Everything started with a National Inquirer story stating Rob was hurt on set. I made fun of it because of the wording and didn't believe the story. Then yesterday Sugarslam jumped on the same speculation wagon. Well now Rob's rep tells Radar Online that:
“This story is completely false,” Pattinson’s rep confirms, “Robert has not been injured in any way and no version of the story ever occurred.”
You can all take a deep breath. The boy is fine :))
Thanks to Rocio for keeping me updated on this story :)
Oh thank goodness!
Damn tabloids!
Yay thanks for the good news Goz. I had a feeling it wasn't true, you know what they say about a paper never refusing ink!! LOL
Anyway good news to start the day. Good Morning all!
Such a relief!
Good Morning Kate!
This really is a relief. Head injuries scare the shit outta me. I've had plenty of friends go through some life-changing shit after falling down the stairs or getting hit by a baseball. It is no joke.
I'm so glad that it never happened.
How weird that story even got started. It was so SPECIFIC. Wow.
Phew! I agree Lilly, the "story" had so many details. These people scare me and I feel so bad for Rob and other celebs.
Oh good! I'm glad that didn't happen! I hate how tabloids fucking make stuff up! That is so ridiculous...
Thanks for the good news! I don't know why people feel the need to start these sort of rumors. :(
I don't waste my time with rags like the National Inquirer ... I'd rather get news from a more reliable source.
Thanks, Goz, for verifying.
Oh, Hi girls! Hi Smitten! Here we are again...
Thanks, Gozde, for the news.
Rob, lover, so, YOU ARE FINE!!
That takes your excuse, for not being here, away, doesn't it? Come, man! Hum...(cooome, maaan...) And, oh, bring your dirty/old clothes, 'cause I am goint to teach you how to TURN ON the washing machine -- it is just the same way that you are going to TURN ME on... "PRESS THE BUTTON,... GENTLY"...
Thank you! Thank you! I was starting to worry about him like he was one of my kids. I'm so relief! Now I can continue drooling over him. What a relief!
Shame on NI for having the fans worried. Well we know now that so called journalist isn't as reputable as some was saying the other day.
Some people have big imaginations to make up a story like that. That takes balls...and thank you Jesus that Rob is okay.
We should go and kick that journalist ass and burn down that trashy NI.... *EVIL GRIN*
Hi Crazy, Hi Sophia, all ya'll ~ yup, we're at it again today! Wasn't last night a wild ride??? Geez, I couldn't keep up with all the posts, my computer wasn't up to it!
Hope it's a great day for everyone!
The last Anon was from me ~ an accident ... sorry!
Oh good! I was worried there for a minute! {{{{HUGS}}}} to Rob. xoxo
WHEW!! What a relief, I was worried all week, especially after what happened to Natasha Richardson. Stupid Tabloids, they should all be fired making up such bullshit stories just to sell magazines.. UGH!!!
His head is fine but he smells
Many of you have emailed about some tabloid story reporting that Robert Pattinson was struck in the head during New Moon shooting in Vancouver.
He hasn’t started shooting. Makeup, screen testing, and training…but not shooting. Relax twi-hards. It never happened. He wasn’t hurt. Trust.
The smell on the other hand… well the smell is a different story entirely. Apparently Pattinson is loathe to clean himself and the stank coming off of him, his colleagues can’t stand it. Robert has been training every day. Cable, wires and underwater. Then he chainsmokes. And locks himself in his hotel room the rest of the time…
Yeah no, fresh is probably not the best way to describe it. This however is part of his appeal …? So I’m told. And his funk was also alluded to in that recent GQ article too as the journalist noted: His clothes smell like he has recently purchased them off the back of someone less fortunate than he.
A little psychoanalysis, shall we?
Does Robert Pattinson hate his own pretty?
Is the lack of personal hygiene an attempt to escape the heavy burden of being so beautiful?
More importantly…
At what point does quiver come before cleanliness? For me, it would have to be someone with a legacy. I wouldn’t sacrifice the olfactory senses for a young sparkler in his first year of stardom, you know?
Johnny Depp?
Yes. Of course.
Glad to hear this story is false. Seems like Mike Walker (NI) needs to cut that particular source loose for feeding him a false story. GOOD NEWS, though.
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