According to RobPattzNews Rob was spotted at the Juno Fest in Vancouver. The boy sure loves his music...
No pictures yet but maybe they'll surface tomorrow. Fingers and toes crossed? Yep, they are :)
Update: Pattinson Online reports he really was there.
Oooh I have been having severe withdrawls from not seeing any new pics/vids of Rob! I am hoping to see some gorgeous piccys soon! ;)
Way to go Rob. Skip the NKCA and go to a cool music festival instead!
Btw. will Rob do any promo for How to Be? I had hoped he'd be at the festival screening in LA this weekend but since he stayed in Vancouver...
Smart move, Rob. I'll be much happier with candids than I would have with you getting slimed on the Nick awards set. :D Pleased.
I hope he found some good bands that he can tell the world about so that they get some instant fame. lol
Yes!!! So happy to hear he is getting his music fix!
It's the one thing I could never live without!
Music = Good Soul Food
I'll be waiting patiently for the new pics! God, I need a Rob fix!Would L2G to Vancouver and stalk him? Just kidding! Not!
Hoping for "How To Be" promo! Thanks, Goz.
Pics or something please! Its been two weeks since the last time was saw new pics of him..what happen to him? One week its like a never ending pics of him walking around, posing with fans or a bar. Now its literally nothing at all. No news or anything! jeeze is he really even in Vancouver? Thats what lainey said, but i dont believe her horse shit. Someone confirm please?
Good morning girls!
Suz~ where did you go last night?!! You didn't even say g'bye :( we missed you.
Smitten~ Tom was on the "vote" thread at 2:12 am. Just looking out for my girl....
@Crazy, sorry girl.. I got wrapped up in the last two chapters of W.A. and then started watching S.N.L. and those FUCKIN' Blowness Bros were on ...(I could NOT escape their shiteousness last night) I nearly threw a shoe at the telly.....
But Alec Baldwin was hilarious...
then I fell asleep..
sorry kitten.
We will play again, soon.
P.S. I am lost without W.A. where do I go from here?
honestly, if i was Rob I would much rather go to a music festival too=P
My dream is to one day take off an entire year and go to all the music festivals..
SxSW - Austin
Coachella - CA
Chicago's Blue Fest
New Orleans Jazz & Heritage Fest
SummerFest - WI
Glasonbury International Fest - UK
Monterey Jazz Fest - CA
etc. etc. etc.
Suz~ o..k..... ;)
The Bros were on SNL?? i thought SNL was way better thna that. I still can't get over the fact that they received a Grammy nom.
I am missing WA big time myself. It's brilliant. I've been getting myself all hot and bothered reading Let Your Light Shine. Ooh it's lemony fresh!!!
Good morning ladies and Gents!!!
I'm really happy for Rob. He's finally having some fun. Probably he went with Sam Bradley at the festival. Friends and music fix...perfect!!!!
damn i was supposed to fly up there for juno but got my vacation mixed up. oh well. atleast we have pyrate fest here this week. so far so good. :) of course in nawlens we find a penny and have a music fest. come on down rob and let's go bar hopping. we could care less about celebs.
crazy :))) hi, darling (let's go British, let's pracitise, just in case ...)
what is all that "lemon" stuff ? I don't get it :(
Reading (ff) on screen makes my eyes red ... I'm considering printing ...
Hi Margot!
I'd love to practice "british" but I'd be sure to make an "oss" out of myself.
Oh I love how he says "book" (as the oo sounds in "cool") and "world" (wuhld). Makes me breathe funny ;)
I just learned myself that FF refers to "sex stories" as lemons. I think it was Twiheart that gave me this helpful link:
Try reading the stories on Twilighted. It's white on black!!
Anon~I posted my report on the LA premiere of "How to Be" which DH and I went to last night on the No Rob at KCA thread.
No Rob in person but he was in nearly every scene of the film. It was a screener copy which would flash up on the screen (right in the middle of the picture) during the film for about 10 seconds. This happened several times. Very annoying. And the Director Oliver blew off his talk afterwards! This was THE feature of the Burbank International FIlm Festival, too. At $50. for both of us, I expected more.
Still, seeing Rob was fulfilling!
Gee, I'd like to see some photos and how Rob's hair is growing out...I'm sure they'll turn up...
Why am I so happy knowing where he was (maybe was) AND that he wasn't at the KCA? Yes, pics would be lovely : )
Good morning, everyone!
Chicago girl, me too, me too!!!
I hate the papzz, they bother Rob too much, but their pics make me sooooo happy! I want to see news pics of him. I need that!!
Hey, Rob, lover, your faithful Robsessors are waiting to see your gorgeous face and hair, and, all right, and everything else again.
Crazy, good morning. I read last night´s comments and you were there... and now you are here again... Did you get any sleep at all?
I read Tom´s note to Smitten too around 2 a.m. Soooo beautiful. He seems to be a nice guy...
