Long before Robert Thomas Pattinson began driving women wild as dreamy vampire Edward Cullen in the Twilight movie franchise, he was just a shy boy, nicknamed Patty, from London. "Rob's gobsmacked [British for astounded] by all the attention he's getting," an aunt of his, Diana Nutley, says in a revealing interview. "He's very cool about it all, but he can't believe it either."
But when he was growing up in a cozy Victorian home in London's Barnes neighborhood, the only females chasing the future actor were his sisters, Victoria, 28, and Lizzy, 25. "They used to dress me up as a girl and introduce me as Claudia," recalls Rob, the only son of Richard Pattinson, a vintage-car dealer, and mom Clare,
a modeling-agency booker.
Although Rob sometimes took cover from his siblings, he was known for hamming it up at family gatherings. "I remember we had a party in the garden one July," Diana recalls. "We had a wonderful game to see how many dough-nuts we could eat without licking our lips. It's impossible -- Rob was covered in jam."
But Rob had cleaned up his act by the time he transferred from the all-boys Tower House prep school to the coed Harrodian School at age 12. "It was a real turning point for me," admits the actor, who earned pocket change then by delivering newspapers and walking dogs. "I became cool and discovered hair gel."
For more details and photos from Robert's childhood, pick up the latest issue of Life & Style, on newsstands now!
Thanks to Nikki for the tip and
ohh so this is how me and robs baby is gonna look. thanks for the heads up! ;) haha i wish <3
is he in every frickin magazine that comes out? my goodness...
Alison...love that!
hahaha well, our baby, will have slightly more wavey hair but just as cute. hehehe
Gawd I love him. ::wink::
Yipppee Cellulite is the NEW toned!
I'm FINALLY fashionable!
Thanks Kim K.
P.S. Bayybee Rob.. awwwwwwwwwww
cute blond boy <3 <3 <3
O.K. I'm not convinced that that blond haired boy is Rob. In his school class pic isn't his hair light brown? Maybe I'm wrong and it is him, but how the hell did THIS magazine get a baby pic of our Rob? Just something to think about:()
Awww-wwww.... baby Rob is just TOO CUTE!!!!Little blondie baby...look at what you've grown up to be- just PERFECTION!!!!!Even back then, I bet little girls wanted to ruffle up his hair!!
K, maybe this boy really is him. Just saw that ET will have baby pics of him too. Who leaked the pics is what I want to know.
He is a cute boy!!!
Meg.. you know everyone has that one crazy auntie.....
prolly offered her a nice cuppa tea and a slice of cake..
hee hee
actually his Mum and at least sis Lizzie are that blond
me and rob are gonna have babies like that, (=
Oh my...You just gotta love the media. *lol* But on the other hand...Rob was the cutest baby ever. XD
for once, the article seems sort of accurate O_O; it leaves me speechless.
Awww bb Rob so cute. He "became cool and discovered hair gel." Well, yes, yes he did.
OK I wanna see pic of little Rob "covered in jam" lol. Such a cute story lol.
Awwww...Who's the most precious and adorable blond bb in the whole wide world??? You are RP...You are... That's just to cute.:P
I'm glad not to be a celebrity just from the fact of your family members selling you out with pics and stories of your childhood.*cringe*
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