GQ Cover from Singapore

Check out the sticker on the cover. Couldn't have said it better myself. Definitely NOT suitable for the young :))

Thanks to our Tessilicious for the scan :))


Anonymous said...


Divinesally said...

YAY! TWILIGHT FRIDAY/SATURDAY IS HERE! I wonder who'll show up in NYC.

thanks MARJ, you too!

Tess said...

Oh GG... You made my day!

"Definitely not for the young (or faint of heart)"

Have a fabulous day out. ♥ Ya..

crazy said...

uhhhh!. I'm a married woman with a child. It's probably not suitable for me to lusting over pictures of this 22 year old creature, for crying out loud!

btw, morning girls!

Ellie said...

Crazy, you go right ahead and lust're are most definitely not alone! lol

Tess, love the sticker~~♥♥♥
Hello, ladies!

Such a special day! Squeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Anonymous said...

Ok, I think I am old enough, not only to drool on some pics in a magazine, but for the real Rob to come here and "do his thing"...

Rob, lover, come here and "do your thing"... I´l be 23 in a few days...

Tenneil said...

Ellie, is it okay that I slept with my copy under my pillow?? Trying to be careful havent gotten them laminate yet....LOL

Morning Ladies!!!

crazy said...

Hi Sophia, Ellie, Tenneil, ...

Sophia - I'm jealous of your age. oh to be back there again. LOL how you talk to Rob all the time. I like to do that too...

Ellie - thx for giving me permission to lust!!! I can't help myself anyway though...


(ahem. I got my copy of GQ, and my PE)

T~ Not yet laminated, but i have 2
copies ;)

crazy said...

gotta go for now - DH is home.

Rose said...

I love this all the more...cuz its from Tess.
♥ you...

WinWin said...

Good morning ladies.

I have been in a daze since Tuesday. Everywhere I go, I see Rob's face. Newsstand at the corner. He's everywhere in Penn Station. It should be illegal to be so hot. I'm waiting for the media to tell us how this issue is the hottest selling for GQ.

Too much Robsessing lately. I'm exhausted.

Anonymous said...

Crazy, hello!

Yeah, I "talk" to him a lot. Always afraid to call my BF "Rob"; you know, in "the heat of the moment"... I did the happy trail on BF yesterday; he "smiled" a lot; but, poor thing, I was imagining "another" happy trail... Still licking that old computer...

WinWin, I am exhausted too. Robsessing toooooo muuuuch lately.

Off now, girls, I have a class. Some serious stuff. PUFF!

Good day, Robsessers!

Emmes said...

Good Robmorning Ladies, hope u have a Robtastic DVD release day wherever you are!
Just Robstalking and checking up on all my favorite Robsessed gals.
Big day, hoping for some Robtacular pictures of Rob at some party lookin like he did at the RObscars or as DirtyRob, I get my Robgasms with both. I'll be checking back later to get another Robfix.
Good Robye
Emmes (AKA another Robaholic)

Anonymous said...

My daughter works in a store and I told her to pick me up a copy yesterday (it hasn't been put on the shelves yet, but they had it in the back room) - she bought it but forgot to bring it home!! Can you imagine? I made her go back for it as soon as they opened this morning. Mean old pervert mom that I am.

The Scarlet Blog said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

13 more hours! what am i suppose to do till then? the anticipation is killing me!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good morning ladies, I am just shaking my head right now thinking back over all of his looks. He is just a fucking chameleon...

It's like either he is extremely hot, sexy ,and smoldering, or in between, or not really up to standard because he is not giving a fuck at that time.It's like I want to scream MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND ALREADY, DAMN!!!

I know we all have our good and bad days but his is smoking hot one day and literally the next it's like WTF happen to you.I know if I was going out with him I would be like you bastard stop teasing me with your fucking hotness. I can't take this back and forth shit...

I guess that's just a little part of his complexity. I hate him....

Anonymous said...

I ordered my copy through Amazon and got the shipping notice won't be here until MONDAY! What the hell? I ordered it two months early and am going to get it 2 days later than if I waited for the release :(


Anonymous said...

Yeah, it might be TRAUMATIC for our youth to know that Rob effed Joe Jonas!

Shalimar said...

G'mornin all! I'm a new post-er to ROBsessed. Been a reader for awhile, but finally decided to dive in w/you all. :)

Bought my GQ yesterday. I called B&N 10x yesterday, asking if they had stocked it yet. And they finally did at 6 pm, and I rushed over there to get it.

P.S. My bf is so jealous of dear Rob - he won't admit it, but he is.

TwiHartRK said...

Rob looks HAWT in any language.

Tenneil said...

Alie.... you are so right!! any language and position...LOL

Anonymous said...

Hi literallySPunkransom ~
Welcome to our definitely over-excited group! Geez, I don't know if we EVER calm down ;) Glad to hear from you ...

