From E! Online:

You probably knew that New Moon's wows-ville wolfboy Jacob, Taylor Lautner, lops off his locks for the Twilight sequel. Well, catch a first glance at his less-is-more look on the Vancouver set (above). Cue the wolf whistles! He's clearly a cutie.
But the shorn-mellon motif is obviously a trend, what with bat-tastic Rob Pattinson going the same short-and-sweet route recently. Hmmm, he also cleans up quite nicely.
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Thanks to Jennifer for the link :)
Thanks, Goz!! my first thought when I saw this, was awwwww...poor Rob. He's having to go outside with wet hair now in the cold just to prove he showers!!! Taylor is cute (and oh, so young), but he will never hold a candle to Rob in my book. Rob has so much more depth and seems like an older soul. Taylor is "cute" though and congrats on the abs. :)
I think this is one of the first times I thought Taylor looked cute. But he is NOTHING compared to Rob!!
As if!
Ohhh puleeeeez
Taylor IS a boy
Taylor.. sorry luv you are adorable but I don't want to shag you two shades into next Friday.
I liked Taylor's but to me, Taylor is just cute. Rob is hot. SUPER FINE!
Hi girls!
taylor is cute, if you're into cute. any comparison between the two is a no-brainer. and Rob's face in that pic~ good thing i'm not wearing panties. take that people!
taylor is cute i have to give that to him...
but puhleeease!!! compare him to ROB?
what is there to compare?
i agree w/ Suz he is a MAN PERSONIFIED...
end of story... ;)
Okay, Taylor is cute, but Rob is pure sex on legs. NO contest, in my mind.
Hi, girls!
Hey RobKatz!
I have two Twilight Themed Custom "Lady Flasks" to keep your beverage of choice on your person at all times...
First two who email me at:
get one.
Please put TWIFlask in memo.
and remember.. ALWAYS DESIGNATE A DRIVER AND DRINK RESPONSIBLY. (even if you are a vegetarian)
Laura - You point out something very obvious.
Taylor is very CUTE (puppies are cute)
Rob is indescribable.
You can't compare them for real. They don't compete in a same division.
Taylor is really cute and all boyish. Totally a kiss-worthy guy.
But Rob is in a different category. He's gorgeous and shag-worthy.
He's cute.
But I got over "cute" after I turned 21.
Rob is definitely a whole different story.
Rob = Shagalicious
Pfft. AS IF Jacob Black could ever have better hair than Edward Cullen!! AS IF people!! LOL
Srsly, I may be biased but Taylor is nothing compared to Rob. Pfffft....good point, Laura, BTW.
Tess~LOL @ "puppies are cute" Taylor's teeth annoy me to no end. Yes,peeps, I said TEETH! Don't ask...weird, I know.
i think they've just ran out of things to talk about so they go back to hair. which is totally false. i want more butt comparisons.
Taylor is cute, but he is a child. Rob is a man and there is no comparison. That's like comparing a baby seal to a shark. Rob would eat Taylor alive.... wait that's a random comparison. LOL :P
lovindashow, you took the words right outta my mouth. I got over cute ages ago. I want me some manly Rob.
Hi Girls~ Lovindashow~ you're spot on. My 14 year year old thinks Taylor is cute too. She doesn't yet understand sexy, thank God!
Winwin! Ellie!
Suz! are they gone? :( and i don't mean your brain cells from staring at the Robness. ;)
if you want it Crazy, then they are both gone.
Suz~ huh?
Crazy, I still have 1 if you want it.
email me your address.
OMG That son of a bitch is trying to be like Robby. NO WAYY, CAN HE EVER LOOK LIKE HIM! Stop trying, loser!!!!!!!! I dont like himmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm!!!!! I really dontttttttt, so angry!! =D
Wait. HOLD UP. Don't know why I'm JUST noticing this, but is that a fucking peacoat on Taylor?? Oh HELL to the NO! He's even copying Rob's Twilight wardrobe! Sorry, Taylor. Game, set, and match goes to ROB. Better luck next time.
Can I get a collective AS IF! from my girls? Cmon, where are all my "Clueless" fans? LOL
Laura- Your BFF is here for you. AS IF!!!!
Wait it's time though to update the call to WHATEVES!!!
It is quite simple:
Taylor looks 15-16 and is for the little girl fans...
Rob looks 23 (freshly shaved/"Sex Drive" premiere hair) or up to 30 (unshaved/messy hair) and appeals to grown-up girls (no upper limit)...
They've only just begun to compare who's hotter between the two leads in this saga. Taylor is cute but.... Rob is A SEXY MAN personified.It doesn't matter what length his hair is. Everything about him is mouth watering.I could go on but all you Robsessers know what I'm talking about.
What happened to Taylor in the last year, his face has blown up in size...I mean, I know he is not taking steroids but he kinda looks like he has....poor bugger, he is definitely workin' out big time so he can fill Jacob's shoes (and replace Edwards!)...GOOD LUCK!!! :)
well, at least I think that pic clears up that hygiene-thing. Clearly enough, he does take showers.
I can't stand TL, his thick neck and pug nose. He is not even cute. I highly doubt that after NM comes out, he will be as popular as Rob. Rob appeals to women of all ages, no girl over 15 will find TL attractive.
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