Hottie March Madness

I posted a lot of polls today but this one was too funny to pass :)) has a bracket and everything set for Hottie March Madness. In the first round they have Rob facing Jackson:

Can anyone take down Robert "Shower Power" Pattinson? Well, if anyone can, it may be Jackson "Bad to the" Rathbone, who is just as hungry to win as Jasper is to suck Bella's blood.

Robert "Shower Power" Pattinson : pure gold! :))

You can go and vote HERE.


love said...

shower power all the way

Anonymous said...

I love Rob and Jackson. Those pics are so funny. Is it halloween already??

Anonymous said...

Oh my God! That's amazing! Totally made my day! :-)

Anonymous said...

Gotta leave those two guys in the naughty-room w/ the naughty girl...

Anonymous said...

Wonder if Rob is already shooting his part in NM.

Anonymous said...

Elena, I think he did not yet. He is there, he is working that body out, he is... donno WTF else he is doing... or who he is doing...

Suz said...

They cast Caius!

Excellent Choice! Too bad it's not a musical!

ana73 said...

ok i feel really like i am a teenager again voting for who's hottest, but of course Rob should win it all:)

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Suz! I will go check on that...

Anonymous said...

Those two are my guapos... Send them to Buenos Aires! I wanna tango them all over: ahiba, abaho, adentro!

Anonymous said...

And adentro, adentro, adentro, adentro, adentro... aaaaaaaaahhhhhh!

MiCh said...

Shower Power all the way!

And look at the other side of the Twilight Division: Taylor "Protein Shake" Lautner against Kellan "The Rock" Lutz. BWAHAHAHAHAAA.. pff, Tay Tay is winning, WTF?

Chicago girl now in LA said...

Funny! I voted...for Rob, of course!

Anonymous said...

Chicago, me too. Wonder why...(((

Tenneil said...

Rob is winning by milestones here... how do I know.... I voted..
* winks*

Laura said...

This is cute! I voted for Rob, of course :)

Anonymous said...

i really feel like a teenager again, you ladies have me voting on more polls for who is hot than i did as a omg too funny.

Kat said...

Hmmmm, who to vote for... tough decision....

Anonymous said...

wow. my 14 year old daughter is even looking at me with her eyebrows wrinkled for voting in a poll on a website called 4tnz... yet somehow she doesn't seem overly surprised by my actions. i'm out of the closet now baby!

Ellie said...

Hmmmm, what to do, what to do...duh!

Suz said...

Hello RobKatzzzzzzzzzzz

Ellie said...

Hi, Suz!

Suz said...

Ellie! Wot up wot wot?

Tenneil said...

Ellie, Suz...this the place to hang??

Ellie said...

Not much. Just catching up on some ff. Let Your Light shine.

And you??

It seems a bit quiet right now...

Tenneil said...

ellie... I have been reading updates all day... I think I need to take a speed reading class...

Ellie said...

Hi, Tenneil!

Yes, it does take up a lot of time, doesn't it? lol

Tenneil said...

Ellie, yeah I started let your light shine... only on first chap tho... dont feel like I am going anywhere..

Tie guy... as been fun. i heart him

Suz said...

Suz <---- is reading the office..

Holy shizzzz

Ellie said...

Ah, Beautiful Bastard. Gotta love him.

And I do.

And tie Guy, also. What an anal-retentive Cutie!

Tenneil said...

Hey Suz...enjoy...I love windoward..or bastardward...

Anonymous said...

hello ellie, suz, t... you ladies are speakin my language...tie guy!

Ellie said...

Hello, TS!

Tenneil said...

hey Ts...beautiful bastard too!!

Anonymous said...

and beautiful bastard...only have had him for 3 chaps though so far

Suz said...

windoward owns me

Tenneil said...

SUZ.. I hear you on does bathroomward and stairwellward...and dressingroomward...I heart him

Ellie said...

Beautiful Bastard is, well, beautiful.

And a bastard.

'Nuff said.

Tenneil said...


Anonymous said...

stairward....umm yeah. i'll take two orders of that please, with a side of windoward

Tenneil said...

Suz... hmmm ya!!

Kat said...

Hmmm, still haven't decided... Jackson or Rob....

Anonymous said...

kat...need help?

Tenneil said...

Kat...LMFAO....!!!take your time... dont rush it!!

Kat said...

Hey Tenneil, hey 30...

Suz said...

kat, variety is the spice of life.. have both!

Anonymous said...

just weigh the pros and cons of each and make an educated decision...

OR just decide who you'd rather do

whatever works

Tenneil said...

Hey Kat... howyoudoin??

Anonymous said...

aaahhh t... stealin my thunder with the joey line now? traitor

Kat said...

Hi Suz, variety is the spice of life, but Jackson is so rubbery... I pick Rob. No going back now... it's a done deal...

