adore :)
Here is a part of his interview with EW:
Friendship with Twilight dreamboat Robert Pattinson has its privileges. Twenty-two-year-old singer-songwriter Bobby Long met the then-struggling actor a while back at the popular London open-mic Up All Night, and the pair quickly became close; since then, the 2008 release of the film soundtrack's spare, gravelly ballad "Let Me Sign," sung by Pattinson and penned by Long and friend Marcus Foster, has suddenly catapulted Long into a whole new world of Twi-fans and frenzied media attention.
On a visit today to EW's offices, the lanky, swoopy-haired Brit talked to us about his upcoming American tour dates, and the hazards of ancillary -- if still white-hot -- fame. "Rob gets it 99 million percent more," Long admits, "but it's still mad. He and I went to the premiere in London together, and he was just getting molested right and left. For me, it's clearly not as extreme, but it's still amazing to watch. And you know," he adds with a laugh, "there was free booze everywhere, so we got quite drunk and I just kept bothering the guy from Superbad, McLovin'. He was very nice about it." (Gozde: I really want to get drunk with these guys! I know... I'll get in line...:))
Keep reading about Bobby's shows in New York and his US tour HERE.
Hey Gozde~ I'd like to get drunk with these guys too, but I always get horny when I drink, so it wouldn't work out well for me. Or them! LOL!
Pints, shots of Jameson, good music and the devilangel Man. Could life get any sweeter than that?
bal bal bal bal baaaalm.. McLovin!
"Holy shit! Fogell's a badass!"
Btw Gozde, there's an official trailer released of The Summer House if you want to check it out.
I haven't even watched it yet myself ;p
jeez Suz~ half the time i don't know what you're talking about. You make me feel so old! (winks)
Gozde! We can get drunk with them at the New Moon premiere :)))
One of my facebook friends is going tonight in NYC. I'm so jealous! lol
Crazy, me too :) It might work out VERY well for all of us :P
And LittleBear, I keep forgetting about our tix to the New Moon premiere. Use the force sister! We'll win those tix.
..."and he was just getting molested right and left"...LMAO
Bobby is to funny...there was free booze and they kept messing with McLovin. They are so silly...typical guys.:))))
Yes Sara! I've been waiting for more on The Summer House. Just LOOK at him in the trailer, and his voice...uhhhhh! But the film is only 13 minutes. It better be 12 minutes of Rob!
Goz~ true. If he and his buds have half a bag on, and we wear low cut shirts.........win!
bobby's sexy raspy voice... mmm mmm mmm now that does something to me
all of rob's friends are so talented...and single? wtf?
I watched the Summer House trailer and Rob is in all of his awsomeness! I'm bummed because I thought it was a full length movie instead of a 13 min. short story. Oh well, we take what we can get!
Oh crazy I ALWAYS wear low cuts shirts :) My boobs are my best assets :P
Thanks for the tip Sara! I put up the trailer :)
Hey wanna see Rob run?
Here's him running to get to an appointment. He's really adorkable. Even when he walks.
Note the legs!
Yeah, the free booze and McLovin' comment does show their age.
But, and I have a few years on them, I have to admit that I'd still be stoked about the free booze and seeing McLovin'.
Just goes to show how new it is to them. They aren't jaded yet and are lapping it all up.
What a fukin ride that must be. Jealous!
No worries Gozde, I've been working my voodoo and sacrificing young virgins every morning. Those tickets are coming my way. You can prepare your sexiest low-cut top :)
Uh, yeah, Goz...me too!
How fun would that be??
Sacrificing virgins...noted...will start tomorrow :)
LOL, yeah, I get horny and very touchy feely. So it will either get REALLY good or I'll get arrested :P
this stalking is sick! If someone followed me everywhere, I would take that camera and smash it into millions of pieces.
I wonder where is the limit of his patinece and kindness
Stalking? What are you talking about? Did I skip the parts and only read about booze and McLovin'? :))
You girl just made me smile....
getting drunk...boobs....talented single men...
I am talking about this!
So excited...THREE MORE DAYS and DH & I see Bobby Long here, yea!!
I get really clumsy and lose my English. Does not bode well for me... *sigh*
Oh yeah, THAT video! I didn't even click on the first link Lapuz gave I knew it would go to the stalker video...
chicago: i'm so jealous... please feel free to email me details :D
my email is on my profile...i've been a bobby fan for a while now and would loooove to see him live
Gozde, Melissa,
I tend to talk very suggestively when i drink. Imagine that!!!!
Like more suggestive than you do on the blog? We'll DEFINITELY get arrested :PP
TS!!! we're planning to get drunk with the guys and (practically) flash our titties at them!!! woo hoo!
Bobby Long tonight and tomorrow night at the Lakeside Lounge in NYC. Those of u that are going please give us details tomorrow!!
uh oh. my reputation has preceded itself :(
it works though!!!
Thirty~Weren't you going to see him in Nashville or Chicago? I know it is a long-haul from E-ville... Don't worry, of course, I'll report back! Take care...
crazy: count me in...i love boys & booze... best combination ever
I saw Bobby perform in London lately, he actually really IS a charming guy as well!
Well, he is a brit...so...
Marcus and TomStu have also been there...and I got drunk, but NOT with them...just watched....buhuhuhuuu!
chi: his date in chicago changed :( and my friends couldn't make it happen...
nashville is where i really go especially since sam will be there too... dh not happy about it though...such a fun sucker!
my friends and i have tickets to see Bobby and Sam Bradley at 3rd and Lindsley in nashville on the 22 of April!
DHs can be such sticks-in-the-mud! So different when they are courting you...hope you can work out Nashville, would be super fun with Sam...
LOL, tits, whiskey, Robbie and Bobbie. YUMMY.
that Bobby is sexy as f**k. and one talented mofo. thanks to him for writing "let me sign."
i agree divinesally... bobby is H.O.T.!!
L, he's got this quiet charm about him, that I like so much. I think I might go see him tomorrow @ Arlene's Grocery.
@Crazy. sorry... Making someone feel old is a punishable crime ... I volunteer myself to the Naughty Room...
I was just channeling my SuperBad self..
My son and I quote the film all the time..
suz <----bad mother ('s Handbook)
suz <---hopes she dies before she FEELS old
Hve to wait till September to see Bobby here!!
Maybe I should start drinking now.
Tina, it can't hurt!
Swooon! I think I'll wait till September when he comes back to NYC.
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