From Rueters:
LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - For "Twilight" movie fans who are anxiously awaiting the sequel but haven't read the second book in the vampire series, "New Moon," the film's star Robert Pattinson offers this advice -- be ready for something different and perhaps a little strange.
Pattinson became an overnight sensation playing a lovestruck vampire in the smash hit that sucked $373.4 million from global box offices, and he is in Vancouver, Canada, this week starting production on the film version of "New Moon."
Before that sequel lands in theaters in November, Pattinson plays eccentric painter Salvador Dali in "Little Ashes," which opens in art houses May 8 and tells of a homosexual love affair between Dali and the poet Federico Garcia Lorca.
But for now his turn as immortal vampire Edward Cullen, who falls in love with high school girl Bella Swan (Kristen Stewart) in "Twilight," has catapulted him to fame and his fans are dying for details on "New Moon."
Pattinson, for one, is cautious.
"The book of 'New Moon,' the majority of it is incredibly depressing," Pattinson told Reuters. "Obviously 'Twilight' was about finding first love and the difficulties of that, but 'New Moon' is really about loss and reconciliation, but the reconciliation isn't completely full." (Gozde: Even reading these are making me depressed. How am I going to handle the loss of Robward in New Moon? Huh?)
"It's a strange story to have for a market that, I guess, wants to see a love story," he said.
*The poster is fanmade
Nevertheless, the London-born Pattinson said everyone involved is working to make "New Moon" as big a success as "Twilight."
Pattinson's rising star has turned the former model into a favorite target of the paparazzi. Only last year, he was a relatively unknown actor whose big film credits were supporting roles in a pair of "Harry Potter" movies.
"It's turned into this crazy situation. I guess it has become a sort of phenomenon now which I really, really didn't expect," Pattinson said.
So, he often escapes to one of his first loves, music. He plays guitar and piano, and his song "Never Think" made it onto the "Twilight" soundtrack.
For now, he said there are no plans to put his music on "New Moon," but he has become "obsessed" with composing songs.
He said his acting hero is Oscar winner Jack Nicholson, and his ideal job would be something out of the spotlight.
"I like any job where you can just shut yourself away from everybody," he said.
"New Moon," from director Chris Weitz, is scheduled to open in theatres on November 20.
Its going to be tough to not see him as much. But I'll be whooping like an idiot when he comes back in!
That fanmade poster is heartbreaking!
Thanks so much for this Gozde ~ and for the hauntingly beautiful poster ... I think that's the best I've seen for New Moon so far ... it captures the mood of the book very well.
Love the poster! The 'ghostly' Robward effect is really cool.
Now I'm picturing Rob sitting alone in his room, writings songs...
i really dont think that they are going to leave rob out that much because they now the biggest draw of the movie is him. i think that is where the changes from book to screen will come in...
-they will shorten the time for Jacob & Bella
-and lengthen the time in Italy for
Bella & Edward
-also when she hears his voice in her head i think that she will see him too
...meaning more Robert, I hope at least :)
oh and great poster, best one yet was the one you posted before of him in front of the clock with his shirt off, yikes, now that was HOT.
well i reckon the first 25 min will be rob heavy, and the last 30-45 min be rob heavy, guess i will free to get lots of goodies at concession stand wont i..lol :)
Is he referring to the book, or the movie. He often refers to the books. The movie screen play may be different, somehow making it a little less depressing, hopefully? Are we going to walk out of the theater depressed? Not such a good idea for the box office, I think. may be not as many repeaters...
Anon @ the concession stand~ LOL!
I'll be chewing my Twizzlers, waiting for the sizzler that is ROB!
No we wont be depressed because at the end of the movie he is back with Bella, so the movie ends with him being back so our last glimpses will be of him :)
I went to the midnight release in Westwood, the one where Melissa Rosenberg appeared. She assured us that we would not be dissappointed. We asked if Edward would be gone for most of it, but she said she would be faithful to the book. That Edward was never completely gone because he lived in Bella. :) Don't be too worried Gozde. Its ok! :) I was worried too.
I know, but he mentions something like "not a complete reconciliation". :(
I know he liked this book the best because of it's emotional devastation and intensity. I think he just eats that kind of stuff up. hmmm. Oh boy; resisting, resisting big time... ;)
Norma~ that reminds me of seeing melissa on youtube, where she said it wouldn't make sense for the FILM to have Edward and the Cullens just drop out of the movie suddenly and completely. That's a good thing.
