HQ GQ Pics....

As if one post of these pictures wasn't enough, now we have some high quality shots. YUMMMM!!!!!

Compliments of JustJared
Thanks to Hannah, Carolina, and Kate for sending me the links. You ladies rock!


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luckygyrl said...

What a way to start the day! Those are, unbelievable. My legs are shaking again! WTF? How is this happening over some pictures? Another hard day at work.

And good morning everyone!!!

Melanie said...

I must stop visiting this site while I'm at work. I almost fainted when I looked at the HQ version of these pictures. I spent most of yesterday staring. I just cannot break eye contact with him. So, what do I do today when I get to work? Go to this same site and stare. I guess I need to just face the fact that I'm addicted to Rob.

Anonymous said...

Oh.My.Gah. You are killllling me at work here! I NEED to stop looking at these pictures but for some reason I just cannot.

Morning by the way!

luckygyrl said...

I know the feeling TS. I must get work done today! This is ridiculous.

Anonymous said...

Work... I have lost all concept of it the last two days. You said it - ridiculous.

And now my mind is filled with full shots of "cowboy Rob" and me screaming Yeehaaaw!

Anonymous said...


"When you came in, the air went out..."
"I wanna do bad things with you"
"I wanna do REAL bad things with you"...

Oh, my G.(spot), that man, those hands, those thighs, THAT PACKAGE -- they are in my days and nightdreams. Jeezzz...

JohannaL said...

I was watching these pictures, when my 5 year old daughter came to see what I am doing.
She just stood there and watched the pictures, then she said: He looks cool. Love the hair!

LOL - so he has this effect to all female, no matter the age - LOL

Anonymous said...


Are you here, checking stuff about you on the internet?

Tell me:

Do you speak dirty during...? What do you do with those hands? And that mouth? Do you moan? All the way long, or just at the end? Are you a screamer? Do you keep those wonderful eyes open? Hope so...

luckygyrl said...

OH WOW!!!! Thanks for the mental imagery TS!

luckygyrl said...

Sophia-I dont think I can handle knowing all the answers to those questions!!! Not at work anyway.

Anonymous said...


I should be working too!! Piles on my desk; so what???

Did you see the video bellow? All the comments are from this site. So, it´s real!! He is here sometimes (dreams...)

I think of the questions I´ve made EVERY NIGHT!!! Alone or with my dear boyfriend...

Amy said...

I love these pictures and now they are in HQ!!! I actually held my breath and squealed when I first saw these pics! I will spend all day just daydreaming about the "cowboy" Rob picture!! Thanks Godze and Dani for creating this blog devoted to Robert! :)

Tenneil said...


Good ROB morning to you!!!
What are we playing today???MMMMM
like I need to really ask...These pictures are going to be the end of ME!!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky: In your mental imagery does he keep the boots on? I'm thinking yes. Oh and that sexy little necklace... otherwise nada.

Sophia: Here are the answers I want to hear: yes, let them roam, kiss, yes, both, only your name, only to look in your eyes.

luckygyrl said...

I know. And its Friday! We deserve a nice treat. Oh, and what a treat he is :)

Kate said...

Sophia.... I just watched the vid below and you're so right but it's the "Melted butter on my bagel" one that seems to stick in my head WTF I'm sure it was Jules that said that. I must ask her later ! :-0

JohannaL LMAO at your daughter so funny !!! Welcome to the blog BTW!!;-)

adrienne trafford said...

i wonder what the ring is that he's wearing around his neck...

Tenneil said...

TS...the looking in your eyes bit..OH HOT DAMN... panties melting..

Anonymous said...

Morning Tenneil! What say you this this fine Rob Friday? The end? Naaahhh. Just lots to ponder over the weekend.

luckygyrl said...

Hello Tenneil. How are ya today? Im good. Dreaming of Rob of course. And thanks to TS, now picturing him in just those damn boots. It is hot in here!!!!

Anonymous said...

30! Hi!

I was thinking, I never saw his feet. I want to see his feet.

