Vale at Twilight Poison translated an interview Rob did with Glamour Spain. I am posting some parts here.
Does Twilight remind you of your real life and high school, when two people are attracted to each other with such energy?
Yes, although I had really bad luck with girls, the ones I liked hated me and the ones that liked me were not my type. But that’s something that I still go through, I like girls that I shouldn’t like. But I’m learning and now I take my time before I let the girl know. (Gozde: I think you took enough time Rob. See the contact us box on the right? Get on it:))
How are you handling being the new It Boy, being in so many covers of magazines now all over the world?
I don’t mind, my character is so good and he deserves to be admired. From the moment I signed up for this I knew what I was getting myself into. Edward is a vampire, he’s not a hero like Superman, he’s a vampire in love who wants to be normal. (Gozde: So it was one of THOSE days for Rob when he was doing this interview :) He says he doesn't mind being on so many covers. Himm, I am SURE I heard a different answer for that before :))
It took him 90 years for him to find love. Do you believe in love at first sight?
That’s so boring! I think we all have the right to fall in love several times. The conventional idea of love, the idea of being with somebody for the rest of your life and love her forever sounds so silly to me, and so unrealistic. I think you can love ten people at the same time (laughs).(Gozde: Uhoh! Refer to :
What would you be capable of doing for love?
I don’t know, climb a mountain? (Gozde: Hahahaha! I love his answer to the pointless question:)
Would it scare you to fall in love like the characters in Twilight?
Yes, because it’s an obsessive love, a sick love. When you fall in love and you lose yourself like that. Imagine falling in love like that!
Do you get hit on by difficult women?
I’m crazy about independent women who don’t require too much attention.
Have you ever used the phrase “I’m an actor” as a pick up line?
Not, that phrase doesn’t wok here in LA - everybody is an actor here.
Are you planning on going to college?
Yes, but I’m planning on taking it slowly, probably when I’m 28. As an actor you have to take advantage of the opportunities you get and not letting them pass by.
How did you feel at 17?
I felt increadibly awkward all the time. I’ve always been a very edgy person, especially in those years that I didn’t find my place, everything scared me. I just started reading again my journals from when I was 17….
Do you talk about love in them?
Actually, no. I’ve only been attracted to two women in my whole life. (Gozde: Why do I think this is one of THOSE answers? :))
Do you remember the first time you loved someone?
Yes. It’s weird to enjoy your first love, especially if the relationship lasts a long time. Our relationship was really beautiful, but we didn’t have an obsessive love like in the movie. Her presence in my life made me very happy for three years. Now it’s kind of hard to talk about it. (Gozde: Oh wow...)
You can read the rest of the interview and the parts that I skipped over at Twilight Poison.
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 213 Newer› Newest»my character is so good and he deserves to be admired
I so love his humour.
You are posting these faster than I can keep up! LOL Good day for Rob news. :)
That´s what´s sooo amazing about Rob...u see him and think...OMG, could he get any better? And then he speaks....and it does!!!!!
That was such a different interview - some of those answers didn't sound like Rob at all. But that's what keeps him interesting I guess - you never know what you're going to get.
I am on fire today, lol.
Okay ladies, I am going to bed now. I am sure Dani will post if there are more updates :))
Nite nite...
I left for a couple of hours and there's ALL this new stuff...slow down girl! I can't keep up either!
JK- you're doing a fantastic job :)
God, when Rob talked about his 3 year relationship....wow...I melted. He's really somethin' else....yummm
Ohhh, that one answer pissed me off! grrrr.
(such a womanizing thing to say, for sure Gozde. No wonder Stephanie M said he wouldn't make a good boyfriend.)
And yes, he contradicted himself several times again. grrr.
i agree some of the answers didn't feel like rob. but its nice to see this side of him. lucky girl whoever he loved!
love: He is talking about Nina :)
love where the...refer to: (womanizer vid) was inserted! hilarious...
Been too busy to check my favorite site today--so now I'm enjoying playing catch up! :)
was he talking about nina schubert?
wow...i didnt realize they were together for 3 years!
