Thanks for giving my day a jump start! OMG. Rob is hot, hot, hot and sooooooo damn sexy. Wonder if she realizes how lucky she is even just for the sake of acting!
good morning! thanks for the hot pics. that man is so hot Kristen is having fun. what better way to cheat on your boyfriend.." I am acting honey ..really"
LOL, Ellie! I don't know! I'm just so desperate for a slo-mo, I was throwing it out there! haha...If Goz wants to make one, I certainly wouldn't stand in her way. :) lol
Good Morning Ladies!!!! I'm waching over, over again. I could say that i would like to be Kristen in that moment, but i don't want to. I prefer off cameras. And Sophia, Bom dia!!! I like man on top too.
Holy Cow!!! I totally couldn't breath. This boy is really killing me!!! It's going to be another unproductive day. How can I possibliy make this week go any faster. I can't wait for my dvd. Yikes!!!
Danni, vc encomendou seu DVD do filme. Eu nĂŁo gosto de encomendar coisas online, pois tive o meu cartĂŁo clonado uma vez. Acho que vou ter que esperar chegar na FNAC, na Saraiva ou na Cultura mesmo. Mas estĂŁo falando que há diferentes versões do DVD (a maior sacanagem, pois eles querem que todos comprem mais de um); dizem que uns tem mais entrevistas e outros tem mais cenas excluĂdas.
Goz - for the love of all things Rob, this is just sweet torture! What a way to start the day. I agree with your assessments ladies: bum, thighs, jaw porn in effect. I see why someone suggested a "tighter shot" here - KStews legs are glaringly open. Thigh spreader Robward coming at you.
I'm on board with the "thighs" wow. There even better now, have you seen him lately? He's been working that body of his and it shows. God he's beautiful. I love you guys and this site. Must go look some more.
WinWin- I remember KStew saying that they did't practice it but only did the "blocking" (whatever that means in movie speak) for the kissing scene. So what we are all seeing is kinda like the first time. But this just makes your mind obsess over how it would be in real life with him. I know it would be mind blowing, melting, weak in the knees, addictive sex.... I would have had to become an extra in his movies so that we could do it when ever, where ever.... *THUD,SIGH, and SWOON*
OMG - There goes any productiveness for today - Rob "attack" will be running in my all day. He's just ... yum ... Loving the new angle ... I'd take Rob on top anytime. I don't think my heart has resumed normal beating yet!
i love reading everyone's commentary. gives me an even stronger visual than what's already presented by mr. pattinson and miss stewart. ::sigh:: i've died again...
this is whole different kiss scene!!!! in the movie ROB GRABS KRISTENS WAIST AND THROWS HER DOWN THE BED haha and then in the deleted kiss scene kristen attacks rob yeah so this is another kiss scene
I came right home and had to look at this again. There I go being a bad mom. Sons reading together, daughter with grandma. I'm hiding and swooning. Very dangerous.
There must be another take. I revisited the movie website and drool over all the videos again and there was a shot of the kiss scene where he had a gray shirt on. I'm just hoping and praying for more kiss scenes from the dvd.
ANyway, I will be back later. Have to get my kids off to bed.
i have been reading your blog for a while now. every day i come home from work and check your blog for any news on Rob and i have never felt the need to leave a comment until today. THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU for that slow motion kiss scene. i'm gonna have good dreams tonight!
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Wow Goz!! What a HOT way to kick off St. Patrick's Day!!!
Gives me all new ideas for my "Kiss Me I'm Irish" button!!
And there's a video also
Now I really can't wait for the DVD!
Thanks for giving my day a jump start! OMG. Rob is hot, hot, hot and sooooooo damn sexy. Wonder if she realizes how lucky she is even just for the sake of acting!
Oh, man, what site to greet me this morning! So, so hot.
Rob knows his stuff. *thud
Morning, ladies!
