Twilight Directors Notebook

Someone at RobertAndKristen.ORG scanned the entire directors notebook and you can view that HERE. Its full of interesting tidbits about Twilight and I recomend picking one up for yourself, I did. Catherine Hardwick's personality is all over it and some really adorable pictures of Rob and the whole cast are inside.


Anonymous said...

i think catherine WANTED to be Bella.. she is a strange bird... book was ok- i wish there were more pics and info...and bigger...

Anonymous said...

i think catherine WANTED to be Bella.. she is a strange bird... book was ok- i wish there were more pics and info...and bigger...

Laura said...

I almost bought this at Target today, but I think I'm getting it for my birthday, so I didn't. In person, it's kinda small. I had hoped it would be bigger!

Tenneil said...

haha Laura said I hoped it would be bigger..LOL Love it!!
I have it...its okay not my fav thing.. btw Hello!!

babbles said...

I saw it at Barnes & Nobles today but passed on it, It was like 17 bucks...

Ellie said...

Good evening, ladies!

Are you all enjoying the DVD? Alas, not me, yet. Hopefully I will get it delivered by Monday (2 different orders, actually...)
I've got this book, though, so I'm not lonely, lol

Hi, Laura, Brooke, and Tenneil!

Tenneil said...

hey ellie...going through a kind of withdrawl??

Tenneil said...

brooke hey you sorry didnt see you there!!!!heeelllooo!!!

Ellie said...

Yes, Tenneil, everybody sucks because they have the DVD and I donb't...

Just kidding. And wallowing.

Anonymous said...

T: changed your avatar? didn't recognize you...haha

hello errrbody!

Tenneil said...

Ellie... sorry.. you can live through us tho.. just watched it... no bonuses yet tho...dh was sitting next to me ... dont want to drool in front of him... call me weird I know... Monday cant come soon enough for you huh???

yeah I said come...lets the games begin!!

Tenneil said...

Hey TS!! sorry I couldnt handle fake rob anymore... knowing it wasnt his bits and pieces really... I needed THE mans real thing...LOL

Anonymous said...

Ellie: if it makes you feel better... i bought it today and still haven't watched it...breaking the seal seems like such an event...i'm so cheesy

kyla713 said...

I ordered this because I thought it might be interesting to read, but I am STILL waiting for it to get here. I really need to learn my lesson about ordering everything online. It drove me to walmart to buy myself yet ANOTHER copy of Twilight so I could watch it this weekend, because the other three copies I ordered (one is for my kid, I'm not THAT obsessed.... maybe) are not arriving until somewhere between Monday and Thursday. Don't these people realize how impatient I am. SHEESH lol

Anonymous said...

T: i like it...who DOESN'T need his real thing....anyone? didn't think so

Ellie said...

Thanks, TS.

I know, I'll survive. I've got the ne chappy of Creature of Habit to read... :)

Tenneil said...

Ellie~ link love...dont think I have that one??? let me check...

Anonymous said...

Ellie: yet another ff i have not read...recommend it?

Tenneil said...

bring it on...please dont have it..I cant keep up...reading the red read that one??

Ellie said...

Sorry, brb with it!

Ellie said...

Here it is; Creature of Habit.

Tenneil said...

do you like it??? so far??? what is it about??

Tenneil said...

E~ oh and thanks my ff hook up!!

Ellie said...

Sorry I disappeared. Catching up on emails and starting the chapter.

Going, now.

Night Tenneil!

Anonymous said...

I bought the book! Krys/Embry's last name is HYATT!!! Catherine blew the whistle. lol

cherifire said...

Hello everyone--completely off subject, but didn't Gozde have a post today about How To Be showing on the Independent Film Channel (IFC) on April 29th?? I can't find it, H-E-L-P!!!

Tenneil said...

Night Ellie!!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to read 'The Office' right now. It's just crazy how there's so much to read and a lot of it is basically the same ways in different environments. I'm turned and turned off at the same time by BJ after BJ and Fuck after Fuck. We might as well start a drinking game for how many times in a FF was bj said, cock, fuck, shaft, etc... Hell everybody would be wasted half way through the first ff.

Oh and that's Kerri Hilson song: Your turning me on... your turning me off...