Wow so many Rob goodies today! Thanks Gozde!
I didn't appreciate the part when Rob said he couldn't imagine staying with one person foerver or that he can be in love with multiple people at once ;)! Boo. I didn't realize his relationship with Nina was so serious. Plus, they're still good friends...
plz dont go to sleep yet goz...you are rockin it today! LOL...
GOZDE-- I can't keep up!
Do you know when this interview was done?
I think that he switches up his answers on purpose. Probably he's fooling around half the time not revealing to intamite of details. I get the biggest kick out of his sense of humor and subtle sarcasm.
I vividly remember him being quoted in another interview that he did believe that love at first sight was possible. lol.
Got to love him.
Don't go into denial...
What a creep!
He just fell off the pedestal I had him on with a huge resounding THUD. a DUD THUD.
@ Anon: I think he is.
@ Kristen: It's midnight in Istanbul now.
Oh, I replied to Anon who said: Probably he's fooling around half the time not revealing to intamite of details.
I think Rob was in a strange mood here. Alot of his responses were BS, imo. He sounds like he was trying to figure out how he should answer questions such as these.
ok, my head is spinning...he is giving too many contradicting answers..lol.i know he doesnt want to let the press (means us girls) in on him mental workings, but a different answer each time...aahhggg...head hurts to much..lol.
so I guess I agree with Anon and phosphorus.
Anyone happen to read Laineygossip? Interesting little tidbit on Rob.
Way to mix things up Rob and keeo the ~mystery~. So many contradictions within ONE interview. LoL ... only Rob ... and the interviewer didn't even catch it ...
The way he talks about Nina.. aww, I just melted into a puddle!
Perhaps he is getting a bit bored, too, having to answer more or less the same questions all the time. Suppose, I'd start fooling around just to entertain myself a bit - and also to keep a few things private.
I'm not making excuses for him. He sounds like a common cocky actor to me. His contradictory answers expose him as a liar.
I posted this in the other topic. But I don't put much stake in Lainey's article. She knows where her hits are coming from and what to do to keep us coming back for more. Rob is the hottest thing in celebrity gossip right now. If the hooks up or possible dating was true, every major site and mag would have been covering it today. Sure assumptions can be made and I think she is trying to mess with us. Perez or somebody would have been all over this by now.
honestly, how can anyone really believe what actors say in these interviews. I mean, that's their profession...they can act. who's to say his publicist or mgr doesn't tell him what to say or how to reply. I'm sure they know what kind of answers to give so that everyone will keep swooning. they know what people want to hear/read about. do you actually think rob would spill the beans on any kind of close relationship he's in & break millions of girls' hearts? doubt it. But yea...I think rob is messin' around half of the time. funny guy...
Oh my goodness, I love how Rob talks about his relationship with Nina...very romantic. I always get the feeling that Rob really does dump on the whole media training bullshit by firing out the most random answers.
I am always reminded of the quote from Steel Magnolias. "Spoken by a true smart ass" and that is Rob!
I'm sure it's difficult to do interviews in other countries, in other cultures. People are so different in the US, Europe, Japan, China, South America. It must be very difficult to do your best to communicate to people who speak in broken English, in places that have very different sets of values. This interview sounds like he was trying to bridge some cultural divides, IMO. I dunno, just an observation.
@ Anon 5:14: The interviewer probably wasn't a native speaker (English).
Whoops, the quote is "Spoken like a true smart ass"!
I think he is having a good laugh at all of this.
So this guy thinks all married people are silly and unrealistic. Isn't he romantic? He just wants to move from one relationship to another and maybe within many relationships at once. Not committing to one woman ever...
I agree with him 100% about the ability to be in love with 10 different people.
I fall in love almost every day. Different people, Different reasons
I believe we are here to love and touch (both literally and figuratively) as many people as we can.
Love is Good
Physical Love = Magic
Lovers are highly recommended!
Just sayin...
anon @5.29
That is NOT it at all....
He strikes me as a very deeply romantic soul. (it takes one to recognise one)...
