Gozde: From Twilight Examiner's mouth to Summit's and God's ears. Please let New Moon be rated R! I know it won't be because the books are young adult and the movies have to tap into the teenager fan base but I can dream until it comes out right? :))
Twilight, 2008's hit book-to-film translation of Stephenie Meyer's masterpiece novel, was rated PG-13 "for some violence and a scene of sensuality." That scene of sensuality, as we know, was the ever-elusive kissing scene between Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson as Bella Swan and Edward Cullen in her bedroom.

The Twilight DVD's deleted scenes, if included, would have elevated the number of "sensual" scenes by adding one more kiss scene, a playful (but racy) scene between Edward and Bella in the woods, and a vampire lip-lock between Rachelle LeFevre and Cam Gigandet (Victoria and James).

By limiting these scenes in Twilight, the film remained rated PG-13. That "some violence" included the attack of one security guard in Mason County, the attack of Waylan (friend of Bella's father, Charlie swan), and the attack of Bella by James with Edward's subsequent rescue.
New Moon, however, if remaining true to Meyer's book, is guaranteed to contain more violence and sensuality.
For starters, fans hope that the movie starts out with a bang. No, not literally, but fans hope that Edward and Bella's relationship includes more animated lip-locking and romance. After having spent a wonderful summer together, their relationship, like in the book, should be much more touchy-feely (at first).

Jasper and Edward are set to get into a major altercation over Bella when she cuts her finger in the beginning as well. Jasper, who leers at Bella's spilled blood and threatens her safety, takes a snap at Bella, and Edward, in turn, takes a snap at him.
With the werewolves, the characters of Jacob (Taylor Lautner) and Paul (Alex Meraz) need to be ready to fight. In the book sequences, Paul morphs into his werewolf state and Jacob follows suit, commencing a brawl that the fans of the Twilight Series hope to be as vicious as described.
Next, we should see some rather-disturbing scenes from the Volturi clan as well. Jane, to be played by Dakota Fanning, is supposed to put Edward (Rob Pattinson) on his back with her sneer, and Heidi, the Volturi vixen who seduces un-aware humans into coming into the home of the Italian vampires, should bring some destruction with her as well. From Bella's viewpoint in New Moon, the book, that scene is very disturbing. For fans of the book, then, its horror should be brought to life in The Twilight Saga: New Moon.
With Bella and Edward's return from Italy, fans expect the reunion to be just as intimate and sweet as in the book. This should include the passionate kissing that we will have hopefully seen in the beginning sequences as well.
These scenes, amongst others, are among those that might heighten the so-called "violence" and "sensuality" upon which film ratings are based.
Thus, this begs the question. Twilight was rated PG-13 at the expense of several enjoyable scenes being put aside for the DVD. Would you rather see New Moon be rated PG-13 for the sake of its young adult and teenage audiences, or would you rather scenes like the above be included in the theatrical version with, potentially, an R rating?
Gozde: Twilight Saga is sacred to me. I love the books so much and think they are perfect the way they are. But now that Rob is in the picture I won't have any objections if they want to steer away from the books a bit and add full on make out scenes :) Yeah, I'll be okay with that :))
Plus I think anything Rob stars in should be rated R by default :) He is just unsuitable for the young!
Sure GOZ, we all can dream, can't we???? I know I am!
I love you! "Please God, hear our prayers." Hahahaha!!
Yeah, now that Rob is involved, I don't care what happens as long as he is onscreen more. Preferably in the nude.
I think the next movies should be rated R
I'd rather it be rated R than sacrifice some of the violence and steamy romantic scenes that make the book. One of my favorite chapters in New Moon is 'The Truth' and they better not mess it up.
Considering The Dark Knight was PG-13, I would think Twilight has quite a bit of wiggle room as far as sensual/violent-type scenes go, don't you think?
Taken is also rated PG-13, and one of the main themes thruout that movie is prostitution and a body count that is quite high. I would like to see New Moon stay true to the book, as well, but I don't think it'll take an "R" rating to get it.
And, thanks for the article! :) I am so addicted to this blog! You do great work!!!
