New Moon Set Pics

There are 100+ pictures of the other cast members and the set HERE.

Thanks to Kate and the twilicious Mel for sending me the pic links.


Melissa said...

Excuse me(tap, tap, tap), Rob...last time I checked, Edward Cullen didn't rock the shiteous Nikes. Just sayin'...LOL Oh I am of course kidding...I love Rob as Edward Cullen, who am I kidding, he could wear a paper sack and I would still think he looked GREAT!

November cannot come fast enough...

...wowie! said...

I just don't understand why he's the hottest to me when he's smoking a cig.
And the look on his face as if he got caught, flashing that grin.

I read the GQ article. I love him even more. ::sigh::

Anonymous said...

I am seriously dying over all the ROB overload today. This, the GQ story, McVampy's stories...its all too much!

Anonymous said...

Please tell me his cheeks are flushed because he's cold.

And I'm with you Melissa, November cannot come fast enough. Or any other month when Rob will be releasing a movie for that matter!

Anonymous said...

Rob is looking great, and it's obviously that he has his Edward make up. But that blush confuses me...I mean it really looks like they've put blusher on him. I don't know, it looks weird.
I was wondering, maybe we'll soon have promotional photos, maybe that's what they were doing.

Dani said...

Yeah Tea I agree the rosey cheeks are a bit confusing. I would rather see the rosey cheeks of his ass but im guessing that its because it is cold and that outfit is not really Edward im sure they were doing some rehearsing or something not filming. We all know Eddie is a bit of a fashion bitch, he would never have holes in his jeans or wear worn out hobo nikes. Thats Robward...not Edward.

Anonymous said...

With ou tithout blush he is GOURGEOUS!!!!
Do you see Nikki Reed wig? Hahahahaha
So fake
She tottaly deservs be embarrassed
by that wig!!!!

fantasia22 said...

I think it would be funny as hell if Edward wore the Nikes...maybe they make him run even faster! And he may as well smoke too...since he is undead. Too much hotness today...I have gotten very little work done today! So does anyone other than me think the inside GQ pics are better than the cover?

Dani said...

Oh Sweet Gawd it is blush...a closer look makes me wanna slap the make up artist.

VampNikeLove said...

I love those Nikes and those same ole jeans! Looks like Nikki is wearing a wig this time around!

...wowie! said...

Seems to me that maybe they're dressed up for the birthday scene?

Anyways...I know I made a comment about Rob smoking but dayum...are Taylor and Ashley the only two who don't smoke? Didn't know Kellan or even Peter did. hm...can't imagine their karaoke voices.

Tenneil said...

Melissa....LOL shiteous nikes just keep creeping on us...Should we still break ours celebrate??
Rob is doing a fine job as Edward...but the jeans are confusing me....just doesnt seem edwardish..maybe Eddies stepping it up a bit!!

November is like 252 days way...still way to long....

Did I say long???? man he is good!

Anonymous said...

Fantasia: Wholeheartedly agree! They were just teasing us with the cover. But hot damn it worked. I'll be buying my copies, yes copies.

And my workday has been a complete bust.

Anonymous said...

Blush = creepy. Hopefully these are just dress rehearsals and they're testing it out on camera... that would explain the jeans too.

Tenneil said...

Thirtysomething...can I call you TS...girl sorry you've stuck at work... but COPIES yes Copies will be placed around me everywhere!!

Think I'll get one lamitanted (sp)

kristen said...

Wow, yeah the blush is a little creeptastic, but Rob can make ANYTHING look good.

Anonymous said...

God, I love this site!!!

Always news about my favorite subject.

In the first ones, Edward seems to be back; but Nikes? Ok, they did not start to shoot yet. But Edward looks goood...

Apart from the smoking thing in the other ones, the smile (was it for me?) is killing me.

I know the papzz turn his life sometimes to hell; it must be realy awful to deal with stalk. But what would happen to OUR LIVES without those dail drops of perfect Rob-happiness?

Anonymous said...

Haha yeah Dani I zoomed it also to look at his cheeks. Oh dear, I hope it isn't blush, I first thought it is because it is in straight line, it looks like a make up...that's why I hope it was for a photo shoot, maybe they need stronger make up for that.
Oh man, I hope they wont do him like that. And then I noticed he is in his clothes, but he can change easily.
And I don't know why this bugs me, but he's always alone. Maybe he does it for the role...but still it bugs me.

