Life & Style Germany

Again thanks to kittyglam for the scan.


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Laura said...

Dammit. After closer inspection of the hand, it appears that it IS Rob's hand going around Camilla Beyotch's waist. HORK.

Tess said...

Laura! lol...

Cheer up baby... He seems to love brunettes... :)

Anonymous said...

Rob said Camilla was the nicest...a why do you call her a beyotch? Just kiddin around out of jealousy? :)

Anonymous said...

This is a woman's hand! Look closely :)

Anonymous said...

How lovely!

It's the- matching- eyebrows- girl. When I say matching eyebrows I mean they're as thick as Rob's.

So, I'm a bitch for saying that. I don't care.


Anonymous said...

Isn't the girl next to Rob, Katy Perry? It sure looks like the same hair as the picture of her on tha right. Camilla name isn't even mentioned in the article.

Divinesally said...

I don't think he's into "saints." Wasn't he the one who said he like crazy chicks?

I've seen interviews with Camilla and she's seems WAY TOO into herself. I mean come on she's dating a Jonas bro for god's sake. But let's face it she is gorgeous/hot, what guy wouldn't put his arm around her? And she's his age, exact age. But I don't think her personality suits his. He needs someone laid back, intelligent, funny and eccentric. I really think Ms. Portman or Ms. Stewart (in a couple years when she wises up) would be good for him. some of you might disagree...

Anonymous said...

i think there is more to the c. belle story than meets the eye.

Suz said...

hey anon, Rob has ladie's hands. heee heeeeeeee

Anonymous said...

I think Rob likes crazy girls as girlfriends. As friends maybe he like "saints".

Whatever, it's not his hand.

He needs someone laid back, intelligent, funny and eccentric. - I agree with you divinesally, but after GQ interwiev I think he wants to be with someone who is out of this business. Intelligent, funny, eccentric non-celeb girl would be perfect!

Anonymous said...

Yeah,he has ladie's hands, but he has also hairy arms ;)

Anonymous said...

I mean forearms.

Anonymous said...

pretty sure that's Katy Perry on the pic with him,not Camilla.

Divinesally said...

It's most definitely Camilla in the pic, I've seen her in a different pic on the same day, wearing the same dress. As well as this picture from a different angle. And that IS his beautiful hand around her lucky waist. lol.

Divinesally said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

It's definitely Camilla...

Anonymous said...

they are more than friends. she consistently pops up everywhere and i found it interesting that she is the one mentioned in GQ. And he really didnt deny anything. He danced around the issue

Anonymous said...

How do you think Rob would feel about all the vile things said about his friend? And questioning his statement that they are just friends. Its really sad, he can't be taken at his word.

Anonymous said...

I think it's strange that he didn't mention nor deny his rumored relationship with Kristen though. Hmmmmm....why? Because he can't lie.

Anonymous said...

Is it any wonder Rob said "he almost doesn't want a girlfriend in this environment" Who needs everyone dissecting and tearing apart every girl they stand next too. How sad for him and any future date/girlfriend

...wowie! said...

There's a bigger pic and it's actually the girl to Camilla's left that has her hand on the back.

Anonymous said...

She seems really nice in this video...

I can see Rob being really attracted to her and waiting patiently for her to dump Joe :)

Anonymous said...

rob would never date camilla! first of all because shes toms xgirlfriend and tom's his best friend so just saying

Anonymous said...

Haven't read all the responses, but am I the only one that thinks Camilla would be good for Rob? :-)He is ALWAYS laughing and smiling when he is with her, he obviously loves her company and she seems to really enjoy being around him as well. They knew each other before he was big, so maybe that's why they are so comfortabletogether. I also think she is beautiful! Wonder if they have tiptoed around a romance as they have been friends for a while.I keep thinking- Camilla drop the Jonas dude and throw yourself at Rob! I just wish he had someone to make him happy (my mother hen is coming out.)

Anonymous said...

Did anyone else get the impression that the GQ interviewer thinks Rob was lying about his relationship with Camilla? Maybe its just me, but the article made it sound like Rob was talking in circles about her because he's such a bad liar.

Anonymous said...

Re: the GQ interviewer. I think he was just trying to create more controversy. He tried to put his own spin on everything Rob said. He didn't follow through on most of Rob's statement, like he should of.