Here's the link for Melissa Rosenberg, discussing how she thinks New Moon "would" somehow need to include Rob and the Cullens...
forgot to say the question is asked at 1:40.
Wow, he sure had picked the wrong job. A loner, that guy. Papz, leave him be. Nice Poster Gozde
ok, I'm going to reveal why I was asking how many teachers were there (I think not a few)an hour ago.
I'm a teacher and I teach human zygotas 14-16 (and older people), that as to the notorious socks-and-scarf-not-mentioning-tummy photos, which doesn't make my work any easier though.
That's the time for a short text I found in my today's lesson.
"Celebrity Worship Syndrome (CWS) is a psychiatric disorder in which a person becomes obsessed with a famous personand details from his life. Psychologists have a special scale on which they measure how obsessed is someone with a celebrity. A person may juzst want to listen to or watch all the programmes about the celebrity or he/she may be as mad as to copy the celebrities behaviour/lifestyle. In some extreme causes people will follow their celebrity, try to contact them or evenkill them ! "
Sounds more than familliar ...
I know he's being withdrawn and getting into character. But I'm really itching for some new interviews.
Margot ~ So, what's the problem? ;)
Seriously, eeuuwww! I don't want to hurt him! God! And I want to continue to enjoy the impact he (and FF)has had on my sex life. :(
Gotta go ladies~ I'm late for the shrink, I mean doctor!
Margot, I'm a teacher (special ed.), as well as Laura and KK.
Your lesson about Celebrity Worship Syndrome is interesting. I have heard of the scale for measuring. But all of us here (the majority, anyway) are here for the admiration for the man. No stalking, just adoration, and a LOT of longing... lol
Oh, and hi, nice to "meet" you! :)
And hello to the rest of the ladies!
I would be interested to know how you came across this website.
Margot, are you obsessed? I am a teacher also! Like Crazy, I may need to see a shrink! Celeb Crush is an understatement for what I have for Rob!! He is my sweet, mesmerizing escape from REALITY! No intention of stalking him!
I teach too!
Ok, about that CWS thing: I don't know about stalking/worshipping, but I'm pretty sure we all want to make sweet, sweet love to the man (or fuck his brains out, whatever). Where does that put us on the scale??
But ... no problem at all ... if any - it's a very nice (=handsom) one
Hi, Ellie :))) and anybody else
I feel a bit mental but it's a nice state of mind for a change
so I'm not complaining, not at all
What ff would you recommend (by title or by author), not only of Twilight - but "readable". I read "Sub" and "Dom" 'cause there were links on this site and it was nicely written. Then came across some random bunch of crap and got lost
Hi Margot :-)
Try McVampy's stories, they're all good (especially Frenemies!) Or if you like angstier stuff, Wide Awake is pretty amazing too.
Geez. Margot, none of us have CWS. None of us want to stalk poor Robert. We are just admiring a handsome man. Apparently you are as well since you are here. ;)
Hi, LittleBear and Anon. :)))
Hmmm ... it's getting serious ...
OK - Statement : I AM ROBSESSED so much that have some serious problems functioning in reality, (it feels like AA meeting now),however it's a very nice feeling
Another interesting matter is WHY there are so many teachers Robsessed ?? I'm not brave enough to put forward theories ...
thanks for ff ideas - I'll go for it later (it's 6:03 p.m. here and reality bites my ass)
One more time - I didn't take that text about CWS seriously, it was very funny in fact work on it in my class not being able to give people example of my own Robsession (and there were 2 or three other Robsessed girls in the classroom)
I would be too lazy for stalkig :)) I'd prefer stalking Rob in the internet but knowing such well informed and nicely responding site as THIS plus THE BANNER ... no tension
damn right Margot, let's embrace the Robsession :))
Not sure about the teacher thing... my students are about Rob's age, maye I should start worrying!
Hi ladies, i'm a teacher too. wonder why so many teachers here
I don't know why, but for some reason, that just made me feel a little sad. I don't know if it was because I'm not sure Rob's happy with what they're doing with New Moon. I think they are going to insert an ethereal Edward throughout New Moon (when he was absent in the book), which I think is what Rob was afraid of (or he said something to that effect in an earlier interview). I'm sure he'll be great no matter how they include him.
I loved that poster. That was a good representation of NM. Maybe I'm just feeling a little sad, because NM was so sad and hard to get thru. Rob seems to love that dark, broody stuff though, so I'm sure he'll be wonderful!
If I were to put all elements of what the "perfect man" would be for me..