Thanks so much! He is so beautiful. And now I can think of nothing but him crawling across my bed!
good morning!
thanks for the hot pics.
that man is so hot
Kristen is having fun. what better way to cheat on your boyfriend.." I am acting honey ..really"
Oh, that was tingly...:)
Holy fuck-a-roni!! I can't stop waching that video. I can't stop watching his ass as he moves forward. I can't stop. HELP!
Gozde I am really trying to work here..pleaseeeeeeeeeee..
Goz!!! Thank you SO much for posting this! WOW! I love starting my day with Rob makeout scenes! YUMMY!
I'm dying for a slo-mo of this vid! LOL
love morning sex.....
Laura, was that a hint for Goz?? lol
LOL, Ellie! I don't know! I'm just so desperate for a slo-mo, I was throwing it out there! haha...If Goz wants to make one, I certainly wouldn't stand in her way. :) lol
Suz, me too!! And I like my man on the top, I like to feel the weight...
Good morning, Robsessers!! What a way to start the day!
Off to watch again, and again, and again...
Good Morning Ladies!!!!
I'm waching over, over again.
I could say that i would like to be Kristen in that moment, but i don't want to. I prefer off cameras.
And Sophia, Bom dia!!!
I like man on top too.
That video will be N. 1 watched here today!! I already hit my record!
Hi, Danni, vc. tb., tenha um bom dia!!
Holy moly! Is there MORE where that came from???
that ass is SOOOO begging for my fingernail marks....
(was that wrong?)
OMG Goz! Unicorns first thing in the a.m.? Too hot!!!
uhhhhhhhhhhhh!! the ass and thighs on that bloke~
"Top of the morning" girls! (hee hee)
Oh man.. It's going to one of those days again I see..
Just had to watch 4 seconds Rob's grab-able bum one more time just to be sure I still like it...
Holy Cow!!! I totally couldn't breath. This boy is really killing me!!! It's going to be another unproductive day. How can I possibliy make this week go any faster. I can't wait for my dvd. Yikes!!!
Crazy, hi. "Top of the morning", or "Rob ON TOP in the morning"?? Hum...
I have work to be done; someone, please, take that video away!
That is some ass... Rob is gorgeous from EVERY DAMN ANGLE, isn´t he? Oh, now that I thought of that, I am imagining some more Rob´s angles...
Focus, sophia, focus... Back to work, remember?
He has a damn good derriere, but i'm more impressed with his hot thighs!!!
Loving mother of Jesus!!!!!!
I'm wondering if this is one of the dvd extras? wondering if there is more where that came from. I've just watched it another 20 times. Need oxygen!!!
I have added the slowed down version on the front page :))
Danni, I´m off to check on the thighs again... wait a minute...
Oh, come on, Gozde, that slowm. is criminal! Is should be forbidden!
Ok, ok:
* Rob´s jaws in the video: checked.
* arms: checked.
* thighs: checked.
* ass: checked.
* the way he gets in between her legs: checked.
Hum... Is it just me, or nobody is going to work today?
Do you already check?
Danni, olá.
Menina, nĂŁo consigo me decidir de que parte gosto mais. Acho que preciso assistir mais umas 100 vezes.
Eu estou entre o derriere, as coxas e os braços, e as mãos, e as costas, e tudo!!!!!!!!!!!!
Danni, vc encomendou seu DVD do filme. Eu nĂŁo gosto de encomendar coisas online, pois tive o meu cartĂŁo clonado uma vez. Acho que vou ter que esperar chegar na FNAC, na Saraiva ou na Cultura mesmo. Mas estĂŁo falando que há diferentes versões do DVD (a maior sacanagem, pois eles querem que todos comprem mais de um); dizem que uns tem mais entrevistas e outros tem mais cenas excluĂdas.
Goz - for the love of all things Rob, this is just sweet torture! What a way to start the day. I agree with your assessments ladies: bum, thighs, jaw porn in effect. I see why someone suggested a "tighter shot" here - KStews legs are glaringly open. Thigh spreader Robward coming at you.
Holy. Crap.