About Nikkis wig, I kinda thought it is ok.
But I must say I am impressd what they did with Jacksons wig, there are picks of him ariving at the airport and he shaved his head or just his sideburns. So his wig or what ever it is looks really good.
I like Ashelys hair also.

Oh and Taylors butt is hugeee I tell ya. hahahah

Daneh said...


uh I agree ladies the blusher is confusing....

Maybe they're taking some poster pics? OOH!

bimbambom said...

I don't like him with Edward's makeup, he is so unnatural but still sexy!

Oh, Melissa we have the same picture :)

Anonymous said...

Danni, hello!!

Voltei por uns minutos apenas.

What wig? Where did you see Rosalie?

Melissa said...

It is blush!! AH! Edward would never approve!! LOL

Anonymous said...

his hair is too short for edward. i think i'm the one who think like that.

Melissa said...

Oh, and apparently everyone loves this pic...all the avatars are the same...LOL

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: Yes you may. I answer to just about anything. Laminated copy is brilliant! I must do this.

Kate said...

Maybe you can't see his feet in whatever they are shootng so it doesn't matter what he's waering on his feet ;-) He might as well be comfortable!

Oh I forgot to say hello !

Anonymous said...

Oi Sophia!!!!
Que bom escrever em Português de
Eu não sei quando a vc, mas eu não suporto a Nikki Reed!!!!. Eu acho ela extremamente falsa e aproveitadora.
Em um vídeo na MTV ela disse que iria usar uma peruca pq o cabelo estragou muito, e ela foi muito grossa com o jornalista.
Eu estou saíndo do trab e estou indo pra aula, então hj não consigo mais entrar na Internet.

Dani said...

Wow I didn't realize Peter smoked too. And Ashley's hair is fucked up if you ask me it looks like shit x10 but whatev. And Taylor is packin some booty...wowza. TOO YOUNG FOR DANI!!!!!

Anywho if you wanna see some hot Peter check out the horrible movie SuperNova...he is young, hot, built and you see some serious naked ass. Its lovely.

Cadiwyn said...

lol Oh the smile. It had me laughing. So cheesy. x3

Anonymous said...

Danni, obrigada. Vou checar depois. Eu vi o video. Tb não gosto dela, nem sei bem pq. Talvez pq existem rumores de que ela andou ficando com o Rob...

Boa aula. A gente se fala depois.

Melissa said...

Hi Kate & Dani!

Anonymous said...

Haha all of the avatars are the same. I had to change mine. I felt like I was talking to myself...

Kate said...

Hey Mel {{Waves}
Thirtysomething my avatar is not the same ;-) LOL

Anonymous said...

Thirtysomething, the cheeks are not flushed because he is cold. It's official now. It's blush!

He is already sooo white (is that the right word?), do they really have to do that with this God on Earth?

By the way, I don't like Nikki/Rosalie either. Couldn't they find a real blonde in USA that could act?

Nicky said...

Well,I can see the beginning stages of the transformation back to Edward (pasty face etc)...bye bye scruffy, 5 oclock shadow Robert!!! :(
Smile at camera was a cute shot though!!!

Anonymous said...

Taylor is the only one not smoking! I am having visions of them all 70 and being on oxygen for destroying their lungs.

I guess the use it to relieve stress, but god cigs stink!!!!!!

Nikki is in her party party dress.

Tenneil said...

TS.... change is good....these pictures are too hot to get ignored

Anonymous said...

Kate: no, your avatar is lovely.

Sophia: Yeah, I know huh? Boo to blush. Although Rob is still the finest creature to walk the earth.

Kate said...

Aah thanks TS !
NOV can not come around soon enough. Thank God I don't have to wait a whole month after you guys to see it. It nearly kkilled me the last time and then it was so near christmas that I could only see it the once !

Melissa said...

{{WAVES}} Hi Kate!! You are up late... ;-)

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: No the photos cannot be ignored. I have the cig pic on my phone already :) My family thinks I'm nuts (with the exception of my 14 year old daughter)! I just can't help myself.

Lisa Serrano said...

Yeah it's blush-but on film makeup doesn't read the same as it does in the light of day. So we'll see

Jackson has his head shaved for Airbender with M. Night Shyamalan The wig is actually good- that crap that they did to his real hair for Twilight was S##T.

It doesn't bother me that Nikki is wearing a wig she'll have like what?-one scene in New Moon Maybe two No need to dye her hair.

