Kellan Lutz Talks About Robert Pattinson - Audio

He talks about Rob starting at 3:19 :))


Tess said...
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Tess said...

Goz~ Each time I refresh (which is often) there's something new. I love how the cast seems to be so supportive of one another.

YOU'RE ON FIRE tonight...

XO.. Thank you..

Gozde said...

I loves ya babe :)) I am trying to catch up! Being out all day was not good for Robsessed :P I should just stay at home all day and have no life :))

I think I'll pass out in a minute, it's already 3AM here :(

crazy said...

What the f*** is Ryan Seacrest's problem with Rob!??!!!
"Who has a better personality?

He so obviously doesn't like him' the asshole doesn't like humble, goodlooking men with a sense of humor and charm. What a shallow son of a bitch.


Anonymous said...

Ryan Seacrest really does not like Rob, LOL. I wonder what his deal is...

bimbambom said...

Oh, Kellan it's not about being shy but being SMART.
His personality makes difference between you and him!

Kellan is handsome, but just don't my type. I don't like boys who are handsome in that way.
Rob is a little different than 'average handsome' boy. I love him. Really.

My bf told me today 'You don't have time for me. What are you doing all the time? And please don't tell me that you're reading about this guy from Harry Potter and Twilight!'
So I didn't tell him he was right!

crazy said...

GOZDE - go to bed and get some sleep. busy Rob day tomorrow, i bet. ;)

Anonymous said...

Goz, you're 'da bomb!

He sounds like a really nice guy from North Dakota, classic All-American--nothing wrong with that.

Bim~Don't worry...DH says to me every day: "'re in love with Pattinson!"

Anonymous said...

Wow, Ryan Seacrest has the biggest crush on Rob. It's like kindergarten, when you pick and tease the person you love.LOL

Ryan's such a shmuck!!!

Ms. Bonderson said...

Ok... this is off-topic, but I'm so excited... let me say - this has been the best day: Went to Borders to check on GQ - got the last two copies off the shelf. I suppose there will be more tonight for the release party, but I'm not going to that...I've got better things to do: My DVD just arrived! God bless Amazon and UPS! Off to watch it now...

And the GQ - God, Rob is just too gorgeous.

OK back to the topic... I couldn't believe Ryan thinking Kellen's the better of the two - what? Not that there's anything wrong with Kellen - I'm sure he's a fine guy. But he's no Rob!

Later ladies!

Anonymous said...

How many times did Ryan tell Kellan he had an 8 pack and was ripped...? Lil bit creepy.

Kellan seems like a cool guy, but he as absolutely nothing on Rob.

Thanks for all the awesome posts Gozde! Hope you get some sleep :)

Jewels64 said...

I adore Kellan Lutz! I adore the fact that I date a guy who kinda looks like Kellan Lutz...

I totally love the respect he has for Rob. Kellan shows what an all around, all American good guy he is with this loveable, amiable personality!

Thanks for the audio of the interview! I'm so looking forward to midnight even more...

crazy said...

Can I brag? We've been married for some years now, but my DH is like Rob in these ways:
handsome in an old world, exotic way. shy. clever and funny. sexy. smart. I'm a lucky girl. Thanks for humoring me!

That said, I want Rob too. ;)

TwiHartRK said...

Well said Jules. Kellan seems like a big, fun teddy bear - a hot one, with a lickable eight pack. I can't make up my mind about Ryan Seacrest. I don't think he is very complimentary to Rob and has made comments about his personality, but isn't he borderline rude to a lot of people? Maybe you're right Anon - LOL at the Kgarten comment - he has the hots for Rob. Can't blame him for that!

Anonymous said...

Kellan's a sweetie, but Rob is a sexgod. No comparison - sorry Ryan.

Anonymous said...

Good evening, everyone.

Anon. above, you are so right. That is exactly what I thought when I watched it: he is teasing to cover his lust for the guy he will never have.

Ryan is ridiculous. Kellan is a nice handsome guy; but not my type at all.


Kate said...

LOS ANGELES, Calif. --
As reported on Thursday on, “Twilight” stars and filmmakers will arrive in 5 cities tonight to join fans at the midnight release parties for the film’s DVD – and now, Access can reveal where they’ll be.

In Los Angeles, at Hot Topic at 6801 Hollywood Blvd.

