The first and 3rd pictures are just sinful...Sinful! :)

Here is the crappy google translation of the interview:) We would appreciate any input from our Japanese readers :))
The film's beautiful and sweet as Edward Twilight Vampire ~ PATINSON Robert's first love - women in the heady sweet. A few days ago about an interview at a hotel in Japan, "the most nervous in my life" "The presenters of the Academy Awards," just finished a big role.
"In the present, I thought it was a big step for me really. And what I think the autumn and winter of last year, and say that my life changed in recent months, I can not believe myself "
And no wonder. The film hits, in America, "Entertainment Weekly" magazine has chosen "a man who breaks FY 2008 number one" and, at the world premiere of the pair all night in a row, Japan's Narita to 500 He greeted the people KAKETSUKETA to see his fans from China, Korea. Occasionally, Robert SHAIGAI to speak with downcast eyes, the girls, "the ideal boyfriend," I think I did the image.
"It feels strange. Many people are reading a novel," The actor playing Edward that "only the response is amazing. In some ways it seems to me that good people did Edward It is good (laughs). What if I actually own and TSUKIATTARA? Edward to be a gentleman, I do not know Well, I'll also try to "
The Harry Potter series, Harry's romantic rival magicians, and the Vampire. The human role is not followed by Robert, who will have a role?
"The work is simple but slow.'s In Portland and spent about a half months, and again read the script several times, to build the ideas floating in it, I think it's Edward. Now also, it's the ideal time for a MORAETARA about it. "
Edward, who knows her to be a Vampire and Bella吸E the blood, because I like trying to restrain her. If the Bella, not die, only his own people, I do not know what to do.
"I have" eternal life "or" death ", I would not choose death either BANAKYA. I mean, I do not experience the death and waste, and I do not want. Life is not aware of the senseless death I. I have a life of Edward forever, so I think it's no use in the ear by ear. "
Edward I live over 100 years, why now, it was the first love Vera?
"With a twist of coincidence. It's up to him as an innocent person has protected stoic. There appears to Vera, I think first I want to drink human blood. Her first attempt and I, I try to suppress them or deliberately approaching the guts. I think now the love of her to treat it. There's no reason to love it . There are times that I thought so myself too.'s What She?, it is "
Robert PATINSON profile
1986 Born in London 1986. Started acting in amateur theater group, at the age of 19, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire will be appearing. "Macbeth" and "Our Town" and the stage, musicals, TV, rising star and the film's appeal to extend
Heaven help me with that first picture. I soooo can't stop drooling!
Rob, lover, do you need someone to iron your shirt? I can do that; but, you know, you would have to pay me up...
mmmmmmmm. Flirty Rob in the first pic.
Sophia ~ Rob's shirt is wrinkled because it was on the floor in my hotel room in Japan. ;)
I can't take this. He is just too beautiful.
Does anyone know when the GQ mag hits stands in FL??
Ok. Those are hot!!! Like Wowie, totally f-ing drooling here. Dammit.
No, crazy, it was between my sheets, or between my legs, I don´t remember now...,but I didn´t think he would be sooo careless to pick it up the next morning, dress up and go to that photo session.
Sophia~ So he did both of us in one night?! It's good to be the King! and 22... ;)
Goz-Love the banner! I adore him in B&W. Wow!
Since I´m going to hell anyway: more sin, pleeeeeease ;-)
Is it weird that I love his hairy arms? LOL
no lovindashow. its not. his hairy arms are hot to me. lol
Not weird at all. I love his hairy knees that i can see thru his "holy" jeans :))
That did it girls when you started talking about the hairy arms!!! I loved that shot in GQ with his hairy knee sticking out...
Panties melting...thanks Rob!!
His stare in the first one...take me now ROB...OMG please..
hey figured things out yet???
Hey T! what r u referring to, girl?! Be 'splicit.
These made my day. Was sad but Rob just takes it all away :)
I'm sucn an idiot! I didn't read at the beginning that it is a google translation, and the whole time I was thinking oh my Rob knows some japanese words haha...
Rob is such a naughty boy. Tsk, tsk, should be illegal to be this HOT!! LOL
Thanks for posting, Goz xo
T~ OMG - we were peeing in our pants last night! Go to bed later next time!
Hi Luckygyrl!!!!!
Hiya! Damn, sounds like I missed the party last nite. Grrr, me and my old lady tendencies. I curled up and wanted to get thru A&O as well as PW.
GAH that first photo melts my heart and my panties at the same time! And am I the only one who noticed that his zipper is almost gaping open? Seriously, that thing looks like it's having a hard time containing "the monster"... not that I'm complaining :)
Wowza, definitely drooling over here!
lyla ~ LOL!!!
Lucky how are you BB... I so need to read A & O chap...I cant keep up.. did PW have a new one??? Yeah you missed it.. I went to bed and these girl...we funny
Crazy your blog account here?? have you opened one yet so you dont have to type your name everytime... your making me laugh right now!!
