Green Day wants Robert Pattinson


If 1994's 'Dookie' elevated Green Day from the Bay Area to national punk kings, 'American Idiot' -- the band's 2004 rock opera which chronicled the adventures of fictional character St. Jimmy -- cemented the trio's status as a world-class rock band. This time 'round, the band is doubling down on ambition.

Green Day's highly-anticipated new album, '21st Century Breakdown,' produced by Butch Vig, is as grand as it is adventurous, featuring 18 songs broken up into three chapters -- 'Heroes and Cons,' 'Charlatans and Saints' and 'Horseshoes and Handgrenades' -- and two new protagonists: Christian and Gloria.

In a wide-ranging, hour-long conversation, frontman Billie Joe Armstrong talked with Spinner about the new album, what he thinks of right-wing conservatives, his love for Robert Pattinson and the two things he'll never, ever do.

Who would you want to play Christian and Gloria if this were given a big screen adaptation?

The girl that played in 'Juno' [Ellen Page] -- I think she could be Gloria. The song 'East Jesus Nowhere' -- I got the title from 'Juno.' There was that one part where the mother goes, "Why are you driving out in East Jesus Nowhere to go hang out with that couple." And it was like, "Oh my god, I've heard of Bumf--- Egypt, but East Jesus Nowhere? That's amazing."

And Christian, I'm gonna say maybe that kid in 'Twilight' [Robert Pattinson]. He's a good actor. There's still more to come with that kid.


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Kate said...

"There's still more to come with that kid"

Yes there is you ain't seen nothing yet !!! ;-)

Kate said...

Ooh forgot to say LOVE Green day ;-)

Diane said...

Damn straight, BJ! (Oooh that sounds so naughty. All I can think of when I see the letters "BJ" is Rob's bubble jacket. Hot!)

Kelli said...

LOVE Green Day!!! LOVE Rob!!! toether that would just be amazing.

Laura said...

Awww, go Billie Joe! Show that RPattz love!

May said...

Billy, Billy, ain`t that the truth...:)God, it`s so nice when other ppl see in Rob what we saw ages ago. :D

Maryann said...

That is VERY cool! Green Day is cool, I love their song American Idiot :-D.

Anonymous said...

wow... rob getting props from greenday...niiiice. he would probably actually appreciate that.

and i looooooooove the new banner...makes me dream of tie guy *sigh*

tinababy1 said...

Further proof that Billie Joe Armstron is a genius

Already have "Know your Enemy" as my ringtone

Brilliance recognizes brilliance

Kristen said...

u bet there's more to come!

I love the new banner!!! how gorgeous is he in that shirt and tie!!! I just wanna grab it and pull him to me...*pants*

Anna said...

Rob with black hair... I like :)

Who am I kidding, he could be rocking Lady Gaga's hair bowtie and I'd still like, lol

Tie Guy Rob is win.

Ash7586 said...

Hell yeah. They should also sing with him. :)

Shani said...

I love Green Day and have been missing them. Wow, Billie sees exactly what we see. That is so real...I'm a little bit blown away. Who would have thought that he would even care about Rob. That right there shows Rob's true mass appeal.

I hope Rob hears about it. Billie would be a great help for him music wise. Green Day has won how many Grammys? There are always odd pairings when doing collaborations. He could help write some songs and finally push Rob to do a CD. We may be able to see Rob at the Grammys after all. I mean you never know what could happen. It only takes the right person to come across your path.

Divinesally said...

TS, the banner does remind me of tie guy, I told Goz this morning I thought so. lol

LB, aww rob with a hairbowtie. that would be cute. but no, black hair Rob is WAYYYY hotter. lol Oh yes. Oh yes. He's a little more meat in that photo. So hot.

BJ is awesome! Ellen and Rob would make a cool duo for those roles. Rob will get a kick of that.

Lilly said...

Green Day wants Rob? Tell them to get in line.


I would love to see an Ellen Page-Rob Pattinson pairing on screen!

