Zygote Rob Montage....you know you love it!

In light of the most recent leaking of a very pedorific zygote Rob shot, here are the rest in all their glory. I know you love them, just not nearly as much as I do.


BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Dani laughs evily as you all stare in awe and wonder!


Anonymous said...

no just no.

Dani said...


melissa79 said...

I just can't look! This is all kinds of wrong.

kristen said...

Hahaha - Dani, are you trying to kill us all?

It's like a trainwreck, you can't look away no matter how much you want to. All you can do is stare in wonder and amazement. Too funny!

Ash said...
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Marilyn said...

For the love of all that's holy! Please... no more!!

Anonymous said...

hahahahha LOL
Thank you Dani!
We can't forget the godly creature's zygote stage LOL. The first one is just...no words...honestly lol.

Anonymous said...

It was bad enough lusting after a 22-year-old, now I've got to worry about Chris Hansen.

Ash7586 said...

My Eyes! My Eyes!. Haha. Must see GQ photos now.

Anonymous said...

I do love it. These have gone so far into bad that they're back to good. Deliciously painful.

Anonymous said...

I just finished watching Hancock, hoping to come and check on some Rob hotness and now I'm blind and feel all sorts of weird. My eyes are burning out of their sockets. It's going to take me a while to recover.

I'm going to youtube right now to watch Edward and Bella's kiss in hd.

Have a good night ladies!

babbles said...

No Dani, No! It's, It's...just...so.......WRONG!

Bwahahahahah, Too fucking funny, He is so wittwe....

MissMonika said...

OMG!!!! Blind! BLIND!!!

Anonymous said...

oh wow, these are just so wrong...but like a true Rob admirer, I love him all the same...zygote or GQ? I'll stick to GQ ;)

Anonymous said...

Remember when Rob said he initially felt uncomfortable reading Twilight, like it shouldn't have been published? Looking at this pics, I finally get what he meant. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Creepy... So.. Very.. Creepy!

Anonymous said...

I'm tempted to pour bleach over my eyes right about now LMAO

Time to go back and stare at the GQ pics...

Anonymous said...


Dani said...

"Deliciously painful"..whoever wrote that about these pics needs to become my new best friend.

Ahhh I pray each night, not for world peace, or food for the hungry, or clothes for the naked, I pray for more Zygote Rob.

And I know deep down Hell has a condo on the lake of fire waiting for me. But I can't help myself...I LOVE THESE FUCKING PICTURES!!!

crazy said...

Rob is an amazing person. I'm not Rob-bashing at all, but these aren't right. For what purpose would they have a boy pose in such provocative ways? I think I know why. He was just a boy, probably going with the flow. That seems to be his personality. Somebody sold him out for a buck.
I wish I could see it another way.
On the other hand, we all make mistakes, and move on. Me included.
Love you Rob!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

i literally choked up when i saw those pics...
it's just wrong... way wrong...
oh it will hunt me in my sleep!!!
i may need to see my shrink soon... :P

marina mia said...

Please NO MORE!! Atleast put some gorgeous pics of rob up now, so those get pushed down....

It's freaks me out seeing that be the first thing i see when the page loads....

Anonymous said...

Okay again I want to apologize to Rob for being the one who first called his pics " child porno". Then everybody has kind of ran with it. Oh God and I hope that me saying that didn't allow some gossip columnist to post his pics saying those ill fitted words. Yikes!!! Man I didn't want to hurt him in anyway.

Sorry Rob:(

Anonymous said...

After looking at these pictures I asked myself, 'Has my Rob obsession lessened by all this wrong,somewhat laughable, zygoteness?' and then I realized, No, not in the slightest. Now I know theres no hope for me! Still must go see the GQ pics now though..

Anonymous said...

OMG, these are totatlly hilarious yet disgusting. This is all sorts of wrong! I'm embarassed for him. Good lord, these are just plain out BAD. Haha.

Ms. Bonderson said...

Dani - you're hilarious! I'll let you love these pics... I'm going to let them lie in the past. :) I'm 31...so I'm gonna stick with 22-year-old Rob, thank you. :) LOL

Anonymous said...

The whole "armpit shot" image is definitely the freakiest one of all :O Hope it does not scar me for life in the long run.No offense,but really...*cringes*

Tess said...

I knew you wouldn't be able to resist another zygote montage Dani :)

I know you do it out of love and I'll send you bags of marshmallows for roasting around the lake of fire... Hell, (haha) maybe I'll even come visit.

Anonymous said...

I don't like those pictures at all.
My son have made photos for magazines, but I'd have never allow him to be sort of naked on them. Robert was so young… 
Poor boy…

Anonymous said...

Oh, no. I've come over all Mrs Robinson. I'm trying to walk the kinky/creepy line and wobbling a bit.

Bit of a late bloomer wasn't he? It was worth the wait.

Anonymous said...

I don't get what they're trying to make him sell in the pics. Is it the scarf? LMAO! Or is it some kind of styling gel? LOL! I mean, there's gotta be some profound reason why his mom would allow him to pose for this. LOL!

Anonymous said...

Do NOT Want! This is so very wrong. Run away, run away NOW!

Anonymous said...

I know you guys already said it... but this is wrong, really wrong!!! It makes me feel like I'm breaking the law... dont like it!!!

