If this is true he is getting extremely good at this hiding thing! I'm not sure I like it :)
According to a gossip blog:
All week Rob Pattinson has been in Vancouver. He arrived via private on Sunday and had more makeup testing to do – something wasn’t quite right last week so they brought him back to tweak. Since the schedule changed, they decided that while he’s in town, they could start training him. Yes ladies. He’s training. He’s sweating. He’s working on that body. Or let that be your fantasy. Am told it’s primarily stunts.
Last night he was out for dinner. Was approached by a male fan asking for an autograph on a napkin and on his arm.
Rob is expected to be out of Vancouver imminently for Twilight DVD promotion.
i'm glad you didn't say which gossip blog. no love for that gossip blog
I was kind of hoping they wouldn't make Rob go to any of those DVD release parties. :(
Me likey that sexy teasing tiptongued mouth
Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful
Thanks a lot Gozde, you are the Queen of all Rob things!!!
Keep hiding baby! Take advantage of all the rest and privacy you can grab now, later it will be hell.
I was kind of hoping they wouldn't make Rob go to any of those DVD release parties. :(
I agree, or Kristen
What stunts would he do in "New Moon?" Just curious! Thanks for the new info.
GOZDE: Completely off topic. check out the profile here. remind you of anyone?
Michelangelo's David. Sculpted perfection.
I hope while he's there he gets to hang out with his friend Sam Bradley and have a beer. He needs to get all the R&R he can before the end of the year frenzy begins again.
What cities do you think they will be sending the cast to this time? Do you think they will mix it up or just the same major cities as always?
How can we find out WHERE he's going to promote the DVD at? Which city? They're getting very good at keeping things on the down low where Rob's concerned anymore. I like it and I don't like it, mixed feelings on this. I'm just afraid that if I don't go to a midnite party thing (because I'm waiting for the DVD to come from Target), that I'll miss out on seeing Rob! Does anyone happen to know if he's coming to Philly or surrounding area?????
Ugh, the next few years are going to be hell for this poor man, with New Moon, Eclipse and (prob) Breaking Dawn. I don't know how he is going to get through it....
I'm glad I wasn't the only one with thoughts about that. I always get left in the dark. Find out when it's too late.
I'm glad that Rob's getting some privacy...but I'm also missing seeing him. I don't want him bothered, so I have to be happy for him. I'm amazed at his ability to hide though!
I bet as long as he has a bar at his hotel and his friends..he will be good to go...since he loves his drink...LOL
I don't want him to be bombarded with crazy screaming girls, I feel bad for him, but on the other hand I've been wondering all week where he's been. Maybe they'll be smart and not specify who's going to be where. If they say, it will be a big,big turn out for him. Scary!!!
He's getting so good at keep out of the public eye. Just goes to show it can be done, practice makes perfect. Long may it last!
He hasn't been to a planned mobbing in a while, has he? I think he can handle it if it's well organized this time. :) He'll make a lot of fangirls sooo happy.
I'm glad they tweaked his makeup! That contour crap they had on him was awful.
I have to say I've been happy for him that he's escaped notice this week.
we've had plenty of fodder for obsessing this week!
Wasn't he saying he needed time to get all dark edward for nm? I don't know if the dvd release parties will really cater to that!
I do not agree with "letterstorob". You have a duty to link back to laineygossip.com. It is her scoop and she has worked hard for it. this is not good blog etiquette.
K- I think everyone here would say FUCK Kristen. Her ass needs to get her shit together before trying to go out and do anything. She can't even talk right in interviews. Really she hasn't done enough touring for Twilight, but we all now see why. Because if Rob wasn't around Twilight would have gone under with the help us Kristen.
And when you have a private jet it goes into a different hanger or smaller airport. So there are no large amounts of people or screaming fans that could come in contact with you. Just thank Walmart for his privacy...
Ok, jumping on my jet and heading off to Vancouver to meet Rob at Sam's show...who wants a ride?
I was hoping he might be coming to London for the premiere of his BFF's movie on Monday.
I was even going to go down to Leicester Square.
But I guess he has filming commitments in Canada......
He needs to be out of the public eye. Poor Spunk. I want him to be happy.
I'm happy that Rob is staying out of the limelight, since it seems that he's such a method actor that he could use the privacy to get himself into character.
But I have to admit, I do love it when I can spy a glimpse of his hotness...
Yeah I'm not gonna lie and say that I don't miss him, though...
Anonymous - a "duty" to link back to lainey. I totally disagree. She works hard? Huh? She gets fed the info and then she adds her own snarky comments. Who are you kidding. I don't know if you have ever read the Letters to Rob blog/site but they are hysterical and they WORK. Give me a break. KL
I just LOOOOVE when I get to see the tip of his tongue -- it does "something" to me... It must taste delicious...
