Rob at Sam Bradley Concert?

I have heard about this a couple of days ago but don't know if it's true. Today celebuzz joined in the speculation with a "source" . My motto: show me the pictures/cite a credible source or it didn't happen :))

While hordes of Twilight stars were jetting around the United States to mark the release of the DVD this weekend, head vampire Robert Pattinson was making a low-key appearance at a friend's music gig.

Pattinson tried to stay out of sight at pal Sam Bradley's Vancouver concert on Friday night to avoid Twilight-mania from overwhelming the intimate setting, a source tells Celebuzz.

"He wanted to be as low-key as possible," the source tells Celebuzz. "If he had really been out there, it would have caused a frenzy."

"He stayed with Sam backstage before the show and watched the concert from the wings."

The event was the hot ticket in Vancouver, with scores of fans vying for 180 spots at the Grandview Legion in downtown Vancouver. The concert even earned a breathy piece in the Vancouver Sun about the difficulties in buying tickets. Disappointed fans had to be turned away, as there was simply no room in the low-key setting.

Pattinson did not even come out to sing the song he co-wrote with Bradley called "Never Think," which was performed by Pattinson on the Twilight soundtrack.


Thanks to Ana for the reminder to post this :)


Anonymous said...

Rob watching his friend's concert, quietly, with nobody to disturb him. I like this idea ; hope it was real.

Anonymous said...

i sincerely hope he was able to attend sam's show! i also hope they were able to hang out afterwards and have a beer.

and what a friend if this is the case...not stealing the spotlight and allowing him to shine.

Emmes said...

sure, looks like it :) hope he was able to get out of the foxhole too. and have some beers with his buddy.

Emmes said...
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Gozde said...

Umm Emmes, that is the exact same thing that you are commenting under :)) Same source :)

Emmes said...

UMMM Thanks GOZ...
oopsss, hehe, someone wasn´t reading the nicely typed words, someone was looking at Rob´s nice oscar picture...wonder who that was?

Gozde said...

Very understandable :))

Mixxy said...

I hope he was able to attend his friend's show. I like those kind of Rob stories. :)

rpattzdude said...

oooh pooor Rob feellllling so sorry for him not beeing able to have a normal life and watch his friend´s concert like a normal person...

Anonymous said...

Stop feeling bad for Rob.
It sux that paps follow him I get it... but that's the business.I'm sure Brad Pitt can't show up at Burger King and wait in line either.
Note: When life gives you lemons you make some kick-ass lemonade and spike it with some booze. Moving on.

He did the right thing by staying out of the spotlight... the show was about his friend and he wasn't about to sit in the front row having tweeners running up to him for pics and autographs while his buddy was performing.

Nice job.

Ms. Bonderson said...

I hope he was able to go and enjoy the show the way he wanted to. I hope he and Sam were able to hang out and have some fun. While the craziness comes with the business, it must be a relief to be able to avoid it sometimes.

Anonymous said...

I've been saying since Friday that he was at the concert and noone belived me, Sam keep looking and kinda joking around with someone backstage. Fans didn't see him cause he was backstage.

Keep in mind that this gig wasn't in a bar like say for example Bobby's gigs in London where fans have seen Rob. This was a theater stting, which makes perfect sense for Rob to watch the show from the side without being noticed and mobbed.

Anonymous said...

Anon- I to thought Rob would be there for Sam. Good to know he made it and was there for his friend.

So since you were there give us some details. How did Sam sound? Was there any mishaps? Did the crowd enjoy themselves? And any other details that you can convey.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, Anon, me too! Like Shani I love to hear about Rob's friends and family.

Anonymous said...

Are people dumb...of coarse he stayed backstage. It would have been stupid if he didn't. And of coarse he didn't come out to sing the song with Bradley. That would have been even stupider.

I hope that people went to the show to support Bradley's music and not because Rob MIGHT be there.

Wilmari said...

Shani: I'm obviously not Anon, or I wasn't there, but someone posted all the videos from the show here:

canadagirl said...

i was at the concert and was definitely there to see sam. he was superb and did not disappoint. can't wait until his cd is released.

anyhow, it was quite obvious to me that rob was there backstage. sam made several trips to the bar and always brought two beers with him as he retreated backstage. also, throughout his show, he made lots of gestures and looks backstage and joked when he introduced "too far gone." near the end of his performance, it really seemed like he was trying to pull rob out on stage with him but i think rob was just preferring to stay out of the spotlight this time around. even though it wasn't a huge venue and even though i believe the majority of fans were there to support sam and maybe a few were there for the opening acts, i think there were a few that also bought tickets on the chance that they would see rob.

now, a performance of the two of them together would have been a treat for sure, but i think rob could sense that it just wasn't the right time/right place and chose to stay put. good for him, i say. i think sam was up for it, but rob wasn't and i think he made that choice for his friend's benefit. it was awesome and i'd gladly pay a much bigger ticket price to see sam bradley and the boys play anytime!

Anonymous said...

Thanks Wil!!!

Canadagirl- To cute and Rob was right in letting the spotlight stay on Sam. That was his night to shine and not Rob's. So that's another good quality Rob has unselfishness...good boy. :)

Anonymous said...

I was also at the show, and i did see sam at the bar a few times grabbin a few beers, not that I wasn't grabbin a handful everytime i went as well.....but thats neither here nor there. Sam was definetly joking around, whether or not Rob was there I have no idea, the show was amazing nonetheless. I'm so glad I was able to attend, and glad there were tickets still for sale at the door :P

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