It gives me a headache to report gossip from this website but we have to get Rob news wherever we can....
According to Lainey Gossip :
Taylor and Kristen were running lines all weekend, prepping to begin shooting in earnest this week. Robert Pattinson was running lines on Sunday too for a few hours. He has however for the most part shut himself in when not working out, apparently hasn’t ventured out much, prefers to be alone, politely declines invitations to go out, either getting into character or perhaps frightened by the loser twi-hards who’ve descended upon Vancouver to hunt him down? Twilight is boosting tourism!
Gozde: Can Lainey be one of the losers that got her invitation declined by Rob? I thinks so :)
Thanks to Ana for the tip :)
how does she gets all these informations??
Everybody knows that Rob is a loner.
And maybe he doesn't want to get involved with the cast like the first one because of the gossips.
yeah she probably only talks crap because she wishes she could have him. and she insults twilight fans because we're THAT amazing :) lol. but srsly... poor Rob, it has to be hard for him. i'm glad he's a loner, it keeps him grounded and more humble. :)
He's hiding like in London maybe... I completely understand him. The transition from the 1st 'small'movie with unknown actors to this one must be hard. Just because he is not seen doesn't mean that he spends all of his time alone. Some time alone is good though, as long as its his choice.
Didn't he say something about needing time alone to prep for the darker portryal (sp?) of Edward in this one? I could have sworn I had heard him say that.
I was wondering when/if he was going to seperate himself and get into character. He spent months doing that for the first movie and New Moon is way more intense. I was hoping he would.
Ha ha Goz Love the pic!! Rob looks like he has a headache too! LOL
Ya I really think that Lainey doesn't want to admit that she likes ROb (a lot) why else does she spend SO much time talking about him!!! ;-)
Lainy sucks.... I can't stand her whenever i see her face on e-talk. She's nothing but a old gossip.
I'm ashamed to call her a Canadian
So what if Rob wants to stay out of sight for awhile, he deserves a break and some peace as he runs lines
He has said in many interviews that he prefers to just stay home alone than to go out all the time. I would imagine that is ever MORE so now that his every footstep is hounded.
PrettyChocolate- Your right that his method acting technique. You got to get your head in that space so that you can show those real emotions. Which makes the character come to life.
Lainey is just a bitch and does wish she could get with Rob, but that frog looking husband of hers is holding her back.
Lainey = Laimey
Actually, he has been staying isolated from the rest of the cast since pre-production. And because of the stalkers flying to Canada he has been moved to 2 different hotels already for "security" reasons. He also has 2 bodyguards with him 24/7. I have a friend working on the movie that told me that his location in Vancouver is totally undisclossed and they believe he's now staying in a house. I personally think is really sad that he has to live like that. Fans, er stalkers, should get a hint.
yay...we have an anonymous tipper amongst us....if u really have a friend working on the movie...keep it coming....if not BOO! we don´t want any Laimey´s in our cyber corner of Robheaven!
ohh...and I LOVE Rob´s *after the tequila shot* face in this pic!!
I despise Lainey. Although she is sometimes useful with the Twilight news, she constantly bashes Rob for EVERYTHING. (and the twi-hards but YANO).
I don't mind him keeping isolated. If it worked wonders for the first one, it'll work for the next right?
but baby please come out every once in a while, i want to see your gorgeous face to keep me up!
Thanks for the info anon :) It sucks that he has to be isolated but unfortunately that's the price of fame :(
i guess she talks about rob and twilight because basically everyone wants to know about them..
i just hate when she make up all those fake stories about Rob.. she just wants to get her site more popular i think.. so lame!
I can't understand this "stalking" stuff, seriously. I am mean I'm a big fan (obviously) and would love to casually bump into Rob sometime (ya like that'll ever happen) but seriously even if I lived in Vancouver I wouldn't go Rob hunting, I mean seriously, talk about the best way to freak a person out! I'd lose my life if I thought someone was stalking me so I can only imagine how he feels!
LOL Emmes his "after the tequila shot" face is definitely amazing! I guess he's not a fan of spirits?
Rob has said in many interviews that part of his prep is to isolate himself and immerse himself in the role (as in this case becoming Edward). I'm sure he is just preparing for New Moon.
Well, if the anonymous tipper is right, I feel terribly sad for him. And I'm not sure it's only the fans who hount him, Layne-like people must be after him too. While you can hardly controll paparazzis, fans could clearly restrain themselves: it isn't helping the making of the movie, nor his mood I'm sure.
