GQ April 2009 Scans

Thanks to RobertPattinsonOnline for the scans...yum.

And if you have trouble reading the interview on the scans you can go to the GQ site HERE

Big thanks and smooches GALORE to the Ceri, Pixie and Kate who emailed me the links to this delicious spread and interview. Made my morning.


Anonymous said...

Ok, so I check this site multiple times a day but have been posted anything. OMG!!! I haven't been able to concentrate on work since I got back from lunch and saw those pics and read the article!!! Lord save me from my Robsession!!!!

luckygyrl said...

Thanks Dani!!! The pix and interview have been making my morning fantastic all day. I love it. One of my favs. And the pictures!!! Those poses. Its been very hard to get anywork done.

Anonymous said...

a big one!

Anonymous said...


marina mia said...

look at his eyes, one looks smoking grey, the other almost green brown.

sighh...the internet is going crazy with all us fans searching for more on Rob!

Anonymous said...

horizontal look :)

La Stella said...

I have noticed that my favorite Rob pics involve a cig.. now I feel like smoking.. DAMMIT!

Oh Rob <3

Rominiwi said...

made my day.

Anonymous said...

OMG! I'm going to need a new computer after all the drool those pictures caused. And it's just not right that he makes smoking so friggin' hot.

I haven't read the whole article yet, but some of the things are a bit sad. Which also just makes me want to hug him and touch him and ... never mind.

keely said...

I officially love, love, LOVE you guys for that pictures!!!!!

Ellie said...

Rob's eyes are amazing. Quite a unique color. And mesmerizing...

Ellie said...

Oops! That was me...I forgot to change my username.

Scarlett said...

Oh God.. his eyes..
He looks breathtaking

marina mia said...

hi fragilehuman, i thought the same thing when reading the interview. Some of it came over quite sad and makes you feel like he's alone in all this madness.

he's becoming a prisoner to all the hype. And it ain't going to get any easier any time soon.

Anonymous said...

This is the BEST interview with Rob. I love that he is soo honest and you can see that because of his answers. From reading this i have a different perspective on him. I hope with the rest of the Twilight movies he does not have to do all of those Q&A's especially at the mall. I hope he does just the regular press release for the movies. Twilight is so overly popular that i dont see why he would have to try to sell it. I really feel for him as a person not just an actor. Who knows maybe he will do the Twilight and fade away or maybe he will move far away like Johnny Depp and come out just when it's movie time. I think i like him more now than before. Oh, and the pics were great too.

Ms. Bonderson said...

OMG! I could look at those all day! Does this mean the magazine is in stores now??? Guess I'll be headed to the bookstore this afternoon. There'd better be some left! LOL Haven't read the interview yet...sounds like it's a good one though.

Divinesally said...


He is a sex god. That pic in which he's standing up, holding the belt, that needs to be a poster! ASAP!!! YUMMMMMMMMM

The article was great. He's really sensitive and nervous, just like me! lol The part where he was crying holding his dog, thinking his girlfriend had cheated on him, really got me. that was so sad and cute I started cracking up. I actually pictured him crying holding his pup and her just looking at him like, "ummmm dude, you're a fake." LMAO

Thanks Dani! Thanks GQ!

Unknown said...

I'm not reading the article until I get the magazine... :)

BUT!! Please post better quality photos of the black and white ones when you get a hold of them... the cover will definitely hold me together until I get those... OMFGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG...

That on top of seeing set photos today, my LORRRRRD.

I'm about to flatline.

kristen said...

It's Official. Robert Pattinson IS God's gift to all of womankind. There's no question about it. He's undoubtedly the most gorgeous, intelligent, funny, interesting, talented, quirky, gorgeous, charming, humble, and oh did I mention GORGEOUS man in existence. My brain can't even comprehend his perfection right now - it's currently a gooey mess.

Seriously, the folks at GQ seriously earned their paychecks with this one:
- Rob on the cover - CHECK
- Multiple Brutally Hot pictures of Rob - CHECK
- Funny yet moving article - CHECK
- Good enough to buy several copies - CHECK CHECK CHECK!

Anonymous said...

That was a really great interview, Robert is boring just like me. LOL

The part about him finding things to microwave had me laughing so hard.

