NBC Los Angeles talks about the upcoming premiere of How To Be at the Burbank Film Festival in Los Angeles this Saturday. The show is sold out. Wait! Rob will be in L.A. for Kids' Choice Awards on Saturday, himmmm...
From NBC L.A.:
No, it is absolutely not true that Los Angeles has a film festival happening, all year long, on every weekday ending in "y" (or weekend day starting with an "s").
It is mostly true, however, that our city has more film festivals than most places, and the Burbank International Film Festival, unspooling through Sunday, March 29 at Woodbury University, has some great flicks, a host of music videos, panels on networking and casting, and a gala hosted by the fabulous Fred Willard.
The festival itself points out that Burbank is the nexus for much of the entertainment created, which is true, so it makes perfect sense to us that it should host a celebration of the final product. Full circle, and all that.
And while there is a cavalcade of shorts and animated offerings and live-action dramas, the flick getting the lion's -- or vampire's? -- share of attention is the LA Premiere of the Brit-y, sweet "How to Be" starring Robert Pattinson of "Twilight" fame. The man's got like a zazillion hits on Google, so we're guessing a few fans might show up for this one. The trailer charms, too.
Burbank International Film Festival
Through Sunday, March 29
Woodbury University, 7500 Glenoaks Boulevard, Burbank
I just love hearing it every time he is recognized for his popularity and especially for his work. Looking forward to hearing more kudos re: his work in the future. Go Rob!! :)
The new banner is killing me. Happy death.
Gah! I wanna see it again! I want it to come back to the east coast! I want it on IFC On Demand! I want the DVD!
I'm such a spoiled brat. lol
lovindashow: i just wanna see it for the first friggin time! i'm so jealous!! i sooo want to see him play a part like this!!!!
it's a british film... yet is being shown in the US first? ugh... :(
Oh Gawd....People are going to turn out in droves just in case he shows up....
He's getting better though at not being detected coming and going places.
He's got some tight security around him and I hope it alleviates his fear of crowds somewhat....
Daneh...it already showed in England last year.
It was shown here in Austin back in Sept/October I believe...
It's been around a while...
DH and I have tickets for the first show. I'm really psyched!
Okay, there the hell is everyone?????
Is anyone here? I'm looking for my RKats!!!
I made the move.
Hey Jules
Hey Y'all!!! Good to see ya!!!
AH! The page was taking so long to load that I was forced to stare at the banner! GAH!
Hiya, Jules!
Crazy, I just realized I didn't say hello...hi!
Hello Jules, Dana, Ellie, KK...
We made the move... yeah....
DB... if it takes longer than 15 minutes then I need to take a refresher course on the art of giving BJ's...
Oh, Mel, you poor baby...such suffering! lol
Okay....Melissa...Dana...y'all can't post after one another...
I feel like I have double vision and better lay off the booze with those avatars of yours...
Hmm...so where were we?
Hi Jules....mmmmmmmwwwwuah!
Hi loves!
Aw Mel...I feel your pain being forced to stare at that yummy banner. My heart went into my throat the first time I pulled that baby up today...
Hi Sabrina :)
Hi Ellie!
Rob practices Tantra. He can hold out if he wants to.
Hey Mel, Kat, Ellie, Jules, Dana, KK, Sabrizz! Miss anyone?
Hi Kat and Sabrina and Dana and KK and everyone!!!!
Hi Dana, Jules, Kat, Melissa, and Ellie!
Hey DB!
hi Sabrizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz...
Hi Sabrizz!
Jules~That banner is AMAZING!! I actually don't the wait...LOL
DB - But could he hold out on the Tantra chair? I sure as hell couldn't.
DB!!! MY DARLING!!! I've missed you!
Hi DB! And hi to anyone else I missed!
Computer is being gay...sorry ...Jules HI and crazy you here too!!!
God I'm listening to Portishead's "Glory Box" and it's freaking killing me... I so wanna have Rob find mine....
Hi, Sabrizzzzz!
and everyone I said hi to on the last thread... :)
Hey Sabrrizzzz
I need a Rob fix. stressed over a phone call. Where's he at? where's he at???
Jules- don't we all.
Hi Laura and Tenneil!
Tou-mutha-effing-che, Jules!
Crazy - You should've been here all evening. I managed to be here and get work done. Well...some work done!
Jules, tomorrow's WEDNESDAY!
Dana...if he has any mad skills please dear God let them be like the Beautiful Bastard's skills...
The effing Arrangement just posted a new chappie!
KK! sorry i missed it, really! You awesome multitasker, you!
Ellie HUMP DAY!!!
who said hump?
Laura isnt not here AN is it??
Beautiful Bastward *sigh* I need an update on The Office damnit!
Y'all gotta quit that shouting. It's reminding me too much of my in-laws. LOL!!!!
her... damn not this already
So what's up tonight ladies? I've missed so much! Who is reading what, who is fucking who?
Aw shit... I gotta read it...
Damn it NO!!! I will save it for after I get done writing Chapter 19... It's half way done and I needed a Rob break....
Jules- with fingers like his, how can he not have skillz.
