My posts lately have been "Kellan Lutz talks Rob, Sam Talks Rob, Marcus talks Rob and now Nina talks Rob". I am anxiously waiting for "TomStu talks Rob" :)
Here is an article about Rob's ex-girlfriend Nina Schubert and she is an interesting character and definitely a strong woman.
From stuff.co.nz:
She has lived most of her life in London. She went to school there with Robert Pattinson, who lived around the corner and they ended up at the same drama school.
"Rob is still a really good friend of mine. He's hopefully going to come here, if he can get a break from working. I gave him my paintings when we lived together in London. Now he's commissioned me to paint one for him and I'm working on it.
"I do really big abstract canvases, influenced by geometric patterns like chessboards and latticework, mainly black and white. I'm interested in optical illusions."
Shown a dating gossip website printout with herself and Pattinson featured, she reacts icily:
"That means there's a whole website making money out of me and I'm not getting a cut!"
You can read the whole thing here.
Thanks to

her and rob made such a sweet couple! I love the pic where he's holding her hand.. for some reason it makes me go AWWWWWWW
Girls! She is tall!! Or am I having an "optical illusion" here?
She is beautiful too.
Ok, but I hate her!
i want the live with rob pattinson
is that stating the obvious?
(yes, gozde, I AM alive...will write to say hi soon!)
LOL Letters, I thought my voice scared you off and you stopped writing :PP
She seems interesting and real. I didn't know they lived together or that she was an artist. She sure IS tall - in the first pic, look how much higher her shoulders are than tall-Rob's. Wow.
Daneh, I don't see them holding hands. I must be blind!
She has on the shoelace wrist-string that Rob talked about giving to a girl for her birthday. :)
Oh wait, they BOTH have a wrist-string on in the 3rd picture.
What means "BJ" in English? I am totally innocent here, probably making a fool of myself again...
very nice girl - both the mind and the looks
I wish Rob fell in love because it makes a person feel happier, more alive - love is the best thing this world
Ehem :)) Sophia and Dani BJ = Blow Job in English, LMAO! I'm sorry :)
I didn't understand, she was or wasn't Rob Girfriend??
Please, someone, i have anxiety issues!!!!
as I said - writing in a foreign language brings loads of fresh fun :D
yes Goz!!
I got it, Thanksss
no more BJ
2. now has another boyfriend in France (?)
3. they're close friends
I like that woman, she seems quintessential of someone that Rob would be with....slightly older, strong, feisty and pretty. They really made a great couple. Rob is so beyond his years, I could never have been with a guy four years younger then myself while in my early 20's.
She is very nice looking in a simple way, I like it. She is taller them him or just had heels on.
She is about not to be a staving artist any longer. :)
LOL Gozde---I was reading your explanation of BJ in the last post and I almost lost it!
Is she German? Her name sounds German.
@ Sophia and Lilly: I think she is 1.80 m/5'11 and she might wear high-heels, too.
K---Nina is 5'11", so, she must have been wearing heels in that pic. She is very Amazon to say the least!
Lilly- She had her own place in London and Rob lived at her place in a very non-commited way. She's older than him as well.
And yes, the string was their "thing"
Danni- yes, she was Rob's girlfriend, but it really wasn't a very serious, comitted relationship. Rob was really young when he dated her and she's 4 years older than him.
She's a very cool, free-spirited person :)
Gozde, thank you! Of course! I know what THAT means! Girl, am I stupid?
Sorry, better that those comments out now, should I?
phosphorus- her family is German, but she's British, she lived in London until last year that she moved to Australia.
Let me explain that. Me and Danni often write here to each other in portuguese. And, at the end, we write "BJ", which means (innocently) "kiss". Ok, ok, it has a different oral meaning in english.
So, hey, Danni, no more "BJ". Let's try "Abçs". Does THAT has any meaning in English????
I'm sorry but i have to say something. She has men's shoulders!!!
Look at the picture on sourrce link
Maybe xoxo like them.
O que vc acha
Nope Abçs is perfectly innocent :)
No wonder her looks reminded me of the German models of the 80ies and 90ies. Not only does her name sound German, she looks German as well.
If this report is true, she has moved on to New Zealand and works for an abattoir now.
Just in case if anyone is wondering, Abçs means hugs in Brazil
I'm w/ Sophia, I hate her! He seems to help his friends out(commissioning a painting). I love him! I miss seeing him even if it is papparazzi pics.
