LifeTime TV asks: How Do You Take Your Men?
Gozde: Umm...*giggles*....Too much fanfic is messing with my brain :))
Gozde: Umm...*giggles*....Too much fanfic is messing with my brain :))

Personally, I'm always a little weirded out when I encounter a man with hair longer than mine (shoulder-length or below). I also find a longer look, like McDreamy's, only suits a small number of men over a certain age. The majority of the time, it just seems like they're trying to hold on to their youth and/or hide a bald spot.
A shaved or short(er) style, however, is a sign of confidence in my books and a look I've come to love. There's just something so masculine about it. (Gozde: Oh I SO agree!)
You can go and vote for Rob's lovely locks HERE.
Thanks to Spunk Ransom for the link :)
Ha ha... I voted. And so far, Rob is in the lead with 63% of the votes.
I voted too - Rob has this one wrapped up, I think! ha ha
"How do you take your men?" That's a loaded question if ever I've heard one!
Gozde and Anne- that IS a loaded question! I'll take my man ANY WAY Rob gives it, generally speaking.
But here's one way: I'll take him sweet, with some creamer ;)
Hi BI~ again ;)
wow no contest ROB leads by a big margin. no i am not surprised.
I have always made a fool of myself for men with a lovely shock of hair, especially locks.
And I don't really care about the hair - the MAN is more important!
Crazy - were you the one who suggested "The Sub" and "The Dom" a week or so ago???
Anne - not me. It may have been Twiheart or one of the RobKats. I have read the Sub, but not the Dom yet. Do you like it so far?
Anne - not me. It may have been Twiheart or one of the RobKats. I have read the Sub, but not the Dom yet. Do you like it so far?
ugh. I keep repeating myself.
ugh. I keep repeating myself. ;)
I can't remember who suggested it...
It's great, though... brand new fantasies!
How do you like it?
How do "I" take my men...
I just fucking TAKE them!
For rizzle
hair should fit the personality dont ya think? i mean its only hair it grows back.cut, colour,gel,whatever fits yur mood.
69% now...
anne: keep reading...i think dom is better than sub
LOL Suz - True!
i voted...... our Rob is winnig easily yeahhh!!! well, his hair is so much better than the other gyus. Nice try boys, but rob's hair ROCKS!!!
thirtysomething - oh, I will :D I finished the sub and have started the dom...
Ooh - I see there's a new chapter up - will have to hurry home after work - I don't dare read it now - I still have a couple of hours that I need to concentrate! LOL I'm looking forward to chapter 18 - at the piano...
I love Rob's hair makes him look even more sexy.
I honestly do not understand the shaved head thing at all. Especially not for young men. Here it means you are a gang member. :(((
As a man ages, usually his hair gets worse, recedes, falls out, etc. So while you're young and have great hair, I think you should enjoy it and flaunt it!
My DH has great hair and lots of it and I try to keep it long as possible on him.
As a rule pof thumb men should not have their hair longer than mine, but an exception is made to Josh Holloway. He definitely rules my Thursday nights!!
Rob, lover, I know I always ask you to lose your hair and get a beer belly, so that my Robsession could lower down a little. But, the truth is, you would look HOT for me even if you were bald...
By the way, I do have something for some bald man. But, no, no, no beer belly. We could go jogging together, and dancing.
Yours, Soph.
"How do I like my men?"
That is an easy one: like Rob, naked and wet. Simple as that.
sophia, I totally agree! Rob, naked and wet is my dream too...
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