A musician or artist
Sideburns (it's a weakness)
British (an anglophile since birth)
Funny (downright silly)
great voice (very auditorary)
must have great head of hair (fingers in hair are a must when snogging)
I think I am so Robsessed because he has every single element.
But my perfect man has many Edward characteristics, as well.
Here it's a two-fer...
Margot, I am a teacher, too. What's the deal? We need to start an RA group! Only I don't want to be cured! I'm w/ Little Bear!
Hey Ladies...how is the robsessing going today??
I was wondering when Rob will take the Flight to LA , i guess is in LA, for the Kids Choice Awards.
Hmmm, his comment about the reconciliation not being full has me a little worried about the script. In my opinion, the reconciliation in the book was complete--there was a specific line in the book, I believe it was after they had left Volterra, when Bella thought to herself that everything was forgiven. The lingering problem, IMO, was that it took Bella a while to figure out that he loved her completely, that everything he said when he left was a lie, and that he was never leaving her again. That and the Jacob problem, LOL.
I hope that the screenwriter hasn't put something into the script to insinuate that Bella doesn't fully forgive Edward to ramp up a triangle among B/E/J. I never felt that there was a love 'triangle' in Eclipse, and the Jacob kiss made little sense to me at all.
Okay, sorry for the soapbox rant, I am just hoping that the NM movie will be ending on a positive note, as I felt the book did.
Very interesting ... hummm...
I've been noticing the number of educational personnel on this blog for quite some time because I am a Central Office professional for my school system (taught for years). I'm totally Robsessed also! I think Smitten may be correct that there are LOTS of us out there :) Would be interesting to see the numbers ...
Danni : tomorrow ? It's definetely the other hemisphere :(
I was to do some housework or at least have a nap ... but been Robsessing all the time of course
I wish I could be more Robsessed even, just to forget about meals :P
I'm not sure I see the connection between teachers and being Robsessed. I'm not a teacher and I'm totally addicted. Rob is our escape and fantasy. We don't want to stalk him or scare him away. I just like knowing that a man like him exists. And he is damn hot and sexy.
I was thinking that maybe today. He needs a couple of days to organize yourself. You know, clothes, Nick will make him showers. Stuff like that....
I completely agree, Christina! Plus, Edward proposes (the first time) at the very end in New Moon. Perhaps they do not think Eclipse is meaty enough for a film and will drag the triangle plot along. I never saw Edward/Bella/Jacob as a love triangle. When Edward returned to Forks, Bella was ALL about Edward. She was only worried about Jacob's feelings, and I do believe she loved him as part of the family. She felt guilty because she was the cause of his unhappiness! It will be interesting to see what they will decide to do. I just hope they don't butcher it.
I'm excited about New Moon, but I'm way more excited for Eclipse and BD! I don't know if I will be able to take all the Jacob/Werewolf crap in the middle of NM.
I will be glad for all the extra bathroom breaks I'll get to take in the middle of the movie, though :)
I've reviewed Suz's "perfect man's features" (flawless sounds good to me speaking about our boy) and rewriten them from my point of view:
occupation/education not limited to artists but a must is "inellectual meaning reading and having something interesting tosay if asked"
Sideburns - works for me, nice
British (an anglophile since birth)- oh, yeah ...
Literate - reads books and not only easy-readers ? de-fi-ni-te-ly !!
Tall/Lean - oh, yeah ...
Funny - witty ? and be able to make up a joke connected with culture (books, films etc)
great voice - a must !
must have great head of hair (fingers in hair are a must when snogging)- yeah, but CAN wash or groom it :D
eyes - they are said to be "windows of soul"
sensitive behind the guard (not weak or hysterical), but able to be the support for a woman
and not at all mucho type !
able to listen, able to ask,
hmmm ... I know - we all want to posess what doesn't exist
I'm going back to watch His Majesty on The Banner
damn - forget HANDS !
dazzled I was :)))))))
where are my grammar-spelling skills ? dazzled, I say ....
I'm a teacher too!!
Winwin- My sentiments exactly...plus I've already talked about the same thing in my other comment the other day. WE ARE NOT STALKERS!!!!
I'm not a teacher either.Really I think Rob is just something that fulfills our fantasies about what we feel the perfect guy is. Truthfully he does have a lot of great qualities that would satisfy any woman's taste. Also it doesn't hurt that he has that smooth, sexy, low tone at times British accent....really I've always had a thing for British guys. I love Masterpiece Theater on PBS and once and a while there's a hot Brit, the British comedies, of course the many movies, and tv shows over the years that have included a hot British guy.