This is really not helping me get ready for the
Ladies, how many times do you think they practiced that. Their lips never unlock. Thanks for the slow mo. Yummy!!!
Oh. My. God
Não encomendei ainda, pq tenho o mesmo medo que vc (cartão de crédito).
SĂł que o ruim Ă© que eu pesquisei e aqui chega em abril sĂł para as locadoras, para comprar mesmo sĂł em agosto.
Danni, sim, exatamente o que fiquei sabendo. Primeiro chega para as locadoras. E nem posso pedir para meu irmão trazer para mim (ele está viajando), pois isso "vazaria" o meu "segredo" e seria alvo de gozação dos meus irmãos, que já adoram pegar no meu pé. Sim, acho que vamos ter que nos contentar com os sites mesmo. Cá entre nós, assim que o DVD sair, acho que deve aparecer tudo aos poucos no site.
Bjs. Vou sair para almoçar. E, olhe, ainda nem trabalhei nada hoje...
Sweet Jesus, he's good ...
Oh Hot Damn!! How will I ever work today??? I'm going to be watching the slow-mo version non-stop...SO HOT!!!
Goz, I'm cracking up here, with the music you put with the slo-mo!
LOVE IT!!! xoxo
oh I'm giving up and going back to bed...with fresh batts. did i just say that out loud?
This is the most amazing website in the world!
Eu acho que vamos ter q esperar pelo jeito, mesmo!!!
S eu descobrir algum outro jeito, lhe aviso!!!
Bom almoço
Rob has his own clothes and the Nikes on, lol!
Chicago girl! Unfortunately that is what happens in a low budget movie!!!!
Soph~ actually under Ashley Greene's thingy~
I'm on board with the "thighs" wow. There even better now, have you seen him lately? He's been working that body of his and it shows. God he's beautiful. I love you guys and this site. Must go look some more.
WinWin- I remember KStew saying that they did't practice it but only did the "blocking" (whatever that means in movie speak) for the kissing scene. So what we are all seeing is kinda like the first time. But this just makes your mind obsess over how it would be in real life with him. I know it would be mind blowing, melting, weak in the knees, addictive sex.... I would have had to become an extra in his movies so that we could do it when ever, where ever.... *THUD,SIGH, and SWOON*
YES!!!!! SLO-MO! Love you, Goz!! MUAH! xoxo!
I was just thinking, "Gee I wish that kiss scene was in slomo" and then *poof* my fairy godmother (Goz) granted the wish.
Thanks Goz!
The words that come to mind is.. I so want him.
Oh and Goz, the music on the slow-mo video is perfect! Thanks for slowing it down for us.
OMG - There goes any productiveness for today - Rob "attack" will be running in my all day. He's just ... yum ... Loving the new angle ... I'd take Rob on top anytime. I don't think my heart has resumed normal beating yet!
Ah thank god for technology!
i love reading everyone's commentary. gives me an even stronger visual than what's already presented by mr. pattinson and miss stewart. ::sigh:: i've died again...
this is whole different kiss scene!!!! in the movie ROB GRABS KRISTENS WAIST AND THROWS HER DOWN THE BED haha and then in the deleted kiss scene kristen attacks rob yeah so this is another kiss scene
seriously how many kissing scenes did they do wow
The SLOMO.... The music with the visuals = (sigh)
I came right home and had to look at this again. There I go being a bad mom. Sons reading together, daughter with grandma. I'm hiding and swooning. Very dangerous.
There must be another take. I revisited the movie website and drool over all the videos again and there was a shot of the kiss scene where he had a gray shirt on. I'm just hoping and praying for more kiss scenes from the dvd.
ANyway, I will be back later. Have to get my kids off to bed.
Hilarious music for the slow-mo, Gozde! Absolutely cracked me up. You are such a funny woman.
i have been reading your blog for a while now. every day i come home from work and check your blog for any news on Rob and i have never felt the need to leave a comment until today. THANK YOU, THANK YOU THANK YOU for that slow motion kiss scene. i'm gonna have good dreams tonight!
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