Actually my daughter has social anxiety so when he talks about panic attacks, I know just what he means. I have seen my daughter have them just the way he explains. She was also 5' 6" at 12 and 13 in middle school, the kids told her she was a giant and was always trying to hide and look small. Now 18 and at 5'6" she's not the tallest anymore.

He is such a breath of fresh air in this crazy world.

Melissa said...

Sweet Christmas Baby Jesus, he is so HOT in these pics. The pic of him standing up with the boots on, HOLY SHIT! Panties melted...totally gone. I am so done for the day...I can't even think straight.

Thank you Dani for posting!!

Anonymous said...

Oooh big ones make me happy :)

Anonymous said...

Has anyone noticed that the gray suit Rob is wearing in the GQ photos looks suspiciously like the Tokyo grey suit?

I hope I'm right and that he kept the suit because it looks like it was tailored to his body. It really brings out the gray in his blue eyes quite beautifully. I love gray/a nice color for him.

I wish the reporter were female...she would've covered more in my opinion...still a well-written article.

When I'm feeling whipped up and crazy, I secretly crawl into my terriers' bed, too for comfort. Glad to know I'm not alone on that one!!

I have to say it again, love his mind/heart and the rest is just whipped topping.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!!can anyone be hotter than him???
nope:))and my favorite second pic. he's amazing <3

Dani said...

For those of you who came from the RPL blog that is no more apparently. And know the reason why Goz started this blog and why I joined her as a partner. This interview has to be some gratification. CAUSE HE NEVER EVEN MET HER!!!

BWAHAHHAHAHAHAHH!!! STFU....this is awesome. all the loyal followers of our tasty blog here. Goz and I are soooo happy to have you here and to the original know what I am talking about above and you have to be laughing.

Oh and sweet holy hell he is HOT!

Anonymous said...


I need a cold shower!!!

They tried to make him bad in the interview, like he is some kind of paranoic person or stoned...

kristen said...

Yes, Dani, it was pretty awesome hearing it straight from Rob's mouth: He never even met the Brazilian chick!!

Ahhh VINDICATION.... it tastes so sweet :)

And once again, thank you for these wonderful posts, Dani! You and Gozde rock my socks for starting and keeping up with this fantastic blog!

Kate said...

Love, Love, Love this interview !!

Anonymous said...

thank goodness no work for me today..i've been staring at his gorgeous picture all day and drooling...the things i wanna do to this man.. crap i'm going to hell!!

Anonymous said...

Yep, Dani, I get this: HE NEVER EVEN MET HER...oh yeah!

Lisa Serrano said...

Yep Dani, That was sweet

We followed for a reason.
Any blog can post photos,set pix,info etc.

But the reason I followed and stayed here is because of all the funny smart Ladies on this Blog.

And NO ONE takes themselves too SERIOUSLY!!

A big MUUAHH to you and Goz!!

Lisa Serrano said...

Oh and how much do I love that he's read FF. : ) LOL

Was still hoping for shaved head pix but I love that this was his last Twilght commitment and then
BUZZZ all gone with the hair -like at the photo shoot.
He didn't even change he wore that v neck and ripped jeans out of the shoot-That's cool

Anonymous said...

Oh MY GOSH... The Pictures are sooooooooooooo hot... I wanna be the cigarette... Gosh

Nicky said...

I enjoyed reading that interview lot. You know what I realized is that a big part of why I got interested in him is that he made me realize how scripted Hollywood actors are in interviews. I guess I got so used to the way they acted that I forgot what it was like to listen to something more natural and real. He also gives me insight into how crazy that Hollywood environment is, and that it is not for the faint of heart. So kudos to him, given that he is so young, to put up with it all.....lesser men would crumble under this pressure.

Anonymous said...

What a great interview. And those pictures. OMG! Just when I think he cannot get any hotter he does. My God he is the most beautiful man in the universe.

Ellie said...

Dani, I laughed my ass off when I read that!

And thanks once again for this awesome and Goz rock our world. You know I love you both...xoxo

Daneh said...

the chain he wears is very sexy. chain/necklace. whatever. UGH i want him.

Anonymous said...

Leanne~My thoughts exactly: "...kudos to him."

BTW, if you want to see the candid photos shot after the interview that the reporter wrote about, you can find them at

Anonymous said...

Dani, thanks so much for posting! I don't post frequently, but I love this site!!

The pictures are just too much for words.