Anonymous said...

LOL about it not being Rob's hand. It IS, no woman would go to a fancy party with nails like that, and she would also have to be double jointed! That's him. Lucky Camilla. Sigh.

Anonymous said...

I don't thinl he will dat a ex tom sturridge girlfriend!!!
Abou Tha GQ thing. The only rumor the he didn't denyed was NIkki Reed Rumor. And I HATE her.
I rather Camilla Belle than Nikki Reed!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Re: his hand or not?? I just looked at the picture again and it is his hand. Good for him is what I have to say about it.

Anonymous said...

i don't know why so much buzz.
Here in Brzil is pretty normal a friend touch friend's back.
Maybe in England is normal too.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Danni - I think it's normal here (Cali) too. Well, at least it is with my circle of friends. I didn't think anything of it when I saw the pic.

Anonymous said...

Me too!!!
I'm more worried about Nikki Reed. She is fake and a sucker!!!!

Anonymous said...

RE: What ANON said here: "Intelligent, funny, eccentric non-celeb girl would be perfect!"

I agree 100% Definitely a (low-maintenance) non-celeb!! Maybe a musician, or otherwise artsy type.

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth - i agree with you about Rob talking in circles about Camilla. Seems to me he fancies her. Too bad for him she's not available it seems.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure Rob loves being called a liar by his fans.

In GQ Rob said -
I'm friends with Camilla," Pattinson says, denying reports of a romantic relationship with the actress who is said to be dating Joe Jonas.
"That's the extent of it," the 'Twilight' actor tells the publication.

That should be the end of it. He has enough crap written about him by the gossips and haters. His fans should believe his word.

Manda Melle said...

You guys are cracking me up with all the is it or isn't it his hand stuff lol To me it clearly looks like his hand, if it's a woman's hand then she needs to get her arms waxed or something! That being said, his hand around her waist doesn't mean they're 'together'. Let's not get carried away here. The poor guy can't be within 10ft of a woman without people saying they're dating.

Tenneil said...

Anon...please go away!!!

TwiHartRK said...

It's Camilla
and IMO - it's Rob's hand.

He's does seem happy when he's with her. Does he want/think of more? He's not gonna tell that lame Pappadumbass dude that. GQ article = YAWN

Katy Perry seems a little "crazy." She might be fun to hang out with.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hello Tenneil and everyone else on here tonight.

Tenneil said...

Hey have you been babe???

Anonymous said...

Of course, Rob feels comfortable with Camilla. She dated his best friend for a serious amount of time, and the 3 of them hung out a lot. Not only does she know who he really is (before the madness), but she's a Hollywood vet herself, so who better to help him adjust to his new environment? I don't see how you can care about Rob and trash all the people he likes.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I've been good... I've been kinda cranky last the couple of days so I haven't been commenting... BUT I have been here feeding my Rob obsession.

Anonymous said...

I don't think Rob is a liar, at all. It is difficult, I imagine, for him to answer questions about girls/relationships, as it would be for anyone, really. It's personal, and if he wants to skirt around something that's completely understandable. I think for the most part we Robsessors just adore him and want him to be happy. It may be hard to "let go" though! ;)

Nikki_J said...

Here is a link to an article from life&Style that says he hung out with Megan Fox. They stayed at the same hotel according to the magazine. Who really knows what Rob is doing. He has said many times that he prefers the company of women over men.

Tenneil said...

Guys they wont go away if we keep answering them....can we just ingore and not response... I cant handle this crap tonight.

TwiHartRK said...

Hi BI, all - BTW,tThe only rumor Rob denied outright was the Annalyse rumor. Then Pappadumbass asked him directly about a triangle with JJ and Camilla. Then he twisted Rob's answer. Maybe for the 'male' readers to make him sound like a playa? Mrs_PriMeViL I have no idea if/who Rob's dating. Whoever he dates I hope she appreciates him and gives him lots of good love, lucky bitch.

Tenneil said...

Hey Alie...lets have a better night..shall we???

Tenneil said...

and I totally agree...his happiness is most important...whom ever she is..

Bootstrap Intern said...

Sounds like last nights anon comments weren't fun. I would ask what it was all about, but I don't encourage any anons to pick up where they left off. I'm glad I missed it all.

