According to LA Times Dish Rag Rob will not be attending Kids' Choice Awards that will take place tomorrow night nor will he have a satellite feed/video taped segment because he is busy filming New Moon in Vancouver.
The KCA home page STILL has Rob's picture. Inquiring minds want to know what the heck is going on! I'll try to update you guys tomorrow so that you don't sit through 2 hours watching Jonas Brothers and Miley Cyrus in vain.
Thanks to RobPattzNews for the update.
ooohhhh nooooooo!
oh i kinda hope this is true.
while part of me would love to see sir sexiness, I'd rather spare him the screaming fan girls...
he is in hybernation, edward-prep mode... where he belongs -- for now
I can't say that I'm really surprised? A Kids Choice Awards Show does NOT seem like Rob's scene. Since, Twilight, the book series is up for an award, it makes more sense to have Stephenie Meyer there, since it's her creation. Personally, I'm glad. Maybe it will help chill out the whole 'teenybopper' thing...
I feel for this guy... normally with other celebrities I just think, they want to be famous thats the price!!! But not with him... I actually feel for him...
ok whatever (winks)
I want to see him on this show because it caters to kids, and the actors always goof off and do outrageous things. Also, the kids (girls AND boys)scream at ALL the presenters, but shut up before they speak. I think it's very controlled. Still crossing my fingers. xoxoxoxo
crazy you are just a greedy hot mess!
(don't eva change)
Does this mean I get my Saturday night back? Like, I can go out like an adult? Woohoo!
Whatever, like I wasn't home last Saturday night, waiting for updates from Goz, reading FF....
Hey Gozde, speaking of Jonas...look who's trying to be Rob:
oh my god ... he is insane - that's not even an inspiration - that's a copy of the genuine Rob ...
I meant Jonas of course
Okay, THAT is disturbing, Lilly.
That's totally Rob's look. Even the hat is Rob! :X
he just needs the shiteous nikes
Suz- guilty as charged!!!
Bootstrap and Thirtysomething~
WHERE have you girls been? you left me high and dry! Rob wouldn't do that to me (winks in the most obvious fashion)
I was wondering how is was going to work out for Rob's creativity of capturing Edward for the film. Edward is depressed there is no way he'd be at the NKCA! I did want to see him get slimmed though. LOL.
I'm on the fence about if I want to see him get slimed. It would be so funny to see how he handles it. On the other hand, it would totally cover up all his hotness! boo hoo.
I hope this is true too. He doesn't need to encourage the typecast of a teen idol...
Once he's well established, then no problem.
please noooo.
I was looking forward to this all week. say it isn't so.
Hi Winwin! me too! All hot and bothered to see HHH, and maybe no HHH?
I better warn my DH. It's gonna be a long night! ;)
ok ok i was just being selfish. I guess it's more important to work out and work on new moon. He better make up for it in interviews for little ashes.
does anyone have the little ashes promo blitz site?
Good! Nick can kiss my ***, now they can't make ratings off of him woo-hoo!! =D
hi crazy, f this news is true. I'm going to have to have another twilight dvd marathon and hook myself up with some ff. or we can hang here and miss rob together. deal?
Well, considering the Kids' Choice Awards are for the grade school set, I am not surprised that Rob would bow out and run. Most adults that appear are parents themselves or are directly nominated for an award.
I have mixed feelings. Selfishly, I was looking forward to seeing him. Thinking of him, I like him being left alone to do whatever he wants to do. I'm torn. :) Ok, I hope this is true.
Hey Winwin~
We'll do both! I'll be back and forth between FanFic and here for tonight.
I have sat here all night and watched "Twilight" again. I have problems....Kids' Choice awards-bad timing for Rob! Needing a Rob fix badly though!
I'm little upset about this news for selfish reasons, of course. I know it's good for Rob to not be there and concentrate on being Edward, but I was really looking forward to seeing him tomorrow night.
Hi Crazy!!! *big wave*
Oh well!!!
