You know our Hannah from the "Comments" section and CB? Well she went to see Little Ashes at the Belfast Film Festival last night and here is her review for "mature" audiences :))
I am rating this review R. Don't read if you are under 18 :)
Somebody said I should have put a spoiler alert on this review. I am quite the spoilerphobe myself but I didn't see anything that wasn't already in the trailers. But still, here is your spoiler alert :)) The review talks about some of the scenes in the movie.
Little Ashes Review
I am no less than delighted to say that I attended the Little Ashes Irish Premiere in Belfast. To me, my Little Ashes ticket was like Charlie's Golden Ticket to Willy Wonka's factory. I honestly was bursting at the seams with excitement! I will hold my hands up and admit that there were 2 main reasons for my impatient excitement; One being Rob and Two being Naked Rob! Well ladies, I am happy to say he delivers on all accounts :D
The Film Festival organisers introduced Paul Morrison (Director), Javier Beltram (Lorca) and Marina Gatell (Magdelena) to present the movie. Paul Morrison was very grateful for all the support Little Ashes was receiving already and hopeful that it's audience would feel 'the something special' that the cast and crew felt they were creating while filming.
Little Ashes focuses on, what is essentially, the love story between Salvador Dali and Fredrico Garcia Lorca. Their friendship begins with a mutual passion of the arts and it develops in to a strong but suffering love affair.
Throughout the movie, Dali transforms from a loveable eccentric artist with big ideas to a fame hungry and overtly anomalous character. By the end of the movie, Dali has become surrealism personified. Rob not only portrays this entirely but also does it in a way that we empathize with Dali and his agonized love for Lorca. He also had the audience in fits of laughter with his quirky expressions, outspokenness and bizarre 'Dali dance' (I’m sure you have all seen the clip!)
This movie proves that Rob is no one trick pony that we're all worried Twilight will make him be seen as. The evidence is in his talent to embody a man that was so ludicrously perplex and detached from reality and play it to near perfection.
For Rob’s lusty fans (myself counted) there are many notable scenes that will make you wish you brought a spare of knickers! Mainly of course, the Naked Rob scene..
-While trying to decide on an outfit, Dali stands naked on front of the mirror 'tucked in', holding a cigarette, mimicking a conversation to himself. It is hilarious but will also make your jaw drop on to your lap!
-Dali and Lorca take a rowboat out to sea, strip down to their briefs and dive in for a swim. Be prepared for moonlight smooches. (This is a really beautiful scene)

-Lorca romantically recites poetry to Dali and they decide 'No Limits'. Kissing and stripping that will make you hot under the collar. Lorca has him face down on the floor when Dali decides he cannot go through with it. Lucky for us Rob was already down to his boxers before they stopped :)
(I assume this is the scene Rob speaks about in GQ)
-When Dali returns from France he goes to see Lorca. Dali's ambiguous guard breaks down and their fierce kissing is interrupted by Magdalena who comes by to seduce Lorca. Dali, hiding in the next room, watches Lorca and Magdalena have sex while his own hand is down his pants. (This sounds perverted but it's actually incredibly emotional! Although I couldn't help but wonder if Rob's (*ahem) 'come' face is the same as Dali's..??)

When the end credits came up I was already sobbing. It felt like I had a 10tonne weight on my chest. It's a heart breaking story and I became completely absorbed in it. The last 10minutes of the movie were so affecting. I know that I wont be able to shake it off for days and that is a tribute to all the actors involved especially Rob.
One tiny little iffy point on Rob though was that he had to speak in English with a Spanish accent.. And I think sometimes he got a little confused trying to do it :/
The evening was finished off with a Q&A with director and cast. Unfortunately one girl who had obviously come to see the movie for the Robness, was not paying any attention to anything else and asked a very embarrassing question that even made Paul Morrison look quizzical! My advice would be, if you go to see it for Rob be willing to get involved in the entire movie. It’s worth it I promise you!
Side Note: Javier Beltram was fantastic. I have no doubt we will be seeing more of him in the future. And in person, he is HOT!
It will be on general release in Ireland in May. I hope you ALL get a chance to see it soon :D xxx
Awesome review. thank you very much. I can't wait to see this movie.
Oh, my god, Gozde and Hannah, thank you SO MUCH for that review!!! (especially for giving us a 'play by play' of Rob's naked scenes, lol)
Seriously, the movie sounds really great. I'd want to see it even if Rob wasn't in it!
(Btw, you say the movie will be on general release in Ireland - is that true for England too?)