Anonymous said...

ok, Tenneil. hello again (waves)!
i don't care who he's with. all i know for sure is that he is so HOT and adorable and fires me up!!!!!!!!

Hi Bootstrap!

Tenneil said...

BI ..lucky you... Are you feeling okay??? alie hasnt been felling so hot lately..are the cyber germs spreading again??

Nikki_J said...

I swear Camilla and Joe Jonas look like fraternal twins.

Tenneil said...

hey C~ how was amazing race??

Anonymous said...

p.s. We Robsessors should all be his cheerleaders. We're on his team - Go Rob!!! We love you no matter what you do!!!!!! (at least I do)

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hi Crazy!
I'm so use to seeing Rob alone that it will be weird when he's "attached". However, I will be happy for him, whoever he dates... well, unless it's Paris. But I don't think that would ever happen.

Tenneil said...

agreed ladies...

Anonymous said...

Hi c~ Amazing Race is pretty cool and funny sometimes - contestants had to run a mile in Siberia in their skivvies - lol!

So anyway, i must have stared at Rob's GQ pic (the standing one) for about an hour today. Yikes!

Anonymous said...

Tenneil said...
Anon...please go away!!!

There is more than one person posting her anonymously. Why should any of us go away. I don't see that anyone who has posted anonymously has posted anything wrong or bad. We are simply espressing our opinions, Which I thought we had the right too.

Anonymous said...

Hi BI~

EEWWW! Paris H. That's where it would be tough to cheer him on.

Anonymous said...

Hi BI~

EEWWW! Paris H. That's where it would be tough to cheer him on.

Bootstrap Intern said...

T - yeah I'm fine. Just cranky. I think a quick trip to Baskin Robins will treat me right (do you have Baskin Robins in MI??).

Now my mind is thinking about ice cream and Rob... okay... my mood is improving.

Tenneil said...

C~ i know I cant wait for the mag to come out..opps I said it...Hee

TwiHartRK said...

Hey ladies. I agree BI - It would be weird to see him "attached" unless he was "attached" to me. My Robsession won't dwindle even if he starts dating. A happy, flirty Rob is a gorgeous sight to behold.

Tenneil said...

BI..yes we do!!! and thanks for the mental images...

Bootstrap Intern said...

I was in Borders, again, this afternoon to see if it's out yet. I knew it wouldn't be, but damn, the wait is killing me. Also, I want my damn Twilight DVD.

Tenneil said...

flirty Rob I like that sound of that alie... sign me up!!

Anonymous said...

megan fox and robert pattinson both 22 were in the same hotel and in the bar couldnt stop flirting with eachother... they even sat on the couch really close and rob had his arm around megan the whole time... megan couldnt stop laughin with rob and they didnt stop gazzing into eachothers eyes the whole time

alrite rob really needs a girlfriend and i mean megan fox is beautiful + they were having a good time

Tenneil said...

I WANT PE... and I cant find him...*sniff sniff*

Bootstrap Intern said...

Tenneil - we already have "His Holy Wetness" and now we have "Rocky Road Rob"... the images are glorious.

Anonymous said...

WHEN is GQ coming out!!!! I need it under my mattress ASAP!

Tenneil said...

I would love to have ice cream with Rob!! that sounds really simple...get to know him kind of fun!!

I like the naughty ice cream rob too!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

I want a PE too! They are of out stock at my local Boarders. But they did an Edward jigsaw puzzle. I didn't buy it.

Tenneil said...

I heard on march 24th

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy - I have read that GQ will on news stand on the 17th (I also read the 24th somewhere).

TwiHartRK said...

There is a gif of Rob eating ice cream as Daniel Gale - can't find it. Found this pic. I don't know if this link will work.

Anonymous said...

Icecream. Robscream. Yummy.

...wowie! said...

I have to agree with Elizabeth. He is always smiling when he's around her. and it's not just a smile...he's cheesin'. me likey happy robbie! =)

Anonymous said...

Note to self; roll out of bed and head directly to Borders every a.m. starting tomorrow.

Tenneil said...

Thanks Alie... I remember seeing that somewhere once.... perfect thanks!!

Nikki_J said...