Oh I'm just so jealous. So so jealous. But in that jealousy, I have one small glimmer of hope . . . Rob likes blondes. Yesssssssssssss! There's hope for this bleach-blonde afterall! Yessssssssssssss!
Anonymous, how do you know that Rob lived at her place in a very non-committed way? And that the string was their "thing." That all seems pretty serious to me...
I hate her too and has men's shoulders... im just saying!!!
I'm a petit girl but a have a great walk Rob, i swear!!!
Sophia ~ are you wondering why I said you "finished with a BJ"? (on an earlier post) LOL!!!!
Gozde - LMAO too!
Lilly- Cause I know Nina. Rob was barely 18 when they dated, really young and immature. They both used to wear a string bracelet, so what. You are very naive if you think that's a serious relationship.
She seems incredibly interesting, strong and willing to try anything..
and... she paints.. ;)
Anon~Rob's and Nina's relationship is listed as lasting a couple of years which doesn't sound like a casual relationship to me.
I always wonder how those outside of a relationship feel free to judge what is actually going on between those in the relationship!
Well according to the quotes in Nina's interview, she seems to be at a real crossroads. I'm betting that butchering meat will get old really fast, though. Perhaps Nina will consider going to college and getting training for a profession.
Best wishes to her!
Oh yeah, and last night I dreamed I suggested to Rob that he go to New Zealand and hide out because he'd like it there. I drove all over New Zealand a few years ago.
Geez that's one conceited girl.
Really annoying.
Anon: Are you Rob??? You seem to know a lot...hmm...
i like NINA, she seems like a free spirit, not like these starlets running around in la. a class act with intelligence.
i second ^UNA^ i tought that i was the ony one who notice that really annoying!!
She sounds down to earth which is what I'd expect.
To comment about casual long-term relationships...I've had a few that have lasted multiple years...you have fun together and good sex but the "it" factor isn't there. There isn't any commitment or possessiveness, though you both have to be in that mindset or it doesn't work.
Rob seems like a bit of an "attacher" so I assume this was a very important relationship in his life, and it's nice that she still has such positive feelings for him. That says a lot about Rob. I like the fact that he is commissioning a painting from her but abstract art??? No my cup of tea.
No need to get nasty, Anon.
"You are very naive if you think that's a serious relationship."
It's not naive at all to think living together, giving someone all your paintings, and having matching bracelets is pretty serious. Sounds like love even if Rob was young.
Finally home. Hi everyone.
I feel very ambivalent bout her. I'm being a little childish here. I think I would like her alot if she wasn't Rob's ex. She seems very strong and tough. Not quite understanding what their relationship was because, I agree that ROb seems to one that commits. I wonder if she was the one who didn't. In that Japanese interview he says that he is possessive like Edward. Maybe when she was modeling she didn't want to be that serious about someone who was on 17(?). I also agree that this might have been a really important relationship for Rob.
I don't know if anyone notice one of the last questions in that same interview, about what will happen if he falls in love. His answer seems to be referring to someone specific that he has not seen in a while. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. What do you guys think?
In all honesty, I'm not quite ready for Rob to date.
I agree with Lilly. It seems like love. You would have to be serious to live with someone in my book. I thought I was young when my husband and I moved in together at 20. But we eventually got married and have 3 kids together. (Not sure what point I'm trying to make here). I guess what I'm saying is I would have never moved in with him if I didn;t love him or saw a future with him.
Not sure if I'm making sense anymore.
WinWin - I'm not sure I understand the last part of the interview you're talking about. Clarify, please?
OMG, I just noticed Rob's feet in the last picture!
Maybe the picture is distorted but they look so funny! Aw Rob, we love ya!
She is really pretty and I'm happy that Rob met her.
But I can't stand she works as a butcher. I've always thought that people working for abattoirs are a little weird. They're used to killing and I'm always like 'killing animals is the first step. the second one is killing people'. By the way I love animals (like Rob, I think) so I can't imagine that: 'boned-out meat that comes down on the conveyor hot and still pulsating'. Yeah, I know it's a part of process but still cruel.
And Lilly isn't naive. You can meet your true love even when you're 18.
Look at Kristen. Although she knows Rob she is still with Oregano. So it must be a true love.
Wow hate on haters, but Nina is one of a kind and amazing. I read that whole interview.I wish I had half the success of this girl....
She is strong minded, multi-talented,independent,down to earth, and very much her own person.She's highly responsible at saving her money. I would havre spent a lot of mine on designer clothes and shoes.