Tenneil said...

Kat ~ welcome to the robside!!

Ellie said...

Hi, Kat...♥

Suz said...

Rubbery....Ha Ha!

Like Gumby? (oh dang, that ages me)
or maybe more like Pokey

crazy said...

Hey gang!
I just found this hilarious read re: Twilight. It's from Buddy TV and it's 3 people commenting on the movie as it plays. 3 of them haven't seen Twilight before and their comments are honest and real. One girl has a big thing for Rob. I just started reading it but had to share...

Kat said...

Tenneil... welcome... bwwwahahahahah, he's consumed me for months!

Ellie my sweet poppit... how are you?

Kat said...

Suz, don't ya think he's rubbery? His face does things a face shouldn't be able to do. It's bizarre, it really is.

Ellie said...

Doing well, kat. Trying to convince myself to not go to sleep so late tonight. 5 hours just isn't enough.

Suz said...

Kat I have to agree.. He is RubberMan...

He looked hot to me for a second..but it was really the guitar he was holding.

I was over it, rather quickly.

crazy said...

p.s. not to worry, it's not the entire movie. Just comments made on certain scenes. Hilarious!!!

Tenneil said...

Kat... girl I know you girl...just playing!! its been awhile tho...

Kat said...

I know Tenniel.... :-)

It has been a while since we've both been Robsessing at the same time. I'm semi-robsessing right now, shot to catch up on elsewhere too....

Tenneil said...

Kat you multitasker you... girlzz got skillzzz...

crazy said...

um, hello every one?

Anonymous said...

what's up crazy? busy day?

Tenneil said...

C~ hey girl..Ts you still hanging out!!

Anonymous said...

did you get the hook up on our bus yet? i was waiting on the corner for hours....

crazy said...

These guys at the link I gave above are hilarious. They"sound" like RobKats. Check it out, that is as soon as you have a lull here i guess.

crazy said...

Got the bus, mapquested Vancouver, picked up Sharpies for Rob to autograph our asses, so far.

Anonymous said...

i went and bought some new underpants today

Anonymous said...

T: i'm still hanging...

Tenneil said...

crickets... what happened...

crazy said...

TS~ i bought a case of fantasy panties, complete with Rob's face inside, from Walmart. Only $19.99 for 144 pairs. I'll share with everybody.

Anonymous said...


crazy said...

who are you guys looking for?

Anonymous said...

oh good...easier to destroy the cheap ones and not feel bad about it

Anonymous said...

you, dear... and anyone else that's here

Tenneil said...

any one I guess... whatever

crazy said...

Kat, Ellie, Suz, etc ~~~ catching up on FF right now, maybe?

Anonymous said...

or maybe they moved threads?

crazy said...

girls - i'm not kidding - sice it's quiet here at the moment, check out the Buddy Tv comments.... i don't think you'll be disappointed (or is this a buzzkill right now? )

Kat said...

Nah, I'm still here... kinda. That's a different Kat in the CB btw. Gonna go read the SG&TNG... I avoided the last chapter...

Anonymous said...

crazy: is it a vid or just commentary?

Anonymous said...

aaaahhh yes, i saw the new chap for sg&tng... gotta read that before bed

Tenneil said...

These updates i love but are getting in the way of starting anything new.... ITS JUST CRAZY!!

crazy said...

TS~ it's commentary only, on some scenes, but if you remember the movie well, it's a pretty quick read. Check it out later!

Tenneil~ did you ever get my invitation for the road trip to Vancouver? Didn't leave you out!!!

crazy said...

is it just me, or is it getting very difficult remembering where the hell i am in a story once i finally get an update. I always have to reread the last chapter. I should read only completed stories :/

crazy said...

sg&tng is what?

Tenneil said...

scotch gin and the new girl... good story!!

crazy said...

i had a hard time getitng into that one... is that where Bella is a real party girl, nasty, drunk and all?

crazy said...

well, i'll go now. The others are sure to return then! ;)


Anonymous said...

crazy: goodnight girl! see you on the corner :)

Anonymous said...

i'm off to bed t... see you on the flipside

crazy said...

good night Tenneil!
good night TS!

Tenneil said...

girls me too...nighty nite!!

d6sense said...

I love the whole Jackson-"bad to the"-Rathbone thing. I started noticing him when in one interview, he blushed at the mention of Ashley Greene's name. It was a surprise question and he started mumbling a response and blushing. So cute. I love strong men who turn jello for their woman.

TwiHartRK said...

Hmmmm. I love Rubberface but I think I'm voting Rob...

LittleBear said...

Damn Jackson is hot.... I feel like I'm cheating on my Robsession just looking at him.

Beccy said...

haha I love them both but thats not very fair when they're using the pic of Jackson looking like the Joker :-S

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