MariaJ London

Anonymous said...


I think I am going to print those and put on my refrigerator´s door. That way, I´ll finally GET OVER THAT ROBSESSION!

Those can´t be serious, but that other one, with the girl, is still my "favorite". And because of it...
Last night "was the first night I DIDN´T dream with Robward Cullen"...


Suz said...

i just lost my lady boner

Suz said...

d6sense.. i think the ad is for hair gel...

armpit hair gel!

Love you rob!

Anonymous said...

I don't think this is right..
It makes me feel like a pedophile!
I watched on T.V. about the sick men who prey on young boys, molest them, and make porn.of them, etc.
Eww..don't wanna know what they'd think or feel when they see something like this. >.<
Rob's face looks cute, but don't want to see him half-naked w/ such provocative pose @ young age, they don't turn me on, I'm sorry.

crazy said...

oh please don't let these be leaked to the press! :/
Let's hide them somehow?

crazy said...

oh please don't let these be leaked to the press! :/
Let's hide them somehow?

Anonymous said...

I wonder what Rob thinks of those pics.

I never saw chidren´s pornog. shots, or whatever, but this is kind of repulsive. That other one, with the girl, was funny; but those are just wrong.

...wowie! said...

I just can't. It's not right.
It's funny and it actually makes me think twice about the age thing.
He's a baby in these pics and there's no way I would've looked twice at him at this age bc I was prolly 25 at the time and it's just...wrong.
Does that make my love for him now not as real bc I just can't?

crazy said...

I agree, Sophia. The one with the girl was funny. Not these. Press going to have a field day. oh no.

Mixxy said...

Poor Rob. I can hear him cringing from here. You know, though, he had that "look" he does with his eyes down even then.

Anonymous said...

Poor Rob has to live with the humiliation of those shots from here to eternity.

Makes me love him even more!

Anonymous said...

Please ALWAYS follow pics like that with a palate-cleanser -- like the GQ shots!!!!

Anonymous said...

Suz -- I'm glad it's the hair gel...for whatever hair that needs stiffening. LOL!

Ahahaha! I remember this movie -- "Something About Mary". LOL! Nevermind...LMAO!

Anonymous said...

You know? I was thinking... I woudn't mind, at all, if Rob wanted to come (did I say "come" to Rob?) and cry on my lap after this...

Come (on), lover, "cry on my lap"... I'm going to do my WORST to make you forget that pretty quickly.

Anonymous said...

since I feel so wrong for looking at these let's focus on some good points about them:

his eyes have been smoldering since he was just a young lad

he rocked sex hair, before sex hair was cool

pouty lips present and accounted for

Melissa said...

Oh wee Zygote Rob...we heart you so....LOL


Thanks for posting, Dani!


Anonymous said...

Dani, I'm with you ~

Come on, ya'll! There's nothing wrong with this photoshoot if you put it in the correct context. Most of us are probably in the US and we arrogantly tend to think the entire world is American. The Brits have always been much more advant garde than us. I can just imagine that this was probably intended for a "Seventeen-type" mag 5 years ago, his Mom secured a nice opportunity for him to make some cash (not too easy for a teen), and gave him an additional reference for his portfolio as a future model. How was he to know he would become the world's most desirable actor instead???

We are looking at this as adults lusting after a child; which, of course, makes you feel uncomfortable! It was never intended as such. I think he's amazing at any age and I'm glad to get a chance to know 16 - 17 year old Rob. What an enchanting man he has become!

TwiHartRK said...

Aww isn't he pwecious! I think it's a swimwear editorial, right? Thanks Dani! I have resisted the urge to gouge my eyes out and enjoyed looking at these enough that I might have earned an invite to roast marshmallows with you and Tess. I'll bring the chocolate?

Anonymous said...

... and I'll bring Rob ;)

Anonymous said...


Won't THAT be fun!!!

Anonymous said...

talk about a late bloomer. ugh... this hurts my heart to look at...

Anonymous said...

Crazy~ I believe these photos have been around for SOME time. Perez even ran one awhile ago.

Smitten~I think these were shot in Japan with Rob's mom present and the photog said Rob was nervous (nothing has changed apparently).

However, the shot with the girl is new to me, at least. I still wonder what Clare Pattinson was thinking...

It does seem (may be a coincidence) that Rob has shyed away from this sort of questionable stuff since then, so perhaps some good came out of this shoot.

Rob has proven that sexy isn't about taking your clothes off and doing odd poses. My all-time favorite (white t-shirt GQ outtake) proves that in spades!

Lynn said...

Dani and Tess---my eyes still want to bleed like Stigmata when I see this montage. But, I am redeemed with the newer shot of ZR in his boxers, a la Mr.Tumnus. All this pics are six degrees of wrong, but, I cannot stop looking!

Unknown said...

I think he looks like Cate Blanchett in the first one lol. Creeeeepy...

Looking at these, I feel disgusting now, like I violated some sort of law.

Anonymous said...

Hi Chicago Girl ~
I seem to remember reading the same thing about Japan, and the photographer saying that Rob seemed nervous because there was a young lady in the shoot also. Can't blame him.

I'm 100% on-board with you about the GQ white t-shirt. I'm besotted.

Anonymous said...

Dang... you should take theses down. No one would want to see embarassing pics of themselves plastered on the net

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