Hi Bootstrap! just finished another chapter of A&O. oh that Tieguy!
you been busy?
ok crazy will catch you later.
going to put my boys to sleep fisrt. better chnage my a=daughters diapers being she wents her bed. later ladies. miss you guys already!
sorry for the typos. i was trying to type so fast.
boys to bed
girl diaper change
later : )
Crazy: I'm a little bummed that I (we) won't be seeing Rob tomorrow night (but glad that I don't have to sit through the KCA). Other than that I'm doing good! I am just about to finish reading Frenemies. I haven't read A&O yet, that's next.
As much as I would love to see Rob...it just builds the demand and the mystery of New Moon.
Poor Rob has been through such exposure and hell with Twilight.
Staying to to "Edward" form in New Moon.... Rob is distancing himself. He is a consummate actor whose talent is going to continue to expand and grow. I don't think he needs to do this appearance.
Personally, I think its a smart decision on the half of his management staff and Rob himself!
Leave us wanting more...build the hysteria...and you have box office gold come May and November!!!
Hey ladies...had to switch out of the Nina/Robert posting because the gals over there are talking themselves into Rob having some kind of hidden girlfriend that he misses.
Honestly, I forgot he was going to be on the Kid's Choice deal (bad, bad Robsessed fan!). What's going on over here?
Winwin ~ see ya later!
Bootstrap~ I'm kind of embarrassed to say I'm more than bummed! I need a Rob fix, especially with all the talk about him in Little Ashes!!! Did you hear Hannah's review??!!!
Hi KK! Hi Crazy! What's happening ladies? Y'all doing okay this evening?
Hi Jewels! That's what kills me about Little Ashes. It's hardly playing anywhere! Why? what good is that? so frustrating, because I probably won't get to see it.
Jewels - Just got back into town after two days on the road with work.
Did you gals read that the Boston Phoenix voted Rob as the 100th unsexiest man alive? That cracked me up!
I hear ya girl...I keep waiting to hear word when it's coming to Houston...we have a fantastic art and gay scene in HTown....
This film so needs to be here and soon!!!
Crazy - If Twilight wouldn't have been so big, I don't think any of us would be seeing "Little Ashes."
Hey Jules, Crazy, BI!!! everyone else...how are we doing!!
KK~ that kind of talk irritates and bores me. ugh! it's all speculation. Rob is most likely not appearing on Sat. I am in mourning. I bought the chips and guacamole, and the ingreds for margaritas!! AND my kid will be at a sleepover. Plan B: DH. If he knew he was Plan B!!!
Tenneil! Long time no chat BABY!!!
How are ya girl?
C~ lol..poor dh..
Crazy - You better still enjoy those margaritas for all of us!
Lots of crackheads in Boston?
Crazy...as long as the "B" in Plan B doesn't stand for "boring", it's all good....
Just stare at GQ pix and jump DH's bones!!!! It's pure win for him!!!
Hey Jules... I know I hate real life total rob buzz kill...oh and my dd puking didnt help either...missed you guys...*grins*
Hey has any one heard Lady gagas lovegame song...thought of the robkats right away??
hey maybe that's why Rob said, on the set of Twilight, to MTV, "I'm just...gay"! To which we all responded, as Jewels goes, "WHHHHAAATTTTTT?" yeah right.
Hi tenneil!!!! Another Friday night and I ain't got no Robbie!!
will pe do for later???
T~ oh he won't moaning about it. On second thought...
Oh here I go again!
Crazy: No, I haven't read Hannah's review of Little Ashes yet -this is the first time all day that I have had anytime to be on here. I hope they show LA in your area!!! It'll be showing fairly close to me which is good... I'm very much looking forward to seeing it.
check it out ladies!!!
"Little Ashes" is coming to Minneapolis and so is "How To Be." We tend to get all the extremely limited-release movies here.
Hey girls!! Just got back from having a couple too many drinks at the O'Club and thought I'd pop in for a moment.
What's new my lovelies??
J~ yup. some GQ, with a sprinkling of FF, a couple margaritas, and we're good to go ;)
If i didn't have the DH, the plan would be the same, just add batteries LOL!!!!!
Hey, Good evening, ladies!
hugs to you, Jules!