Poor Camilla she can't catch a break...LOL. Camilla and Joe seem to be really close as well. They hang out a lot. My little sister was so pissed b/c camilla spent v-day with joe jonas. I thought my sis was going to jump out of a window. I could not stop laughing. She was just seen at Disney world with him as well. I liked the Natalie Portman Rumor. She is really smart and classy. I also liked the megan fox Rumor. Megan seems like she would be a lot of fun. Plus she could care less what people think about her.

Here is a video some jonas brothers fans made about Camiilla and joes relationship.

...wowie! said...

Bootstrap...I read 17th and posted it on Twitter and was told that it was the 24th. I'm going to go to the bookstore on the 17th...just in case...cause you never know...ya know?

Tenneil said...

C~ then go to Kinkos to get it lamitanted

Anonymous said...

Gals - feeling dumb here....what is a pocket Edward? the doll?

TwiHartRK said...

Anonymous said...

T- you better believe i am getting it laminated, otherwise it wouldn't last a week!

Tenneil said...

Yes the small version.. the affordable one... tonner Edward is like 150 bucks..

Tenneil said... damn..the lick..YOWZA

Anonymous said...

can I laminate an Edward doll? It would probably be necessary.

Tenneil said...

hes plastic..your okay!!

Anonymous said...

Re: Rob as Daniel Gale. I always wished they continued the scene where she pulls him into the bathroom....ya know?

TwiHartRK said...

Nikki J - Rob + Megan = too much hotness.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I'm off to get some ice-cream... I will brb.

Tenneil said...

AAAWWWW ALie. I love when you get all mathy on me!!!

Rob + ice cream= Yummy fun

TwiHartRK said...

Yeah -Crazy - I LOVED the expression on his face when she pulled him in! said...

I hope someone can translate this soon1

Tenneil said...

BI...dont have too much fun!!!

Anonymous said...

so I'll go get a PE, dip it in icecream, just so i can then lick it off him. Is that where this is leading? 'cause i'm game... ;)

Tenneil said...

thats the beauty of PE...he can do it all... and still fit in your pocket... he goes anywhere!!

Anonymous said...

Twiheart ~ and he says "are u sure?". so shy and sexy. I love shy guys.

Anonymous said...

hmmmm. right. so the PE goes Everywhere. Dirty, dirty girls!

Tenneil said...

I havent see that movie...but I ve see that seem on youtube..HOT!!does anyone know how to get any of his there a link of sorts??

TwiHartRK said...

Yeah - I heart Daniel Gale and his tight ass pants. PE is kind of the ideal man - hee hee. Have you seen the adventures of Pocket Edward Blog? Hilarious!

Tenneil said...

tired I guess meant to say scene..not seem??

Anonymous said...

I've seen his stuff on u tube only. But what about the Summer House? Is that coming out on video in April? There is only a teaser clip on u tube, and it really teases!

Tenneil said... please girl!!
I've see the Robert Pattinson loves they video tape with a real guys trying to be robert.. not so funny... weird

Anonymous said...

Ohh i've got to see that blog, Twi~
sounds like fun!

TwiHartRK said...

tee hee

Anonymous said...


Tenneil said...

thanks alie..Tee Hee

Tenneil said...

Alie...where is everybody??

Anonymous said...

Hey girls! Check out this video montage! Hot! and appropriate music ;)

Anonymous said...

yeeah - where is everybody? is it early?

TwiHartRK said...

Shrugs - Amazon UK has Bad Mother's Handbook. I dunno anything about Summer House on DVD

TwiHartRK said...

The Summer House film - Coming out in April 2009

If you would like to be updated on the progress of this film please email us at

Tenneil said...

C~ perfect song!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

I'm baaack.. and the ice cream was good! Now time to catch up on what I missed.

Tenneil said...

BI check out crazys video link!!! YOWZA!!

Anonymous said...

yeah - perfect song!

i signed up for Summer House news ages ago, and haven't gotten a damn thing. Note to self: check Blockbuster in April, i guess. Need. to. see. all. that. is. Rob.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Perfect song!!! That's for sure.

Crazy - come to think of it, I signed up for Summer House info too and haven't received a damn thing.

For those of you that haven't seen The Mother's Handbook, here a good link for you...

BTW - I still need to watch it.

Anonymous said...

i watched it over and over again. Can't see his eyes well, but sure get to see the mouth, voice and sexy stature. His legs go for miles! never thought that would be so damn hot!! i can't believe myself.