Danni! Como está indo de fim de semana? E os trabalhos da faculdade, adiantou bastante? Vc se forma este ano? Aqui está um dia ensolarado e super-quente, felizmente, pois ontem choveu bastante. Vou ver se me animo para um longo passeio de bike, preciso levar meu cachorro para fazer exercício... ele está meio gordo...
Crazy ~
You're a jewel! Thanks!
And you think I stay up late??? You pulled a "Smitten" last night, didn't you. LOL. Ya'll had fun and it was a great 'read'.
I've gotta go into work again ... yeah, I know, it's Sunday and I hate it too, but it can't wait. I probably won't be back for a few hours. Ugh! *sniff* Can't write my Sweetheart until later. Hopefully, he'll check back before going to bed. I miss him.
While I love to see Rob, I'm soo glad he was doing something he enjoyed rather than being mortified that he had to get slimed. One fellow shy person to the other. I'd go for the music too. Besides Taylor Loutner got to get some time in the lime lite, in Rob's place. He's just sharing the love.Smart guy.
It also says on that website that Rob is in London!! What???!!! For the Empire Awards? What???
I would have spent all day on the red carpet for that shiz, I wish I had known!!!
SummerGirl in London, wishuing she were at the Grosvenor Sq Hotel
Chicago~ yeah, disappointments all around I see. Still jealous you got to "see" HHH.
Sophia and Smitten~ well i got about 4 hours, but at least I found the time to "be" with the dh, believe it or not. Wine, Rob, blogging, this site, does it to me all the time!
I am completely addicted here. I interrupt my daily life to check in here, if I'm home. When will this calm down for me?!
Glad you enjoyed our silly comments? I do lay it on thick sometimes, but it's so much fun!
Anonymous said...
It also says on that website that Rob is in London!! What???!!! For the Empire Awards? What???
I looked online at Empire. It said the awards are on march 29 (today). I don't know if it's possible for him to fly over today. The time zone is way ahead of vancouver.
what website said that, that is the question...
I actually made a calculation. Say Rob left via private plane at 2AM last night it would be 10AM London time! 7 hour flight time would bring it to 5PM. I HIGHLY doubt he is in London!
Relieved much?
The link on thisn article takes you to
And that is where is suggests he may be here.
But in reality, who knows ehern he may next be here?
SummerGirlLondon :)
Sorry - typed too fast......
SG in London x
Anon~ that site said they were "pretty sure" was was going to be in London.
Honestly, I am actually a bit disappointed in Rob. This was for the kids - I'm sure there were a lot of young girls that were sad and also disappointed that Rob didn't show.
It was very thoughtful and responsible of Taylor to show up and accept the award. He was gracious and adorable. The look on the girls in the audience was priceless. Good job Taylor!
crazy, hon - thnx for wiki link... it's really interesting
and for the other one (Black and White) I'll try
Oh please, Rob attended all off the previous events, so he skipped one.
Plus Taylor is closer to the kids' ages so he was a better choice :)
No offense intended, just stating my own opinion. =) Sure, he has every right to miss one event. My concern stems from the disappointment & sadness that some of the girls must have gone through to realize Rob wasn't appearing.
Well, that and perhaps my own disappointment that I couldn't see him get slimed lol. Seeing him slimed, with an adorable smile on his face...priceless!
I am so glad Rob wasnt there… just watched Taylor accept the award and those screaming brats..ugh i don't like children! =D
If they screamed that much for Taylor than OMG if it was Rob out there, the whole place would’ve shaken like an earthquake. I dont even wanna imagine. =D
Goz~ Good point about Taylor being closer to the kids age. Did you see how young they were? Those kids would not appreciate Rob for Rob anyway. I'm now so glad he didn't go.
Oi Sophia!
Tudo bem?
Me formo final do ano que vem. Fiz um ano e meio de direito antes de começar Relações Públicas, então estou meio atrasada.
Eu fui levar minha cachorra pra passear tbm , é uma cocker spaniel preta, loka q nem a dona!!!
E o seu que cachorrinho como que é?
Danni, hello!!!
O meu "cachorrinho" é imenso. É um golden retriever muito carinhoso e obediente. Só tem tamanho. Ele é tão fofo que todos o mimam demais e ele acaba ganhando muitas gulodices, além da ração. Está meio gordinho, o veterinário o colocou "de regime" X exercícios. Coitado, ele não está entendendo nada, não entende pq não pode mais comer toda a pizza que sobre nos sábados à noite (mas, cá entre nós, eu dou um pedacinho, não agüento a carinha dele...).
Bom resto de domingo para vc.
è eles fazem aquela carinha de pidão neh!!!
Bom domingo pra vc tbm!!!
FYI - the JUNO's are Canada's Grammy awards. Junofest is the lead up party. I would not be surprised if Rob showed up at the awards tonight!
Yes, i need my daily fix of Rob, I got in this website and its great, my first time. Youre site is even up to date. Im happy to be here.
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