Awesome. Can't wait to see it.
great rteview i only hope it hits allentown theaters,cannot wait to see it.
Good day, ladies!
Needless to say that I am already waiting for Little Ashes to come out for over an year.
Thank you so much for the review, Hannah. And, you Gozde, for posting it. As usual, a great job! I love this site...
* TOM.
Woah..... where's my oxygen tank?
Great review. I can't wait to see the film that makes Rob a full-fledged Film Star!
Thinking another OSCAR invite is on the horizon.
Hi Gozde, Hi Robsessed-all-over-the-world girls, I got back from work very early today and immediately I'm here :) You are my obsession, too.
Ironically, I think that "Little Ashes" is the film made before Twilight, watched after Twilight and I mean, this might be the film that shows if Rob is capable of serious acting (ok, ok, I know, I also think he IS talented, but critics ?). This might be the film that will decide on the future roles. It would be a nightmare to see him only as a "brooding hearttrobe", only in teenage films, only in films making money by drawing the fan audience no matter what is film about, only in similar shallow romantic films, and so on ... I think, however, that he knows the danger and he'd rather go for indie, independant films than for Hollywood clones. I wish him Oscars but it's too soon to predict ! And I'm not sure about Little Ashes, I have to watch it for myself... and, I've always been crazy abot Salvator Dali. It makes film more interesting to me.
By the way ... crazy - are you somewhere near the keyboard ?
Hello Everyone!
Huge thanks to Hannah and Gozde!
Hannah~ JUST the kind of detail I was hoping for ;)
On a serious note, I am THRILLED for Rob. It seems this role was a very complicated one and that Rob pulled it off fantastically. When he mentioned it on the Oscars red carpet, I thought he seemed proud. WEll, sounds like he should be. Amazing. He has had very few acting jobs before this one, and then he creates THIS character. Just wonderful, Rob!!
I am practically choked up for him.
On a much, much lighter note~ uhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
I am all "tingly" and lightheaded just imagining him standing undressed in front of a mirror. And kissing. And touching. Oh.my.God. I really can't even find the right words for all that is in my head at the moment ;)
(sighs a huge sigh, and thanks the Lord)
Hannah, thanks for the beautifully written review. I'm so excited Javier Beltran was at the screening and you had a chance to see him. Our Rob defies description, but you did an excellent job portraying a story both hauntingly beautiful and searingly heart-rending.
Good morning, ya'll ...
His "come" face
Holy Fuckin T H U D !
Hi Margot~ What's up?
p.s. I know, I have to see the movie, and not make opinions on clips. However, from what I have seen, even if the critics aren't quite as impressed as we are, they would have to admit this to be a very good work for someone so young and with relatively little experience. But what am I saying, critics don't take that kind of thing into consideration whe they write reviews, do they? Enough speculating about critics; let's wait to see the film.
Oh I am just so psyched for Rob right now!!
thank you so much for this great review....
hopefully "Little Ashes" will be released also in Germany ....
I love reading admiring reviews about our man!! Well said!
This movie sounds so intriguing and inspirational. I can not wait to see it and only home it's playing in my "selected" city. DVD just isn't the same as the big screen.
...I wont pretend that it wont feel werid for me to watch a male kiss and touch Rob, but it's equel to any women doing it him really.
Pure Jealousy.
I haven't even seen the movie....yet, and it's already making me proud to be a Robert Pattinson fan!
He amazes me!!
Cheers! ~Tina~
Thank you for taking the time to write your review Hannah. I seriously look forward to seeing this movie.
Thank you for posting GG!
SO far, the review is exactly the reason why I want to watch it. I'm telling you, Beltran as Lorca...you can feel the love oozing onto the screen. I guess it's not hard at all with Rob as your intended partner. Can't wait!
Where's Hannah? Hannah~ feeling up to writing a description of him at the mirror; your POV? I have such a vivid imagination.
Uh!This is too early in the day for this nonsense!
crazy - just wanted to thank you for shortening my sleep time tonight down to mere 4 hours by suggesting Wide Awake (seems to me that even the title works :)))
Perfect choice from my point of view :******
Margot - LOL! Misery loves company.
Glad it's the right story for you.
Smitten ~ good morning! How late were you up last night? Do you live on the west coast?
and are you cheating on Rob? huh? who are you "smitten" with, Rob or Tom? Don't get me wrong, Tom's great. ;)
Thank you! :D
You know what is great about Little Ashes is that even though the Naked scenes are *coughs* extremely enjoyable to watch, they strangely enough didn’t seem to matter as much as the story itself..