That and his voice. Picture him talking dirty in your ear. His fucking breath sending shivers down your body. Instant unicorn.
Tenneil..Not sure. Going check right now! Squee!!
Hi everyone ... glad you said to change threads 'cause I'm lost, as usual. I'm lurking for awhile; can't keep up bc computer won't refresh quickly enough. Sorry. Ya'll are fun. Jewels, you said ya'll *smiles* where are you?
C...hummmm that would be me!!!LOL
Sabrizzz... they promised us one on Wed and one on Friday.... yippppeeeee....
DB, Edward's fucking Bella...any surprise there?
Yes Els...tomorrow is Wednsday and my skirt is all pressed and ready...
Oh shit girls. The Arrangement is updated.
Well, as long as he's done fucking Jasper and vice versa... all is right in the universe.
Yay! I forgot when they said it would be posted, Kat.
Dana... I'm sure we'd all have multiple unicorns visiting before he even got his cock out....
Sorry i screamed that
BRB girls, The Arrangement is calling.
DB...I can't handle the Jasper thing... It's gonna be hard enough watching Edward and Jasper snap at each other in the beginning of New Moon! I'm gonna be howling with laughter!!!
OK... I'm off... I NEED NEED to read LYLS some more... Love you all muchly. Sweet Rob dreams...
With all the fanfic I have read, I have NOT read The Arrangement, or Creature of Habit. Hmmm.
My computer just had a heart attack! Did you see all the posts at 11:38 and 11:39??? No wonder it won't refresh.
You girls are coming hot 'n heavy tonight ;)
nite Kat... enjoy!!!
I'm reading the Arrangement new chappie..BRB!
Crazy...trust me, months of practice... we all speak our own language...
g'night Kat! later~
Night Kat! XOXO!
Good night, Kat. Olive juice, baby.
Goodnight and happy reading Kat! Muahhhhh!
Geez, ya'll kill me with your fanfic ADHD. Focus girls. I feel like I have been ditched. Fickle girls.
Nite Kat...I'm gonna bug out to go write some more as well. I'm caught up in EPOV right now and he demands a lot of my attention...
I know I should GET OFF and finish reading the new A&O chapter, but I'm having fun with the girls...
Goodnight Jules! xoxoxoxoxoxo
Jewels - so then i;ll be good eventually. i'm here for the long haul. Jesus - i just thought of Rob's ........when i said Long. need to discuss this further.....
Okay, which one has Jasper and Edward together?
Nite nite Jules, Olive juice to you as well, my dear...
Well, damn ladies - I missed the fun. Lost my internet connection. Feels like loosing an appendage. You lost Tom and gained some Rkats I see. Night Kat.
Actually quite a few have J and E, but I am referring to The trip home.
Just wanted to say hey to all my lurvely RobKats!
Olive Juice BABES!!! Must go write!!!
Jules ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
KK, that would be The Trip Home.
DB, that's the name, right? I haven't read it. Don't want to, I think...
Twiheart!!! i felt the same way, cumming in late!!! But better late than never! :)
Hi Alie!
which ff has the threesome, E, J and B?
Jules, you are such a tease to me, you know? You finally get here and then you leave me. I'm always wanting more.
Bittersweet Jules - sorry to see you leave. Happy to hear you are writing. Can't wait!
night Jules...
Ladies, I have to go, too. I want to finish my chapter before sleep. and I only got 4 1/2 hours of it last night, due to the DVD...
Night and Olive juice, loves... xo
That would be The Arrangement.
B'Bye jewels~
Crazy - One of them is "Just the Three of Us"
Got "The Trip Home"...thanks!
One of them (I have to remember) has a threesome with E,J and B, and also a foursome with E,J,B,A, but only for a few chapters. The threesome (although not E on J) is The Arrangement.
Oh, crazy, that would be The Arrangement.
Goodnight Madame Ellie! Muahhhhhhhh! Get some sleep!
KK ~ thx _ gonna see if i can handle that, but something tells me i can. the gutter awaits.
thanks, Sabrina~~I'll talk with you more next time, I promise! xo
Crazy - "Just the Three of Us" has Edward and Jasper in a relationship; then they add Bella.
Goodnight Ellie!
Ellie - now THAT sounds familiar. note to self to smut it up with "The Arrangement" :))
Ellie - now THAT sounds familiar. note to self to smut it up with "The Arrangement" :))
Okie-dokie Ellie! xoxoxo
night Ellie!!!
I can handle a WHOLE LOT. I mean, seriously, my mind is as dirty as they come, but The Trip Home was not for me. I did read most of it (skimming quickly) and I just can't get into Edward being with a man no matter how OOC it is.
THX Sabrizzle~
G night Ellie!!
Yeah DB, I can't handle E+J. The Arrangement is a little much at times but I can't stop reading it because I want Edward and Bella to both stop being idiots!
Night Ellie!
DB~ yeah, not sure if my dreams want to share Rob with another dude. But i'll try anything once!
I can do TA, I just havn't yet. I have so many incomplete fanfics I am reading it's not funny.
DB~ yep, way too many and now i want MORE! Frustrating waiting for updates on so many...i forgot where i was at! Wide Awake - updates yet? How about Black and White or A&O? Not to perseverate...sorry.