Not liking The Alice wig yet though somethings not right yet with it.

These are just Makeup/Costume tests though.

Peter looks great though love his costumes

Tenneil said...

TS~ this GQ photo I would of killed to be on the set...OMG can you image...I want to be the one to help with the outfit that a job??
I NEED that job!!

Melissa said...

Lisa~ I agree. Rosalie doesn't have much of a role in New Moon, so that must be the reason for the wig...I also heard she was doing some other projects between NM and Eclipse. Oh, and Ashley's aka Alice's wig is shiteous to say the least. It was SHITEOUS in Twilight and it looks like it will be SHITEOUS again in NM...yes, I like to say SHITEOUS...LOL

Oh, and Peter Fac is all kinds of HOTNESS. Yum.

Tenneil said...

Mel~ LOL shiteous...

Anonymous said...

Too much blusher. Who's doing the make up this time?

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: You dirrrty girl. Help with the outfit change...Mmmmm can I be your assistant? I hear the assistant gets to bathe the models. Yes please.

Anonymous said...

I don't like the blush. Other than that they all look great. Except Nikki - but maybe I am biased cause I don't like her. Nah, I really don't like the wig at all. (and I still don't like the person). KL

Tenneil said...

TS LOL...seriously what would warrant a bath?? okay, do you really need a reason to bathe that man...

Tenneil said...

CALGON!!!! take me away!!! okay did I just age myself???LOL

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: Oh believe me, if he's down to his skivvies, I'll give him a reason to need a bath.

Tenneil said...

Did I hear you say whip cream???


then a bath!!!

Anonymous said...

That song just came to mind that goes something like "I wanna lick you from your head to your toes..." Covered in whipped cream would just be a bonus. Mhmm sticky Rob sounds delcious!

Anonymous said...

Oh I love these set piccies. His hair is back to the perfect length. He has total Chia hair. Grows like nuts.LOL

Kate said...

Mel it's only 10.30pm here (not late )
Why does everyone hate Nikki so much :-? She's seems to be a really good friend to Rob and Kristen !

Kate said...

Hi McVampy gonna read your one shot before I go to bed, looking forward to it ;-) Lovin A&O and Frenemies ;-)

Anonymous said...

McVampy: Haha Chia hair. I can just hear him saying that in his accent and the way his accentuates certain syllables in words.

P.S. Loooooved your one shot! Read it at lunch. Makes me wanna fly...among other things.

Jewels64 said...

Inspiring photos everywhere! Gah!!! I'm freaking out!!!

Rob in GQ...New Moon pix...I'm so freaking happy!!!

Tenneil said...

McVampy... thanks for the link earlier today...I cant leave hear quite yet with these hot damn pictures...

TS ~ lick and Rob in the same sentence.. frackadoodle!!

Jewels64 said...

Hi is everyone? I'm enjoying Death by Pattinson today!

Anonymous said...

Wow, just saw all the pics.

Peter/Carlisle is hot too; I like the costume and the hair.

Taylor is Jacob. He is fine.

Alice still looks strange. Don't know.

NOW... Nikki is ridiculous! Not that it bothers me, I don't like her.

Jewels64 said...

Holy Crap McVampy...I about needed some Depends today when I saw you published your one shot called "Fly the Friendly Skies". I thought it was hilarious since I just published "The Mile High Club" two days ago...

We must have Robward in high altitudes on the brain!

Jewels64 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Tenneil said...

Jules~ the panties are melting...unicorns are flying and I am dying!!! Your day???

Jewels64 said... day has been laced with innuendo, good times, great pictures and an overabudant imagination after seeing those GQ pix!!!

Tenneil said...

Jules~ did I hear you wrote something new??? link please... I want to read McVampy's story too..I feel the new to catch up.

Damn GQ I havent gotten anything done today!!!

Melissa said...

Hi Jules!!!

Anonymous said...

Kate Girl!!!!!
I hate Nikki, because she looks fake and sucker. I wanna se if they finish shotting all the movies, she still will be BFFs with Kristen and Rob!!!!

Jewels64 said...

Melissa...what's up BB? Me likey the hotness factor today!!!

Kate said...

Tenniel here's the link for Jules' one shot
Really good!

Hi Jules how's it going??

Danni fair point ;-)

Jewels64 said...

Sorry Kate...I keep getting hung up at the Fav hangout of the RKats... The girls are drooling today...

