Rob with a lucky fan on Perez

This from the PerezHilton Site:
The British hottie was hanging out with the whole coven of vampires on Wednesday at Yaletown Brewery in Vancouver, British Columbia


Anonymous said...

Super nice fan shot...lucky girl!

Anonymous said...

Weeeehaaa! I am the first one to write the comment that time.


He looks... I don´t know, I didn´t look at him well. I ran to write something first.

Be right back...

Anonymous said...

Gosh, that Chicago girl is really fast. Who are you?

"Just ignore that Chicago girl, I do"...

Anonymous said...

Ok, checked. He looks bored to me. I´ll go back to the old pics. Much better show.

Anonymous said...

he looks 1 beer too many, perhaps. Not that i haven't done that myself on occasion!!! 99 bottles of beer on the wall...

Anonymous said...

Ha, ha, that Sophia is funny.

He doesn't look bored, he looks drunk. And why does he almost always have to open that mouth for the shot? Maybe his magic mirror told him that he looks sexier that way.

Ok, magic mirror, you maybe right!

Anonymous said...

He doesn't look more drunk than you. Gee, people can drink without getting drunk, in Europe we can anyway.

Anonymous said...

What a lucky girl!! I would never ever ever never let Perez get a hold of a pic I had taken with Rob. Never. Ever.

Anonymous said...

He dosent look drunk to me. Didnt the GQ article explained anything?? He is a mouth breather lol. Thats why he always have his mouth hangin open...cus I do the same thing....permanent stuffy nose...

Anonymous said...

Hey, Rob, are you that second anonymous here? Defending your drinking thing???

I read in that interview that you like to check on stuff about you on the internet... Soooo, is that reeeally, you???

If that is the case, sorry... You can drink. What about taking me out with you? I would keep those "ladies" really far from us...

Anonymous said...

He looks a good combo of stoned and drunk. Why didn't the girl get the whole coven to take a picture with her?

Anonymous said...

Geez, i need to get to Vancouver, they are everywhere. To me he just looks like "OK take the pic already". And if he did have to much to drink, good for him. EVERYONE lets not forget he is 22. I only remember part of my early 20's :)

Daneh said...

This is why he prefers London.We don't get bashed for having a few pints. its perfectly normal. jesus people.

Rob looking very nice indeed! She is one lucky fan! I don't like the fact she gave her picture to PeresHilton... i hate that dude.

Anonymous said...

I'm so jealous! I've been wandering the streets of Vancouver for days and night but I never seem to be in the right place at the right time!

To all Vancouver girls: if you see Rob or any of the cast and are lucky enough to get your picture with them, DO NOT SEND YOUR PICS TO PEREZ OR LANEY! If the cast were nice enough to take a minute out of their day to make yours a little better, the least you can do it respect their privacy and not flog the pics all over the internet!

Anonymous said...

What bugs me is, WHY is that girl (or whoever took the pic) sending it around to blogs? How did you get it? I think it's pretty lame of a fan to get a pic of him (in the first place, actually) and then instantly post it all over the place. Have some fucking dignity for godssakes, you know?
I love Rob, meaning I think he's gorgeous and entertaining to watch but if I met him I would hope I would have some shred of normal behavior and not hang over him, fawn over him, or make him take a pic with me, it's so embarrassing.
Don't judge me because I come to this site, either, it's just for movie updates!

Anonymous said...

Yes, Daneh, Perez sucks!

I think she wanted her 5 minutes of fame...

And I am ok with the drinking (not very fond of smoking...). Oh, Rob, I like black beer, ok?

Suz said...

yeah anon, and I am buying the GQ mag for the "articles"

hee hee

Anonymous said...

Sophia, I think you answered your own question.

I think Rob looks fine as always.

Anonymous said...

He said in an interview once that Disney wouldn't hire him because he had the eyes of a drunk. It's genetic, his dad has the same eyes.

Genetics not drunk

Anonymous said...

You know the trouble with getting your picture taken with Rob?

He's going to be prettier than you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you, if they are nice enough to take a picture with you don't be lame and sent it to someone to post it. I wouldn't even ask him for a picture! He hates getting his picture taken. I would be happy enough to just talk to him.

Ellie said...

LMAO, AJ! Hi, BTW! xoxo

(wow, that all looks so cryptic...)

Anonymous said...

Hi Ellie! How gowzit? Quite the Robsmorgasbord today.

Anonymous said...

Hey, guys, did you read in that interview (pretty sure you all did) that he said about Little Ashes:


God, I knew you exist!

