Rob,what's it like working with Daniel Radcliffe?
It's been absolutely fantastic.It's strange because he's only 16 and I'm 19, but he's definitely much more mature than me! He's a smart guy and very good at his job.
How's your love life?
Somebody came up to me yesterday and asked me for my number and I was so shocked. I'm really naive about relationships - I never know what I'm doing!
What attracts you to a girl?
I go for girls with a good walk. I like women who are confident with thier own bodies. I think that means alot. If someone's a good mover, you just don't notice their bad points.(Gozde: Fan girl moment: YES! Years of practicing my walk may one day pay out!)
What's the most romantic thing you've ever done for a girl?
There was this girl once who desperately wanted to be an actress so I managed to get her a part in a film - but I really wanted to go out with her!(Gozde: All together now: AWWWWWWWWWWW!)
Thanks to
even back then he had tht sexy pout. ((sigh))
and yes ladies, see...just like how we like our men, confidence is KEY!
so let's practice that sexy walk for ROBERT!!! ;)
Gozde--remember to sway hips and shake that moneymaker....confident walk noted!
I love that Cedric pic....I feel like I should be putting my hands behind my back, ready for handcuffs while looking at it. Rob looks so baby smooth young that it seems illegal.
Seriously Lynn! I am SO glad he was 19 when he was shooting GOF otherwise I would have to go and register as a sex offender :)) Eeek!
P.S.: R u ignoring my emails?
OMG he is a baby there and I am drooling here! LHM! He likes.....Smart women w/ a sexy walk!
A new banner once again! I loved the former (sexy *_*), but this one is fun too. Do you have a place where you upload all of the old banners you did for the blog? You must have quite an extensive archive!
On a side note: I really want to see how to be, I hope that it will show in France...
I will check my emails...I deleted a bunch of stuff earlier. So, I may have missed some....sorry:(
I will check the archives at the spot! I am missing my baby, Dani!
Well I do have a sexy work already. That's how I got my last boyfriend. So Rob is right it helps to get the guy.
Really I didn't like the character of Cedric that much.
I want to kiss all over that neck of his. mmmm
hey what year was this?
anyone else notice that his "most romantic thing he's done for a girl" story changes everytime he's asked? lol he must have a lot :-P
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