Oh and one last thing is I've loved Rob way back when he did Vanity Fair. I saw the DVD and thought he had such presence. He was mesmerizing in those last scenes with Reese Witherspoon.I remember even praying that he would be in more movies. So I guess my pray worked....LOL :P
Dang it, I wished I prayed that I could have had him to. Well I was being unselfish and putting his (Rob) needs first.... the one time. Why LORD why ME??????????????????
I have to disagree here - I am NOT excited about Breaking Dawn, and I hope Rob doesn't do it! For all that I loved Twilight, I thought BD was crappy. Plus the longer Rob stays with the franchise, the more difficult it will be to do other movies and avoid being seen as 'that Twilight guy'. Rob would be better off leaving it at Eclipse, and moving on to other projects. Just my opinion!
Laura~I agree with you. The thought of Eclipse and BD movies makes me want to "SQUEE" like a fangirl. Srsly tho, I don't know how I am going to handle less Edward in NM. Hopefully Jacob/Taylor can capture my attention...that is, if the whiteness of his teeth doesn't blind me!
Sorry, that was for Laura - I obviously agree with all the Rob lovin' :)))
LittleBear-who do you think should play Edward in BD then? Do you think they could honestly find someone to replace Rob? I don't think so. BD is important to the ENTIRE franchise. How can viewers not see Bella turned in to a vampire? How can they not see what happens with Jacob...with Edward...with the enitre series?? Do explain...
I dunno, I was kind of thinking they should not do BD at all... Twilight was originally more of a trilogy anyway (I think?). Obviously that's very selfish of me - I'd rather see Rob do something good, even if it disappoints all the Twilight fans ;)
Margot! You had me cracking UP!! Love iT!
Ellie, Little Bear, Tenneil, Winwin, and lots of Anons - HELLO EVERYBODY!!
Suz~ the list is spot on!!! But also hands, EYES... why did you have to go and remind me?? Me thinks I need a cold shower now.
Wow Christina~ I agree 100%
oh, and I'm in education as well.
Crazy, you teach??
I'm so lucky NOT to have any zygota-future-Rob-replacement in my class, not only that he is irreplaceble (ir- ?)... it would be a total disaster :D
I have always thought that Johnny Depp (haven't been obsessed, just liked a lot) can't be replaced by anybody
or Sean Connery ...
I agree with a couple of you who said "I never saw Edward/Bella/Jacob as a love triangle." I didn't see it either. I think she loved Jacob and would have settled for him... for his happiness, but Edward was always the one for Bella.
Hi again ladies,
I'm so anxious about seeing him on TV Saturday. I'm so missing him.
Godze, can we recycle some more eye candy. Yummy eye candy!!!
Quiet day in the office. Rereading Midnight sun.
Agree, didn't see it as a triangle. I just thought Jacob was delusional and Bella felt guilty. That kiss was ridiculous in Eclipse.
Ellie~ I work with Autistic kids, one-on-one, in inclusion.
I thought the kiss in Eclipse didn't make sense at all. hated it.
Hi Bootstrap!!! Winwin!
I am sooooo looking forward to Saturday night!!! More so than my teenager. There must be something wrong with HER ;)
Margot - like J. Depp too; not obsessed. Sean Connery is cool.
Love when they do him on Jeopardy on SNL!!I can just picture him being like that.
Hi crazy, How's your day going???
How's all my ladies?
I was just thinking that I hope Rob does this new movie. I read that it's set in NY. Maybe then NY can get some of his love. I hope he can get some privacy here. We NYers are oblivious. He can surely go incognito here.
I love Depp too. And Keanu, although I think Rob has more talent.
Keanu ... definetely yes
Remember that poll like 10 sexiest men alive or something ? There were Depp, Keanu, Pitt, Jackman ... and Rob as the only one under - I don't know - 30 ? Interesting
Hi Winwin :)
I'm pooped today. The late night blogging is starting to get to me. It's just that I so enjoy hanging out with you guys; it's so funny!
Your day??
I love Hugh Jackman even more now since his brilliant Oscar hosting. And he's a schmexy Aussie! American guys are boring.
I didn't even marry an American. imo!
Hey Robsessers! AJ found this quiz a while ago. Take the quiz to find out how obsessed you are...
Pathological or NO?
CWS builds self esteem?
My favorite topic - B/J/E Triangle, or no? B did love J and he was always there for her.
Laura - UGH the heartfail was horrible. Would have been a different experience if I hadn't come to the series so late with two more books to read w/E in them.
dazzled I was :))))))) - Margot, Rob brings out the Gollum in all of us
Hi, girls!