And he also said:


Oh, my G., can´t wait for that. Naked??? Really??? When is the DVD coming out, does anyone know, pleeease!!!

Anonymous said...

AJ: LMAO...prettier than you. Genius! I would still want a pic though. Not to post on the internet, but to carry around in my wallet and lie to people about my younger, hotter husband ;)

Melissa said...

I want my own pic with Rob. Dang it!

Tenneil said...

TS~ in your wallet I think that the picture would be in my panties!! seriously!!

AJ, was your Robpicturesmakesmewanttoshaghimday?

Tenneil said...

Hey Melissa!!!
just read Jules and McVampy'e hot flights...WOW I want to book a flight on either on those!!!

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: In your panties, really? It would ruin my picture because, well the thought of Rob in my panties, well... you get the idea. Maybe that should be laminated as well :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, Sophia, there is a lot of naked and, also, sex stuff. He kisses a lot, he masturbates, he gets in the ass. Right there!

This was before Twilight. I wonder if he would do it now, as, you know, he is a dear darling for all the teens and their older sisters and moms...

Tenneil said...

Laminated..good idea...I'll do that when I go and get GQ are so thinking ahead for me... Thankx..

Rob in my panties isnt that the idea??

Anonymous said...

Tenneil- I may have to laminate all of my new panties soon. Ruining all of the old ones!

Tenneil said...

crazy~ laminate with the photos between your panties save a pair or two...

Anonymous said...

LOL! This is nuts! LOL!

Anonymous said...

At the rate you're going with the Rob lamination Kinko's might get a little suspicious...haha

Anonymous said...

Laminated Rob panties! I smell a Twilight marketing gig. Quick! someone call Hot Topic.

Blackie said...

Shoot me now! I zoomed the pic and his tongue...Holy Holy!! his tongue...
That and Jules & McVampy are going to be the death of me (rings a bell?)

luckygyrl said...

What did I walk into? All I see is panties and Rob lol.

Hi Everyone

Anonymous said...

Rob's lreading this and he's thinking, "What? People are laminating me to their panties now? Oh, is that what they want when they ask me to bite them?"

OMG did I just say that out loud?!

Blackie said...

Dreamy eyes.
Just that.
Not genetic.
Not drunk.
Blissfully totally lovingly manly BEAUTIFUL.


GO TO HELL (you know whom I´m talking to)

Anonymous said...


Tenneil said...

TS can I send you a has to do with twilight/rob fan gone bad...funny has hell..

Tenneil said...

Crazy....LOL dying here..again

Anonymous said...

Blackie - he can drink and do whatever he wants.:) We love him.

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: Yes, yes! Please send me a pic that's funny as hell. Can you see my email?

Tenneil said...

LUCKY!!! join the party girl...

Anonymous said...

Crazy: You crack me up. For real.

TwiHartRK said...

AJ - the eye speaks with wisdom as usual. Hey ladies. Just had to comment on how lucky this girl is and it's a full house. Wow your fast with the comments tonight. Rob naked, in my panties - THUD.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Rob - no pressure! well just a little pressure. well a little more. ok, a little bit more. Yes. Yes.
I'm going straight to hell.

luckygyrl said...

Hello hello. Hope I havent missed much!

Blackie said...

Crazy, that´s his problem, we ALL love him!!!!

Tenneil said...

Alie ~ nice to see you feeling any better...esp better after today pics huh??

luckygyrl said...

Im right there with ya Crazy. Least your not alone.

Anonymous said...

Blackie - yes, we all love him! and we have to love him enough to let him be. :) i know you agree!

Blackie said...

I wonder if with the drooling Rob makes us produce we could help the dry Africa desert and such...


Tenneil said...

TS its on its way I hope...
anyone else??? wanna see it??

luckygyrl said...

Me Tenneil Me!!!!

Blackie said...

In a way I´m thankful I live in Buenos Aires (Argentina), so far away that I have no risk whatsoever to bump into him (trying to convince myself here)...I don´t know if I could behave!

Anonymous said...

We'll all be in hell 'cause of heavenly Rob. How ironic. I say Rob should be held accountable for some of this. Restitution? Some kind of "relief" package, if you know what I mean? ;)

luckygyrl said...

Blackie, I think I would pass out or just end up saying shit that doesnt even make sense.

Tenneil said...

Lucky~ cant pull it up???

Anonymous said...

yes me, Tenneil!

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: What a great pic. Is she 67 and her name is Charlotte? She looks like she's ready for her garage sale this weekend. And she ruined her best pair of stretch jeans :(

I'm such a beeyotch!