This girl can do anything she puts her mind to and have major success at those things. She said she was cutting meat and about to do a marathon, she paints multidem, and has friends offering her jobs from different parts of the world, and the modeling agency still wants her, WTF!!!!!!!
She's like SUPERWOMAN with all the stuff going on...Girls like her are intimidating for a lot of guys. Because she doesn't need a man to take care of her. She has her own money.And can come and go as she please.
Rob lost a great catch. He might have been to immature or it was that she traveled so much with her modeling. No matter, they left on good terms and like she said he will come to visit her. Her boyfriend in France better watch out.... Really she blows me away....DAMN!!!!!!
'[She] can come and go as she please.'
So she's not good for Rob. He seems to be commited person. So it's unfair to come and go.
If she is a free-spirit and he's possesive it CAN'T be a good relationship.
No offence, it's only my opinion.
Why do we think he's possessive?
Wow, when I first saw a picture of her a few months back, my first impression was WOW, what a beautiful Amazonian goddess! No lie. She's tall and gorgeous, and now I see she is inside and out. What a beautiful face. She reminds me of my old friend Helene, tall, blond, smart, free spirited, full of love and beautiful.
I love abstract art and optical illusions myself. it takes a heck of an artist to draw those freaky forms. She must be like 6'2" or something cause she's slightly bigger than him. My god I would look like a shrimp next to them. **sigh** Glad to know Rob has good taste.
I think he said something like that in interview. They ask him if he's similar to Edward and he said that he wasn't so protective but he was possesive as Edward.
Haha awesome, sounds likes shes doing an interesting job here in nz! Shes out in the wops too.
Rob should def come here, we have basically no paparazzi im sure hed love the lack of attention!
Inportant questions!!!
He still uses the string?
Do you think that is possible they still have something, and he misse her when he is working? Or i'm actually crazy right now?
KK, i was referring to the girlswalker interview. one of the questions was how is he similar to edward and he says that he shares edward's bad poitns, being possessive and a loner. The last question was "now that you are so busy, what if you fall in love?" I thought he was referring to someone specific. Now that I saw it again. I'm not that sure. I'm confused.
Lack of attention? Anon you're in nz. So there is no lack of attention.
Seriously, I think speculating on Nina and Rob is just going down a crazy road. Just sayin'...
I was talking to Goz about that question. He seems to be living the beeing away for the person, ou know very well the feeling. First i thought, he has a girlfriend, and than i thought maybe he lived this feeling when Nina worked as a model!!!
I'm confusing!!!!!
.....and i'm such a mess, i can't even type right...i need my Rob fix, real stuff, not craps, and new pictures, and be certain that he is single
danni, I had the same thought that's whay I posed the question. He seems to be thinking of someone inparticular when he answers that question.
@girlswalker inerview:
It's from Japan, so maybe he thought about being away from Kristen?
I'm not good in English so please tell me what he said at 2:20 girlswalker interview?
sorry i realize that my posts are a little behind.
I agree with Danni, I need to refocus. this relationship speculation is getting down.
Godze, can we please have a happy trail of rob's sexiness to vure us. We need to refocus our attention to his hotness.
WinWin - Thanks for the clarification! I hadn't watched the interview.
Ladies, I just watched the interview and I really don't think he was talking about anyone in particular. I think he was just answering the question honestly as he knows that virtually anyone he decides to date is going to be long-distance.
It was clearly just a general answer to me.
bim, wasn't he with Kristen in Japan they even went karoaking. I at first thought it was Natalie Portman since he just met her the night before. Then I thought too much into it when I read about Nina and what a strong relationship they must have had.
kk, thanks i feel better now. i'm going to go watch the little ashes clip one more time. maybe that will fix me.
I better go check on my boys first. bed time for them. will return later.
For me he was definitely think in someone or some situation!!!!
Maybe it was about Patty?
I'm so jealous and I don't know why. God, I want him to be happy! Please give me something about him: a lil video 'Hi robkatz, I feel happy. I'm a single, I don't miss anyone. I think only about my work, family and male friends. I love Robsessed blog and I must say: Gozde, you're wonderful!'
I need to hear it!
Thai is all want now too!!!
Im saying he probably wouldnt get that much attention here
OMG they used to live together lol
OK girls, we are having a Rob shortage!! I hate any girl he dates, but realize he can have anyone he wants!! Need a quick fix! luv this site!
i don't think they used to live together. I guess when a guy is 17, 18 he wants to enjoy everything that a old gril cant teach...you now what i mean...