Iyla~ going back to check the did I miss that...
good eye lyla! i just stared at the pic real close to my monitor for like a good five min. LOL. good thing no one passed by my desk! HA!
Ooh love the cheeky smile in these pics! Hello everyone {waves}
Hello Kate *waves back*
Tenneil - I can't do it! WTF! I was supposed to get a "confirmation" email - never got it. Tried 3 x. Uggghhhhh.
I go into "create Google acct", right? I'm an idiot.
what r u laughing at, pray tell? the fact that I'm a moron? :)
Are you having trouble Crazy???
Are you trying to create an account ??
oops - i forgot to remind him to XYZ. sorry honey.
Kate~ yes!!! what the hell?
Gosh I have one so long now lets see...
Go to the google homepage click on sign in and then create account now.
Yes, I dont know why I find that fact the you cant do it sooo funny.. I want to help please!!
LOL! These pics are adorable!!
i noticed his fly immediately, too!
Rob, plz continue on this path, kthxbai.
Yes, crazy, this guy must have a lot of energy! I wouldn't mind too much sharing, as long as I get my part... And it better be a GOOD ONE!
I love the hairy arms too, and the hairy chest. Rob, please, lover, never wax your chest. For us?
I was thinking. I don't want to go to heaven, it must be too boring there, with all those fat little angels singing and playing harp. I want to go to hell, maybe I could meet Robward there. And I've been a very dirty Robsesser, I deserve that.
But, then I thought, some of you, also dirty Robsessers, would be there too...
We could all finally meet!!!
T ~ oh shut up!
ok, Kate - i'll try again. sigh.
Soph~ see ya in hell baby~~~
i'll bring the chips and dip.
Sin has never looked better
Sophia - save me a seat k? We can Robsess together. Yes?
Crazy... let me help!!!stilling laughing tho
The interview translation reminds me of reading electronics instruction manuals.
You get the general idea, but the details are lost.
That little smirk - dangerous! But I like it. And ladies - you're not alone - I like the hairy arms, too. I thought I was alone there, glad I'm not. They just beg to be stroked... I'd better stop... ;)
T and Kate~ ughhhhhh! it keeps telling me i have to "retry"! I have an account, but am trying to reset my pword. I've done it 4 times! fuckers!
AJ~ hey havent heard from you in a while!!! HUGS how are you!!!
instructional manuel... that you cant read even if it was in you language!! HAHAHAHA..that was funny!!
Okay breathe... I have trying to get you there BRB
and i don't why i'm hysterical over here myself! lack of sleep me thinks...
This translation is sooo funny!
Oh I definitely think
there should be an HQ released
of that first shot!!
like now!
try this???
let's see.....
Love the pictures and he really needs someone to take care of him. This makes him more lovable. I could read the translation, google translations tend to give me a headache. Thanks for posting. Love lots of Rob eye candy.
yes!!! i love u T!!!! now i don't have to type "crazy", i just am!!
Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
I just lurve the first picture. There's such mischief in those eyes!
YEAH for Crazy....glad I could help!! see I am good for something!!!
Ellie!!! that word... how are you girl!!
ok, back to Hot Rob. Not hard to re-focus. Yes, delicious, mischievous eyes. Wonder if the hands are just as...
OH YES, I love the hair on his chest, arms, and knees. And he does need a lil bit of TLC...*Swoon*
Have you found your happy place C??
My happy place might as well be on the back of my hand, it's so easy to find these days ;)
i keep typing crazy by mistake :(
Hey C I have to run out to the dentist lovely huh!! I will be back later tonight!!! miss me... dont have too much fun... and please dont hurt toilet seat references tonight please!!LOL
I have hooked you up!!!
"I am down with the kids" "ah ya your da bomb"... sorry alittle twilight reference there!!
T~ i'll try to be careful. can't promise anything tho. see ya later! Thanks again!
oh, so there's the little garbage can BI referred to the other day!!!
i need some down time, really.
yup...garbage can...its like a kid with a new toy!! LOL
see ya
are we going there???? ;)
I can offer to steam press his shirt with all the hot liquid magma seeping from my pores.....
Instructions place your chest against mine (holy shit) and press......
Hot Rob ---- Hot Rod
contain the monster!
Trying to read that article was near impossible.. until I read about
"liking to restrain her"
Suz~ SOMEbody has to have some restraint!!!
This man is like Lucky Charms... Magically Delicious!!!!
The first pic is a "How you doing?" look. Sexy.
God he looks beautiful here! LOL Lyla! Those pants aren't doing there job properly, here Rob, let me help you out of them. He looked happy in Japan and that makes me happy.
Vera?!? (Bella?) This translation reads about as well as me trying to translate Spanish! Seriously, I admire those who know more than one language well. I'm so challenged, lol.
That first pic is so sweet.
LOL, Dana! That's his "Joey" from Friends look! haha
I think my monitor just melted. Sheesh.
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