Crazy~These three are coworkers--Stephanie, Rob, Nick--having a business dinner. Tokyo was a business trip. I think Rob is lucky to have them...he couldn't do all this by himself! I know Stephanie has been with Rob since Harry Potter and she convinced him to test for "Twilight." Rob admits he wasted his HEAT from Potter so now he's (w/Stephanie & Nick) making the most of "Twilight." I'm really glad we don't see him getting wasted with bimbos...this way, he might actually have a long & fantastic career! ~Chicago girl now in LA
Thanks Anonymous...that's nice background. He's so well mannered and not acting like a cocky ass (or a typical 22 year old with a legion of ladies following his every move) in any interview. Me likey!
I'm amazed by the sincerity in his eyes as he listens to Stephanie talking, he seems completely oblivious to anything else going on around him which is really nice!
I just want to know what those Japanese girls sitting at the table behind him are talking about. Do they realize?
"Don't react. Don't react. But...remember that REALLY REALLY hot guy from Twilight? Sitting right behind you. NO! No, don't look! Be cool man, subtle. Yeah."
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nick (rob's manager) ALWAYS looks like he's drooling! i have no idea why! he definitely does here too!
I would drool too if I had to hang around Rob so much.
I feel bad for him in a way. It's like he knows no one else except for his "handlers"...a lil boy with his parents. ::sigh:: Poor thing.
I want that lil boy! rarr! hahaa
i feel bad for him too. he must be sick of them. i know she's an agent (i googled her) but what's the purpose of the guy?
Crazy - the guy is Rob's manager, Nick Frenkel.
Can I just be Stephanie?
and here untagged and hq
Crazy~These three are coworkers--Stephanie, Rob, Nick--having a business dinner. Tokyo was a business trip. I think Rob is lucky to have them...he couldn't do all this by himself! I know Stephanie has been with Rob since Harry Potter and she convinced him to test for "Twilight." Rob admits he wasted his HEAT from Potter so now he's (w/Stephanie & Nick) making the most of "Twilight." I'm really glad we don't see him getting wasted with bimbos...this way, he might actually have a long & fantastic career! ~Chicago girl now in LA
Thanks Anonymous...that's nice background. He's so well mannered and not acting like a cocky ass (or a typical 22 year old with a legion of ladies following his every move) in any interview. Me likey!
I'm amazed by the sincerity in his eyes as he listens to Stephanie talking, he seems completely oblivious to anything else going on around him which is really nice!
I just want to know what those Japanese girls sitting at the table behind him are talking about. Do they realize?
"Don't react. Don't react. But...remember that REALLY REALLY hot guy from Twilight? Sitting right behind you. NO! No, don't look! Be cool man, subtle. Yeah."
Just like that.
I'm officialy jealous of Rob's publisist or (whoever she is...)
ahh! just the thought of getting to travel with him night and day....
and look how he's staring at her! She's a lucky lady, even IF shes paid... (lol)
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