Oh, maybe it is because he always keeps his shoes in my dreams. We are always too in a hurry to take everything out... Next time I´ll dream of us in the shower or the bathtub...

Anonymous said...

Adrienne: I'm pretty sure it's Joe Jonas' purity ring. Bahahahaha!

Tenneil said...

TS LOL...your on fire this morning..was it all the wet rob dreams thats got you going???

Lucky..those damn boots are not helping me get a shower this morning..I suck...cant get started with life this morning..ROB could you help me here???? the shower please.. I need someone to wash my hair!!!

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: ...on fire. This is who I am ;) So unfair to bring up the shower...thank you.

Anonymous said...

Rob, lover!!

I like when you said in that radio:

"I feel dirty, I feel like it´s wrong...".

That voice, man, is still in my ears... And I feel very dirty, but I don´t feel like it´s wrong... no, no, no...

luckygyrl said...

HAHAHAHAHAHA That was good TS! Damn, love the quick wit.

Umm, Tenneil? What if he wore the boots in the shower? While washing the hair? Too much??

Tenneil said...


Rob, I hope you dont have any peanut allergies I have plans for lunch TOO!!! Hope you like PBJ's

Tenneil said...

Lucky~ as long as he was wearing the necklace..HAHAHAH

Anonymous said...

Good morning! Frenemies update coming today. :D Gah these Rob pics are a distraction. A really, really gorgeous distraction.

Tenneil said...

McVampy...he's just trying to feed your fire....Is it working!!!


Anonymous said...

Gaaaahhhh are you serious PBJs??? You dirty girl. Yesterday we talked about whipped cream, today PB.

Thanks Lucky! I did that just for you. And the boots in the shower. Flarg!

Tenneil said...

TS... I still cant get the word spread out of my head!!!LOL PBJ just seemed to fit...

Anonymous said...

Yes, T it is working! And yeah, everyone wants to be on that flight. Me included. :oP

Anonymous said...

Sophia: I said yesterday I am going to come up with a way to make that part of the interview my ringtone. Once I master that, I figure out a way to get it to you too. I would call myself just to hear that over and over...

Melissa said...

You know, I had plans to do actual work today...now I shall be forced to be uber-Robsessed today, once again. Seriously, I cannot keep my eyes away from these pics. He is absolutely beautiful. Love it!!

Thanks for posting, Dani...and it HQ nonetheless... ;-)

Tenneil said...

You have my permission to use my name and Rob in any story of your...hot stories only please!!!

luckygyrl said...

GEEE McVampy!!! So excited to hear that. Thank you. Cant fucking wait. Missed my favorite nerds.

Yummy PBJ. PB is really hard to get off. Excuse me while I clean up.

Anonymous said...

OMG, speaking of sound files and ringtones--has anyone seen How to Be? I caught it when it was playing at one of the festivals near me. I shit you not, there's one scene where he says:

"I've got an erection."

I will pay cash money to get a an .mp3 or .wav of that. I'll put it on a continuous loop and listen to it even when I'm asleep. XD

Anonymous said...

Melissa: Might as well be like the rest of us and completely blow off work for Rob. I'm useless.

Tenneil said...

Melissa~ sorry...best laid plans...I think we all have plans today...but not alot gets done when this man is utterly beautiful and makes it so freaking hard to do anything.. but drool..

Anonymous said...

Rob, lover!

Be a nice boy to your most devoted fan site and send us a picture of you naked. Please (it´s polite to say please, girls, isn´t it?).

I just can´t wait until "all that naked stuff" in Little Ashes. I need it sooner than that.

Now, be a very good boy and just DO THAT!

By the way, Sophia IS my real name and I live in Brasil. Are you coming (I don´t believe I said "coming"...) to shoot a piece of New Moon in Rio, or not? Please, come (I did it again...), come, I promise I´ll not scream at you, but I could scream WITH YOU!!

Anonymous said...

pBJ... Anyone else go there? I know I did.

Melissa said...

Did I hear there would be a Frenemies update today??? SWEET! My day is made. I can't wait to see what kind of fuckery Geekward is up to... :-)

Tenneil said...