Mechevpao said...

Ellen Page-Rob Pattinson would be amazing big screen paring, hopefully some producer with a good screenplay would take note on that advice =)
I´m so happy of this Rob mention and compliment, coming from un of the best and most original musician, amazing that an artist like him took notice of Rob and his acting ability from twilight.

Jaime said...

ugh not a fan of green day...I can't stand it when punk rock bands try to make music about politics! They are just a bunch of whiny men in mascara that really have no idea what they are talking about!!

aloevera said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

@Billie Joe.. Suz loves you baby..

(next time the steaks are on ME!)

Divinesally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Who is Tie Guy?

Divinesally said...

do you read FF, Anon? If so, check this out:


Divinesally said...

I like the dudes in green day but the whole image is a bit off putting for me. I thought the drummer was hot at one point.

Lilly said...

I'd really hate it if Rob went political.

Divinesally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Suz said...

American Idiot (IMO) is a great piece of literature showcasing the state of this (USA) country during some of the it's bleakest, most frightening hours...

The song "The Saints Are Coming with U2

Sheer Cinematic Genius!

tinababy1 said...

Well said Suz

tinababy1 said...

Uh Suz - will the steaks actually be ON you??? hee hee

Suz said...

sure why not Tina.. .. and always


How are you gorgeous?

It's happy hour and I am shaking the (very) Dirty Robtini's


tinababy1 said...

Sounds yummy, perfect for the end of a long week

Divinesally said...

Ok Suz, agreed. American Idiot was the shizz. That one song is really good. The video w/ U2 and all the images makes the song better. But literature?

What about this, Suz?

Suz said...

DS - I was referring to American Idiot as the literature..

The video as cinematic brilliance.

The video re: Hurricane Katrina relief (or fucking lack thereof)


Suz said...

Tina, do you want yours (him) shaken or stirred...

; )

tinababy1 said...

DS - you can't judge the concept of "21st century breakdown" solely on one song. Each song set the tone for another.

Divinesally said...

ahh, ok. that makes sense. ;)

tinababy1 said...

Suz - Shake it , baby, definitely shake it.

Divinesally said...

DS<<<<< really fudging thirsty.

tinababy1 said...

Suz - Have you ever tried that ANYDVD?

Suz said...


I personally THANK GOD for any celebrity who gets politically involved....

If they didn't... man we'd be fucked..

Think about a lot of the anti war music form the 60's -- and Woodstock!

Bono's work with Africa Debt Relief

Sir Bob Geldoff - Hunger Relief

Brad Pitt, Winton Marceles, Harry Connick, Jr. with their TIRELESS New Orleans housing relief efforts..

Elton John - Aids awareness and Cure

man I could go on and on... but I wont... ;)

Now getting back to Rob.. I'd personally LOVE to hear some of his political views..

Oh, and he is hot too!


Suz said...

yes Tina.. my videos work!

Using the free trial.. (21 days)
we burned a copy on the DVR now I have a copy that plays in Windows Media Player for eva!

DS.. what's you having to drink m'lady?

tinababy1 said...

Suz - Did you listen to City and Colour? Right now my fave song

Suz said...

oh yes Tina! Love s.s.
Thanks for sharing.

you must had a mad good public radio station in Montreal..

Perhaps even a World Cafe affiliate?

Suz said...

oopss *must have

Robtini's going straight to ma head...

"Yeah, I should eat something"

Divinesally said...

Great statement about world wide relief awareness. A lot of it went around in the 80s. Remember Live Aid?

Now that was a historic event.

Divinesally said...

DH brought up some Guinness! yes! Damn, but should I mix the Robtini?

Suz said...

DS - Remember it??!

Dude, I volunteered for the event..

P H I L A D E L P H I A !

Was There! A truly magnificent day!

Anyone remember Hands Across America?

(whoa, I am old as fuck)

tinababy1 said...

