Robert Pattinson’s love affair with his old ride
When 22-year-old actor Robert Pattinson emerged as a big star last year for playing an alluring vampire in “Twilight,” he still drove an old beat-up BMW.
But he has now has leased a new car and moved on from his 20 year-old convertible BMW, whose dashboard had reportedly once caught fire while Pattinson was driving.
Pattinson said the old junker was towed recently and that he had good reason for moving on to another ride, despite the appeal of showing he was still a regular guy who happens to be a movie star.
“I was getting a bit scared that I was going to die in it, and thinking is the street cred value worth dying for? And I kind of decided it wasn’t,” he told Reuters.
Still, the old car appears to continue to attract Pattinson, who in “Twilight” plays a vampire in a star-crossed love affair.
“I miss it already so I think I might go back to that one,” the actor said of his old BMW.
Pattinson knows a thing or two about cars. Growing up in Britain, his father imported luxury cars for a living. Who knows if dad would be interested in a certain 1989 BMW?
For now, Pattinson has no need for his old car. Instead of driving around Los Angeles, he is in Vancouver readying himself for production of “New Moon”, the next movie in the “Twilight” franchise which Pattinson said could be more somber than the first.
Thanks to the awesome Rocio for the link :)
Since he could afford it, I wonder now if he could just have it repaired and prettied up? It looks pretty good. I think he just didn't maintain it. I'm sure a BMW mechanic could bring the car back mechanically.
When I first moved to LA, I was shocked at some of the classic cars on the road. I was used to seeing Midwestern salt rot where cars didn't last nearly so long. Here, the sun does a number on the paint...fades it down to the metal. Mechanically though, the cars here last much longer.
I'm glad to hear he'll probably get the old car back or find one just like it.
Is the street cred worth dying for? How adorable!
My very first car was the same 89' BMW and I gotta say, I loved that car too!
Does anyone know what kind of car he drives now?
Jen, Last I heard he was leasing an Audi convertible... sorry can't remember the model, but I'm sure someone on here does.
BI - That's what I thought at first but then I read an article saying that the Audi A4 convertible he was driving around (famous photos w/ Nikki) was a rental given to him by his agent after the B-mer died on him.
I could be wrong though...
Rhonda - that street cred comment was funny. Homie's hoopty was pimpin'.
Chica - he bought it used off another actor. It was in bad shape when he got it.
On the ride to the bar, he apologizes for the state of his car, a rattling 1989 black convertible BMW that he recently bought for $2,000. The roof is broken, the old dashboard that caught on fire while he was driving on the highway is chucked in the backseat with the rest of his junk, and he insists that the red flashing light on the new dash is nothing to be alarmed by. ''If I crash,'' he pleads with an impish grin, after nearly rear-ending a sleek Mercedes, ''don't mention it in the article, will you?''
Good evening, ladies!
Smitten, how are you? I have been working a lot, no time to post any comment, but I always check on the site (and read your comments). I might fall in love w/ you; you know that? You could keep me in the "right" trail... Sorry, just kidding... Am I, really?
Crazy, sorry. I don't think that you are a pedophile at all. Don't worry. "I know you better than that"... I've been ckecking on this site for months, and I always read your comments. Sometimes you are really sarcastic! I think that you are a very dirty Irish (am I right?) woman...
Have a good night, ladies...Robsess!
* TOM.
That car looks like it belongs to Rob. I hope he finds another ride to feel comfortable with. Driving in LA sucks. I would never be able to live there.
CHICAGO GIRL....he needs to get Jacob the mechanic on that!
there's that camilla again!
smitten and 'TOM' sitting in a tree
K I S S I N G ...
Twiheart~Thanks so much for the article...funny. Well, he can definitely afford a "frame-up" on the Beemer now.
Hey Tom~How's Portugal?
Lovin'~ You are sure right about driving here. I used to love driving but not since moving here. The freeways have no breakdown lanes on the sides so if something happens you're going to have a big accident! They turned them into additonal driving lanes because of crowding. INSANE. I make DH do any freeway driving now.
Gah, you'd think with his money he could have everything dangerous about it repaired :)
When I went to LA once it was scary driving on the freeway. I guess I should have been use to the traffic driving here in Dallas.
Anon- I just saw who Camilla is going out with now. He's a Spanish tennis player ranked top 10 in the world. I forgot his name but saw all the paps pictures of them together. He is a real man and really hot. No boy virgin.....
Seriously Shani - Wow. Good for CB!
Hahaha...The pic and the headline seems to suggest Camilla is an "old ride"!
Now let me read all your comments...brb.
You're still here :) I thought I ran you off ... I had a few sad moments from that one ... don't leave me again OK? I don't think I can stand it. Besides we already have something in common, right? ROBSESSING.
Suz, you are too hilarious! *giggle*
Bet you wouldn't mind KISSING a Portuguese hunk either!
Hey Tom~ long time no see! How in hell did you figure out I have Irish ancestry (I'm not in Ireland)?? clever boy. I'm not such a "dirty" girl, I just play one on Robsessed ;) I can't talk like this at home!! And sarcasm is my favorite. :)
Tom and Smitten are an item, everybody. Let's discuss. ;)
Twiheart- If you dare to go there look at Lainey site. She has the link to the pics. www.laineygossip.com
Don't you DARE 'discuss', Crazy!!! But I'm glad you were right ... he DID come back *smile*
Smitten ~ hee hee
But i don't exactly see you playing hard to get...
Sorry Tom, you owe her ;) (winks)
EVERYBODY: let's all discuss how Smitten should wait for an apology from Tom who left her to feel dumped even though he didn't dump her and he is a really cool guy after all.
(is this sarcasm, or just fresh?)(more sarcasm)
Luv ya babe! (winks as if she has something in her eye)
Crazy, don't you EVEN go there!
Poor Tom, he's gonna disappear again and this time it'll be all YOUR fault ;) ... seriously, he's a sensitive guy ... let's not drive him beserk until he asks for it. Then, he's ALL MINE!
Smitten~ I'm very sorry! LOL! I am actually cracking MYSELF up. I'm such a loser! LOL! My DH is looking at me like I've lost my mind.
Don't worry about Tom's feelings. He knows I'm just a dirty, sarcastic Irish girl.
Tom, seriously speaking, I am hardly ever serious. Did i just contradict myself?
Smitten - should I just shut up? :)
oh, and I'm not drinking right now.
And I know what to do with THAT! [having f**king convulsions]
Tom, I may just have to take you with me and Rob to my happy place :)
Crazy ~
You brought a smile back to my face ... I owe you big-time tonight! Thanks! *wink*
Smitten ~ are we playing Hide and Seek???!! I'm too tired!
and i'm just doin my job :)
and i have no idea wtf this means:
"And I know what to do with THAT! [having f**king convulsions]"
LOL *really hysterical laughter*
Crazy ~ I'm totally exhausted, too. That last quote was supposed to be a continuation of my post at 11:29 PM "let's not drive him beserk until he asks for it...then he's ALL MINE!"
Tom, I'm so sorry ... I'm totally smitten *sigh* Like I said, you're really brave.
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