Really it's all just a FUCK Letter to Rob saying the same shit over and over. Don't get me wrong the shit is HOT and he seemed to like it, but damn I need something more. has a lot of great positions that could be used in FF and in real life. They rock over there!! And now that everybody knows that Rob reads this shit I would up my game. It's time to impress ladies. And believe me if I was a writer I would try to have Rob's jaw drop from the moment he started reading. Don't mean to offend... I'm just frustrated right now.

kyla713 said...

I sincerely hope that "The Office" doesn't fall into that category for you. We are hoping to make it a little different from all the other fics out there, and pray that Christina and I are being successful. I would be interested to hear your thoughts, Shani.

Ellie said...

Kyla,I just started your story this morning...I really, really like it.
All my friends here have been praising your efforts. so now I am, too. Looking forward to more reading tomorrow... xoxo

kyla713 said...

So glad to hear you like it, Ellie :D

Anonymous said...

I would've wanted to be Bella too...:)

I really wish the book itself was a larger size too. There are so many interesting pictures but they're hard to see.

Kate said...

I ordered the directors notebook from Amazon last week and will hopefully get it next week (maybe even tomorrow) so fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

KYLA- Now your efforts are very, very,good and I'm about to start to read the part when Bella will finally come over for dinner...

Really, I'm imagining Edward to look like how Rob looked on the GQ cover. I would want my 'fuck me' boss to look like that...

God I love a man in an expensive suit. The money and the power...

Oh and that your Eward is so controlled professionally but animalistically out of control around Bella.

Yeah it was good for me...

kyla713 said...

Actually Shani... GQ cover is EXACTLY our "boss Edward"... when we saw that cover, both Christina and I both said "THAT is Beautiful bastard right there"... glad to know that you are on the same page as we are :D

Anonymous said...

Kyla- And OMG... how am I just realizing that Rob skills as an actor would so be the ultimate thing in bed. He would be the BEST at role playing. I would write a script for him, set the scene, and then say ACTION !!!... LOL

I just hope that whoever he was or is sleeping with is taking full advantage of his talents. Also isn't Rob's eyes blue? I know at times they do look green. See even his eye color is versatile...

Damn him with his versatile ass. Now I'm cracking myself up. LOL...

kyla713 said...

Shani - I have heard him say that his eyes are green, but they change depending on what he's wearing, lighting, etc... as with so many light colored eyes lol.

But you are right, he is so versatile, and someone seriously needs to be taking advantage of his talents *wiggle seyebrows*

Gozde said...

When I read fanfic I never imagine Rob, I always have an Edward in my mind but his physical attributes are not very defined.

But now that you've put the image in my head I can see Beautiful Bastard as GQ Rob and I think I might just die :))

kyla713 said...

Gozde - See, I am just the complete opposite. But I am one of those rare people who stared reading Twilight this past summer and knew nothing of the movie being made until I had already had a VERY clear picture of "my" Edward in my head. And then once I was just about done with the first book, my best friend called me up and told me "Ok, now that you are familiar with this, guess who they have playing him in the movie..." and then that was followed by two words..."Cedric Diggory" (she's never completely understood my Rob obsession from the very beginning lol). At first I laughed my ass off.... and then I landed on it when she showed me a picture of him as Edward, and I was gone at that point. That was MY Edward.

So long story short(ok, so not really), naturally now when I read or write Edward, I always see Rob. It just depends on the "-ward" as to whether I see the movie Edward, or Rob in one of his many chameleon(sp?) modes. Dressed up, dressed down, geek (bad mothers handbook), etc etc.

Gozde said...

Well you are lucky then. I would have loved to picture Rob while reading the last chapter in the bathroom :P

I started reading Twilight in June. I'm one of the late ones as well and the first time I found out Rob was playing Edward I felt the same way! He is perfect for the part. He is perfect for any part.

I think he should reshoot 9 1/2 weeks :) I would pay good money to see that :P

kyla713 said...

Godze - I seriously admire how incredibly versatile he is, and can pull off any role he tackles... and pull it off WELL. No pigeon-holing for him, which I am very happy about. If he was ONLY good looking, he would lose some appeal for me. I need more than a pretty face, and he has multiple talents behind it. And that is why he is so easily for me to picture him as any "-ward" out there. :D

Anonymous said...

KYLA- Me to I only pictured Rob. Really because mostly everyone was describing Rob. It's the same out of control hair,scruff,facial features etc...

Anonymous said...