Are you an NPR girl? DH loves them. Public here is CBC

Divinesally said...

OMG that's so amazing! What did you do??? I'm 25 now, but then I was 1. Damn. sucks for me. I'm youtubing it. wow. tears. seriously.

Divinesally said...


tinababy1 said...

Suz - Don't call me "fuck"

crazy said...

Hi girls~ what's going on?

tinababy1 said...

Hey Crazy, how was NYC?

Suz said...

It's Univ of Penn's station.

We don't run as many NPR programming as we used to.. (I miss the celtic programs and "Click and Clack"

WXPN is the most successful member supported triple A format public radio station in the country.

yeah.. I'm proud and SOOOO lucky!

Divinesally said...

Hey Crazy. what's shaken?

Suz said...

hey crazy,. sup?

we are having (very) Dirty RobTini's

you in?

crazy said...

Good. The dd wanted to check out some sights and look for famous folk. I think she'll live and work there some day~ what's the scoop here now??

crazy said...

dirty Robtini'? Yummy! but tini? no, not teeny. no.

Suz said...

LOL @ Tina.. what a waste of good vodka (grey goose today ladies) as I spit it out over the laptop!

Old as Fuck comment! lmao

Emmes said...

Yeah! Love those guys. Green Day literally got me through high school!!! I had all of Dookies song lyrics in my locker door as inspiration!

In fact me and my GF had a duck as a pet and his name was Billie Joe Anarchy Campos (Campos is like a super common last name in spanish...we were obviously being ironic)


tinababy1 said...

Like the Celtic and the Tappet Bros. but I find some of the announcers very dull. Fall into coma listening. DH went to Minnesota 2x to see Prairie Home Companion.

Hey, maybe it woudn't be so nuts for me to fly to FLA to see LA.

Divinesally said...


crazy said...

i bet I am the fuckest.

crazy said...

duck rhymes with fuck ;)

Hi emmes

Suz said...

Emmes! I have your Robtini.. nice and chilled..

Here ya go.. you've got some catching up to dew!


Divinesally said...

hey Emmes,

lol Crazy.

tinababy1 said...

And puck, are pucksated again?

Emmes said...

I see everyone has kicked off the evening...(Eyeing the bar...Where´s the waitress?)

Divinesally said...

me wants another pweese?

tinababy1 said...

Suz - I've finished off my Robtini, can I have another please?

I'm being greedy tonight.

crazy said...

puxated, fuxated. Going for fuxated but the d family is all ove rme again! ugh.

tinababy1 said...

C - Call Tony Soprano

Emmes said...

SUZ, whattaa doll thank you!

So...can someone give me the cliff notes?

Suz said...

Emmes, dang gurl I just handed you one.. sheesh. I am shaking and stirring my azzz off..

DS! Here, luv

Oh BTW. "Rob tips appreciated"

crazy said...

I'll take another Robtini, with a Robskey chaser.

Suz said...

Suz <----slides another down the bar to Tina

tinababy1 said...

Suz - He's Catholic. Do you think he has a Rob tip?

crazy said...

Tine~ he's on his way, but he's got another "job" to do first. hee hee.

Divinesally said...

thanks dear! {hands Suz a 5}

Suz said...

sorry crazy

only (very) Dirty Robtini's



we also have Heineken and Guinness.

crazy said...

hahahha. i hope no Rob tip. Those damn things just get in the way!! ;)

Divinesally said...

Man i'm cheap tonight.

Suz said...

brits usually have hats!

(should know!) lol

Divinesally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
crazy said...

S~ in that case make mine very very dirty :)

tinababy1 said...

Not all Brits Suz - should also know.

Emmes said...

Don´t worry´ll definetely be compensated it´s called Robarma (good rob karma!).

Divinesally said...

oh my o_O

crazy said...

some Italians have hats too.

tinababy1 said...

Mine is Scottish though. It's painted blue

crazy said...

has Divine been shocked??? huh? wow!

