Rob's Piano Concert from the DVD

I think I just died and went to heaven...

Thanks to everyone that sent me the link :))


Busy Bee Lauren said...

I am dead!

Jewels64 said...

Just hours away.... and I'm already dead from finger porn....

Can he BE any more talented...?

GAH!!! Damn Him!!!! No...better yet....Damn his mother and father for having sex!!!

Wait I take that back...I'm delirious with Robiliciousness....

Sorry y'all...lost my mind for a moment....

Anonymous said...

oh my more pitter patter...

Anonymous said...

I loved his handsome profile in the darkness against the blue!

Anonymous said...

diesd and gone to heaven is RIGHT

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Okay, I've sat calmy through the postings of hot pics. I've carefully laughed in a grown-up fashion at his endearing interviews. I've been a good girl all this time, acting like the mature woman I am, refusing to completely lose my shit over this guy.

I have official LOST MY SHIT with this posting. GAH!!

Anonymous said...

This is what I wonder...I listened to the "Twilight" commentary from that link and I distinctly remember Catherine talking about how hard Rob was working on his own original version of Bella's Lullaby before they hired Carter Burell.

Did anyone else hear that? He must've been crushed AND...I wonder if this music is what he was working on? Or, can any poster here identify the music?

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I meant "officially." Christ, I've lost all ability to function.

Anonymous said...

leaves me breathless!!!

and to think there was once a petition to recast "edward".

had that have happened would WE all know how wonderful this man truly is?

not only is he "eye-candy" but he is beyond brilliant in every sense of the word!!!

(he stole my ♥ when i saw him as danielGale)

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad KK, every night his songs play in the backround of my dreams.

Last night it was "To Roam" and in the dream DH and I ended up adopting three more lost dogs who were "roaming" our town. He is always with me...ALWAYS.

crazy said...

How in hell can I be experiencing this weird love-sick feeling in my stomach right now?????

How can someone have all this?

I actually feel so strange right now.

crazy said...

KK - lost it too. Numb.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said... tenuous hold on reality has finally slipped. Welcome to the dark...I mean Rob side. It's kind of nice here now that I look around. WHEEEEEE

...wowie! said...

You know...I've always fallen for musicians. Now my love for Rob makes complete and utter sense. ::sigh::

Gozde said...

KK, I have lost my shit long time ago :)) Now I am just beyond helpless :PP

Anonymous said...

Oh! Sweet Jesus and all the Saints & Angels, I've now completely died and gone straight to Heaven. I know Rob's absurdly talented theatrically and musically (not to mention orgasmically handsome & sexy), and that he made Catherine Hardwicke cry while playing piano for her, but I had NO idea just HOW amazing he is. I've played piano for decades, and consider myself fairly good, but Rob has just made me feel like a kindergartner compared to his PhD on the ivories. I can play complex written music, but to have the talent to compose and to improvise...OMG!!! Just LOOK at his beautiful hands and his long, sexy fingers as he plays (I'm having extremely dirty dexterity thoughts right now imagining how he could apply those digit-al skills elsewhere...) - Rob, don't ever think your hands are funny - they are just PERFECT the way they are! And you know just HOW TO USE THEM!!!

To Chicago Girl: The music isn't familliar to me so I think it was Rob's original composition for Bella's Lulaby, and it also sounded like he was just improvising during parts of it. It takes REAL talent to do that, and do it well.

It's just not fair for one person to possess SO much talent and devastating good looks. How can one person have it all??? But I'm SO glad Rob is the one that does.

God, I have to leave work right this very minute - Rob has turned me into butter and I've melted into my desk and I cannot continue. I simply cannot BEAR his hauntingly beautiful composition (there are no words to describe what this really does to me), but I WILL torture myself ad nauseum listening to it over, and over, and over again, forever!!!!!

LOVE YOU, ROB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Daneh said...

oh my......i think im crying....

GAH. he's just too good to be true.

yep. im crying. it's just too beautiful. this would have been perfect for the lullaby. WHY oh WHY did Catherine Hardwicke BUTCHER what could have been so much better? ARGH.

once again rob never ceases to amaze me.

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

I'm not crying but then again, I only listened to the posting. I didn't watch his hands. Oh Goddamn, I'm going to have to watch his hands eventually. Let me secure my room in the nuthouse first...

crazy said...