I'm really sad right now, kinda felling stupid too, coz no mather how much i hate and how much i'm jealous of those girls, he is untouchable for me, you now i'm in Brazil, i'm not tall, well i'm kinda blonde thow, i really wann meet him.... i know, i'm beeing pathetic....maybe is just a bad moment for me
I'm just happy for Rob. I think Nina is an important part of his life that had helped him in character building through adolescent. So now Rob has become the character we all admire and adore. I hope he finds someone that makes him happy.
Please people, as long as he's happy. What does it matter if he's thinking about someone in particular or not?
I don't think he's speaking about his dog. LOL. (although Patty supposedly has a walk like Beyoncé, so hmmm, you never know...)
Who really knows, except Rob and maybe someone else.
An interview is just a capture of a moment. And he looks quite tired/jetlagged in the video. And Mr. Pattinson can be quite vague sometimes and full of contradictions. (or sh&#t if you'd say it in a less sophisticated manner)
Fact is: the more talented somebody is, the more complicated they are, esp. concerning matters of the heart.
And maybe the problem is just the crappy Japanese to English translation. The question could have been put differently. Again, what does it matter?
Maybe Rob's got a special someone, maybe not...I think if he wasn't somewhat of a loner, he would've already been dating. But I feel that he's quite critical and that a real relationship is quite a big deal for him. And also; he's still so young. Maybe wise beyond his years, but nevertheless young.
But it wouldn't be very nice to expect him to stay single just for the sake of his fans...Like an interview I saw, where the reporter asked him if he was still single. Rob said yes and she said that that would make many girls very happy. He looked quite sad and somewhat confused upon hearing that remark. I really felt for him. People can be so ignorant sometimes. He's not someone's property, neither is he a commodity. Why would it make people happy if he was without love in his life? That really puzzles me...I don't grasp the concept. Although I totally understand his really young fans, I had my teenidols as well and wouldn't have been too happy if I heard something about a gf, although when they did, you got over it as well.:-) But if you're older than 15, you should try to see it differently.
Just try. Rob in love equals a happy Rob = a good thing. I hope, haha.
But to reassure some of you: take a deep breath; I really don't think he is in a commited relationship right now. I mean; not that long ago he was trying to get laid in NYC after all. Not very succesfully that is. *chuckles* So cheer up!
I see your points but I want to say that he wasn't in NY at all and that story was completely false...
I think we all want to see our dear Rob happy.
@Chicago Girl;
Didn't mean that NYC remark in a serious kind of way. I was just being a little sarcastic at the end. The NYC story was gossip; it's all rubbish.
finally nina schubert said something at least.. and i think she never, ever need rob famous names to make her bigger, she is already a famous model before and after she met rob, and i think she is really cool and really strong women which rob probably prefer in his interview about his future date, but now, they were best friend,....
robert pattinson definitely a strong male characters and no doubts any girl who will be his next girlfriend is having an awesome personality, this man has a sense of a good lady pick out and it's not just a stupid celebrity bomber, and i think kristen stewart is one of his special adores, kristen is strong and unique and not mention to start any other rumors, i am just saying that...what a hot and smart man with humble attitude must prison me with his charisma,....
nina is amazing women from this interview, trying to be realistic with what she want and such a free mind and sort of eccentric life, really intriguing characters and too smart for become only model, so, we kinda forget that model should be stupid isn't it ?? well, apparently it's wrong thought,...
It mentions drama school. Again.
But Rob did NOT attend drama school, any insights?
SummerGirl :)
Rob with gf - it may be hard but only in the beginning.
And it's not like I don't want him to have a gf. I want for him the best girl in the world.
When we're talking about Nina I think "No, KStew is better",
when he says about crush on Kristen I'm convinced Natalie Portman will be better,
of course then I think 'NP is not the best, so maybe he should be with Nina?'
Funny, but true.
You know what they say 'True love is when you want your lover to be happy.' And then they add 'Of course you think he can be happy only with you. But it's normal. If you think he can be happy with someone else it's not love but stupidity'.
Maybe Rob is still in love with Nina? She's saying he will visit her in New Zealand if he gets a break from Filming? and has commissioned her to do a painting? ...when guys move on they move on....Interesting.
Anon~I think they are just friends which is what he needs. But who knows?