In Chicago, at Hot Topic at 142 Yorktown, Lombard.

In Salt Lake City, at Wal-Mart at 13502 S. Hamilton View Rd., Riverton

In Dallas, at Borders at 965 West Bethany Dr., Allen, and at Blockbuster at 5649 Lebanon, Frisco.

The New York location will be revealed shortly.

Anonymous said...

My question is "Why did Ryan bring that up anyway? What a "crappy" thing to say!!! He put Kellan on the spot and I guess kellan told him. Rob is soulful and girls swoon over him. How dare Ryan try to give Rob Pattinson advice? (Hold your head up and be proud- bull sh__! I have heard it all! The good thing is your website and I got my DVD today! Thanks Amazon!

crazy said...

Sophia you naughty girl! LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Crazy, hi!

Wow, girl, you are lucky! I could almost picture him, but I kept seeing Rob... Yes! You can brag; pleeaase, brag... Tell us more! The girls here will start to drool on your DH...

roxygirl said...

i usto love ryan because he is so funny on american idol but now......ugh y is he so mean to rob, who is he to tell rob how to act in public robert has like a billion more fans than ryan, he is just jelious and it shows a lot

crazy said...

Sophia - you're so sweet! But maybe it's like he's the Edward to my Bella?

oops - my dh sees me blogging again and said "you're CRAZY". Uh oh. Hope he never finds this site!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, crazy, you are right. He must be the Edward to you Bella. Enjoy it then. And treasure it!

I didn't find MY Edward yet; still looking for him. BF is a nice guy; handsome, intellectual type, likes soccer (of course, he is a brazilian), but... something is missing --- I got it: "Rob" is missing! I definitely need a head doctor.

Did he really call you "crazy"? That was a good one. If he knew...

crazy said...

Sophia,~ Thanks. I will treasure what I have. But I want Rob's treasures too! (hee hee)

We both need "head" doctors. (Crazy, don't go there)

He probably calls me CRAZY all the time, but it made me nervous this time. :/

Anonymous said...

The entire cast is just so great! I love to hear how they talk about each other. I'd LOVE to have din/hang out with them!!!!

Anonymous said...

i want to see a montage of rob looking down. I cant remember a interview when he does it!

Anonymous said...

I think Ryan Seacrest is a bully and thinks anyone who is not like him is weak. Just because Rob was very honest in his show and openly discussed his vulnerability, Ryan does not think highly of Rob. When it should be the opposite, someone who is very honest with oneself and can admit his weakness in public shows a lot of strength in character in my opinion.

keely said...

I don´t get why Ryan is so bothered by Robs shyness. Is that him actually:

Explains a lot. No, I´m kidding, but if he doesn´t like Rob that´s his problem, I just think he doesn´t have to mob around. Very unprofessional, Dude, and one more thing: Don´t say anything bad, about our boy or we´ll jinx you, that no turkish eye could ever help you ;-)

Divinesally said...

Ryan is basing sex appeal on rock hard abs and muscles. I personally am not into ripped dudes but can definitely appreciate a nice healthy muscular body. But Rob's charm goes way beyond a nice body. Rob has it all! Even with a friggin beer gut he's sexxy as fuck! why?? His beautiful humble personality. so charming and funny. plus the musical talent just makes it all the sexier. Smart men are definitely hot.

I really feel that Ryan doesn't understand Rob's appeal to women, cause he's so damn shallow. I still like him, but damn Ryan get over it! and Kristen is cute and very cool. It's sad that she gets so much smack talked about her. A lot of people misinterpret her, and think she comes across as a bitch. But I totally DO NOT see her that way, at all. In fact I'm kinda like that, and come across as a bitch sometimes, because I don't kiss anyone's ass and do whatever the eff I feel. fuck all the haters.

Anonymous said...

omg the radioman does NOT know wat he's tlkin bout wen he said dat kellan is more gd lookin than robert! kellan is amazin and all, but hes no match aginst rob!

Anonymous said...

This interview even further confirms what I have thought all along... Ryan Seacrest is the biggest tool! Kellan is a sweet, cute boy from the midwest (just like my real life bf), but I don't crush on him like I do on Rob. I don't know what the hell Seacrest's deal is. Rob should give him the brush off like Angelina and Brad. LOL!


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