That's my opinion so you'll have to watch it yourself and make up your mind you on that one!
The audience sees a side of Dali that none of the other characters do, and it makes you feel involinteraly close to him.
My very large Surrealist top hat goes off to Rob for playing this role.
I am so proud of his delivery as Dali. I could not possibly be any happier for him!
LittleBear - Paul only spoke of general release in Ireland but usually we get movies at the same time right? I'm sorry I can only guess... :/
Crazy - I would write a description of him in the mirror if it wasn’t for the severe sensory overload that accrued at that point and now I kind of feel like I only dreamed it and didn’t actually see it!
Oh for the love of DVD release and the pause button!
Hannah, that was such a wonderful review of LA. Thank you for sharing it with us. It just makes me want to see it that much more...which I didn't think was possible! :)
Oh, and I imagine a naked Rob is a yummy Rob!
Good morning ladies and *Tom!
Hello, girls!!! Excellent morning for everyone! Thank you, Hanna (tell us more, please) and Gozde, for the post.
Huuuummmm... Rob naked in front of a mirror in my birthday??? I need more description!!! What can you see? His ass, his p., everything? -- THAT WOULD BE A BLESS!!!
And I DESERVE TO SEE THAT! Really, I do! I've been a very dedicated Robsessor around here (and around my bedroom, my shower, on my kitchen table..., etc.).
I hope that this age stuff really makes me dirtier. My mother is 50, she is really young and a little flirty (yes, my dad knows it, and he just shooks his head and smiles... trully.).
Hahaha, DVD release or just "release", Hannah! *wink, wink
brb ladies~
What a great review! I cannot wait to see this movie...
Hi Crazy ~
I did a brutal number on myself last night. I'm 'somewhere' in the southeastern USA and almost got to watch the sunrise ...
Tom ... *smiles*
Hannah, your review was fantastic! Thank you.
It makes me excited for something new on the horizon.
(I wish I could visit/play here more often than this sporadic thing I got going on. Some day soon...)
Have fun ladies!
Hey, Smitten, goooood mooorning, girl. There is a dude, named "Tom", looking for you on the first thread...
Way to go, Smitten.
Details, girls, please. Love new gossips...
thanks Hannah!
seeing this on Sunday :)
what did the girl ask, that confused Paul? he will be there on sunday, I hope there are not too many squealing people.....
email me if easier:
thanks x
I'm going alone on May 8th, got my ticket a couple days ago, I can't bare going with anyone else...I am so excited!!! first I'm taking my mom on the 24th of April for HOW TO BE, then this a couple weeks later. Wooohooo!!! Total Rob overload. Can't wait to watch him jack-off. teehee. **wink wink**
Dali has always been my favorite surrealist and the beautiful fact that Rob is playing him sends shivers down my spine. Dali was an incredibly complicated and misunderstood person/artist...and from all of the trailers, interviews, scenes, etc. Rob did an amazing job at embodying who Dali was. Really doing the character justice. That takes an incredible amount of skill. Only someone as ridiculously talented and dedicated as Rob could have pulled that off. and to think Johnny Depp and Antonio Banderas want to portray Dali at an older age in life. They have a tough job ahead of them if those projects ever get the green light, because Rob seriously set a high standard. The only one thing I think Rob may have not been up to par with was the Spanish accent. He needs to practice that a bit more...but no complaints that man can talk however the hell he wants and I'll listen to him 24/7, especially if we're by a piano. *double sigh*
Thanks, Sophia ~
It's hard to keep up with Tom ;) but I found him.
That was a great review Hannah! I loved it aswell, every single point you mentioned was fantastic.
I felt so embarrassed for the confused girl who asked that terrible question.
I'm even more embarrassed that Javier Beltran came walking toward me and i freaked out, then i fell victim to the "huffs" because i got really nervous lol :P
Definitely a film with a lot of emotion that will have you laughing and also crying. I also recommend this to everyone who has the chance to see it! :)
I remember reading somewhere that the people for Dali's foundation approved of this movie and for me that says it all. RP acting skills are amazing and from what I've seen so far it looked like he did capture Dali's essence. I hope that he may be apply to get recognized not only by the Oscar people but Golden Globes etc...
I remember reading somewhere that the people for Dali's foundation approved of this movie and for me that says it all. RP acting skills are amazing and from what I've seen so far it looked like he did capture Dali's essence. I hope that he may be apply to get recognized not only by the Oscar people but Golden Globes etc...