Tenneil said...

Bi is that the whole movie?? thank youthankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou..I know that i am doing tomorrow...OMG...*sqeals*

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hey Crazy! Just out of curiosity, what state are you in?

Bootstrap Intern said...

tenneil - I haven't watched it... I know, I know, I'm a loser. I hope it's the whole movie... It's an 1:10 long.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy - I meant what state do you live in, not your state of mind... LOL

Anonymous said...

My daughter and I watched HP and the GOF last week just to catch Rob. We both squealed. She did look at me weirdly though. who cares!! Did he date that Katie C? nevermind - WHO CARES!

Anonymous said...

BI~ I live in NJ, but my state of mind is usually horny, as of late. Can u tell?

your state? and Tenneil?

Anonymous said...

did u guys know i am in my 40s? FYI

Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy - I already know you're state of mind.. LOL.. that's why I clarified the question.

I'm in CA. It's still early for me.

Tenneil said...


Bootstrap Intern said...

Crazy - I assumed you late 30's - early 40's by a few of your comments.

Anonymous said...

never been to either state. would like to though. you can pass on nj.

Anonymous said...

BI~ interesting. what comments? 14 year old kid?

Bootstrap Intern said...

One of the things I like about this site is most of the women on here are mature; Regardless of their age (20's, 30's, 40's, etc.). I get really frustrated reading immature, silly comments.

Anonymous said...

Hello BI, Tenneil, Crazy...

Bootstrap Intern said...

Ummm... I think you said something about being much older then someone who mentioned they were 33.

If can, I highly recommend a visit to Cali. It's a beautiful place. Well, most of it is.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Top of the evening to you Thirtysomething!!!

Tenneil said...

Hey TS....

Anonymous said...

i agree. i feel we relate well here, for the most part.

Anonymous said...

Hi TS (waves)~

Tenneil said...

Agreed Crazy!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Hey Tenneil, why so quiet?

Anonymous said...

Trying to catch up with your convo...what's going on? Well, besides the obvious lusting after Rob?

Anonymous said...

BI ~ heard the Pacific Coast Highway is amazing. true?

Anonymous said...

yeah, Tenn is quiet. ?

Tenneil said...

Bi..IDK...working through some things in my head..I guess..

Anonymous said...

TS~ Well, check this out...

Anonymous said...

Tenneil~ wanna share?

Tenneil said...

Crazy ...that vid..takes me to a very happy place!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Tenneil - that's makes sense. I hope everything is ok.

Bootstrap Intern said...

I have a few video's bookmarked for when I need to go to my happy place.

Anonymous said...

crazy: i am in love with you. will you marry me? that video...ummm and the song? are you kidding.

I have watched this:

about 7321673165764 times because he says my name at 0:41 :D

Tenneil said...

Bi are you girl crushing me... you are sooo sweet!!

Anonymous said...

Tenneil - "happy place". hee hee!
where's that? sorry.

Anonymous said...

TS~ sure, i'll marry you. ;)
now i've gotta see the vid you're talking about...brb...

Anonymous said...

And I just realized where that ff came from YGMCTG...oh duh!? I had no idea that was a song.

Tenneil said...

Ts....way to catch up!! were so proud!!

Anonymous said...

crazy: let's set a date, stat! and my video is a boring oscar's just the fact that he utters my name that makes my panties go bye bye.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Tenneil! I am a little slow. But Momma says stupid is as stupid does.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Thirtysomething - what FF are you talking about that refers to "Closer"? Which by the way, is one of the many perfect songs when thinking about Rob... In my opinion.

Tenneil said...

have you guys read the office on ff yet???

Bootstrap Intern said...

tenneil - you've mentioned that one before... so, I take it it's good? I'm reading Frenemies right now and I'm not sure if I like it or not.

Anonymous said...

BI: here's the link. I haven't read much because I keep jumping around and trying to stay caught up on the 10 or so I'm reading...but I have it as one of my alerts

Anonymous said...

TS~ never boring! my panties just melted again. his voice, eyes, mouth....jesus!

gotta remember to laminate the panties...

Anonymous said...

I haven't read the Office yet. I have it on favs so I remember to get to it one of these days! You likey, eh?

Tenneil said...