McV~ really i need to figure out this ringtone stuff.. I am soooooo jealous!!

Anonymous said...

McVampy: If you get your sweet little fingers on that soundbite, you MUST share. Endless loop, yes please.

Anonymous said...

He looks like he belongs in Kings of Leon in the standing pose with his foot up behind him. Caleb totally dresses like that. Well, his sex is DEFINITELY on fire so it could be an option!!! And mine is too...hehehe

luckygyrl said...

LADIES!!!! EACH ONE OF YOU FUCKING ROCK!!! Your making me LOL hard-core at work. I love it.

luckygyrl said...

Dammit. That Buttons song by Pussycat Dolls is on and Im staring at Rob. Not good. Need to bring a change of panties with me to work from now on.

Tenneil said...

Lucky...you say all the right things!!
I NEED to see Rob on the big screen again.... twilight has filled that void for awhile...But need some new ROB!!

Anonymous said...

Lucky: Laughing my ass off as well. I think my co-workers think I'm crying about something sad... If only they knew.

luckygyrl said...

Thank you. I try very hard. MMMM hard. Anyway, cant wait for Twilight. And How To Be. And Little Ashes. And anything else Rob is in. Just cant seem to get enough of him. He's like Jell-o. Theres always room for Rob!!

Tenneil said...

TS ...the only sad going on here is the fact that we are drooling over a man....that doesnt know we exist...well maybe he does!!


Tenneil said...

LUCKY ~ damn girl did you have to go there...JELLO.. thats better than PBJ...and you know what goes nive with jello....whipcream

Anonymous said...

Oh in that case... Hi Rob! Give us a wink would ya?


luckygyrl said...

Thats ok. This is a great support group. Jeez, I just really want to send his parents a gift of some sorts for having such a fab son. Weird? A lil.

Anonymous said...

just loved the interview!!
and the pics too of course :P

i wonder if he have ever read this blog!! lol ^^

Anonymous said...

Lucky: What kind of gift says thank you for giving us your son to lust over? Just curious. I'll chip in on it though.

Tenneil said...

Lucky...weird no...I want to send her a thank you letter... for getting freaky with the mister that day/night!!!

Tenneil said...

TS good point... IDK...lets put our heads together...we can come up with something...

luckygyrl said...

Mmmm love jello-so slippery and just yum. And throw Rob into that, oh my.

TS- something from the heart- fresh baked cookies or I dont know, cake? Everyone loves cake.

luckygyrl said...

Anna- I think Id be ok with knowing he reads this site. I hope he enjoys the laughs and the complete admiration that we have for him. Go Team Rob!!! Mmmm, must find a shirt with that.

Tenneil said...

Lucky...i have a friend who can hook us up!!

Anonymous said...

I can always count on the girls of Rob-obsessed to make me laugh! And yes, ROB, if you are reading these, please answer Sophia’s question..details are preferred.

Happy Friday, Ladies!

Anonymous said...

I have a feeling us putting our heads together for a gift could be dangerous. But oh so fun! Let's do it.

And do we ALL have food fetishes? Gah! Now we're on to cookies and cake?

luckygyrl said...

Tenneil-OMG I want one. Im so serious. Maybe 2 lol.

Anonymous said...

Please let him read this site... and laugh hysterically! T-shirt with anything Rob is goooood.

luckygyrl said...

Morning Nicole!

And yup. My sweet-tooth is strong. Im having a biscotti torte thing at 830 this morning. It is divine!!!

Ellie said...

Good Lord, what these pictures do to me...

Mel, Geekward today??? Me likey!!!

Anonymous said...

Rob, Nicole asked nicely. Please answer the questions in full detail on camera so we can see your expression and hear your sexy Brit accent.

Hi Nicole!

Tenneil said...

I want to at least 10 myself...one to wear to bed and the other for wearing in the shower...one for cleaning in...one to go to the mail box in....one to cook in....cover up for the beach...a laundry shirt of course.. a back up night shirt...one for making jello in.... and the list goes on..

Sherri said...