Yeah Kate me neither. I am not even sure if I would acknowledge if I saw him on the street. I would just go and dial 911 for the panic attack I will probably have in the bathroom, lol :))
I can see he has to be isolated from all the madness while he concentrates on filming. So 2+ months, then MAYBE he can make full use of the bodyguards, go out and have some fun!
Thanks for the info Anon. I promise never to stalk the poor dear. Hang in there, Rob!
BTW...now this is way before my time, my mother's time actually, but has anyone ever likened this Rob fan craze to the fan phenomenon created induced by Elvis?
What say you all?
Rob has had a lot of exposure lately with the release of the DVD, New Moon starting up and his GQ interview. He's serious about this film, so I'm sure he's spending a lot of time working Edward out in his head.
I hope he stays out of sight for as long as he can. He deserves to have some normalcy in his life as that is important to him. Work hard and be well, Rob.
Hi Crazy!!! The frenzy that's surrounds his has been compared to Beatle mania.
Please excuse my typos in my last comment... :)
crazy, I agree. Many have compared Robsession to Beatlemania and Elvis. I've never witnessed it but have seen pictures.
I also feel bad for Rob. I keep thinking about that stupid video with ROb trying to escape int he hotel. I do miss seeing pictures of him, but I'll be patient. We want to see a better New Moon. (Hope Kristen does a better job this time)
Hi Bootstrap! - I "typoed" too.
Yes, i've heard the comparison to Beatlemania, but i think his fan craze compares more closely to Elvis'. I remember my mom and her friends, and seeing concerts, where the women were throwing panties, etc. I think with Rob and Elvis, it's ALOT about the sex appeal. The Beatles were "cute"; these guys - sexy and seductive.
Also, he has How to Be and Little Ashes releasing too. I'm sure he's anxious the reviews on these 2 movies.
I almost wished that he wasn't making an appearance at the Kids Choice awards. It seems like a distraction for him. Closing himself off and then having to fly to LA to do an awards show.
Rob, if you should be reading this, I solemnly swear that I will never stalk you. Never ever.
Crazy, i think you're right with the Elvis comparison, he was one sexy dude too.
BTW - how the heck are you. Long time no talk.
I think Rob-mania is here to stay. For me at least ;)
I know BI - missing our silly, late night chats! I'm here almost every night though.
I get such a kick out of having a laugh or two while Robsessing (or, I should say, at poor Rob's expense. He's too damn sexy for his own good).
Hi TS!
and KKs here too! (waves)
crazy - (wave) Yeah, I've missed the good chat here on Robsessed. Been a crazy few days.
Crazy: I should be around tonight. At least that's the plan for now. I'm laying low lately...
I think Lainey is a shit disturber - and the only thing generating traffic to her website is Rob & Twilight. As for Rob...I think he is just preping.
Rob has always been nice to fans... he has been quoted as saying he doesn't like large crowds...but has never dissed his fans or avoided being out in public in an attempt to sway "stalkers"... He just likes to stay in...and avoid the paps (and gossip blogs like Lainey's) end story. Why make the fans think Rob hates them? Not nice Lainey.
I hate that because we're fans...we're stereotyped as being stalkers... most of us are generally nice, normal gals. Sure there are some of us that want a sneak peek at the filming... nothing crazy or stalker-ish about that... if your keeping Kleenexes or nail clippings then you have a problem, but i digress.
Anyhow - ladies don't make anyone make you feel bad... if it weren't for the fans Twilight would have no sequel.
I agree with Angie. Rob's prepping and hides from hard-core crazies and the paps.
Lainey gets her Gossip the same way us fans do... by stalking the net...but one-ups us by getting paps to follow Rob-so in reality shes far worse than we are. She fuels it... hypocrite.
BI~ why "laying low"? sounds like what i say once in awhile.
I agree, Ange. Rob has always been very nice to fans. As for the few really crazy ones...I'm sure he doesn't judge his fan base on that small percentage. Unfortunately, others do.
Hey, I was buzzing around YouTube last night and found a video posted by a fan who just received a personalized reply last week from Rob to a letter she wrote. Many people were saying he wouldn't have time for fan mail after Twilight was released. He obviously cares about his fans. Everyone just needs to keep him in perspective. He's just Rob (though we sure do like the Rob that he is:)
Ange re: "Anyhow - ladies don't make anyone make you feel bad... if it weren't for the fans Twilight would have no sequel
so true!