Bi...really I love that of my favs....aaaahhhh skittles...taste the rainbow...keep going your fall in love soon enough

Anonymous said...

I guess I gave away my name...oh well. I'm pretty much an open book anyway.

Once we figure out the whole lamination thing, we need to patent it! The hotter Rob gets, the more we can market it. Partners? All of us?

Anonymous said...

Yeah BI~ "Closer" is perfect. Got it on CD in my car, but i already dream of Rob while driving. DWR. Driving While Robsessing.

Anonymous said...

Frenemies wasn't my favorite. I'm starting the office soon. waiting for updates on WA, I love LA, B&W, A&O.

Bootstrap Intern said...

Tenneil - Thanks for encouraging me to keep reading it... I'm only 5 chapters into it, so I'll keep going. I LOVE to skittle reference... LOL.

Anonymous said...

BI: How far are you into Frenemies? You'll like it. It is one of my favorites, but after reading WA, I had to read it a little before I realized HOW much I really liked it.

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS - I'm in! Also, thanks for the the link!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i didn't finish frenemies. maybe i should give it another try?

Bootstrap Intern said...

TS - I've only read the first 5 chapters. It's not that I don't like it, it's that I'm not hooked. I think it's partly because I LOVE LOVE LOVE WA. And so far, there is not real substance to it. But if you and Tenneil (and dozens of others) say it's good, I will definitely stick with it.

Tenneil said...

Crazy...please do...

I also love A&O..I love tie guy!!

Anonymous said...

crazy: Yeah, keep reading. I'm totally hooked on it. And now A&O, which I actually like better. But it's probably because I'm a little OCD myself... I can relate to Edward in that one.

And we'll need to come up with some clever name for our laminated panties. Hmmmm?

Anonymous said...

that's how i feel. I LOVE WA so much, it kind of spoiled me. it's the first i read. i didn't get hooked on frenemies.

Anonymous said...

tenneil - i LOVE A&O. Tieguy is luscious.

Bootstrap Intern said...

WA is what I read to pop my FF cherry.

Bootstrap Intern said...

WA is what I read to pop my FF cherry.

Anonymous said...

crazy: Go back and start up Frenemies again! Right now, what are you waiting for? Haha, no wait don't leave yet...but definitely read it again!

Anonymous said...

TS~ I've got OCD myself! surprised?

hmmm. "lamities"? ummm. "Fundies"?
hmmm. help me out here!

Tenneil said...

gals...hate to do this...I have to go to bed.. only 5 hrs of sleep is catching up..


talk tomorrow!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

Have sweet Rob dreams, Tenneil!

Anonymous said...

My first ff was ILLA... I found WA by accident, it owns me. I literally cried like a baby on the last chap.

Anonymous said...

g'night Tenneil! Talk to you tomorrow! :D

Anonymous said...

let's just call then "Robbies". As in, "I better have my Robbies on before i read WA." NO?

i just saw a twilight commercial. a Rob twitch, again.

Anonymous said...

g'night tenneil!

Anonymous said...

I was thinking Pattz Pants? Haha

Anonymous said...

WA is so wonderfully written. Yup, that last chapter was heartbreaking. How much longer do we have to wait? Do these stories usually have happy endings, i hope?

Anonymous said...

BI: you still here?

Anonymous said...

crazy: good question! i don't think i've ever read a ff that is complete besides submissive and that was a HEA.

Anonymous said...

I like Pattz Pants too! (poor Rob - just fooling around sweetie!)

p.s. in case he's lurking...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

HEA = Happily Ever After

Bootstrap Intern said...

Yep, still here... Just had to do some household chores :)

WA is beyond good. Edward's psychotic breakdown really stayed with me. Actually so much of that story has stayed with me. I've cried a few times throughout the story... especially in the latest chapter.

Anonymous said...

oh thanks (duh!)

Sorry to say my eyes are starting to close on me. It's 12:20 am here. have a good night gals! Hope to talk again very soon!!!!

Bootstrap Intern said...

LOL Crazy... I love that you clarified what you meant Re: in case he's watching.

Anonymous said...

BI: such a good girl you are...doing household chores.

And I have cried several times through WA also, but that last chap, it tore me down. When she went to his house and walked in past Daddy C to go to his room...gaaahhhh!

Anonymous said...

Nitey nite crazy! Talk to you soon.

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