Blue Boy - CUT Magazine Japan

CUT Magazine from Japan (April issue)

Thanks to rekcusho
from [info]pattinsonlife for the scan :)


~MindyMc said...

The twi crazies have given him gray hair!!!

~KY~ said...

wtf??? and yet he's still gorgeous...

Anonymous said...

that man sure knows how to maintain the perfect scruff...uhhh yeah

TwiHartRK said...

Why would they do this? At least they didn't mess with the face.

niahid said...

At least now i know what he'll be look like at 25 years later.
HAAAWWWT *howling*

Hansom Ransom said...

Every time my friend sees a pic of Rob, she always says her friend Brian looks like him. Her uncle even did a double take with the GQ cover. He is single now, and she is going to introduce me ;)

Emmes said...

yeah whattup with the blue hair/white hair?


Anonymous said...

Sometimes he just looks like he would much rather be anywhere but where he is. The more I think about some of his pictures the more I feel sorry for what he has gotten himself into.

niahid said...

@Hansom ransom: Let me know if you or your friends have any other Rob Look Alike single man :)

niahid said...

@Anon : I think that's why there's a term called Occupational Hazard.
He knew what he's gotten himself into and is grateful to his fans.

Sara said...

Quick enquiry Goz, have you ever thought of making a post where we can share Rob graphics(icons/bgs etc)?
Because I make too many Rob icons to keep them all to myself. 8D
Just a thought <3

Anonymous said...

Love the pic - cute, cute!

Help Gozde, I need to know how to send you my How to Be review and pics from Monday..I'm feeling really dumb and incompetent as it may be obvious!

Tenneil said...

Doesnt matter what color he comes in....its all good...

TS ~ rob scruff...pure win..

Rhonda said...

I think Rob could rock the Marge Simpson hair and still somehow come off as hot, no?

Melissa said...

Hmm. I like this pic. He looks amazing.

Hansom Ransom said...

niahid, will do :)

Shani said...

This reminds me of that famous "Blue Boy" painting by...ummm...I forgot but yeah it's a cute enough photo. He's still doable...:P

Sherri S. said...

He is absolutely beautiful...

TwiHartRK said...

Anon/Kathy - email Goz and Dani on the form on the main page - and here:

Sophia Z.86 said...

This man is my blue dream...

elainnie said...

OMG this is what Rob will look like when he is my age! I'm going to find the fountain of youth! What a beautiful man! Simply a work of art!

Melanie said...

Maybe he was trying out for the blue man group? :)

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