The Arrangement. Sorry, I get lazy.
A&O just updated. One of my fav's, of course. McV is one of my all time fav. authors and people.
She IS great! I wonder what kind of sex life she must have. Dayum!!
TA = The Arrangement crazy. DB you are braver than me for sure. I do like to read the spoilers. I might be able to handle TA but I haven't started it.
Okay, everyone. It's been a pleasure, as always. I need to get up early and do some work tomorrow. Sweet dreams!
OK so let's all read TA and compare notes and/or have group therapy.
Night KK ...how did I miss talking to you???
KK: It's always WORK, WORK, WORK!
(hee hee) Good luck, pace yourelf with the Robsesing, and tune in tomorrow!!!!!
Good night dear!
KK - "pace Your elf?" WTF am i saying? whatever!
well ladies....nite to you all...have some FF to catch up on!!!
Night KK - I dunno about McV's (A&O writer) but she helps mine...
good night tenneil - don't be a stranger!!! "see ya" soon!
Twiheart - ditto!
Night KK - night Tenneil. Loosing peeps to FF, huh?
so that's what's going on! I'm thinking i may do the same. u too?
I haven't read the A&O update yet. I have a system. I have to sit on the floor while my youngest goes to sleep so I have a window to chat. My hubby reads my oldest stories. Then I cuddle my oldest for 15 minutes - then FF. Or alone time with the DH if we aren't too tired. I'm tired just typing this, shit!
Did you read Light Shine crazy? Whaddya think?
I don't know why but I am hesitant to read that one. I am not a huge fan of the vamp fanfics. I love Twilight and other vamp books/series, but I prefer OOC fanfic I guess. I should try it though. I did like Lost, and I love Good Catch but it's never updated.
i haven't had a chance yet. it's on my list - i hope to read tonight and in the am. Remind me to tell u what i think, because this dipshit will forget. (me)
I know it's risky DB but even if you don't get invested in it there are some nice lemons in the beginning. I generally prefer the all human cuz it doesn't live up to the original to me. But for some reason LS is how I would have imagined the canon E being if he could actually give in to his desires and not smash the shit out of Bella...But if it's not what YOU imagine than it wouldn't be as enjoyable.
u guys read Black and White? i love it, just waiting for the damn update.
that's right - i did start Light...lovin it so far! (can't keep track)
since it's just the 3 of us....lemons?.....sex scenes?
and don't laugh! still getting the lingo :)
Yep crazy - lemons is sex scenes. I had to wiki the FF terms when I started reading to get the lingo/acronyms. You want the link?
Girls - think i'm going to read a bit now. If i don't get started, I'll be up 'til 3:00.
HEY! Did anybody read Miami at Twilight? I read the one shot that started it and it was good. I just saw that it looks complete now. Hmmm.
maybe a good idea so i don't continue to embarrass myself LOL!
Nope Stac - I didn't start it. Read the one shot though and was thinking about it but I forgot. That looks like my kinda of fluffy though. Does it look good to you? Guess it has potential to go a little Vice City with a crazy James or something...
DB~ oh boy! I'll have to read that too!! But WHEN will I get to drool over pics of Rob???? WHEN? Every morning, afternoon and night, that's when!
ohh, I missed all the fun. Hubbie came home. Gotta go. Good night ladies.
Happy to be your hook up babe
:( Next time Win! missed ya! tomorrow!!! Good night!
I loved "Lick". It says there will be LEMONS. Fuck yeah to that. The last Epilog has a warning on it for graphic sex and one chapter was taken down and she was supsended for 3 days. Yep. I think I have to read it.
TWI - you're my hero! You rread B&W?
Night Win! DB - wow! Sounds good then. I will add it. We definitely lost Mona, Dana, Laura and Mel to The Arrangement...Are you gonna go read too? I need to tuck in some lil peeps.
DB~ do you mean FF has restrictions? wow. what must that include? damn. not sure i want to know.
i am going to read, finally. Have a good night girls!!!!!
Crazy- I haven't started it. A close family member was a vet w/PTSD so it sounded kinda 'heavy' to me. But I've heard from a few people that it's really good.
I think it has restrictions on emotional content, or so it seems. It is rare for something like that to happen so I am intrigued.
I understand. Then let it wait. There's plenty else to satisfy!
didn't WA get kicked off or something?
i'm still talking.....sigh
Night crazy! I'm off too. Night DB.
Muah - sweet, fucking - bullshit, Rob dreams babe. That'd be some better BS anyway...
Talk to you soon.
WA didn't get kicked off. She had a few chapters removed and she was suspended for a few days. I think she chose to move her story because it was just rediculous.
night Twiheart and DB!
Nighty Night TwiHot. I love ya like crazy.
I guess I will turn in to. I need to decide on a fanfic to read for tonight and switch over to my laptop in bed. Such an exciting life I lead.
Just an FYI people... If you are late nighters and still want to see How To Be. You can see the second screening that they have added for March 28th. Tickets are still available and they are 10.00.
The show, however, starts at 11 pm so be prepared with the redbull or something.LOL
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