Ange: Keeping toe nail clippings is bad... damn, I better not tell anyone I have some... just kidding. I like what you wrote; I totally agree.
Crazy: yep, just laying low... not for any particular reason. But I'm always here, lurking.
KK! link please!!!!!
I think I should change my "CRAZY" to something else, like "SANE". I keep being referred to in the same context as the stalker fans! ;)
It'd be a complete misnomer though...
Rob News!!!!
I hope it's true and Rob had a little fun!!!
I'm glad Rob is "hiding" LOL. The next book is so sad, Edward is very depressed. Rob really does need to be even more tormented since he is away from his true love. Good for Mr.Pattinson!
Crazy: I had to search for it....
Didn't actually watch the video; just read the synopsis. Don't even know how I stumbled onto it.
Let me know if the girls are too cute when they open it. I imagine they geeked.
Danni - I'm not surprised. Rob found a way to support his friend and keep himself out of it.
Rob doesn't have two bodyguards with him at all time, and he's staying in a hotel still
some idiots from youtube actually waited outside his hotel and then followed him for two blocks.
this is why we can't have nice things.
I´m all for Rob laying low (to get into character, to maintain some normalcy, etc.). What I´m worried about is laying low meaning he is holed up in a hotel room or rented house, a prisoner to the mayhem. Sad. On the up side , it means he´s probably reading this right now...umm...haha....HI ROB! We love ya!
I say we stalk all the people stalking Rob and teach them a lesson. Who's with me?
Danni ` that was nice to read about Rob seeing his friend. I was wondering about that concert.
KK: cute video. They were psyched, of course! he had signed a photo they sent, and included an extra one too.
Crazy - Good for them! I can only imagine what a huge deal it was. Yay, Rob!
crazy: i like how every post i go to...there you are! makes me smile.
Rob, you know we love you...and we'll never dig through garbage or steal your shorn locks from the hairdresser...pinky swear.
Hi crazy, I was pretending to get some work done the office. I keep seeing Robward walk into the cafeteria. I'm going to leave work now. Hoep to see you guys later after my kids are asleep.
I'm so glad he got to spend some time with his pal. It'll probably keep him sane for a while.
Godze, thanks for posting all the extra dvd stuff here so I could watch in my office. I got nothing done again today.
Later ladies.
Rob is a method actor. He is in character for New Moon!
KK : yeah, stalking stalkers!!! I'm in! Need to get comfortable stalking shoes and get a new stalker camera-phone. Also, i should quit my job and/or drop out of school. For starters.
KK: I'm in! Stalking stalkers could be fun! :)
Crazy - I don't need any of those things...just my "bitchslap" hand. HA!
What are you going to school for?
oh God TS! you probably think I don't have a life. :( I just sneak on here every chance i can get because i enjoy "talking" to you girls! cheers me up!
WINWIN~ him just walking in a friggin cafeteria is so Hot! Ridiculous!
going for now girls - later!
crazy: you think i'm worried about you having no life? not so much. i just love reading what you have to say! and i enjoy talking to you as well :)
kk: i just snorted at bitchslap hand!
I think she should be crucified for that nasty story about her friend with the baby and Rob just being sweet and complimenting the baby. There's something demented about her.
About Rob: It takes a lot of energy to be with other people all the time. It distracts from the work at hand. I hope he's in a comfortable place where he can focus.
As for the stalkers, this is where fame sucks. I don't think they mean any harm. Girls get crushes and just want to see the object of their affection. That said, I'm glad I had my 10 seconds last fall and love the autographed pic. God, I'm so embarrassed!
***thirtysomething said...
Rob, you know we love you...and we'll never dig through garbage or steal your shorn locks from the hairdresser...pinky swear.***
OMG I laughed my little ass off when I read this.
Seriously I second that, we promise not to keep your toe nail clippings, shorn locks, used kleenexes, and dandruff flakes. You have my word.
Also, how funny would it be if we did actually stalk the stalkers( the ones hiding in Rob's trash can)?? Bahahha!!
Also glad Rob didn't show his face at the concert, it wasn't about him that night and he did the right thing by not stealing the spotlight with his damn good looks, chiseled jaw, and steamy body... er, sorry got carried away.