I'm also wondering about the ring around his neck. Has anyone ever asked him what it's for? I see he also has some bling on his right hand that looks like a diamond?? Damn, that boy's hot....

Mixxy said...

Maybe its a purity ring, but he wears it around his neck now in memory of when he was a virgin??? :)

Tenneil said...

TS...Rob could read an instructal book and make it sound flipping hot...that voice...accent of his is pure heaven!!!

Tenneil said...

Ellie...I know excited for frememies geekward myself....how school today??

Anonymous said...

Thirtysomething - I like the way you think! GREAT idea about the camera. By all means Rob, let's get started shall we?

Anonymous said...

I'm don't really believe Rob owns any jewelry. Unless he has some hidden piercings... and there I go again.

Tenneil said...

TS LMFAO!!! piercings I so want to know....MMMMM how do we find out?? I am not asking his mom...not this time...

luckygyrl said...

Fine Tenneil. I'll do it. Somehow....Can you send his mom fanmail? Something else to think about.

He can make anything look good and sound yummy.

Anonymous said...

Atta girl Lucky! Take the bull by the horns.

And as selfless as I am, I will be in the video with Rob to demonstrate his answers to the questions. I'm just sayin'...

Anonymous said...

Yup, I'd sure like to know the story behind the wedding ring he is wearing on the necklace. It looks like a large wedding band...too big for Joe Jonas' hand, lol.

I wonder if it is a prop from the photographer or the stylist?

Anonymous said...

Wait isn't he wearing the ring in the ciggy pic? Just a prop, I do believe you're right Chicago.

luckygyrl said...

Anything to help my girls!!!

Im thinkin the ring is probably a prop. Like I saw him in some glasses. Gawd, those were hot!!!!

Tenneil said...

Wait I thought I was his assisant?? wait that was just with photo shoots and change of clothes..TS you got me...I guess you can be video girl!!LOL

Tenneil said...

WAIT!!!!! I want to be Rob's prop..can you make that one happen girls...

luckygyrl said...

Damn, thats gonna take a lot of power. I dont know if I have that much :( I'll see what I can do though.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, Rob. Throw us a freaking bone here. Pun intended.

I can't believe I just said that! See what he does to us?!!

Tenneil said...

Thanks Lucky...glad to know you got my back...:)

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: Rob's prop. Ummmm...

luckygyrl said...

Yeah Nicole. He has the tendency to turn my brain either to mush or put it on the lust track. And its a long ride.

Anonymous said...

seriously guys! you guys need to keep your fantasies to yourself its just disturbing!!!!

and rob defenetely reads this so im sure hes getting scared day by day...

+ you guys are way older than rob or married poor rob leave him alone

Tenneil said...

nicole! your on the right track for being in here... Dirty talk for rob makes the blues go way...Wait no thats robcrotch...well the dirty talks worth a try..

luckygyrl said...

Sorry Regina. I just dont think I can or want to. We all adore and appreciate Rob and all that he does. If he does read our comments, Im pretty sure he's getting a good laugh.

Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha relax Regina. It's all in good fun. Really.

Anonymous said...

Nicole: I want a bone. Share?

TwiHartRK said...

I'll stop thinking about Rob as soon as he stops looking so fucking delicious.

Anonymous said...

I would gladly share AND take detailed notes/video. Just sayin'...

Tenneil said...

Alie....I dont think that is going to happen...so were f*cked!!

luckygyrl said...

Mmmmm Twiheart. Guess thats just not gonna happen. I mean, we've seen soooo many of Robs looks and still totally adore him. He have on a damn poncho, wearing house slippers and playing the accordian and still make us weak.

Anonymous said...

i seriously feel bad for the guy. he has like these OLDER or MARRIED women like all over him and all he wants is young girl like his age + if hes reading this- im telling you hes getting scared because i definetely am

Anonymous said...

Copious notes on the bone? Sign me up!

And you said it Tenneil - not gonna change, we're f*cked.

Anonymous said...

I'm too addicted to him to give up this delicious man.