Tenneil said...

TS can you pull up luckys email..I cant?? send it to her

Anonymous said...

how do you know that he is not reading the blogs...he admitted to surfing the web reading what people write about him. he is alone alot with his laptop and when you goggle his name, this site does pop up along with many do you know that i am not rob?????? Good night ladies.

Tenneil said...

Crazy...cant get to your email address you are restricted...

Tenneil said...

Well Anon/Rob... we love you!! thanks for coming out to play!!

TwiHartRK said...

Well, Anon-Rob. Next time a paps snaps a photo give us a sign. Some shout out to the Robkats hey babes? Look really pissed, or just damn schmexy, then we'll know it's really you.

Anonymous said...

Lucky, Tenneil: I can't get her email address either. It opens AIM like we're going to chat..

Anonymous said...

I think we're ok with him reading our blog. Hoping he gets a kick out of it, and is flattered. Me thinks our blog holds a crystal clear mirror to him than that cloudy mirror he has been looking into. :)

Anonymous said...

sorry tenneil. Don't worry about it. My email address reveals too much about me!!!

Tenneil said...

what happened everyone went silent??? "cricket noises"

luckygyrl said...

Tenneil-I sent you an email :)

TwiHartRK said...

Hey crazy - in the closet with your Robsession too huh? You can post your email and then delete it. I had to create a separate gmail account for my Robsession. LOL. Not pathetic at all.

Anonymous said...

i went back to drool over the pics again. Insatiable lust. Pure and simple. Bloody hell, as the Brits would say!

Tenneil said...

Lucky...on its way!!

Anonymous said...

TwiHeart: Me tooo! Haha I thought I was the only one try to go incognito with the Robsession email.

Tenneil said...

ME three!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, but how do i delete a comment immediately? :/

luckygyrl said...

Crazy, we all have our things. Its ok. We know your crazy girl! No judgement here.

Anonymous said...

or how about one of you post your email and i'll send you mine. sneaky?

Tenneil said...

when its posted for a few then hit the little trash can in the corner of the post and it will take it off

luckygyrl said...

hahaha thanks! Love the pants!

Anonymous said...

feeling the love and acceptance :)

Tenneil said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TwiHartRK said...

Nope 30, you're in good company. I've made some friends though who know my real name but I'm on the DL still. Mostly.

I think you have to refresh for the trashcan to come up.

Jewels64 said...

Good evening Ladies...

Hey Dani just posted a new thread...Go take a looksie and I'll join you there!

Anonymous said...

I want to hear the reaction to the photo... I already gave my two cents.

I hope no one knows her and is offended. I meant it all in good fun.

Anonymous said...

where's the friggin trash can?

luckygyrl said...

The more I look at the pants, they look a little creepy hahaha

TwiHartRK said...

Oh goodie - be right there!

Anonymous said...

Ok Jewels, see ya there!

Anonymous said...

Lucky: yes creepy and funny all at the same time.

Tenneil said...

ts, lucky new thread....up you go!!

away leo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
rpattzdude said...

pooor man he feels so uncomfortable

Anonymous said...

Boy! I didn´t notice before, but, in this picture, Rob looks a lot like one of my brothers. The same blue/stoned look eyes. And that one is not the most beautiful of my three brothers. But they are already married.

Anonymous said...


Disney said he has drunken eyes? Which interview was this? I agree that his eyes are just like his dad's, though he looks like both parents.

nadia said...

Hi I'm agirl from Greece and I adore Rob!!! Rob is a very talented actor!! and very beautiful!! Rob You Are The Best!! I adore you!!In Greece we love you!!!! Lucky fan girl!!!

Anonymous said...

I loved the GQ article. He seems like a decent person... I really hope he manages to stay humble...and sane (lol)I laughed my ass off when I read he likes to microwave everything...Bahaha *A carrot*
Reminds me of the time I put a metal bowl in a microwave-NOTE TO ROB: DON`T PUT ANYTHING METALLIC IN THE MICROWAVE.
The explosion was ridiculous.

Also-I love it when people think they have the right to comment on his drinking or smoking...JUST SHUTUP. Fuk... I get so tired of self righteous idiocy... coming from a European background myself... it`s really normal to drink a bit...when I was a kid my grandmother used to pour read wine on a piece of bread for me and sprinkle it with sugar...OH NO CALL THE COPS... lol side note: it`s pretty tasty try it.

Nicky said...

They are super lucky to be filming in Vancouver - the city rocks!!!! And even more lucky are Vancouver residents!!!! :)

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