Will New Moon Be Rated R? (Please God hear our prayers!)

Gozde: From Twilight Examiner's mouth to Summit's and God's ears. Please let New Moon be rated R! I know it won't be because the books are young adult and the movies have to tap into the teenager fan base but I can dream until it comes out right? :))

Twilight, 2008's hit book-to-film translation of Stephenie Meyer's masterpiece novel, was rated PG-13 "for some violence and a scene of sensuality." That scene of sensuality, as we know, was the ever-elusive kissing scene between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen in her bedroom.

The Twilight DVD's deleted scenes, if included, would have elevated the number of "sensual" scenes by adding one more kiss scene, a playful (but racy) scene between Edward and Bella in the woods, and a vampire lip-lock between Rachelle LeFevre and Cam Gigandet (Victoria and James).

By limiting these scenes in Twilight, the film remained rated PG-13. That "some violence" included the attack of one security guard in Mason County, the attack of Waylan (friend of Bella's father, Charlie swan), and the attack of Bella by James with Edward's subsequent rescue.

New Moon, however, if remaining true to Meyer's book, is guaranteed to contain more violence and sensuality.

For starters, fans hope that the movie starts out with a bang. No, not literally, but fans hope that Edward and Bella's relationship includes more animated lip-locking and romance. After having spent a wonderful summer together, their relationship, like in the book, should be much more touchy-feely (at first).

Jasper and Edward are set to get into a major altercation over Bella when she cuts her finger in the beginning as well. Jasper, who leers at Bella's spilled blood and threatens her safety, takes a snap at Bella, and Edward, in turn, takes a snap at him.

With the werewolves, the characters of Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Paul (Alex Meraz) need to be ready to fight. In the book sequences, Paul morphs into his werewolf state and Jacob follows suit, commencing a brawl that the fans of the Twilight Series hope to be as vicious as described.

Next, we should see some rather-disturbing scenes from the Volturi clan as well. Jane, to be played by Dakota Fanning, is supposed to put Edward (Rob Pattinson) on his back with her sneer, and Heidi, the Volturi vixen who seduces un-aware humans into coming into the home of the Italian vampires, should bring some destruction with her as well. From Bella's viewpoint in New Moon, the book, that scene is very disturbing. For fans of the book, then, its horror should be brought to life in The Twilight Saga: New Moon.

With Bella and Edward's return from Italy, fans expect the reunion to be just as intimate and sweet as in the book. This should include the passionate kissing that we will have hopefully seen in the beginning sequences as well.

These scenes, amongst others, are among those that might heighten the so-called "violence" and "sensuality" upon which film ratings are based.

Thus, this begs the question. Twilight was rated PG-13 at the expense of several enjoyable scenes being put aside for the DVD. Would you rather see New Moon be rated PG-13 for the sake of its young adult and teenage audiences, or would you rather scenes like the above be included in the theatrical version with, potentially, an R rating?

Gozde: Twilight Saga is sacred to me. I love the books so much and think they are perfect the way they are. But now that Rob is in the picture I won't have any objections if they want to steer away from the books a bit and add full on make out scenes :) Yeah, I'll be okay with that :))

Plus I think anything Rob stars in should be rated R by default :) He is just unsuitable for the young!


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