This is the HOTTEST Rob-day and I'm dying just waiting for the DVD to arrive. Hope ya'll are all having a blast!

Anonymous said...

chicago: lmfao...effed joe jonas. that was my favorite part of the entire article! what a hot smartass Rob is.

hello all... happy dvd release day! Hope everyone is adequately prepared with fresh panties and credit card in hand.

Brandy said...

ROFL, thirtysomething! That pretty much sums it up there with your last comment.;)

Suz said...


I will be attending a release party in the Washington, DC area doing a fund-raiser for Breast Cancer.

I am so excited. I get to be an ADULT with a LEGITIMATE "sane" reason to be at the fanfest.. !

Woooo hooooo
(think the fangs are too much?)

Anonymous said...

Yeah, 30, he's definitely a "hot ass" ;)
fresh panties - check
plenty of money - check
hot as a hornytoad check

Suz, you lucky so-and-so :) Hope you have LOTS of fun! Happy release day to you, too!

Bootstrap Intern said...

I still have not received my shipping confirmation from Target (well, amazon really)... If it doesn't ship today, I will go to Target and buy a copy and cancel my pre-order. I will also be recording it tonight/tomorrow... Comcast will have available on pay-per-view at 12:01am. Today is a good day. And tomorrow will be even better.

beignet said...

Not suitable for the young...does that mean he is suitable for the rest of us? Yeay for the not so young!!!
I keep opening my email just to see the Twilight at midnight banner. Is it wrong I get so excited when I see Rob when not looking for him... NO I say. Have a great day ladies!

Melanie said...

Is it midnight yet?

Anonymous said...

Be sure to go to Borders and look at the cool scene on the New Moon set. Rob is sooooo sweet!

WinWin said...

Hi ladies. Happy Friday.

Just went to gq's site to drool at the pics again and I noticed something funny. on the 7th picture, he is wearing a plain white tee and in the descrition on the side it just says "Fruit of the Loom". I thought it was the funniest.

I'm dying for my dvd!!!!

WinWin said...

BI, great minds think alike. I'm going to check my on demand at 12:01 to get my fill tonight and then get mine from Target. Then cancel my pre-order from Target if it's not sold out.

BTW, I read my first fanfic. Can't remember the name, but it was damn hot. I was only able to handle one chapter a night. I might have a heart attaack!

Unknown said...

I have news!!!!!
a video from Borders!!!!
It was made last week!!!

Anonymous said...

thanks danni :)

i like the 'see ya' part

Kate said...

Ya Danni I saw that !
There's also a lot of behind the scenes stuff on the website which I believe is on the borders DVD !
Did you se "Edwards piano Concert" ??

Kate said...

Let me try that again

crazy said...

Hi girls!

Winwin: me too. I want to know how his GQ and the Twilight DVD sells.

Sophia: LOL on the BF's happy trail!!

Emmes: i don't get my DVD until Wed! I'll be Robsobbing until them :(

Twiheart and Tenneil : LOL! Rob would be gorgeous if he stood on his head and spoke gibberish.

TS: Lol. fresh panties. fresh girls in fresh panties. possible laminated.

Suz: Awesome! Have a good time while "releasing" (wink)

BI and Winwin: me too. Going to Target first think in am, then cancel my preorder. can't wait!

Who's on here tonight? I wanna pretend to be at a release party with you guys! what say you?

Jewels64 said...

Hi Ladies! I'm off to Hot Topic tonight to get my edition from edition from Borders shipped yesterday and should arrive either later tonight or first thing in the a.m. But come hell or high water...I will have a copy at midnight!!!

Emmes said...

fresh panties - check
plenty of money - check
hot as a hornytoad check


I know what u mean, mine doesn't SHIP until monday...but I think me hubby has something up his sleave...can anybody say "pirate". I won't feel bad cause I already bought my copy , and a sh1tload of other twichandise.

By the way... listening to Sex on Fire on my Ipod...soundtrack of our lives!!

Anonymous said...

Okay sorry RP got a little carried away before. I do appreciate all of you no matter how you look...

Anyway, to bad y'all aren't going to be here in Dallas tonight because somebody (hopefully you know who) will show up. Sadly I'm not going anywhere. It's just to many places here and with out a team of Twilighters to do re-con. It just wouldn't be fun to not see someone. I would have loved to have been racing around the city to get to the right place.

crazy said...

Danni ~cute Borders video! See ya!

crazy said...

EMMES~ If i don't get my copy right away, i'll just have to experience it vicariously through all our Robsessors here!

rpattzdude said...

i have realise something that Rob can look sooooo different from one pic to another and damn in some like this one he is soooo hot :D

Anonymous said...

Busy Bee Lauren said...

"Unsuitable for the young" bahaha!

Unknown said...

Hi Robsessors!!!
Nice video right!!!
He is cute, and Kristen doesn't look truly happy, as always!!!

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