Last year Matthew played Luis Buñuel in Little Ashes opposite Robert Pattinson, currently the UK's brightest star since appearing in Twilight. The historical drama follows a young Salvador Dali and his relationship with the playwright Federico Garcia Lorca. 'There's something that draws you to Rob. He is really intelligent and he's a charming chap as well. When the Twilight thing exploded I wasn't surprised. Little Ashes will be seen by a lot more people now.' Matthew and Robert are the only British actors in the Spanish cast. 'Previously he was just that guy from Harry Potter [he played Cedric Diggory and was murdered by Ralph Fiennes in the fourth instalment]. The fact that he's playing Dali will wash that off a bit and people will see him as a proper actor.'
Thanks to RobPattz News for finding the article.
Hey Goz--I also read somewhere that McNulty was nervous when he met Rob because he was "so good-looking."
Good morning all,
I really hope I get to see this movie.
One positive aspect of Rob's fame, is that so many of his smaller projects (movies/music) and the other people involved are getting some attention & can possibly reap some of the benefits.
I'm not surprised that Rob "draws you(in)." It's one of his gifts. Funny how Twilight's Edward, being a vampire, does the same. Just saying.
Matthew seems to be a clever guy, too ;-)
Actually I´ve been waiting for this film for such a long time now, I wonder what will happen to me when I´ll see it. It´s like beeing a child and waiting for your birthday to come and when it´s over you´re sad it´s gone...you know what I mean, right ;-)
Crazy, I´m with you here, it´s all a matter of being recognized in a way that makes a lot of money. Sad thou, but thats how it works. And I hope our boy ic clever enough to not let him use by Hollywood ´til nothing is left of him. Sorry, I´m a bit in an premenstrual mood, I guess and I shouldn´t listen to the cranberries :-)
I can't wait for Little ashes too. I just want to see him in something new(ish). He is the first actor whose career I started following, because I really think he will chose interesting roles. And he is just adorable, even if he isn't aware about it :D.
I was a little disappointed because there aren't future projects announced. I hope he'll do something in between New Moon and Eclipse though, it would be great just to make a little departure from Edward. It would be smart too, career wise I think.
Tea - I completely agree with you... I hope he does something in between NM and Eclipse... it would be really good for him (and not to mention, good for us too ;-} ). In the meantime, I am looking forward to seeing Little Ashes.
Wow, this is quite an international group of posters!
Tess, I agree with you on others in Rob's projects. To that end, DH and I will see Bobby Long ("Let Me Sign") when he comes to LA in April.
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