Rated R BABY. of course it won't be, but I rarely watch PG13 movies. I like a little naughty in my movies.
I agree with the rated R thing. Even aside from the kissing and all that, there are some major violence-ish scenes as described here that should up the rating. We shall see.
It won't happen though because of the large amount of fans that wouldn't be able to go watch it.
Hi everyone!
Ok so I've been following Robsessed for about the last 7 months (and you girls always crack me up with your comments and posts - I love them) but this is the first time I've commented.
Anyway I would much rather the film be rater R. If they cater to little tweens than the rest of the movies are going to be lacking.
But honestly I've seen much worse than a few passionate kisses and sexual tension in other PG-13 movies so they really should do those scenes the right way.
I couldn't stay way long. I've promised myself. Get one task done, check on Rob, get another task done, check on Rob. Thai is soo much fun.
Anyway, I hope our proayers will be answered with a "R" rating for the next 3 moveis. Summit has to know that there is a large non teen following of the books, movies and Rob. I'm just being selfish. Rob is way too hot for a "PG-13" rating.
oops, sorry for all the typos in the last post.
As long as they stay true to the tone of the book I would be fine with the "R" rating.. and if it was rated "R" it would make my obsession seem more fitting... I wouldn't feel like I was lusting after some tween heart throb... it is amazing to me how many grown women there really are out there... we are the not-so-silent and tormented.. but also a lot more fun to be with :)
There is a massive R rated audience out there. But I think we will (unfortunately) only see R rated in our dreams.
If they do ANYTHING to cut out or minimize the shirtless scene in Volterra I will not be responsible for my actions. My whole year is focusing on that magical moment ;-)
Pleas be rated R! i think that equals to 15 in the UK... so I will be able to watch it muahahah >:D
We might not mind an R film, but what about Stephenie Meyers? Mormoms are not supposed to even watch R-rated films. Anyone know if Stephenie specified in her contract for the movie rights that the films must be PG13? It wouldn't surprise me... That said, lots of sensuality can be fit in, before you cross the R line. A PG 13 "May contain moderate language, minimal strong language, some explicit nudity, intense violence and/or gore, or mild drug content."
Hum.... some explicit nudity!
He is definitely unsuitable for the young. lol
It should be rated R. If the kids want to see it, make them bring their parents. That's more tix to sell right? So I think it will fare well at the box office.
Can't wait to see the wolves. Alex Meraz is one sexy bodied Paul. mmmm
It will never be rated R, since they want to make another $400 million, and they won't come near that with a matur audience. Of course, there will be plenty of moms who take their daughters to see it with an R rating (you just need to be accompanied by an adult). However, that eliminates all the girls who go in groups to see it 2, 3, 4, 5 times.......
Some of the steamier scenes were eliminated at the request of Stephanie Meyer, so, you have to also count on her having some input.......it will be interesting to see what happens since New Moon definitely has more adult themes in it.
I'm 25, but I do not agree with an R rating. Yes, we all know the majority of Twilight fans are well above the age of 18, but there are many young teenagers who went to see the film in droves. If you take away the PG13 movie they will not be allowed to see New Moon,..which basically results in less tickets sales. (Heaven forbid!) I say leave it as a PG-13 movie for all to enjoy. We need New Moon to do extremely well, so Breaking Dawn (the fourth novel) can get the green light. That is what Summit is waiting for. Chances are- Breaking Dawn will definitely have an R rating because of the sex scenes and graphic bloody birth scene. However, I do not mind- as long as Breaking Dawn is made. ;)New Moon hardly has any romantic moments whatsoever. As for Eclipse...well that's a whole other story. I can't wait. ;)
Well anonymous if you are going to be all rational about it I can't argue with you :)) lol Yeah it wouldn't be fair to the under 18 crowd that worships the books.
I don't think that SM would allow the movie to be R, although I would love to see more descriptive love scenes. Anything that Rob is in!! I love Twilight, but thought that the first kissing scene was cut off too abrubtly to be realistic. We can dream!!!