Even if I WANTED to stop hanging out in the gutter with him (which is blasphemy to even say) - I wouldn't even be able to. He is just too, too delicious.

Anonymous said...

Regina: And you're still here why? Buzzkill.

Anonymous said...

ok why the hell are there 30 year old women in this website???? hes freakin 22 for gods sake!!! and expressing your dirty fantasies thats what i mean??? arent half of you like married wow???

all i can say is POOR ROB

Tenneil said...

Regina~ very married and DH is reaping the Robsessing benefits....he likes it too....
Could you please go away!!

Anonymous said...

Sorry, Regina, but he has expressed interest in older women several times in interviews. He has also said he doesn't care about age in regard to dating women. Obviously, if he finds someone talented and interesting, he'll be interested whether she is his age or older.

Anonymous said...

Regina: In my country, 22 is very legal. How old are you 14? Also I am 30+, married and know I'm never gonna live out these comments, just trying to have a little fun. Now, scram would ya?!

Anonymous said...

are you saying robert pattinson likes it too? that old women are chasing after him??? he said it soo manyy times that its soo wierd for him to hav twilight moms all over him

and later ill give you the link to an interview where rob said he rather have girls in thier early 20's throwing thier panties than the twilight moms haha

Tenneil said...

KK~ thank you...

luckygyrl said...

Well said KK!!!

Anonymous said...

haha no im 20 and its just soo funny reading these comments

i feel bad for the guy

Tenneil said...

Girls...lets ignore her...

Anonymous said...

Regina - Oh, one more comment...we all like Rob on this website for a variety of reasons. It's called a guilty pleasure. No one is leaving a SO or their kids here. We do all live in reality. If you are so disturbed by comments on this site, don't read them.

TwiHartRK said...

30 -- is something killing your buzz? Ignore it honey. Deep cleansing breaths,
GQ pics,
deep breath,
Rob in tight pants w/JJ's purity ring around his neck,
ahhhh better.

Anonymous said...

KK...my hero.

On board Tenneil!

Anonymous said...

Aaahhhh Twi, I think I love you.

Tenneil said...

Alie...did you say something about Rob and tight pants!!....thanks I needed that!!

JohannaL said...

Thank you ladies,
I just spent some time reading comments and laughing tears in my eyes. You girls rock!

Thanks Kate!
What can I say about my daughter - girl has a good taste ;)

Anonymous said...

No one is forcing you read these comments, you don't NEED to read them. Regina, you are secretly thinking the same things we are, otherwise you wouldn't be here reading these ;)

Anonymous said...

No one is forcing you read these comments, you don't NEED to read them. Regina, you are secretly thinking the same things we are, otherwise you wouldn't be here reading these ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi girls!!
Oi sophia, Tudo bem com vc?
Vc trabalha em que??!!!
Quando q ele disse isso no rádio!!!
Eu preciso ouvir isso, muitoooooo!!!

After those photos, i'm still picturing him naked!!!!
Those arms...

Anonymous said...

Oh, and if you want to quote him directly...

"I have been propositioned by all ages, which is a little freaky. A lot of older women especially, which I am definitely happy with.

and his interview with Elvis Duran...

"Would you ever consider getting involved in a relationship with an older woman?" (at this point, they were talking about sexy 40-year-old women).

Rob's answer: "Definitely."

In the end, who the hell cares who he dates? I really don't, but you're forcing me to set your ignorance straight.

TwiHartRK said...

Hey ladies! Waves. Let's get back to the Robsessing, shall we? I think Rob knows the power he wields.

Anonymous said...

KK to the rescue with the quotes. Gett'em girl!

And Regina, why ARE you reading these and visiting this blog? Closet Robsessor? I think so.

Tenneil said...

Alie...Iam on board...the smoking pic does things to me I didnt know possible!! UNICORNS

TwiHartRK said...

You know us ex-smokers are uber sensitive to it. But on him it is just sexy - what isn't? Still think I could find something more productive for him to do with this oral fixation of his.

Tenneil said...

Alie...LMFAO!!!oral fixation...I think I could help with that...

Anonymous said...