I am not a teacher (yet), I am in grad-school (history). But...
"Come here, Robbie, Robbie, come here... Robbie..."
And I could read some bedtime dirties for him too... Gladly!!!
Why so many women on the blog in education? I think because it is a top profession for females, educators like to express themselves and they are likely to be exposed a bit more to younger trends because of their students. I noticed a few media people, too. By the way, I'm a journalist/editor who has a masters in adult ed.
Bootstrap~I agree with you about the supposed triangle. To me Jake is just a brother figure that got out of hand and that kiss was way silly. It was always Edward for Bella.
Margot, Win~I like Keanu, too, though his talent is much lighter than Rob's. My DH is a Keanu type (European and Asian). Keanu was great in "The Lake House."
Crazy~What do you mean by "I didn't even marry an American."????????
About Bella and Edward not completely coming back together in "New Moon"...
I think Rob is referring to the fact that they are still negotiating about her becoming a vampire or not. Souls and immortality...
Hey Twiheart~ Yowza!~ "Let Your Light Shine" (FF) is um, "lemony"? I'm loving it! Thx for the suggestion.
Hi Sophia~ feeling your usual self, I see? Is your B'day tomorrow?
Hi, Crazy! Yes! I will be officially older than Rob. He likes older women, you know...
About the Little Ashes vid with Rob's ass (that you asked someone else), I will check on that and tell you. Yes, it is his ass, briefly.
Have to go. BF is almost here (I am with him on the phone AND Robsessing. Poor BF, sometimes I EVEN feel guilty). I will tell you later about his new haircut. He surprised me! He cut his hair (it is a gorgeous dark blonde hair) and now it is just like Rob's back in january (not to short, not Edward's yet). Now, I can't stop grabbing him... See you later!!!
Wait, wait. LA video w/ Rob's ass??? LINK PLEASE!! :) :)
Hi Chicago~ I just meant that my DH is not an American citizen. He's an Italian citizen, working on his American citizenship though. Hope I didn't offend anyone about American men. I have loved a few over the years. I'm just being silly, as usual ;)
How the hell are ya?
TwiHeart :)))))))))))))))))
I officialy announce that with "Rob brings out the Gollum in all of us" you won my heart today (second to Rob - I'm totally rolling on the floor and even considering reading this to my husband, ROFTL, definetely feel gollumly
Sophia ~ but WHERE on the vid is his ass? So you are "familiar" with his ass?
Have a good time with the BF~
oh god... I'm terrible ... can anyone of you give me one more time any links to well written ff ? I got it somewhere on the blog in the afternoon but forgot where since I'm today here for a long time ... they gone somewhere :((( Not "Sub" or "Dom". Would be grateful ... It's 23:28 here it's time to read, Robobsess and go to dream
Hello Crazy....so is your DH Northern or Southern Italian? One of my friends is Northern Italian and has red hair and blue eyes! I'm sure your DH is dreamy...
I'm so-so by the way. Hope you're OK.
Hello Crazy....so is your DH Northern or Southern Italian? One of my friends is Northern Italian and has red hair and blue eyes! I'm sure your DH is dreamy...
I'm so-so by the way. Hope you're OK.
Hey Margot, the ones I suggested were from McVampy, and Wide Awake :)
Margot - I don't know what kind you may be into. "Mature"? Wide Awake is excellent. I have a few others I like, but I'm a very horny gal. Be more specific please :)
Hi Chicago - Wow! Red hair! My DH is Sicilian actually. He has light brown curly hair and blue eyes, fairish skin but tans nicely ;)
" so-so"? wassup?
I like Apples and Oranges:
that's one...
Frenemies by McVampy is very popular with the gals here ;)
Ok, thanks.
More specific ... Sub and Dom were both nice - sexy, not vulgar to me, emotional, about love, and well written (can't stop being a teacher while reading, I'm sorrY). Vampires or humans doesn't matter to me. I've started "Frenemies" and it's also nice to read. Thats as to describe preferences. Thanks LittleBear, again ... I'll make me another tea and start reading and sailing away from reality - same to you and good night
I like Black and White alot. Keep in mind many of these are not finished. We wait for "updates" to the stories.
MARGOT ***********************~ Wide Awake: (really well written; not yet finished, but get started)
~Going out Ladies~ will chat later I'm sure. :)
C-ya Crazy!
Wide Awake owns me right now..
it's brilliant.
I'm looking forward to seeing NM, but I think I'm looking forward to the most is the possibility of hearing more music from Rob.
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