You ladies feel inadequate for being in your 30's and 40's, married w/ kids, and drooling on a 23 y.o. Rob?
I'll tell you something about feeling inadequate...
I am a 29 y.o. single male, who always thought of himself as being straight, had no doubt about it... until three months ago, when I first saw this guy. Since then, ladies,I've been as Robsessed as you all seem to be...
Woohoo anon :) Welcome to the Robsession. I feel ya! I always thought Angelina Jolie might turn me gay and if I were a guy Rob would be the one to make me switch teams :)
Thank for you site, Gozde, really.
And, by the way, Angelina is hot!
I agree with Mixxy. Even if they were to put in more "scenes of sensuality" and violence, I'm sure they could still get away with a PG-13 rating. The recent James Bond movies have WAY more of all that and they are just PG-13. It's not like Edward is going to be dropping the F bomb all over the place, too. Not that hearing Rob swear isn't incredibly hot, mind you.
Wow, Anon! Welcome to our erotic little blog ... you are a breath of fresh air!
If wishes could come true ... I agree with whoever said they still have a lot of "wiggle room" with the PG-13 rating. So I'm hoping New Moon will remain PG-13 and maybe even Eclipse. For sure Breaking Dawn should be rated R. If they want to make ANY of them R-rated for sexuality I'm all for it. I just don't like graphic violence.
EMILY!!! YOU'RE BACK! Where've you been, girl??? Missed you.
Thanks Smitten! We moved and are still trying to get everything switched over. I've been dying without my internet! I feel so out of the loop. I think I'm actually connected to a neighbor's wireless connection right now but I couldn't stand it anymore! I had to get my Rob fix.
Just thinking about a possible R rated version... *SWOON, MELT,and then THUD*
Goz- Your so right Rob is definitely not suited for the young...:P Wink.
Yes! Stephenie Meyer did in fact put in contract that the films HAD to have a PG-13 rating. That does not mean however that the story will be be sacrificed in any way! Look at the Dark Knight and Lord of the Rings. There honestly is nothing in the series that warrants an R rating. We can have all the romance and action and not feel like something was missing!
Hey, Anon @ 1:16 PM ~
I think you ought to change your name to something we can all recognize. I give you kudos and think it'll be even more fun with a straight guy online who's not afraid to admit a celeb crush. You go, man!
Seriously, choose a name and let us know who you are ...
Thank you, Smitten. I'll call myself "Tom"... Rob's Tom?
Is it an erotic site? I've been checking on it everyday for months, but never noticed anything hard-core... yet.
Me too! I wish they could make a rated-R Twilight saga, but don't think this is going to happen. Maybe, they could shoot two different movies (one for us, and another for the teens...). That would make a lot of money, and money seems to be the aim there...
* TOM.
How about two versions... the one that hits the theaters at PG13 and a steamy directors cut rated R.... I'm up for that?
Tom... you and I think alike....
It is not an erotic site :) The content is Rob so it is erotic by nature :)
welcome Tom
Hi Tom ~
SO GLAD you have a name. I like it! Actually, it was a little tongue-in-cheek to call this blog erotic ... although ... well, there's nothing hard core on here unless you're into fan fiction. We're just having fun. But it can certainly get titillating at times ;)
Love your idea of 2 different versions of the saga. Ooooooh :)
Rob is still 22, no? I didn't think he was 23 yet. *sigh* I think they will find a way to make it PG-13. Mainly because of the hordes of fans, like someone said, that will go see it 10+ times. I want the film to be a success. I'm still not sold on BD being a movie (ducks and runs behind couch), but I'm all for seeing as much of Rob as possible. Kudos to Rob for getting the lead in Ohio, if that's true!! Sorry, but Zac isn't even in the same neighborhood as Rob. My attraction to Rob goes behind just the outer shell - although it's beautiful! :)
Sadly, I don't think any of the movies will be rated "R"...for all the reasons that have been previously mentioned. *sigh...I really, really want BD to be rated R though...but alas, I think it will be fade to black on Isle Esme...SUCKS.
ok, I vote for Triple X and it should be LIVE THEATER, INTERACTIVE live theater.