Man I'm still just in hormonal overdrive!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoa, generally bad makeup. I realize they are testing M/U and hair but without exception it is awful!

I was not a fan of the M/U in "Twilight" but this all looks so much worse! I never dreamed I'd think to myself, "Man, they need to find the Twilight hair and makeup people!" I used to earn my living doing M/U and it is shocking to see Edward with '80s racing-stripe blush. Somehow they made his nose look larger/strange.

All of the blonde wigs look brassy.

I know it was pointed out that M/U is different on camera. However, remember all of the photoshoots for Vanity Fair and all of MTV's interviews with the actors in "Twilight" hair and makeup? Looked a lot better, right?

Now, I'm worried.

I wish Rob could kick the smoking habit. We don't want to lose him before his time...and as for the sexy smoking photos, well, I think he'd look just as hot licking a sucker! Ooooh, picture THAT.

End of rant...thanks for letting me vent.

Anonymous said...

mmmm... i love to stare at pics of this man smoking. i don't know what it is but he is doing it right.

Tenneil said...

thanks Kate....but it doesnt work:(

Jewels64 said...

Tenneil...just go to and do an author search for Jewels64 and it should pull up my profile and my stories list! You can click on it from there!

Tenneil said...

DUH... thanks jules...I knew that...WTF...I cant even think straight... this man has made me freakin stupid today...

Anonymous said...

where's dakota?

Anonymous said...

oh and i think the blush looks cute/funny. as long as it's not overdone on screen, no biggie.

Melissa said...

Anon~Dakota is playing Jane...btw, does not make an appearance until Volterra. Just sayin'.

Suz said...

Rosealie's wig to coin melissaB's phrase.. SHITEOUS!

Kimmie said...

i agree that the blush is too much...maybe if they toned it down a bit...well hopefully they all don't come out bad in the movie..but well yea on camera it looks different with the lighting and everything.

Kate said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kate said...

You're grand Jules I'm over and back myself today ;-)

MegEC85 said...

I have to agree with the makeup comments but on screen and in photos it's not as harsh.

Also I'm loving all the avatars with the new GQ pic!
Any photo of Rob where he is "channeling" James Dean is the best because I've been in love with James since I was 11. (Yes, I knew he was not alive then)

Anonymous said...

So, good news. They are just rehearsing makeup. They don't start filming until March 23rd... so they are just trying out different makeup styles. Secondly... the new director for Eclipse has been announced. Fun Stuff.

Anonymous said...


Did you read all the interview?

What did he mean when he said that: "I fucked Joe Jonas"???

I think the meant that he had something with that Camille, ex-Jonas.

Answer me!!!

MegEC85 said...

I think he was joking. The interviewer asks him if there was anything he wished he'd said in this interview and he responded with that.
I'm pretty sure it was heavy sarcasm.

Anonymous said...


I feel a little better now. Thanks.

Did you realize that he could be here now? Reading our comments, since he checks stuff about him on the internet? And this is the best site about him (I can tell, 'cause I checked all the zilions others).

He, he, HI, ROB! Love you!!

ARE YOU HERE WITH A FAKE NAME? Are you that MelissaB, or that wowie?

CoyoteUgly said...

SOMEONE!! Please tell me why aren’t we there with him!!! Ay que CHULO!! I am having a Rob attack!! Does he not know what he does to ME!!! Someone call in an Amber Alert (911) I am going to go steal ROBERT!! –LMAO!!! jk but seriously if I could get my hands on some Robert…Rob I promise I won’t scream, yell or scare you off with my yelling over being to excited!! Unless he wanted me too…lol Can I bite him!! lol

I think I need CPR now…lol these are wonderful pictures of him.

TwiHartRK said...

Oh what I missed today. I have no words - just letters and noises, OMFG, WTF, Guh, slurp, Thud...

Anonymous said...

Hellooow, Kabuki face man, what are you holding with your hand in your pocket???

2Shots2Beers82 said...

yeah im not digging the makeup.. im no expert but it looks kinda.. oh i don't know,whats the word...horrble... robs nose looks weird.. i still love his sexy ass though. not literally his ass, cause lets face it girls, he has none. its all good though. seeing these pictures is getting me excited cause thats means they are starting to film and that leads to the movie almost being here... only 8 more months. :)

hi chicago girl : )

Jae Lu said...

watch out for the links, ladies -- one of them tried to give me a virus or some adware or some shiz! ugh!

Anonymous said...