T~ "my poker face?"" no? we sure missed you.
C~ have you been sneaking the margaritas early??
Sorry...had to pop off for a second... I have two boys who can't seem to cross a room without punching one another....
Crazy! Repeat after me: Must by Duracell Stock!!!
Tenneil - Thanks for the link. Now I want to go clubbing! :)
C~ not its lovegame...check it out!!
Ellie...what up girl!! *waves*
Karla ~ hello
T~ PE is a little "uncomfortable" as he is still in his package. So he's effin useless right now, frankly. he's coming out of that thing next time. Did I just say...? (hee hee)
ELLIE BEAN!!!! {{{{hugs}}}}}
I <3 YOU BABY! How was your day?
KK thats it??? you dont want to ride anything??
Bootstrap - lucky stiff! Go read Hannah's review and come right back!!!! we need to discuss.
Tenneil - Oh my...let me think what I'd like to ride...
Hey Tenneil, Ellie, Jules, and everyone!
I still need to do a PE photo shoot. DH has some ideas (God help me!). LOL!
Ooooohh! Just refreshed to type my comment and I ended up on the magic number of "69"!!!
Karla~ the dh??? nice a threesome??
T~ I can't really hear her well. The jist?
KK I literally laughed out loud people were staring at me... all goes back to Rob!!!
Ugh, gotta run for a bit. My son wants me to read his bedtime stories to him tonight. Should I break out Twilight?? ;)
Hi Ellie!
A threesome with PE...sounds like someone should write some ff about this...
T~ No, I'm on a natural high!!
Jules ~ quick take advantage of it.... where is rob...buy a ticket quick!!its a sign..
Tenneil - All roads and happy trails lead right to Rob.
love it.
Oh, Jules, I feel that you are my personal "Eddie", calling me Ellie Bean! *wink I ♥ you too, you KNOW that!
My day was okay. Big doings in the family tonight, though. Happy place... :)
Hi, Karla, Tenneil, crazy, and BI!
Tenneil...I always liked "68"...
You do me and I'll owe you one...
Hi, Ellie!
KK~ got that right...well all the good roads anyway...
C~ natural high...sure sure!! LOL
69 - check.
Hello ladies...
Ellie Bean is my private nickname for you...
To the world you are Crazy Bizitch!
All the roads, especially the dirty...I mean dirt roads, lead to Rob.
Hi, Dana!
Dana...HI SWEETHEART!!! {{{hugs}}}
who said Happy Trails?!! Rob's Happy Trails are my favorite.
Rock Lobster! Going down, down...
Hi- Jules, Ellie, KK, Tenniel, crazy and anyone else I am forgetting.
Jules~ fill me in "68"???
KK ~ AHH I forget the dirty roads...good call
Hey Dana!!
Hi, Dana!!!!! ♥♥♥
Jules, I like the nickname. Both of them, actually, but especially yours for me. :)
hi Dana!
I did Tenneil!!!
68: You eat me and I owe you one!!!
Jules- whatcha drinking tonight?
Jules ~ sorry alittle slow...oh my ..you have left me speechless!!LOL
68 - that's fair enough. ;)
68 - I owe you one...HILARIOUS
oh God she said it! I'm done for now!!!
AWWW....Dana...you caught me...
Dirrrty Martini's with extra olive juice and a swish of Rob's dandruff to make it extra special!
Where's BI? watching the Little Ashes clip and Hannahs review, now stuck to her chair, so she'll be a little late ;)
LOL Jules. Just a swish? Kind of like when you decorate a plate with powdered sugar?
Jules, which ff had 68??? Can't remember. Can't keep them all straight.
Hey girls...I'm reading "Let Your Light Shine." Why is it that Edward is so concerned about transferring venom to Bella through kissing but allows her to swallow when he, you know, COMES? Yep, I said it.
Yeah...I'd have him stick his "swizzle stick" in...but I'd grab that sucker before it hit the glass....
Tenneil - no Rob tomorrow night:( That's how all this started...
Ellie...68 is an old joke that I knew from my bartending days way back in the dinosaur days....
However...McV did write a similar joke for the authors of "The Office" in their AN's.....