I do not hate the girl at all and I couldn't care less if they are still together, and I'm married, so i'm certainly not pinning for Rob, so people can ditch the jealousy talk. But I think I'm seeing a different woman and reading a different interview, She looks like " truck driver" to me, no wonder she ended in the meat business, and all that talk about her "model Career" is a bit bull, I'm sure she "modeled", in London everyone ends up modeling , she's tall and all but look at her, she's heavier than Rob and certainly not model pretty.
Her interview his all over the place, relax girl, We get it you are an international model, meat packer, artist, globettroter, maybe one day you will be a musician, a writer , a dancer, a singer, and who knows maybe you will bring peace to the middle east.
I'm sorry But i cannot stand idealists or people that want to convey as much information about themselfs as they can manage to shove down our throatseven when time is limited, nothing against this girl in particular.
I realize that most of us here have a crush on him, but why wouldn't any of you want him to be with someone? To love someone and to have someone love him back? Do you honestly harbour the fantasy that you've actually got a shot at him? It ain't gonna happen. Unless you're attractive to him in 'just the right way' and you can somehow be in 'just the right place' at 'just the right time'; an LA club perhaps where unless you're a celebrity or drop dead gorgeous, you ain't getting inside. Suppose you'd have a better chance in a London pub as their standards aren't as high, or should I say...as phoney OR maybe you could hope to see him at one of his mate's music gigs. But honestly, don't you think he knows why all of these women are just NOW suddenly starting to show up? Man isn't stupid. And of course you'd have to catch him in 'just the right mood' and if you did, what would you really have? A shot at a relationship with him or just a five minute fuck up against a wall in the back room of some club? Because do you think it would be more than that from a woman he KNOWS is hitting on him simply because of who he has become? I believe he has said that he doesn't trust such women and I'm gonna bet that he can see them coming from a mile away. He's a movie star now and breaths rarified air and I don't care how normal, unaffected, humble and down to earth he is (and I believe he is all of those things), us mere mortals haven't got a chance in hell at getting anywhere near him in any kind of serious way. He's too insulated from the world now. Time for a reality check girlfriends. Sad, but true.
As for this former girlfriend...
She seems like a pretty strong, independent, free spirited girl who is rather beautiful in a very natural way. And with the added plus of her being a few years older than him, if she was the one he was obsessing on, I can very easily see why. And as I recall...
I believe he said he had his first girlfriend at 18 (and the way it was said, I assumed this was the girl he lost his virginity to). If so and if this is in fact THAT girl, then she will remain special to him for as long as he lives, if she was his "first." I also believe that he said they ended after about the 3 year mark, sometime in 2007 (the year he turned 21). The year he pretty much left England; to go film Little Ashes in Spain, then on to America to audition for Twilight and then to the pacific northwest to prepare shooting Twilight in early 2008. Don't you remember him saying that during that two months he was isolating himself before shooting began, that he was looking for a girlfriend at that time and couldn't find one? I took that to mean that since he'd just ended an 'actual' relationship, he was now cut off from a diet of steady sex but was still hungry and not looking for a girlfriend exactly, but just a nice, warm body to lie down next to at night...or at least for the time of his 'isolation' in Portland (or wherever the hell he was. where the hell was he?)
But who knows about any of this? All we can do here is speculate and then...speculate some more.
But I would think that if you guys really like him as much as you say you do, that you'd want him to find some happiness. I hope I didn't come across as too harsh here, it's just that sometimes people say the most gosh darn things and makes you scatch your head and wonder...'huh?'
I realize that most of us here have a crush on him, but why wouldn't any of you want him to be with someone? To love someone and to have someone love him back? Do you honestly harbour the fantasy that you've actually got a shot at him? It ain't gonna happen. Unless you're attractive to him in 'just the right way' and you can somehow be in 'just the right place' at 'just the right time'; an LA club perhaps where unless you're a celebrity or drop dead gorgeous, you ain't getting inside. Suppose you'd have a better chance in a London pub as their standards aren't as high, or should I say...as phoney OR maybe you could hope to see him at one of his mate's music gigs. But honestly, don't you think he knows why all of these women are just NOW suddenly starting to show up? Man isn't stupid. And of course you'd have to catch him in 'just the right mood' and if you did, what would you really have? A shot at a relationship with him or just a five minute fuck up against a wall in the back room of some club? Because do you think it would be more than that from a woman he KNOWS is hitting on him simply because of who he has become? I believe he has said that he doesn't trust such women and I'm gonna bet that he can see them coming from a mile away. He's a movie star now and breaths rarified air and I don't care how normal, unaffected, humble and down to earth he is (and I believe he is all of those things), us mere mortals haven't got a chance in hell at getting anywhere near him in any kind of serious way. He's too insulated from the world now. Time for a reality check girlfriends. Sad, but true.