Please Lord Jesus Let This Movie Come To HOUSTON TEXAS!!!!
Great review, especially like the willy wonka thing. Can't wait to see the film.
Good Morning Ladies (or whatever it is in your parts of the world!)
I loved this review...as if i wasn't excited already. I've said before , I'll say it again Rob+Dali....heavenly!!
Moonlight Kisssing...!@#?!
To beermonster31@yahoo.co.uk and anyone else curious - The confused girl who with the embarrassing question asked about something relating to the end of the movie. I dont want to tell and ruin any part of it for you!
Im so excited for you other lucky Little Ashes ticket holders!! :D
Hannah and Godze, Thanks so much for sharing. I've been waiting to hear first-hand comments and reviews for this movie. I cannot wait to see it. It sound so emotional and romantic and so beautifully done. The quality of the filming was exquisite.
I hope the critics love it as well. I kind of think it's a little early in his career for a Oscar win. I think a few nominations and then people feeling he was snubbed might work better for his career. I can't wait for more films from him.
Wow awesome review! Thanks Hannah!
And THANK YOU Goz for linking me to the Florida info! I can't wait. I've already set up a reminder for the ON SALE date! Can't wait!!!
Smitten - WOW! you win for the biggest night owl of the year award! I thought I was bad :)
Talk later, that is if you're not on a plane to Portugal!
Thanks Hannah for that wonderful review...i hope we hear some news soon about Little ashes coming to Canada. There are a lot of Rob fans here that are dying to see this film (me being one of them lol)
Thanks for the review, though I will say I'm not surprised... I hope the critics will look at the performance in this moie and not let their judgement of Twilight cloud it all.
I can't wait to see it, but I'll probably be off to Boston or New York for it... no distance is too great!
Hannah thanks for the interview! I actually felt my heart jump while reading it. Rob naked, OMG! I've got the fever for him so bad! I know what happens, so I'm taking tissues!!
Elaine, Are the tissues for the tears or the mop up the drool?!
It might be wise to lend Dali a tissue or two also..
Happy Friday Robsessers! Thank you Hannah - you are one lucky girl. And Javier is one lucky bastard!
It's a great review and your comments are cracking me up "Oh for the love of DVD release and the pause button!" And the tissues - LOL!
Margot - forge staying away now!
Wow I really hope I get a chance to see this movie. So looking forward to it.
Margot - forGET staying away now! Tee hee
Hi Hannah ~
From what I know about Dali, I think the tissues are a good idea for him. I haven't been fortunate enough to see Little Ashes yet but I know Lorca's fate. It absolutely shattered Dali and, I think, fully settled his fabled "mask" into place. Lorca haunted his art, particularly paintings, for the rest of his life. The most tragic bit of all ... on his deathbed he confessed that he never stopped loving Lorca. What their lives could have been if he had only been willing to acknowledge that to himself earlier.
I'm reminded of the saying, "The most tragic words of all are not WHAT IS but WHAT MIGHT HAVE BEEN".
Smitten - Seriously, you'll start me off on the waterworks again! I have been a fan of Dali art for a while now but wasnt fully aware that relationship between himself and Lorca was as strong as it was.
You feel every bit of that real emotion played out between Rob and Javier. The last few scenes of the movie, especially Rob, will haunt you.
It's so tragic.
Thanks for the review... gets my imagination going! Like everyone else - I can't wait for this film!
crazy - was it you who suggested "The Sub" and "The Dom"? If so...whew...thanks. :)
And on a serious note... I really think Rob does an amazing job of becoming the character he is portraying. Dali is incredibly unique and strange and wonderful... From the few clips I've seen, it looks good. I can't wait to see the finished product.
BEBE- Your from Houston? I here in Dallas. Nice to meet another fellow Texan. Your the second one that I meet. Now it's three of us. I think we have the lead....
Was Rob actually naked in any of the scenes because I heard the director that they did not pay the actors enough for that???
Moviephone apparently has a new blip of a new interview with Rob about all the stories.. I would try and post it but I can't access from work for some reason.. he is supposedly talking about some of the rumors about not showering and getting hurt... I guess the entire interview is supposed to be out with Litte Ashes
That sounds really interesting, Kelly. I hope Gozde or Dani can find it for us.
Hannah, I have another question for you. Did you feel more romantic chemistry between Javier and Rob in Little Ashes verses Rob and Kristen? After watching the trailer alone, I felt more love between Dali and Lorca than I did for Bella and Edward. Did you at the same feeling?
