Twist Magazine Celebrity Fastball with Ashley Green says Rob is....


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Anonymous said...

11 years is nothing. i will say no more on that topic. so don't ask. ;)

Anonymous said...

Hahaha you watched, eh? Yes, but only when a certain friend calls. Are you kidding, my daughter thinks it's hilarious! We're cool like that though.

Anonymous said...

u have 2 kids?

Anonymous said...

Yep, daughter 14, son 13...husband 6.

Anonymous said...

My kid is so....prissy? I don't know where in hell she got it from. My DH and I are always saying "inappropriate" stuff!! Can u believe it? I don't think I'll have to worry about her though...

Anonymous said...

LOL! I have 2 kids. 14 year old and a 3 year old DH.

Anonymous said...

So where are you? East coast?

Anonymous said...

i want an avatar and such. i can't figure the damn thing out!!!!

Anonymous said...

Wait, your dh is 3? Or one of your kids...?

Anonymous said...

Northern NJ. about 30 minutes from NYC.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do you have a blogger account? Or do you sign on some other way?

Anonymous said...

dh acts like 3, much of the time. he's a love tho.

Anonymous said...

no blogger acct, just have to sign in as crazy each and every damn time!!!p.i.t.a.

Anonymous said...

Ho hum Indiana. Right on the border of Kentucky. That's why I call it God's Country...cause we're known as the Bible Belt. Church on every corner darn near! And still I'm going to hell...?

Anonymous said...

Every time to you comment? I would shoot myself...

You need to create a blogger account. Really easy. Then you can add an avatar. Also really easy.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy... TS... are you still here?

Anonymous said...

wow - Indiana. Got to be nicer than NJ. so i'm to imagine u with a "southern accent"? and u can imagine me with somewhat of a NY accent., but not really. I don't say "New Yawk"! But i do say "cawfee".

Bootstrap Intern said...

Speaking of avatars... TS, I really like baseball cap Rob...

Anonymous said...

Yes Ma'am. Welcome back!

Anonymous said...

i'm an idiot. couldn't figure out the blogger acct quickly, so i gave up. no patience.

Anonymous said...

I hear that we have accents, but nothing like Alabama or Georgia! I do say soda though... which I understand is odd. Most of my family & friends call all carbonated beverages cokes? Weird... I think so.

Thanks BI! I love bb cap Rob too. I have NO idea where I found that.

Anonymous said...

yeah - baseball cap Rob is schmexy.
oh let's face it, he could wear a toilet seat around his neck and still be schmexy!

Anonymous said...

I suddenly have the urge to go to the bathroom ;)

Anonymous said...

i can't believe i'm still up and with a huge sinus headache. Comic relief tho.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I had to put my son to bed. And then he woke up, bad dream I guess. So, I sat with him for a while. The funny/weird thing is, his lullaby CD was still on and I was sitting with him stroking his hair to soothe him and the All The Pretty Little Horses came on... my mind quickly shifted to WA. I can't even comfort my kid without having some kind of Rob/Edward moment... LOL.

Oh and I sound totally Californian.

Anonymous said...

get back up on that horse tomorrow and try the blogger account.

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS: Thanks for announcing that you suddenly have to go to the bathroom... LOL.

Anonymous said...

i say soda too. Comes from family from Brooklyn, NY, i understand.

even Sprite is Coke?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy: I have gmail account so that automatically gave me a Blogger account... either way, it's easy to set-up.

Anonymous said...

TS~ Rob is NOT in your bathroom. so fugedabowdit!

Anonymous said...

You really have a lullaby cd with that song on it? Nice. I would be listening to it myself to conjure up pictures of darkward.

And what do Californian's sound like?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hmmm... I don't know what I say... soda? I think. I call Coke, Coke. 7-up, 7-up, etc.

Anonymous said...

You guys! I just meant to sit on THAT toilet seat around his neck...not literally.

Anonymous said...

BI~ Rob comes to mind all the time for me too. There i go with Rob "coming" again.

Which part is "Californian?"