Twi - you are CRACKING me up. I think we can all help with a little oral fixation.

Anonymous said...

Okay, looking at the fact that I can quote Rob scares even me a little bit. Honestly, I can't remember 99% of what he says, but because these stuck with me. Wishful thinking?????

Anonymous said...

Oral fixation. Oy.

Tenneil said...

are we all froze on the oral fixation??? imaginations running wild???crickets in here!!

TwiHartRK said...

KK - the fact that he changes his answers depending on the interview doesn't help! That was quick on the draw though. He also has said he has a thing for Tina Fey - and intelligence is sexy. We are appreciating what he's putting out there. There is a mix of age and marital status on this blog. But all of us want to among intelligent, mature women. And I doubt that he's scared. Come on - he knows what he does to us.

Anonymous said...

I know I got stuck on that image.. mmmmm....

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: I think Regina stole my mojo. Maybe we should brainstorm the gift of gratitude for Mrs. Pattinson.

Anonymous said...

Some people talk about it. Those who do it do not need to talk about it. Just sayin'
I agree with Regina, except that Rob does appreciate grown-up women.
I bet this all makes Rob nervous and I don't blame him. I'm sure he doesn't waste his time reading silly sex talk online. He reads intelligent books and watches movies.

Honey said...

I'm having possibly the worst fucking morning (well, its 12:48pm officially, WTF ever) I've ever had.

Thank you Goz & Dani for creating this place of sunshine in a crazy cloud-filled world.

These pics and the ladies on here make my world go round. THANK YOU ROB & all ROBsessors!

I would LOVE to play later but I may just let real life take me away. (calgon...rob in bath...mmm)

Everyone, have a magnanimous day! Yes, even the haters that lurk & post too. :)

Nicole said...

Good God! Now I'm not gonna get anything accomplished at work! I wont be able to look away long enough! Thanks Dani!!

TwiHartRK said...

Oh No! Say it aint so 30! Robsessed should only increase your mojo. Still plenty to go around here!!!

Anonymous said...

You're right TwiHeart...but like I said before, who really cares who he wants to date or actually dates? In the end, I like him for what I've seen and heard from him. Beyond that, his life is his own. I would like to say to Regina and all girls like her...my friend and I(both thirtysomethings) go clubbing in Chicago, and we get hit on by guys Rob's age all the time. I love being in my 30s; it has been my prime time.

Honey said...

Now I'm the buzz kill lol.

Okay, leave with this...

Rob running on the treadmill, getting in shape for some more, uh, action. Maybe he sings along with is ipod. The voice...yum-o.

Then what comes next, the shower.

Yes, my day is better for my lame-o attempt at imagery lol.

Love ya ladies. Gotta rush off.

TwiHartRK said...

Hi Honey! Hang in there bb. Rob is a port in the storm.

Tenneil said...

Gals this is killing me here..I going to finally take a shower...and get my mojo back...
Alie, KK, lucky, TS...dont go to far I'll be back..

I dont think we are having sex talk..thats what you read in FF, but in here its just a bunch of innuendos...so back off people..

Anonymous said...

I need some inspiration... Going to look at pics again. Be right back!

Anonymous said...


Another Chicagoan, yea! I must tell you Regina, that you will find age matters less and less as you go forward in your life. DH and I are the same age span as Ashton and Demi and are quite happy.

Tenneil said...

Hey Honey....I got to go...but glad you came out to play!! Rob Singing...thanks you

TwiHartRK said...

So true KK. That should give the snotty tweens hope that your mojo doesn't fade with an age or milestone.

Anonymous said...

Back and a little refreshed!

No buzz kill from you! Thanks for the imagery. Me likey the singing! Gonna play Never Think for some more inspiration.

KK: 30s = Prime time.. Amen Sistah!

Anonymous said...

OME, who is this Regina person? Go away fool! You've pissed me off. I haven't had nearly enough caffeine or cigarettes today to deal with you. You repeatedly commenting on people's ages is effing fail. Listen, I'm 37 and I'm certainly not old or even dead. I have a very active imagination and sex drive. You're effing 20--you have NO idea what good sex is like yet. NO IDEA. You have not hit that wall of raw FUCKMENOW that slams you in your 30s. The things I could do to/with RP, you couldn't think up in your wildest dreams.