As for this former girlfriend...
She seems like a pretty strong, independent, free spirited girl who is rather beautiful in a very natural way. And with the added plus of her being a few years older than him, if she was the one he was obsessing on, I can very easily see why. And as I recall...
I believe he said he had his first girlfriend at 18 (and the way it was said, I assumed this was the girl he lost his virginity to). If so and if this is in fact THAT girl, then she will remain special to him for as long as he lives, if she was his "first." I also believe that he said they ended after about the 3 year mark, sometime in 2007 (the year he turned 21). The year he pretty much left England; to go film Little Ashes in Spain, then on to America to audition for Twilight and then to the pacific northwest to prepare shooting Twilight in early 2008. Don't you remember him saying that during that two months he was isolating himself before shooting began, that he was looking for a girlfriend at that time and couldn't find one? I took that to mean that since he'd just ended an 'actual' relationship, he was now cut off from a diet of steady sex but was still hungry and not looking for a girlfriend exactly, but just a nice, warm body to lie down next to at night...or at least for the time of his 'isolation' in Portland (or wherever the hell he was. where the hell was he?)
But who knows about any of this? All we can do here is speculate and then...speculate some more.
But I would think that if you guys really like him as much as you say you do, that you'd want him to find some happiness. I hope I didn't come across as too harsh here, it's just that sometimes people say the most gosh darn things and makes you scatch your head and wonder...'huh?'
I think the question of whether or not they lived together was answered by this girl. I believe they did because her quote was...
"when we were 'living together' in London."
Had they not been living together I believe she would have said...
"when we were both living in London."
It's the word "together" that says it all.
As for him coming to see her in New Zealand? I do not think that is a remote possibility at all. Australia has brought in alot of money at the box office for Twilight and they've got a tremendous following there. I wouldn't be a bit surprized to see the cast make a trip 'down under' this year to promote New Moon as a thank you to the Australian fans for their support. Or if not this year, then next year for Eclipse. And New Zealand is just a hop, skip and a jump from OZ.
If he flies clear to the other side of the world and that girl is still there, you can bet your ass that he'll find a way to see her. And as someone said, when a guy is done...he's done. But he's talking about comissioning some work from her. Maybe he isn't quite done and maybe he does still care which is why he hasn't gotten really involved with anyone else. From what he's said, this thing didn't end badly. It was just the distances that his career was now going to impose on them, that perhaps made them think...were not going to be able to do this long distance, so we might as well let it go. Or something like that. Their breakup wasn't that long ago and I think there's a more than decent chance that he might MIGHT still have feelings for this girl OR...
it did end badly, she broke his heart and he hasn't gotten over her yet, hence...no new girlfriends. C'mon, if this was his first and only girlfriend and they lasted at least 3 years, then he had -and may still have- some very serious feelings for her.
You NEVER forget the first person you loved and especially lost your virginity to. Nope. Not even the boys forget that.
BTW...that last ANONYMOUS post was me. I don't why it posted under that name and I don't know why it posted twice. World is just a weird place I guess.
But those are my words and I wanted to own them.
You guys are a LITTLE too obsessive! To hate someone just because they used to date someone you have a crush on is one of THE most STUPIDEST and IMMATURE things you can ever do!
I SINCERELY hope that anyone here who said that is under the age of 15. IF NOT, please PLEASE just never leave your house and do not communicate with the rest of society EVER AGAIN.
YOU DRIVE ME NUTS!!!!!!!!!!!
I think she seems very confused. She's gone from successful model to a meat packer!? Not sure that was a wise choice. But she is amazingly very pretty. The would is her oyster. She just need to make up her mind what she wants to do.
I think they made a really cute couple.
And she really IS tall.
would really like to know where Nina's artwork can be seen...just curious
Nina's bd is April 1983. They dated/lived together when he was 18/19 and she was 21/22. (2005/6) Here are some more photos of them:
That site also has photos from her modeling days. That's not a shoelace, it's an elephant hair bracelet that she and Rob are wearing. He wears it in "How to be" also (which was filmed during Feb/March 2007). Too much information? lol
i dont think shes telling the truth completely.
rob didnt go to a drama school.
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