Boy - are we spread out over the country or what? Did i just say spread?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Well, I don't have a "Valley Girl" accent... that for sure. But, I do sound... ummm... laid back I guess. I don't know how to describe how I sound. I use words like totally, awesome, and rad all the time.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Sprite, Mt Dew, Pepsi?...the whole works!

I am the only one in my circle of people that says soda. I must be adopted?

Anonymous said...

wait...who's riding horseback?? gutter, here i come. did i just say come again?

Anonymous said...

alright..........i'll try the friggin blogger account again, rather.

Anonymous said...

The big question is... do you use the word dude? Because for some reason, I use that and totally very frequently.

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS - Sorry I'm getting tired and when I'm tired I'm slow... I had to scroll back up to re-read your bathroom comment... and noooooow i get it.. LOL.

And yep, I really have a lullaby CD with that song on it. I totally forgot it was on there until tonight... ah Dark Edward.

Anonymous said...

toilet seats, Rob, gross! poor Rob. Sorry Rob! who started this i wanna know?!

Anonymous said...

i think i'm too old to say dude. i just say guy. :(

BI~ do you say "oh. my. god."? 'Cause that would be, like, totally rad!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Rob, I don't normally address you, but sorry for that visual as well. That was hitting below the belt. We know you would never accessorize with bathroom fixtures. Way too classy for that. Much love!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Yep, dude is another word I use a lot.

I had to watch a video of myself doing a mock presentation - for training purposes. When I asked for my feedback the only thing I said was "Oh my god, I sound so Californian"... BUT when I'm tired or drunk or both, apparently I sound like I', from the East Coast... I don't get it either.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Nope... no and definitely no, um, like, likes.

Anonymous said...

Duuuude! We are sistahs from another mistah!

Anonymous said...

LOL. but now Rob thinks we're gross. Actually, Rob, we're not and we're HOT! Had to get that in there at some point; put a better visual on it.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I'm sorry but I can't stop laughing... I totally have a visual of Rob with a toilet seat around his neck... Sorry, Rob.

Anonymous said...

and I address Rob all the time. Right Rob? ;) Rob - if you're listening, throw us a bone and give us a sign u r here. please! i just said "bone". sigh.

Anonymous said...

That will be the next manip...I wasn't really picturing Rob with the toilet seat so much as me sitting get the idea.

Anonymous said...

I blame fanfic...I'm just sayin'

Anonymous said...

I know BI, but doesn't he still look HOT?! no? LOL~

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS: yup... I get it... LOL.

Y'know I often think, If I was Rob (because I do like to play that game) I know I get a kick out of reading our comments. With the exception of a few anons who post here, the comments are really harmless.

Anonymous said...

oh TS!!! LMFAO!!!! canm't typ!

Anonymous said...

and no booze! does anyoe say booze anmore?

Bootstrap Intern said...

I say booze.

Anonymous said...

"If I were Rob..." LMAO!

Serioulsy though the ladies that post on here on funny as hell!

Anonymous said...

yeah - I think Rob may get a kick out of all this. I would. We're truly harmless. No stalkers here.

Anonymous said...

Hmmm I say liquor.

No, wait, I do say I'm gonna booze it up.

Anonymous said...

Annnnd apparently I've been boozing it up... I meant *seriously* The other word sounded like a harry potter character.

Anonymous said...

I agree that the FF has put some really dirty thoughts into my head. Head. hmmmm. shit!

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS: "If I were Rob" is a fun game to play. I would crack open a beer, micorwave some carrots and laugh my ass off at the comments here. That's what I would do "if I were Rob".

Anonymous said...

HP character? "Diggory"? Like, "gonna get Diggoried up"? huh?

Anonymous said...

i can sooo picture Rob doing just that!!!!! LOL! Rob- come on over and stick your carrot in MY microwave.

what's wrong with me?

Anonymous said...

I like your game...would love to hear what else you would do "If you were Rob" mind wanders.

Anonymous said...

Somebody 'splain the HP booze reference to me....?

Anonymous said...

crazy: I love how you're always trying to reassure Rob that we're not psycho stalker fans. It really makes me smile. Especially since it usually follows some innuendo you just made.