I know...sad I wont see him but not that he doesnt have to endure the show...and neither do I
KK~ good question. But I love that FF!!!! soooo steamy! I wish I had an Alice to buy me 12 different sex outfits for my honeymoon.
Crazy - I love it too. They're doing it like bunny rabbits in that one!
T~ true, in that it would have been an awkward show to do, i think.
Is that the best kind of honeymoon or what? Holy crap! And the guy NEVER tires!
Jules- how is your writing coming along?
okay I am reading "let you ligth shine now" thanks guys..
T~ be prepared. Jewels - what have you written?? I want to read fo sho!!!!
C~ lots of lemons???
Tenneil - The story is basically one BIG lemon.
Crazy...I'm in process of writing a fan fiction called "Utter Darkness" which is post Breaking Dawn.
You can do an author search on FanFiction.net for Jewels64 and it will pull up my stories. There is "Utter Darkness" and some lemony one shots that I have written....
Tenneil has read them....
Kids are all in dreamland.
What;s going on here. I see you ladies are at it again.
kk, sorry killed your buzz in the other blog. I l'ii have to catch up on my fanfics. I can't leep up. How many are you crazy gals reading at one time? Are they all on the same site?
Jewels - I'm going to check out your stories, too.
WinWin - No worries! I know we all want Rob to ourselves :) I'm currently reading 35 fanfics. It's a wonder I get anything done, ever.
T~ it's all about the lemons, juicy, juicy lemons. (sighs)
Crazy: Just read Hannah's review... I'm looking forward to seeing the movie!!!
Jules ~ story rocks you guys...check it out!!
can someone hook me up with let you light shine??
Thanks KK! I need all the help I can get! And reviews...I'm a review whore fo sho.....
I've pissed off a lot of people with what I've done with Edward...but be patient...his redemption is comining...
Tenneil!!! I so <3 you!!!
Thanks BABE!!!
Great Jewels Re: FF. Not to self - get started on those!!!!
I lost count of what I'm reading. Too much! Besides, I also have to find the time for the real thing!!! Hello??!
wow 35. I've been missing out. I'm still trying to catch up to my first one. my productivity at work is shot. my house was much cleaner before robsession hit. I have a bday party to plan for my son next week too.
T - "Love Game" should be our theme song here from now on. She's really cool. I was surprised that she is just as good live.
crazy, save me some guac and margaritas.
Jules you said coming...oh yeah let the games begin!!
Jewels - I love when people f*ck with Edward's character. Those are the best stories!
Ladies- I'm gonna take off. I just wanted to stop by and say hello. Gonna pop in a movie. Nite.
BI! right?! Oh I will obsess over that one until WHEN??!!!
I have to see his performance here. It seems fantastic!
(plus i wanna see him naked)
Tenneil - Hey, I said COME several posts back. Don't I get any love?
Dana.. have a good night...any movie we know??? Twilight???
nitey nite
and, yes. It's in my favorites now ;) (Utter darkness)
Tenneil, here you go:
KK and crazy,~ Jules is an awesome writer. You will love Utter Darkness! Very compelling and Lost Edward is sexy as hell!
Hey Loves! I'm popping off too! Putting the kidz to bed and gonna watch "Milk"....
I still love Sean Penn....
Olive Juice Babes!!!
I check ya later!
XOXO! Jules
Good night, Dana~~Olive juice, babe. xoxo
KK I am sooo sorry...lets get started on that disco stick shall we??
And Olive juice to you, too, my Jules...♥♥
Let Your Light Shine
i don't think the Twilight series should be up for an award for the Kid's choice award. Kids shouldn't be reading those books - teens yes, but kids? Hale no.
That said,my own daughter (she's 8 1/2) voted for the Diary of a Wimpy Kid series.
I'm sort of glad he won't be at the KCA. Seems beneath him actually.
nite Jules!!!
Ellie much love to you my ff dealer!!
Nite Dana!
and Twiheart told me about Let Your Light Shine.
"Get your hands Up" to KK and Jewels for "coming" LOL!