Well, I've have just about calmed down after an entire afternoon and evening in hormonal overdrive from those GQ pics. (deep breath: don't get started again). The horizontal and vertical pics are burned into my brain, however, so I'll be trying to suppress unicorns for God only knows how long. (crap - here I go again!)Rob, have mercy!!! please!

The Garver Family said...

Well, I don't like the cancer sticks...but Rob's still unbearably hot. He exudes hotness...

TwiHartRK said...

Coyote - He knows what he does to us. Sophia, the beginning of the GQ interview says Rob doesn't take time to filter. Seriously, comments like that just add to his charm. So random. Don't believe everything you read, or everything Rob says! Ok, he makes smoking sexy but if he has an oral fixation he needs to make better use of his hands and mouth. The blush and cigs need to go. Per Mel: Just sayin.

Anonymous said...

Hey, TwiHeart.

I agree, he needs to make better use of his hands and mouth. He could put those on me!! I wouldn't mind... at all.

Ok, he doesn't filter. He just says things out loud. And then, probably, he regrets. As he also said, it is better sometimes if you just say nothing. I think he is learning to do THAT more often.

And, really, the pics with the cigarettes are hot, but cancer is not funny, or hot. Hope you quit that Rob, we don't want to hear about you getting sick, love.

2Shots2Beers82 said...

the article is soo funny...i love how he is soo honest all the time..

Tess said...

Everyone has been so on it with the links!

re: The shiteous Nikes... Not only are they just really cool looking shoes... you have to have pretty narrow feet to wear this style... SO ladies, this means even his feet are nice. Long, narrow, lovely feet.

Can we have an elbow shot? Maybe he has ugly elbows?

Anonymous said...

Does the whole cast smoke? Someones holding a ciggie in almost every pic!!!

Such a turn off.

away leo said...
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rpattzdude said...

hahahhaa so eeeeeeverybody noticed those damn Nike shoes of Robeward damn man get new shoes and the grin he gives by looking in to the cam damn man i get soo damn horny im soo sorry for saing damn all the time but only thinking of Robeward its makes me wanna scream damn DAMN! aaaand when he smokes how damn hot isnt that not that i like smoking guys but on Robeward every sheat is sooo gorgeous coming from him is there anythingelse to be added? damn man.....

Anonymous said...


Checking stuff about you on the internet, UGh??

We love you. But, ask them to remove the kabuki mask; you don´t need that with that skin... And it makes your nose look weird...

I kinda like the nikes, but the boots look better. Anyway, boxers or briefs, I don´t care, I would take them off you in a second. With my teeth!!!

And, oh, you could be a nice guy to your devoted robsessed fans and send us a picture of you naked! I can´t wait until "all that naked stuff" in Little Ashes. Now, be a very good boy and JUST DO IT!


Anonymous said...

Hello 2Shots! B.Park girls think alike...;)

Same Twiheart...

Along with the '80s blush and poor contouring on Rob's nose, I'm worried they'll do that lousey lipstick again. I thought Rob looked best in the scenes in Bella's bedroom where it was obvious they held back on the M/U.

Can you imagine Rob getting lipstick all over her? Ewwww!

In my opinion, the only guy who looks good with lipstick on is Robert Smith ("The Cure") when he is on stage.

PLEASE M/U people...back off on the fakey makeup!

Anonymous said...

Jackson said to someone last night that they are doing really good at rehersals so they are going to start filming earlier. It makes sense that Rob won't be in Vancouver the whole time because he is not in alot of the movie...but I am not sure how these kind of things they keep him there the whole time or do they film all his scenes first then let him go? I hope he stays in Vancouver at least till the middle of May. Canada is a nice place to be!

Diane said...

Those pix are more Rob than Edward. Rob's the one whose cheeks get red when he's cold. He's also the one who would wear those clothes, and the last time we saw Edward his hair was a lot longer than that. As for the smoking, Rob (along with the rest of the cast) is the one under the kind of enormous pressure that could have you reaching for a cigarette. Edward's got it all under control.

Diane said...
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CoyoteUgly said...
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CoyoteUgly said...

I just had to STOP and get my ROB fix!!!

TwiHeart, if he knows then so bless his heart!! Because mines is pumping!!

I never in my life have been a HUGE stalker fan...lmao!!! Damit ROB what you do to ME!!! LMAO

Anonymous said...

does anyone know where Rob got those Nike's everyone talks about..i want a pair.

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