Anonymous said...

yeah BI~ what else would u do if u were Rob? no pressure.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Ahh... you can use your imagine to how I would normally play my little game of "if I were Rob" :)

Anonymous said...

Haha no...I just mis-spelled seriously in a previous I was correcting myself and said the previous spelling sounded like some HP character. Sorry, it's late, I'm whacky.

Anonymous said...

i know. i don't help my cause. If i were you Rob, I'd just blow us off. O.M.G.!

Anonymous said...

Ooh hot sexy times with your game. Note to self: convince dh to play "If I were Rob"

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS: I was just thinking the same things re: Crazy assuring Rob we're all nice, harmless, non-stalker girls and she (sorry talking about you as if you're not here) follows it up with some kid of innuendo.

Okay, did I just repeat what you said????

Anonymous said...

No, we don't want Rob to blow us off, do we? Or do we?

we love u Rob! Just being silly!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Sometime PE plays "if I were Rob" with me.

Anonymous said...

do u mean that?

Bootstrap Intern said...

No... LOL. Only because I don't have a PE yet.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah. the dh so has to play the "if i were Rob" game. excellent idea. assuming i don't mind playing the "if i were Megan Fox" game along with him. Buzz kill.

Anonymous said...

And the reassurances keep coming! You are lovely my dear, crazy. Don't change.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a PE either. holding out for the "rocket" i mentioned earlier. ;)

Anonymous said...

I haven't opened my PE yet...Is that weird? I like him all caged up like that. He's my sub. Hehe

Anonymous said...

This is like having phone sex with no one on the other line. LMAO!!! - i'm gonna wake the whole house!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy you are killing me tonight... actually you both are.

Anonymous said...

Good times, good times.

I hear PE has a weird smell. I said I am going to imagine he smells like s'mores.

Again with the ff!

Anonymous said...

ha ha . I can't change. Tried ALL the meds! no use!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Smells like s'mores and tastes like Skittles.

Anonymous said...

Oh BI: It's official, I have a girl crush on you. Skittles and s'mores all wrapped up in one comment?

Anonymous said...

stop it. stop it. losing it! caged PEs with weird smell....
i can't handle anymore!!!!
i so appreciate u guys get my sense of humor tho. Thanks!!

Anonymous said...

now i have to go to bed and F*** my sleeping DH!

Anonymous said...

too much?

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy: ooh! ooh! tell him about "if I were Rob"... I bet he would want to play... Have fun!!!

Anonymous said...

Isn't that the best time, when they're sleeping? Haha You can do whatcha wanna do and picture Rob the entire time.

Bootstrap Intern said...

My other guilty pleasure (Chelsea Lately) is on TV right now. I'm gonna watch it and then go nighty night.

Anonymous said...

Let us know (minus the gorey (sp?) details) what he thinks about "If I were Rob"... I may have to take that out for a test drive as well.

Anonymous said...

he'll think i'm drunk, at this hour. it's 2:20 am!!! i actually feel drunk from all the laughing!!seriously! but i better head off...gotta get up in 4 hours! crap.

good times, good times!!!! tomorrow night? same place, same time, same bat channel?

Anonymous said...

It's been real girls!

Peace out.

Thanks for all the laughs!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Till tomorrow... good night Crazy.

Anonymous said...

For Rizzle I'll be back tomorrow...erm tonight.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Good night Thirtysomething.

Anonymous said...

TS~ just have to be careful not to call him Rob!

Good night BI and TS!!!!That was alot of fun!!

Anonymous said...

Now Ashley tell us what you really think about Nikki. She rolled her eyes!

Anonymous said...

Damn funny you three! You were on a roll. Which side of Ind., TS? I've been to Evansville (many times) and Clarksville (once). NJ does a lot of things right, too. IMHO, CA? Not so much. I'm a "pop" girl and have a Bonnie Hunt-type accent.

Anonymous said...

chicago: You nailed it! E'ville it is. Next time you come through I'll have my Twilight DVD on an endless loop if you need a Rob fix ;)

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