Hey you awesome ladies - I have to go as well. It's one of my best bud's birthday tomorrow and I'm baking him something special.
Check in with you tomorrow!
Ellie - ooohhh. sounds gooood. My house will be as filthy as I am (in my head, that is)._
BYE Jewels!
Crazy - Hopefully I'll "come again" for Rob on Robsessed tomorrow. HAHAHA
I'm getting off too. Did I just say that?
I have sooo much FF to catch up on!
Great chatting with you girls!
'til next time :)
Tenneil, you're so very welcome!
I'm off too, girls...going to read YGMCTG. It's a good one.
THIS IS SOOOO DEPRESSING! DH & I are attending the LA premiere of "How to Be" with a chat with the director afterwards and we (haha I) was hoping perhaps Rob would stop by...
OHNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNooooooooooooooooo! ::(((((((
Nite Ellie, Crazy.... girls should really get going too... KK its been fun keep the DS handy!!
Nighty Nite
That totally sucks! yeah, i also wanted to see him there, but i agree with the 2nd post (Suz), i dont wanna see a bunch of fan girls screaming. they wont let us listen to his velvet voice(?) lol.
Has anyone seen this yet....It could be fan made....but it is YUMMY!http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://images.teamsugar.com/files/upl2/37/372867/11_2009/b58fc75f1ba0e54b_new_moon_poster.JPG&imgrefurl=http://teamsugar.com/group/2093186/blog/2908992&h=485&w=300&sz=16&tbnid=-S1jZQmliu8YAM::&tbnh=129&tbnw=80&prev=/images%3Fq%3D%2522new%2Bmoon%2Bposter%2522&hl=en&usg=__gVyj_3UyOuN1ex4HX3nka5LNQU8=&ei=Fp_NSdbQJ6HulQe-9JnnCQ&sa=X&oi=image_result&resnum=1&ct=image&cd=1
I have to comment under this post if for no other reason than that Damn pic of Edward...or Rob, whatever... Details, Details!
Good morning, Tom ... I miss you
Hey girls,and Hi Tom! have you all heard this one.I was just on this site and this lady was on Rob's Imbd and who's dated who board and it said that Rob has been seen with this mysterious brunette girl named Lana and that he has gotten her knocked up! And evidently he has been seen around with her lately? what do you think I don't think rob is that stupid however he is a guy no offence tom but if he was wasted he might not have been using anything. It could explain why he doesn't say he has a girlfriend but man I would not want to be that girl cuz half the female population would absolutely kill her!!
Hey,guys I was just on that who's dated who site and 2 different people said Rob was with this brunette named Elaina and she was 18 wks pregnant and they were engaged and one girl said she was very rude and he told her to calm down and this girl said it was just a week ago. and the other person thought it might have been his friend Tom's baby but he was going to marry her whatz up with this? more info why is it not on alot of the bigger sites very strange and they said she was very insecure
Hey guys got some more juice,on that who's dated who board there is like 4 or 5 people saying this chics name is Elaina Arora and she is his longtime girlfriend from england apparently she is a real bitch!one girl said she went up to him a few weeks ago and she got all bent out of shape and he was telling her to calm down and he was seen in vancouver last week waiting outside his hotel and was overheard saying he was waiting on E.And apparently she is tall light tanned brunette and apparently his pr people won't let them come out until after newmoon is released what do you think about that and she is about 18 weeks pregnant.This story sounds like it has some merit to it.several people with similar story and he has been seen making out with her too.makes sense that he has not been dating told someone I thought that was the reason man that girl if she is as bitchy as these people are saying fans will go bezerk over this one..
ok, just a question, why do you come in here and post the gossiup from another site about him having a pregant girl friend??? just wondering.what purpose does it serve?there are lots of ppl on the net trying to pull the s**t over ppl post crap left and right and then you go and help by sending it down the pipe.cant you just go with what he says in interviews.ok here comes the britney momnent...JUST LEAVE HIM ALONE... lol...ok i'm done with my rant.just tired of the crap.
Oh man! These rumors again? Please! This is how Annelysse rumors started. People would go and post on message boards. I should really start planting stories on sites about me and Rob maybe it'll get legs and he'll be interested to learn who I am.