KK ~ brace yourself for the hands. I imagined them on me the whole time, and i'm am not kidding. (no wink). delirious.

crazy said...

LAJan - i just LOVED your post!!!

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to watch it on my big screen TV. Over and over. This piano concert is one of the things I've been waiting for. He may not like his hands but I think they're beautiful. Can you imagine what it would feel like for him to run his fingers over you like he did those keys.mmmmmmmm

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Would you like him to play you allegro or adagio?

That's it. I've got to go out to dinner and separate myself from this madness.

Anonymous said...

Goz, you did it w/ this one! I feel like an idiot. My heart was pounding while watching this! I'm too old to be feeling this way, plus I'm married. This guy is killing me! Crazy talented and delicious to look at! Too bad that is all I get.

Anonymous said...

LAJan ~ like Crazy I LOVED your post too. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Now I truly know what 'tickling the ivories' mean. That bb blows me away by his musical talents. I think he may be classically trained since he was little. He definitely needs to make a CD and incorporate his piano playing along with his guitar and vocals. Put it out on MYSPACE or YOUTUBE.

And FUCK the haters who tried to hate on him before...

Anonymous said...

What is left you say that you ladies haven't already covered? Wow. Stunned.

And I love that in his profile you can tell his face is serious and he's concentrating and pouting his lips.


Anonymous said...

Lauren! LOOOOOVE your avatar btw...

caninecologne said...

Those long beautiful vampire fingers!!!! His playing is amazingly beautiful.

i think he should play me adagio....

Anonymous said...

I remain melted butter, dripping off my couch, dripping off my computer, dripping off my bed, a greasy, smeary mess. I shall never again be the same for, Lo, I have seen and heard the Glory and the Light. I shall never play the piano again for I am shamed into realizing how far above all mediocre mortals this man soars. Let your fingers sensually dance over the keys, Rob, create music that would make the Angels in their celestial glory weep golden tears of exaltation. And then come over tonight and flutter your fingers over my keyboard, inscribe notes of love across my stanzas, caress my ears with your aural aphrodisiac, arouse me with your rhapsodies, make luscious love to me with your ambidextrously sensual fingers, elevate me to new levels of ecstacy never before imagined by the poets of the ages. Rapture me, Rob. Ravage me, Rob. I BEG YOU, ROB!!!!

Tess said...

The man is just lyrical in every sense of the word.

Just when I get to the point where I think I might be 'used' to him, I see something like this.

Divinesally said...

Wow, I concur with everyone here! LAjan- You seriously said it! LMAO, I've been reading "A love with no LImits" fanfic and got all hot and bothered. Picturing Rob in one chapter seducing Bella on a piano, and doing her right there! In detail!!! OMEC! I hope you guys read ut, it's romantic but very GRAPHIC. It basically elaborates on what would have happened during the honeymoon in BD. It's very well written. HEhe, I'm a pervert. Rob's hands and pouty lips **swoon** aww he's concentrating. Honestly, this was the main feature I was looking forward too. A man that can play classical piano is hella sexy and romantic. If I was his girl, I would make him play for me all the time. Damn is that too demanding??? lol. For some reason I don't think he would mind.

My beau plays guitar, bass and drums. He has some piano playing skills, but no where near to Rob's skills. He's brilliant non the less. He's my own personal "Edward." **sigh**

Anonymous said...

Which DVD do you have? I don't have this one mine.

Anonymous said...

Divine~My DH plays the cello but I haven't been able to get him to take it out of its case in three years...he's so focused on his research.

kyla713 said...

I seriously love a man who can not only play the piano, but play it so beautifully. and I also love watching the concentrated look on his face (when I'm not staring at those amazing fingers)

Yup, I've died and gone to heaven here

Unknown said...

i'd like to know which dvd has it too. mine doesn't have this

kyla713 said...

As would I.

I keep hoping it is on the Taget one, since I have that coming to me in the mail in a few days, but I went out and bought a copy of the 2-disc from Walmart at midnight last night, and was very upset when I did not see it on there.

Anonymous said...

taget is the one

Anonymous said...

bonus features the third disc

kyla713 said...

Wow, I didn't even realize my typo Icame back to read it over. I must be more tired than I thought. But thank you for clearing that up!! :D

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