Well, I don't know about you, guys, but I AM STILL LICKING THAT LUCKY TRAIL -- cannot get over it, wonder why...
Gone to lick it again...
Sophia - STOP IT. Stop reminding me about his amazing happy trail. a weak spot for me!!! UUHHHHHH.
A weak spot for us all...
I like that he's gone incognito. Especially with they way he prepped for Twilight. I'd like to think he's allowed prep time for New Moon too.
I'm okay that I haven't seen new pics only bc Barnes & Noble finally got the new GQ with Rob on it. I am oh so satisfied!
AND this single mommy now has a sitter for tomorrow night so that I can go to a DVD release party. YAY!!!
I see some steam a-brewing...
Well, it is good that Rob is laying low to prepare for some tough scenes. I really thought the makeup was far worse than the first film...am still a bit concerned about hair and M/U (those wigs, oye). Rob's hair is still too short...what will they do? I didn't like the bouffant so maybe this is a plus.
I honestly am happy when Rob is out of the public eye when he's in London or immersed in a role. There are so many photos of him out there that I swear, I know his face and body better than my own!!!
He shouldn't break concentration to go to a DVD party! But, if he does, please report back here!
Thank goodness that he has been able to stay out of the public eye good going Rob! Also good going Vancouverites if you had anything to do with keeping the secret. That is the way to treat a star!
A fan in Vancouver
WTF! Again ROBERT... we missed you again! Yayayaya ok he needs his privacy I get it, I agree...no more 13 yr old screamers for him...but wtf... I'm 24 fairly sane enough not to scream (outloud)... I just need 53 seconds... thats it. I promise.
To Anonymous @ 6:17PM (KL)
You obviously have no comprehension of what journalistic principles mean. Yes, the internet is a new territory that the world is beginning to draw rules and boundaries for but it is fairly standard that when a website gets a scoop, they should be linked back to. You said it yourself, SHE got fed the info. Nobody else did so why should websites like this capitalize off of the tips she gets? I understand that some Rob fans do not like Lainey but like or dislike, there is a common courtesy that exists between blogs and websites and this is a rude violation of that.
aw, i love lainey gossip
Dear Anonymous (Lainey?),
I am not a journalist, I'm just a blogger that blogs about Robert Pattinson because of her infatuation with him.
I always ALWAYS link back to sources except this time when I just don't want to. You might call it childish and maybe it is. I am just feeling bitchy towards that website and I'm sure Lainey knows how that feels.
"I have faults enough, but they are not, I hope, of understanding. My temper I dare not vouch for. -- It is I believe too little yielding -- certainly too little for the convenience of the world. I cannot forget the follies and vices of others so soon as I ought, nor their offences against myself. My feelings are not puffed about with every attempt to move them. My temper would perhaps be called resentful. -- My good opinion once lost is lost for ever.''
To Gozde.
I'm just a long time fan of Lainey's as well as a university student who respects the ownership of ideas. It's funny because I'm actually up at this kooky hour writing a paper (it's 6am on the west coast) and that is one thing you learn in university is cite, cite, and cite. If you don't cite your paper properly, you could be accused of plagiarism and there are major consequences. "Do unto others as you would have others do unto you."
Dear Anon who responded to Goz,
I may not be a young energetic college student and I'm DEFINITELY not a long time fan of "the person you named" but, as a follower of this blogsite I happen to appreciate Goz's hard work and dedication to her readers.
Perhaps "someone" could take the equal opportunity to remind the other blog to affirm her information before posting and not be as negative as I have found, then perhaps others would have no problem giving due credit.
To "hornycorn hag"
To put it simply, you're trying to say that if a person says unfavourable things, they should not receive proper credit for their work? You're stating that if she was not "as negative as [you] have found, then there would be no problem giving credit.
In the case, I think John Keats is a crappy poet but I just like one of the lines of his poems. I'm going to start using that one line in my work and not reference back to him.
This is acceptable according to you, no?
ok, I will explain my position out in a bit more detail. Let me use the tv gossip as examples.
Using Insider or Access Hollywood, you would talk to your friends about what you saw on there and have no problem saying, hey last night they said this or that.
Now if you heard it on TMZ (who is known to be some of the most sleazy of all) You would say, I heard it alleged that so and so did this.
And why do you think there is a difference? Because sometimes their information they put up is only half true or ill gotten, etc.
As far as anything else, I will stick to this blog because it is my personal choice. If you like the other then so be it. I happen to appreciate the fact that this is a positive upbeat support of Robert Pattinson and doesn't beat people down just to get a "scoop"
These are my personal preferences. I realize that everyone has their own. But just because the owner of this blog does it her way doesn't mean she should change it to appease anyone else.
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