Moral of the comment? BULLSHIT!
lol Gondze good idea!!!!
Wow Anon, that is quite the spelling of my name, LMAO :))
Sorry girls I didn't mean to offend anyone by it,but someone told me to check on it for them and apparently this was comfirmed to be the girl who was yelling at Rob in a bar in Los Angeles recently.By someone who knows them. I just am very disappointed in him,and I really loved the twilight books and movie but I guess it just makes me a little down and depressed that he his living 2 seperate lives and should come clean.He just can't lie very well.
Padme~ again, it's all bullshit.
Please understand that. We are Rob's fans and I believe most of us don't even want to hear the nonsense the gossip columnists or message boards are saying about him, let alone discuss the possibility of it being true. You are being sucked in and that's exactly what they want. Would you believe it if a "source" said that Rob was dating YOU?
We love and respect Rob. He's sweet and generous to his fans; is it fair to him to spread this crap around? Let's be kind and fair to a human being that may be affected by these rumors. How would you feel if there was talk about you sleeping around or being pregnant and it wasn't true?
I don't know how else to say it.
Just had to express my feelings. :)
Crazy,I appreciate you saying that and I want to believe that is true.This has to be the absolute worst rumor that is now being buzzed around on him and like Bella said in the movie all these rumors (my insert) are giving me backlash.The shower thing was bad enough but this one takes the cake and I don't understand the logic behind this one and why so many random people from vancouver,LA,New York with a similar story this will really make him look like a jerk..so sad
Sorry,i meant to say whiplash I can't even get the words out right.You just hate to think that you admired their work and down to earthness and being humble.Then to find out they weren't the person you thought they were.I am really going to just go by what Rob says and if he doesn't say it then it probably isn't true..
Good thinking Padme! Have great Robsessing day!! :)
Padme30, your game is up. I was just at Ted Casabalnca's on Eonline 'New Moon blind Item" and you are spreading this BULLSHIT over there. You have THREE long posts bashing Rob about his "secret pregnant gf" and how "stupid" he is and telling Ted to get on this, shit's going to hit the fan, that this will bring Rob down,etc. You should be completely ASHAMED of yourself. You're not a fan of Rob's at all.
Sorry Padme, I agree with Elle~ Please do whatever calms you (hot bath, hang with your pet, get some sunshine, meditate...) and stop spreading internet rumors!
This sort of behavior hurts our Rob. So if you actually care for him, you will step away from your computer and get a grip!
Padme, lay it off. To tell you the truth I wouldn't care if Rob knocked someone up.
Padme30 has now been called out by people at Ted's site as a Twatlighter member and is giving some sob story. Padme, please go back to your venomous site and leave Rob and his fans alone. The guy has enough crap to deal with in the media without people spreading even more hurtful rumors. Have some respect for the man.
rob cancels his appearance to the kids choice awards after he has to defend himself about his hygiene. i think those cruel comments hurt and embarrassed him. boycot ted c
Shut the fuck up fucking Padme! =)
i´d like to see on tv today but i completely understand his absence
he is preparing for edward and since ed is depressed he can´t be at parties
would be strange to go back to vancouver and prepared all over again
Hey Girls.
Just one question. Is it wrong of me that I feel totally amused by this story?
I actually stepped that low to read that crap on Eonline.
I dont think I laughed that hard in a long time. Robs baby!! *Snorts*
To the actual topic of him not attending the KCA. I have the impression thats a PR scam to make people all eager to tune in. In case he MIGHT be coming or not. Just a thought.
I don't think he canceled because of the stink reports. He's probably laughing about that. I would bet big money that he is preparing for his role right now by being a recluse. He's stated he would do that again for New Moon, so now would be the time.
oh my josh thank you soooo much for this website!!!! i checkit every day and i love robert pattinson 100000000000000000000 times...i hope you keep updating this
thanks maddie
people banned me from chat.. i dono why.. other people keep bothering me and i say shut up!! please undo my bann
your hepless sad friend,
maddie :(
please please :(
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