What a wonderful review, Hannah. Thank you very much for sharing you experience with us :)
Oh, and I noted in the clips that Javier is very tall (something between 6'3" and 6'4", perhaps?) because Rob needs to lift his face to stare Javier directly in the eyes, and we all know Rob is tall boy (6'1").
The movie sounds really great. I'll keep saying that you don't need ridiculous amounts of money to make a great film. Take notes Summit, please take notes.
WinWin - I have to say that I felt the Dali/Lorca connection was stronger.
Both relationships were similar. Like, both were shameful in a way. Dali not being able to cope with his love for Lorca as a man and Edward being ashamed of being a vampire.
They were both forbidden love with severe concequences. Both Dali's and Lorca's budding careers could be ruined by being 'outed' and there was a lot of violence against gays at the time. Bella could be killed and was in constant danger while with Edward.
There are plenty more comparisons to make...
I dont know if I felt a stronger conection between Dali and Lorca because both were humans, equals and the fact that they really existed. They were so passionate about their art that the passiona nd connection with each other somehow seemed to fuse. Plus it is a tragic ending. And as Smitten says, on his deathbed Dali confessed that he never stopped loving Lorca. There's no happily ever after here. The story is drenched in guilt and regret but they never stopped loving each other. Its heart breaking.
I dont know if I explained myself too well there but my answer is yes, I felt a deeper connection between Rob and Javier than I did with Rob and Kristen..
thanks Hanna
I guess i had a real problem with Kristen's performance. She didn't act that much "in love". There was definitely physical and sexual tension or chemistry between them, but i didn't feel the 17 year old falling in to love vibe from her. she was kinda very jerky and stuttery for me.
WinWin I agree. I have to say though that the direction in Little Ashes was amazing.
Lets see how Kristen does in New Moon with a new director.
Fingers Crossed!
I was at the premiere in Belfast last night too and I can't get the film out of my head. A more beautiful piece of art filming you won't see this year, from the highly evocative soundtrack (lots of Spanish guitar) which transports you to a different time and place, to the dreamy and atmospheric photography. The moonlit swim scene is AMAZING! You will love it! Two beautiful men watching the water run over their skin, making nervous and tentative advances to each other...wonderful!
The beach scene prior to this has the camera taking a long, slow look along Rob's body (those legs!) The man looks like an angel reclining on the sand. Puts me in mind of those owl's wings in Twilight...
Apart from the romantic bits, the film is also funny and several times the audience were laughing and giggling, usually due to Salvador's antics. Rob's naked mirror scene is obviously for shock-value (he has such a LONG body!) and the threesome will have you wanting to go and give him a hand, so to speak!
Javier Beltran puts in a brilliant performance, you could believe he was gay (he's not btw.) Those kisses... reciting poetry to each other, close-ups of their mouths...*sigh*
You'll be swept away by it, the sensuousness, silliness, sadness and reality of it, the beauty and tragedy.
Hurry up May so I can see it again.
Hi Winwin: I don't think Twilight gave us much at all in the way of showing Bella in love with Edward and vice-versa. Disappointing.
Salvadora~ i wonder if the film makers couldn't resist a scene showing Rob's naked body. They could see how beautiful he is. A beautiful man is a work of art.
Wait a sec... Rob standing in front of a mirror "tucked in"? Holy moly, that must have hurt! ;)
THANKS SO MUCH HANNAH! You're the best!! :)))))
WinWin~Thanks for asking about the chemistry. It has always been my feeling that Rob will have chemistry with most anyone he is acting with (method style) and that the Kristen chemistry/specialness is about Rob, not about Kristen. Rob was way too kind giving her credit, IMHO.
So Hannah,
If I understand correctly, we've got a man standing tucked in before a mirror, which essentially means neutered. Perhaps even taking a female-like stance, talking to himself puffing on a fag?
That would be terribly wrenching but fun to act! Talk about challenging how far you can push yourself. I can't even really wrap my head around that!
Chicago Girl~ I just had to say I agree with what you said in your last post: (wholeheartedly)!
"Rob will have chemistry with most anyone he is acting with (method style) and that the Kristen chemistry/specialness is about Rob, not about Kristen. Rob was way too kind giving her credit,"
Rob is a gentleman, and always has kind things to say about the people he knows, especially women. I have seen him doing such in interviews. He gave her too much credit, but that is the gentleman that is Rob.
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