KYLA- And another thing is that I can't picture Kristen as 'this' Bella or really none of the other Bella's either. In the movie she's more or less playing herself. I'm not picturing myself or nothing, but it's like those Bella's are just a girl playing that role against Rob/Edward character. That's my 2 cents...

kyla713 said...

Shani - The only part of Kristen I see in this Bella is her face. Other than that, NOTHING else. I love her as an actress, but not as Bella. She is not MY Bella

Anonymous said...

KY KY- If you don't mind me calling you that now since were like OMG totally bff lol... I have read all of 'The Office' and I lov,lov, loveee it and want some more of it...

So Rose caught them... interesting... I'm thinking she will be really mad since Mike is downstairs waiting and Edward said he would go out with that other girl. Scandalous... *wink* :)

kyla713 said...

Shani - haha you can call me anything you like :D You like the twist of Rosalie? There hasn't been a single person who has said that they saw that one coming yet

Anonymous said...

KY KY- I didn't see that one coming either. Okay, a horrible thought just creeped into my mind. What are you gonna do when Twilight is all over? What am I saying will just stalk him... WINK:)

No, RP don't worry I'm joking, kinda... LOL

Nope, but his future films may turn out to be some true classic FF. Okay I'm going to be the first to say that The Office is a 'classic' ff that stays stuck in your mind feeling you with that hungered, addictive feeling, of raw sexual abandonment.

Okay how's that as a review? Oh and I just remembered Rob writes scripts. God what if someone could get him to write a ff. That would be EPIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

He could name it "Sexy Beast".
*MELT, SWOON, and then THUD*

How's that for a review?

kyla713 said...

Shani - LMAO *falls on floor* Yes, I have to agree with you, that would be absolutely EPIC!

I don't foresee Twilight coming to an end anytime soon, even once all the films are made and such. That's just my opinion. With all the fics out there, and so many of them being of the AH category, I can see this going on for quite some time. Edward Cullen is just too much fun to play with :D

Anonymous said...

KY KY- Yeah to much Rob is possibly in real life. Gosh, I wish I could get some of Rob's DNA and make a time machine and then go into the future to clone him... That's my evil plan. *WRINGS HANDS TOGETHER, LIFT LEFT EYEBROW,and sneer with EVIL GRIN* LOL

kyla713 said...

Shani - Let me know how that plan works out for you..... and then I WANT ONE!!!! hahahhaa

Anonymous said...

Ky Ky- When will there be more of The Office? I need my updated fix.

I can't believe it, but I'm having these lingering feelings right now for your Edward/Rob. I think I want this one a little more than the real Rob right now... Okay smack me in my head. That's blaspheme, Rp if your reading this you know I didn't mean that I'm a dedicated worshiper. LOL

kyla713 said...

Shani - Yes Rob, we adore you more than any fiction character out there... hehe

The next tentative update date for The Office is next Monday... only because we have a busy week coming up in RL, and also two other projects we was to pay some attention to. But we will not be away for long, and we are also having a guest author writing the sideshot POV... hoping to have that to you all soon :D

Anonymous said...

KY KY- Thanks for letting me know. Had to know when I could get my fix.

Oh and I meant "smacked up side my head".

RP I'm not stupid just addicted....

Anonymous said...

KY KY- Can you change your Kristen Avatar thingy it's freaking me out. Do GQ white T shirt Rob, me likey:)

kyla713 said...

Shani - Yea I am gonna change my avi... that one was only up because I was in a particularly bad mood the other day hahaha

kyla713 said...

Shani - Well not exactly the GQ shoot.... but I love his smile :)

Anonymous said...

KY KY- I love it when his looking down and smiling. He really do have a nice smile and those dumb movie people over there at Summit tried to make him change it. Thank God he has his own mind. Me likey stubborn ROB :) I wish I had a hook-up at a lab so that I could clone him... Oh no but you would have wait for him to grow up. I guess truly there can only be one RP.... All HAIL TO THE HOTNESS

kyla713 said...

Shani - *sigh* yea there's always a downside to everything, huh... well crap... guess we will just have to stick to thanking his parents for giving us this beautiful man, and appreciate from afar. But hell, I ain't complainin about that, because what a sight! And the talent just makes it that much better :D

Ok, methinks I need some sleep, no matter how truthful I'm being.. night!

Anonymous said...

Yeah me to I'm sleepy. Talk to you later. Lets do 'truth talk' again sometime. Oh and Rob if your reading this night, night and air smooches.:)

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