Suz said...

ok Crazy -- here you go..

and Tina.. LOL.. touche'

But "I" never met one without...

and I've "known" more Brits than "Yanks" by at least a 5-1 ratio! lol

crazy said...

Tina~ LOL! Mine comes with olive oil for dipping.

Suz said...

Lol @ Blue hat

tinababy1 said...

And mine is born here, son only theoretical Scot.

crazy said...

Tina~ are we not talking about the same thing?? eek.

Suz said...

i think america is the only country obsessed with



Suz said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
tinababy1 said...

Crazy - ha ha ha ha ha ha

I will never be able to look at olive oil for dipping again without peeing my pants laughing.

crazy said...

Suz~ LOL@ hat hacking

tinababy1 said...

Don't mind hacking of hats. Not a fan of hats.

Divinesally said...

DS<- lost

Emmes said...

lovin that ratio Suz...haha!

crazy said...

oops - is that imagery too much? but I'll enjoy olive oil even more now i'm sure. yikes!

tinababy1 said...

DS - PEEN.....

Suz said...

yeah.. I know what I like Emmes

I take being an anglophile to the extreme!

Divinesally said...

WHo's dipping what into olive oil?

crazy said...

somebody help Divine!!! hahahahhaa

tinababy1 said...

C - with a little balsamic? Ouch, might sting.

crazy said...

OMG hahahhahahahahhaha

Suz said...

DS had too many RobTini's

she's flagged

(but she is a GOOD TIPPER!)

tinababy1 said...

Suz - couldn't figure out ratio if I tried. Not that good at math.

Divinesally said...

Dipping c**ks into olive oil?

tinababy1 said...

DS - Now you got it sweetie.

crazy said...

No, but maybe a little side of marinara...

Suz said...

Tina - it's far better to be good at




tinababy1 said...

C - Are you suppose to put sausage in marinara?

crazy said...

LOL@ at cutting off Divine! hahahhaa "cutting off" hahhaha

Divinesally said...

I'd like to tell you where I'd put a sausage.

Emmes said...

LOLing...not typing

tinababy1 said...

Suz - Am VERY good at Man, married 20 years. No complaints, no Viagra.

crazy said...

T~ sausage goes in alot of things? hi everybody, just talking italian food here ;)

crazy said...

Suz has skilz!

Suz said...

we are not only the same age, but we both married in 1988.


Little Blue Pill-less since 1988!

tinababy1 said...

C - just tell family you're on a food chat. Nothing to do with swallowing Rob.

Did I just say that?

tinababy1 said...

I was marrie in '89, almost 20 years

What about you Crazy "triplet"?

crazy said...


Suz said...

I do crazy, I got all you Robiotchs hammered while I drank H2O

he is all mine drunkin monkeys!

bwwaaahhhhh bwaaaahhh!

tinababy1 said...


Divinesally said...

Damn, I'm not usually a light weight. *lowers head in shame*

crazy said...

me? um, I'm married? oh yeah...ugh...let's see....thought we were talking Rob....

married 17 years

crazy said...


Suz said...

DS, I dropped a ruthie in your drink.. i needed you out cold! lol

tinababy1 said...

That's ok girls, I'm pretty sure Rob would appreciate a drunken tart any ol' day.

tinababy1 said...

suz - ruthie??

crazy said...

yeo. pretty sure about that too. tarts with tits

tinababy1 said...

Falling out of your shirt tits

Divinesally said...

that explains the wooziness...{{thud}}

Emmes said...

uuuhhhh looks like I have a lot to learn....married 5 years (don´t through me your drinks...we dated 12 yeas before that)!

crazy said...

ruthie? thought it was a "mickey"

what would it mean to be slipped a Robbie?????

Divinesally said...


tinababy1 said...

Now we're back to peen.

Emmes said...


crazy said...

LOL! poor Pupida!!

Suz said...

Tina, it's slang for a date rape drug

(probably not really funny, sorry if I took it too far)

tinababy1 said...