ANNNNNNDDD... one last point we r some pretty cool chicks...fyi!!!
We are some pretty cool chicks...always looking out for Rob (and spending a goodly amount of time looking AT him :)
Re: Lainey and her Lame-o friend who yelled at Rob for the baby thing... WHAT A LOSER!
Could it be that he was just complimenting her??? What did you want him to say: **Ya you look old enough and mommy-ish to have a kid... carry on cougar**?
Idiots over there... sadly they are Canadian ( we are not all like that trust me)
Anon - Too freakin' funny!
Gozde - LOL - love your comment. :) I think Rob is smart - and that he's in Vancouver to "work" not party everyday. So many people forget this kind of thing.
It's a chronic problem at sporting events I've been to - people expect, even DEMAND sometimes, autographs from the athletes, forgetting that they are at the stadium to WORK not socialize. (Well - for the most part anyway - there are always those guys more interested in the "scenery".)
angie: dandruff flakes...nice touch!
I agree that he may be preparing to go into the darkest time in Edward's life. I'm dying
to know though! Just can't get enough! I'm afraid he will disappear after the Twilight series and not do interviews.
I mailed a fan letter for my 8yr old son who is crushin on a 12 yr old girl who is a rob fan back on Dec9th and i received back not only a pic that i had sent for her,but he also sent me a gorgeous headshot of him also and i didn't even ask for one!Rob is so awesome to his fans and I wish the few bad apples who are ruining it for the rest of us would just leave him alone and give him some privacy.Alot of other celebs. don't even give some fans the time of day much less be nice enough to send a autograph.That was a wonderful thing he did for my son and the girl freaked btw.It was just priceless the look of shock on her face.Anyhow Rob not all of us are crazy fan stalkers and we hope you are getting some privacy..
padme~What a lovely story! An autographed pic is the best. I bet the little girl will always remember your son for the rest of her life. You sound like a great mom!
yea,the girl kadee said she would call my son Noah her little boyfriend!And she would always remember him for that and prior to that in late Oct. I also wrote for a co-workers daughter and I mentioned she was turning 17 in Dec & would he care to sign one for her?He sent it back personalized To Kelly Happy B-day Best Wish Rt Patt xx and she was just floored! I had put a little humor in my sons letter about what better way to impress a girl then to get a signed pic from one of the hottest guys on the planet!haha anyway i said God bless him for being able to get out in front of a bunch of screaming girls and be so humble about it. I love to help people and this was my 2nd success with him in less than a yr.Apparently he must like my writing!haha But God luv him he is such a sweet guy...
Ewww... y'all with the whole garbage thing. Trust I would never be a stalker. Honey I'm not that desperate but I'm addicted to this site and seeing a little bit of your life, Rob. So if you are reading any of this stuff on this site know that I'm a truthful person that conveys my feelings as I see a situation (Everyone here does the same). So I speak my mind and my mouth at times gets the best of me. I'm also funny (I think), and a bit fiesty, loyal, a great friend,and therapist to my friends. There's a lot more to me but I'm keeping those things a secret... Shhh!!! So I hope that I nor any one else here haven't offended you to much by our comments. *CROSS FINGERS*
Trust I WOULD have no problems with f.....you. Because I'm not blind nor deaf. I'm just saying...LOL
Oh and I'm not married and no kids for real. So don't get grossed out thinking I'm a some Twimom flirting with you. I'm in my 20's like you. If you read the comments you can tell who is younger(teens)and who are older (young adults/grown). And no offense to the lovely ladies on here. They are not those creepy Twimoms. These moms are highly educated professionals, funny as hell with their dirty minds, and may I add HOT. And know that when you are alone you can come by anytime and visit us here. Much love and respect....:)
Were not stalkers just ADDICTED, OBSESSED,and DEDICATED to Robert Pattinson (You bb):D
What great stories about Rob responding to fan requests! He has said that he reads his fan mail, and despite the fact that he is as huge as post-it notes now, he is still finding time to keep that connection to fans. How cool for someone to make that connection with him.
He may have good looks, talent and personality, but he also has a great heart.
I personally don't have a problem with lainey. Just don't take what she says so seriously and you'll see that she doesn't take herself seriously either. And she's not ALWAYS hard on rob. She's written nice things about him before. Besides I prefer her to that horrible uneducated perez anyway!
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