Phew. Glad I got that out. I feel 10 pounds lighter.

Every time I think about his comments on Tina Fey, I swear to God I die a little. She's one of my comedy idols and I wish I had one tenth of her talent for humor and writing. I like to pretend I do so I could be his type! :oP

TwiHartRK said...

McV!!! More voices of reason! I'm sure RP would appreciate your wisdom. You rock bb.

Tenneil said...

McV~ you go girl...I think I might love you!! LOL Girl crushing here!!!

Okay really going now...you girls need to stop being so f*ucking funny!! no really please dont you make my day!! :)

Anonymous said...

*Hands McVampy a cig and cup of joe in admiration*


Anonymous said...

Hurry back Tenneil! I feel some comments coming on. No really. Hurry back.

Anonymous said...

McV - I have had enough cigarettes this morning and still couldn't deal with Regina. Tried my best to put her in her place. You, however, really did the slamdown. And you are funny. Hysterical even.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
luckygyrl said...

Oh ladies are fucking fabulous. Sadly, I must continue real life (while daydreaming of Rob).

Have a great today everyone!!!!

luckygyrl said...

Dammit, as you can see, I can barely think/type straight with all this Rob-ness!

Anonymous said...

Bye Lucky :(

Anonymous said...

Haha come back to us soon. Okay?

luckygyrl said...

I'll be back later. You know I cant stand to be away for too long :)

Anonymous said...

Thank you ladies! *MWAH* Oh TS, your profile piccie--that IS the Rob I pictured in my one-shot. The sunglasses, the cap, the shirt. That's exactly how he looked in my pervy little brain. :o)

Frenemies update is up, btw. ;)


I still can't think straight from these GQ pics. Lawdy Lawdy Lawdy, there's a fire down below in McVampyville, I can tell ya that much!

KK (she who maintains decorum) said...

Now I actually logged in, but I have to go. I'll be back later, too. Everyone have an awesome day!

luckygyrl said...

Oh and I will be all over that update McVampy!

Anonymous said...

I'm a sucker for a guy in a baseball cap. And THAT guy in it. Whoah.

The Frenemies update is here! The Frenemies update is here! (Exclaimed like Steve Martin in the Jerk) I AM somebody! Haha just hit me like that, ya know?

Tenneil said...

okay still no shower...now a fremenies update...hell my dh cant come home to this... I need help.
People wont leave me alone...

This day...i have done nothing..thanks ladies!!!lol


Unknown said...

i cant trun away.. i have about 52 improper ways to use that tie... i just will be late for work...thank god its on my phone.. no one will be getting food today .... *sigh*

Anonymous said...

Tenneil: People won't leave you alone? Do we need to strong arm some folks?

Or were you referring to people like me? Awww I hope not.

Melissa said...

McV!!! The new Frenemies chappie was PURE WIN!


Kate said...

Argghhh just read the "Frenemies" update. What can I say I was LMAO it was great. Not gonna spoil for anyone!

Anonymous said...

I'm so obsessed with Frenemies, it's not even funny.

Tenneil said...

TS... I got a phone call...thats it...and all this robsesses is not helping....

Anonymous said...

I have been a lurker for forever, I love this site and your great comments. You ladies are amazing! I too am a 30+ Robsessed fan who thinks dirty thoughts about Rob ALL the time! I so would not want to be in my 20's again. My 30's have been the best years of my life! And if these younger guys were smart they would grab up us older women in a heartbeat. 18 years of experence in the bedroom is good for something after all. Not to mention that my sex drive now is more like a 20 year old guys. In fact, I think a 20 year old would have a hard time keeping up with me!

Laura said...

Hello all! These pics have made my day! Bless you, Dani!

I don't know if anyone said this yet, but the cowboy pic is total Dark Edward to me. YUMMA YUM YUM.