Em - 12 YEARS. were you a baby when you met him?

crazy said...

how'd did we get back to peen? wait... we got off peen? who would get off it???

Emmes said...

aha ...I wanna be slipped a Robbie fo´su

tinababy1 said...

Suz - I know what a Roofie is. I didn't know people called them ruthies.

Suz said...


if you are "slipped a Rob"

you better fucking know what it means and WHAT TO DO ABOUT IT!


crazy said...

Suz - too far? nooo, silly

crazy said...

Suz_ just wanted to hear all your takes on it! hee hee

Divinesally said...

crazy lol.

Suz said...

I never heard them called ROOFIE.. lol thats mad funny

Emmes said...

Tina...yeah we were in High School

crazy said...

ph to be slipped a Robbie......
(there better NOT be any Unicornus Interruptus tonight or I'll be pissed!)

tinababy1 said...

Now, if it's true what they say (and in my "research" I have found it to be true) about a mans hands and fingers giving you a basic idea about the size and shape of this peen. I'd say our boy is probable very "talented"

Divinesally said...

ROTFL Ruthie? Micky? Robbie?

Suz said...

Emmes, where ya from?

crazy said...

ph = oh. duh. why is roofie funny. i don't get that one ????

Suz said...

Tina, I can't even go there...



crazy said...

Tina~ oh that's what we all figure/hope/ imagine/want........

Emmes said...


tinababy1 said...

C - How frustrated were you with that interuptus last night? still got all that pent up energy?

crazy said...

Holy length batman!

Suz said...

ohh my Emmes.. hot blooded lova!


Divinesally said...

u wit that Latin again.

crazy said...

Tina~ you have NO idea. damn.

tinababy1 said...

Those FINGERS...those MAGICAL FINGERS!!!?!?!()

crazy said...

Costa Rica! Cool!

Tina speaks latin

Suz said...

Suz <-----(whispers)

you're headed for trouble ladies..


Emmes said...

It´s like we say: Such is life in the tropics...

tinababy1 said...

No more Unicornus Interuptus, ever!!

crazy said...

Tina!!! (says like the teacher in the classroom with Gilly on SNL)


Suz said...

with all this


crazy said...

we all better be carefulus. and behavedus. boringus.

Emmes said...

hahaha...I speak Spanish, English and Robish

crazy said...

i just speak dirty.

Suz said...

robish, lol

tinababy1 said...

Em - ha ha ha. We can start our own language like pig latin, only much sexier.

Emmes said...

Crazy...yeah and you´re extremely well versed at it!

Divinesally said...

No comprehendors anythingilus. sounds like a herbivore.

crazy said...

yea Emmes- give is some sexy Spanish bb!

tinababy1 said...

C - yeah, we know about you Gutter Girl

Emmes said...

BRB...real life beckons!

crazy said...

Emmes and Divine (giggles..)

Suz said...

cya lata Emmes. xxx

tinababy1 said...

Div - You need coffee, babe

crazy said...

Emmes has just c--- b----ed us!

gutter girl said...

I need coffee AND a shower, already....

Emmes said...

ok...let me leave you for a sec with this morsel...

tinababy1 said...

You will never fool us Gutter Girl, your true Crazy will always shine through.

Divinesally said...

A double shot of Columbia's finest brew would be lovely thanks.

tinababy1 said...

Morsel? Are we back to hats?

gutter girl not foolin Tina said...


Emmes said...

Pablo Neruda

gutter girl tryin again on Suz said...

woah...morsels...imagery,,,niiiice! where the hell is Suz?

tinababy1 said...

Does HE have a hat?

Emmes said...

Ebrio de trementina y largos besos. Voy, duro de pasiones, montado en mi ola Ăşnica,
lunar, solar, ardiente y frĂ­o, repentino.

tinababy1 said...

Suz fell off her chair and has broken her hip.

me again said...

wtf is Pablo Neruda? pray tell :)

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