: )
Pervs only.
Sorry, Gozde.
Yes, Pattinson is very erotic. Ops!
Think straight! Think straight! Think straight! Damn!
Kat, everyone in this blog seem to think alike...
* TOM.
Tom... you're right there. Sometimes it's even hard to think at all after seeing the site...
ohhhhh now we have a TOMKat in our midst...
Hope you are man enuff!
; )
I was just thinking that even if the Twilight movies don't make it to a r rating, his next film hopefully would fix us. I wish Rosario Dawson would wait for Rob to be available for Parts per Billion. I thought that there was supposed to be a steamy scene in that. Just want to see Rob in anything and hear his voice.
ok back to work now. Later ladies.
Suz, me too. I hope I am man enough to resist this... Really!
Well, ladies, I have to go back to work now. Don't want my partner in the office to find out my little inoffensive Rob/secret.
* TOM.
Kat and Tom (welcome!!!), I like your idea of a PG-13 for theaters and then R-rated for home comsumption.
Glad to have you here, Tom.
We're all about the Rob and his allure.
Gah! I am SO TRYING to work but all I can think about is that damn banner ... my day is a total wreck.
I love this man!
oh no if they put it R no one is going to be able to see it bc it is driven by young teens and it should not be rated R i think they can stay to the book well and still have it rated pg-13
Winwin- Sadly Rosario has already said she will be looking for someone else. Although she knew that Rob was more than capable of bringing the relationship between his character and Olivia's character to life. It's just how the business goes sometimes with messed up schedules.
I think the studio will figure out how to get the most "bang" for their buck on a PG-13. They want the teen bucks. I just hope it's a big bang!
But the movie SHOULD have an R rating. R for Rob - and Rrraaaarrrrrrrr!!!!
Hi Anon (29 yr old male)!!! Welcome to the blog. This should mix things up nicely!
Right, Smitten~ Anon (male) - change your name so we know who you are~ :)
LOL Gozde - "erotic by nature" because it's about Rob. I think our chats get pretty "titillating", as Smitten put it. ;)
"Tom" - got it~
i dont think it should be rated R. i think that Eclipse might be but not New Moon. they might lose fans like that cause alot of them are young!!!!
Oh please, please, GOD, be rated R!!!
You know what? I'll bet we have a LOT of male lurkers. If you're a guy ... don't be shy. We love you, too ;)
The great thing is that as we go along, everyone is getting older! So maybe there is hope for an R-rated Breaking Dawn, at least. The once-thirteen year-olds will be almost seventeen by then!
A sobering thought ... those years DO march by, don't they???
This 'young adult' fan base is growing up :)! Also, I could see many TwiMoms taking their teenage daughters to go see it if it does get an R rating. They let their kids read the book (which we all know has violence and is very descriptive)...I say go for more sensual kisses and show the fight scene!
(Oh, and just to stay true to the book, Rob needs to be shirtless throughout the entire Volturi scene...'just keepin' it real'!)
As much as I love Robert and would love to see various positions he could be in with or without clothes.. I think giving New Moon an R rating would take away from the current fan base. Though Twilight fans are all ages, the books were marketed to a younger crowd. We need to keep it as real as possible. New Moon really doesn't have much of anything to give it an R rating. Remember everyone, this is LOVE before SEX... it's a love story rather than a story about sex!
Sorry everyone but i honestly dont think that Stephanie will not let it be a rated R movie. She even had them change the kissing scene because Kristen was wearing little little shorts and she said that it was to steamy (it says so in the commentary, i did not make it up). let's not forget she is mormon and she is not going to let her book go to rated R even though we would all love it.
Everyone knows they aren't going to rate it "R" because of the immense amount of teenage fans. It will take away alot of the money the could make if teens couldn't watch it. And if they do make it rated "R" then they WILL lose money and they won't end up making another movie.... its common sense people... think. As much as i want the movies to stay true to the books we all know its not going to happen. They already screwed up the first movie... they made Edward seem like a total jerk, and he only smile about two times in the WHOLE movie. And everyone knows movies are never as good as books.
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