This interview was great. I'm not sure where the interviewer was going with the whole Camilla thing--I guess I'm either dense or in denial, because I didn't really see it as Rob trying to lie about some relationship they have going on. Thoughts, anyone?

Also, loved the admission that he reads stuff online about himself. You KNOW he's been on this site at some point, then, right?!?

And interesting that he admitted to reading Twilight fanfic!! What I would give to know which ones he's read (and enjoyed?)...

Bootstrap Intern said...

I NEED a copy of GQ NOW! He looks fantastic! I will read the interview when I get my copy, but for now, I will be drooling all over my computer looking at the photos.

Anonymous said...

OMG - the picture where he's all in black wearing what looks to be black cowboy boots? *Squirm*

Anonymous said...

hot.... damn.....

Suz said...

Being a "fragile little human" that standing shot in black and boots...

slayed me.

F U C K M E ! (please)

Anonymous said...

My goodness, that was a fantastic article... he's the anti-Hollywood and I admire it. Oddly, I felt my heart ache when i read that article and then I laughed because he tried to microwave a carrot. I wish he knew that although most of the time we violate him with our crude thoughts... that we actually don't mean any harm... mainly my point is that I truly hope he stays sane, humble, and keeps a good heart... If he turns into zac effron or some fake would honestly disappoint me and thats fuked up because i don't even know the dude.

Anyhow I'm happy (and surprised) he talked about reading fan fictions and blogs... he's awesome...and it would be an honor to meet him someday so i can tell him out truly awesome he is...

Anonymous said...



I understood that the Camille/thing was true...

Anonymous said...

And also, girls, he said that he reads about him on the internet. He could be here now!! With a fake name.

Are any of you the real Rob???

bimbambom said...

I don't know how it's possible but I love him even more than before I read it.

He is perfect. I love when Rob mention his dog. And Patty probably doesn't understand but she's the luckiest girl in the whole world!

He admit he read blogs and ff! I wonder if he read our comments!

Anonymous said...

The Tokyo suit and the one on GQ cover are not the same, one is dark brownish grey and the other light grey, one is Dior (GQ) and the other was Prada, one is probably Spring collection and the other was Winter collection.

Anonymous said...

Thanks Anon! The cut and fit are certainly similar! Rob's best look, I think, in a suit.

Anonymous said...

The pictures... let's just say I wouldn't kick him out of my bed. There is nothing hotter than a sexy nerd. As for the article, I love how determined Rob is to be himself despite the insanity around him. But he also seems to enjoy talking smack to amuse himself. Did anyone else think that was the case with the dog story? I hope so, because it would be truly fucked up if he had to fake feeling upset about his girlfriend cheating on him.

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! I feel like one of the crazy fangirls! Love, love the pictures. The interview as always is so entertaining. I can't believe he actually reads the blogs. So, the new rumor is that he is dating this Asian Swedish girl named Frances Anikolai. It turns out that she's just a family friend. I totally believe him when he said nothing written about him is true.

TwiHartRK said...

Ashley - there is no saving you girl. If there was antidote I would have found it. Sadly, I don't think I would actually use it. Hurts too good. So much Rob to love today.

TwiHartRK said...

Thanks Dani - Make no mistake. He knows what he's doing to us. If he reads about himself and FF? He knows what your thinking, about him thinking about you, thinking about him. I need resuscitation. Mouth to mouth.

Anonymous said...

HEY EVERYBODY ~ Let's be sure to BUY this GQ issue to be sure and show Rob the love!!!! OK?

Anonymous said...

Christina~ My first impression of the Camilla discussion was that he is interested in her as more than a friend, and he didn't hide it very well with his answers. I sort of agree with the reporter. He was pretty vague with his responses to all the questions. But that interview was 3 months ago; I hope for his sake he has moved on. I hope he can find a sweet girl soon; someone sensitive like himself, of course. I think it would be a good idea to stay away from actresses. A musician or other artsy type, perhaps. Also, I think he's a relationship (not dating) type of guy. A sincere GF would be so nice for him as he deals with the loneliness and craziness of being in the spotlight.
ROB~ i feel motherly advice coming on...sorry. Don't change who you are for anyone!!! Keep doing your own thing. Only YOUR expectations for yourself matter. I know women obsess over your looks (sorry), but that's just the cover of your book. The only folks that should matter are the ones that bother to open the book and read what's on the pages. I bet you know all this already.
There, got that off my chest :)

Anonymous said...