McV, your new avatar has left me with some Chingy in my head! LOVE that song...it fits with that picture!

Can't wait to get home and read the new Frenemies chapter :)

Tenneil said...

GGGOOOO SPARKY...like the name BTW!

Tenneil said...

Hey Laura!!! cowboy Rob!! YUMMIE!!
I think a comment was made about he can wear the boots to bed anytime!!LOL

Laura said...

LOL, Tenneil--I actually am not a fan of the Cboots! I don't know, maybe they just need some getting used to. I prefer the beat up, dirty ol Doc Martins. *DROOOOOL*

Anonymous said...

As long as its just those boots and nothing else ;)

Anonymous said...

As long as its just those boots and nothing else ;)

Laura said...

*Or is it Martens? Not sure!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the dark side Sparky! I have been lurking for a long time as well and finally decided to come out. So gratifying. Now, tell us about those dirty thoughts you speak of...

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melissa said...

Laura!!! Hello...how are you this afternoon. BTW, its "Martens"... :-)

Anonymous said...

Melissa: Hello! Seeing your avatar makes me all kinds happy.

Melissa said...

30~Hello to you as well. I heart my new avatar so much. He is all kinds of HOTNESS in this pic. YUM.

Laura said...

Hey Mel! Can't wait to talk to you tonight!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the welcome! I love the Dark Side! These pictures are so HOTT I had to print the one of him smoking, and I put it on the inside door of my dresser next to my panty drawer, so that every morning when I pick out my panties for the day I see his face looking at me. It's a hell of a way to start the day!

TwiHartRK said...

Hi Laura and Mel. LOL - Sparky! Welcome! If you are going to be visiting Robsessed often you are going to visiting your panty drawer often too!

Melissa said...

Hi Laura and Alie!

Are we talking via comments tonight or "the happy place"???LOL

Anonymous said...

I have yet to print any of the pics. What a dummy I am. I have just copied them on to every imaginable electronic device I own. Believe me, if I could, I would have that cig picture made into a blanket for my bed.

Tenneil said...

Sparky...nice and I though my laminated panties were good...but I like that one too!!LOL

Laura like the docs too untied...me likey when he does that!

Hey Melissa...

Anonymous said...

Hey Melissa, I love your avi too. Is it wrong for me to imagine that the cigarette is actually one of my body parts? (HEY REGINA--by body part, I mean clitoris, just so you know.)


Tenneil said...

Hey alie....you came back!!!

TwiHartRK said...

Oh McV - Not sure she knows what, or where, that body part is?!?

Tenneil said...

McV~ LMFAO!!!! thanks for spelling it out...I am sure that helped.LOL

Anonymous said...

Holy hell I just choked on my water McV! Good thing my co-workers didn't have to perform the Heimlich... that would require some explanation on my part.

Aaaahhh more talk of lamination :)

TwiHartRK said...

T - I can never leave ; )

Anonymous said...

Twi: The more I look at your your avatar, the more I love that pic. That does remind me of Dark Edward.

Anonymous said...

(GASP!) I actually feel a little delirious! How is this possible? How can he possibly be this freakin' HOT!!! O.M.G.

Anonymous said...

Well I do have to agree with Robert wanting a girl his own age to date. He said the only ones that like him are 12 and 35 year olds, not girls his age and he wants a girl his age for a girlfriend, not a 35 year old.Look at who he hangs out with, Camilla, Nikki, etc, they are his age or younger. I mean seriously people. I think he is exagerrating about 22 year olds not wanting him though!

Anonymous said...

Ugh!!!! I swear it's painful to look at him! My jaw has dropped to the floor!!! Rob - have mercy, please!!

Melissa said...

McV~Not it's not wrong to imagine his ciggie being said body part.LOL I am sitting here at work imagining the same thing. Perhaps I should invest in Bella's toy from Frenemies?? Rob could control the remote for me?? Eh, eh???

Melissa said...

*No it's not wrong

Shit, I can't even effing type properly today. What the heez is wrong with me. My Robsession is soaring to new heights today! Sheesh.

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