Variety - Japan with Translation

Post moved above with added translation :)


Emmes said...

oh rob, you´re soo just learned how to drive? aw cute!

Anonymous said...

What's the last question being asked? I want to know b/c he reaction to itis sooo specific and then they show a pic of Kristen and him smoochin'. Then he ends it w/ "I don't want to make a habit out of it," ah I just wanna know ;)

Mixxy said...

He just can't be only 22. He just seems so wise beyond his years. And watching the "piano concert" on the DVD and how he played. I just can't get enough of him. *sigh*

Anonymous said...

In fact, where can we hear ALL the questions please :)

It is cute watching him reacty to the questions.

Thanks for posting :)

Anonymous said...

How do I e-mail you? I want to send you a pic to post from another site....with credit of course.

Gozde said...


Thanks :)

Gozde said...

I asked Kumiko who sent us the Japan pictures for a translation. Maybe we'll know what he answers to then :)

Anonymous said...

one of his interview he said that i dont like driving. but now he said, i love driving wtf ?

Laura said...

I love how he says "body"

And I love his body, too.

Just sayin'. LOL

kristen said...

Oh Sweet Jesus - was he TRYING to make that interview sound dirty? Or is it just the natural tendency of my brain? :)

When Rob said "I have a really flexible body" I about had an aneurysm! And then he had to go ahead and make it worse by saying "It was really wet"... Holy hell he drives me nuts (in a good way) when he says stuff like that!

On another note - I loved his look of deep concentration when they were asking him the questions. So cute!

Anonymous said...

Ooooohhhh, what a nice interview, he is just so sweet without intending to be so...


Flexible? Wet? are so right - what a dirty dirty interview ;-) ...

Anonymous said...

Anon~about the driving....liking it, not liking it...

I think Rob is like any other depends on the experience of the day as to whether you like something...


Anonymous said...

He also seems to change his fave scene in the movie according to his mood.

Which is fair enough :)

Summer Girl x

Anonymous said...

laura: body is one of my favorite Rob words like bawdy...mmm mmm mmm

Kate said...

Aah thanks for posting Goz.I too would like to know what the questions were and Lyla I'm LMAO at what you said !!!

Rhonda said...

I want a 60 minute documentary detailing the specifics related to his "flexible bawdy". Feel free to include pictures, poses, demonstrations, etc....

Mixxy said...

As for saying different things in diff interviews, that's one of the things I love about Rob ... you never know wth he's going to say. It's very funny.

Anonymous said...

Interesting.... I guess we can add flexibility as another one of his yummy talents. :D

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