Sophia said...


I understood that the Camille/thing was true...

He said he and Camilla are just friends. I believe him. His Joe Jonas comment was a joke (like he slept with him) because the gossips said he stole Camilla from him. He also Jokingly said " I love him" about Joe Jonas. Just a silly joke

Anonymous said...

I enjoyed the article, but didn't like the way the writer tried to analyze everything Robert said. I feel like the writer was trying to put his own spin on every comment. I would prefer that the writer would have asked more follow up questions and let Robert expand on his answers.

Marilyn said...

I cannot believe he said he fucked Joe Jonas. I cannot believe he said that.

Anonymous said...

Ok- the "centerfold" pic. GUHHHHH
That pose just brings soooo many naughty thoughts to mind. DAMN, the man is just so incredibly sexy.

And then to read some of this interview, makes him that much more sexy.

Tess said...

Amazing article, Amazing Photographs, and an amazing amount of vindication! ( Here's to you Dani and Goz)

Thank you both so much for keep this a Happy Place.

xoxox You Both!

Anonymous said...

It’s about the only decent and realistic article that I’ve seen on Rob. It was funny, down-to-earth, and didn’t have any of that sappy, over-the-top drivel you see in alot of those other girly magazines. There’s a part in there that Rob talks about his dog which I was reading while I was having a drink. I won’t give away any details but it left me chuckling and choking on my drink for a good 5 minutes.

Although when I read the part about him denying at the very least KNOWING Annaleyse, I snorted and thought to myself "Yeah right! Uh huh! You’re a very good actor kiddo but you’re an amatuer fibber!" lol. Alex Pappademas (the writers name - spell check?) - you did an awesome job. It was witty, no BS in it and straight to the point! Loved it! Keep up the good work. That magazine article is definitely a keeper!

Anonymous said...

Oh, my G. (spot).

That picture of Rob with the black jeans and the boots... Have you noticed THE PACKAGE? Yes, it is on the right side and, oh, just the right SIZE for me...

Have to go. Work is calling. Damn.

Anonymous said...

This article actually made me kind of sad for him. He's just this seemingly normal guy who happens to be physically blessed and he just got thrown into madness. He had no idea this movie would make him a teen obsession and it's kind of a shame that it did. Seriously, think about all the teen obsessions over the years and where those people ultimately end, nowhere, old hasbeens, and it's not even their fault, they just got trapped into it. I'm glad he did Little Ashes and How to Be, both can at least show he can act well.
I wish he didn't have to travel all over and do these silly publicity gigs for Twilight either, they seem so awful.

Poor guy.

“I just say the first thing that comes into my head,” he said, “out of nervousness. During interviews I’m literally shitting my pants. I don’t want there to be a silence, because I’ll start crying.”

I really hope he isn't LITERALLY (I hate when people misuse that word!!) shitting in his pants.

Anonymous said...

I agree with you Anon....

I think that after all the Twilight insanity is over he's either going to start doing quality work, or, he'll just bow out of the whole thing and be forgotten (or remembered as a teen dream).
There are very few people who can rise out of something like this. He's in the middle of a huge phenomenon, unlike anything else, even unlike Harry Potter mania because girls aren't clamoring for Daniel Radcliffe in the same vein, you know?
He's been made into Edward Cullen, the literary fantasy of millions of girls, it's a pretty huge role to play, and, poor, guy, he didn't know it would become this, he just thought he was getting some work!

He doesn't want to be embarrassed, I've been embarrassed for him many times since this whole thing seeing him signing posters at a mall is embarrassing, doing some stupid stunt on the Tyra Banks show, stuff like that, it's so cringeworthy (and the fact that the media reports on his every move and breath)

He's gorgeous and I think he is talented but I hate that he's sucked into this whole Hollywood world and all this tween bullshit.

I hope he makes it out ok.

bimbambom said...

Lucy why did you think "Yeah right! Uh huh! You’re a very good actor kiddo but you’re an amatuer fibber!" about Annelyse?

Anonymous said...

I like the interview. I guess it offended a lot of gay people though. I know Rob probably didn't mean to.

Anonymous said...

damn, rob got everyone head over heels. i wannnnnt him so badd

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