It's hard to explain. Maybe some people just have so much more love to give.. or need so much more love to survive
okay you know what? You need to stop typing in caps and screaming at me! I replied to you in the other thread but you need to go on every thread and scream? You are acting like an attention seeking a.hole.
I don't see the point in debating this with someone anonymous and I definitely don't want people to be bothered with this shit under a topic that's about a Rob interview.
If you want to take it up with me email me at robsessedpattinson@gmail.com
I am sorry guys. I am trying my best to keep this blog censor free and refuse to block anonymous posters but people like these asre going to make me!
Goz...you've been more than patient..."ANON" has no right to scream at you...
You deserve better.
Ugh. Shallow. But he's only 22, and obviously has never been in the kind of deep love that feels like forever. Not obsessive, just deep and true. The kind you would commit to in a heartbeat, no question.
G.. we got your back.
Anon.. GO AWAY Already!
Oh...and Goz...are you cheating on the RKs? Do you have FF friends that we don't know about????
Huh? Do you????
Did they really live together for 3 years? But he was so young... and beautiful, and yummi... and ROB.
LMAO Rose :) I think this anon thinks we have a FF club or something, ROFL! You guys are my FF friends :)
And Suz: thanks babe :)
Suz, maybe he needs a harem in Saudi Arabia so he can give all that love that he needs to give and receive to survive. lol.
Suz <---------------wonders why people come here and leave negative comments about Rob?
I hate liver, but I don't go to liver.com and leave nasty comments..
What an incredible waste of your valuable time, anon.
Can we light the smudge and smoke out all this negativity?
Peace, Love, and ROBsterBation
Hey Suz...how's it going? It's good to see a voice of reason here.
Anon, the only shallow comments I've seen ... are yours.
I don't know Rob.., I said I was PROJECTING.
I am the one in need of the Harem...
Male Harem, of course.
JOIN ROBsterBation Nation!
Hi Rose..
(see, I am spreading the love)
Thanks Suz! :)
Yes, Elena, they did. End he is 4 years younger than Nina.
I would have loved to be able to watch this interview, I'm sure the mood was quite different from others.
Especially the answer about the IT guy and the covers (notice how he did still not talk about himself there but Edward, the character... He does not seem to be able to say "I'm just so great" which is GREAT!). I guess he was feeling quite playfull there, but no video to see.
I kind of feel like some fans expect him to be the exact same person all the time, in the exact same mood, saying the exact same things.
All human beings go through phases of self doubt, "depression", and the contrary like confidence boost and happyness.
I don't feel the same every morning, and luckily, nobody asks me about my opinion everyday because I'm sure I would end up answering contradictory things (depending on my mood and the person asking) at one point.
The lack on video doesn't help because I'm affraid the journalist took everything litteraly while we know there are almost no interview without some kind of joke at one point.
What is it with all the negativity tonight?! Rob is always sarcastic and contradictory, that's part of the charm. Who knows what sort of mood he was in that day! Doesn't change the fact that he's the most adorable guy in the whole wide world, and I love him almost as much as I lust after him. There.
Nina is my hero :) lol.
I have a headache. I'm going to try to sleep but I'll probably lurk once in a while to see if the anons are back :(
Muah! spread the love!
well said anna!
I read the comments, and sorry but I agree with anon., they were nasty. The questions, the way they were made, would make anyone feel unconfortable.
I always come here, but I took a "name" in the last days only. I always read part of the comments, and some of YOU GIRLS can be extrem/y mean...
"I hate liver, but I don't go to liver.com and leave nasty comments.."
Suz: I snorted when I read that.
suz: sign me up for peace, love & rob
I was here for some of this...and what exactly is so mean about asking if someone is a boy or a girl...especially if they have their name in quotation marks?
Age/sex is asked ALL the time.
Why is it suddenly a huge deal?
Hey Rose? are you a dude or a chick?
I wasn't on here last night, but is that what's this is about... someone asked "Tom" if (S)he is male or female???
Suz...honestly...it depends on my mood...
atta Girl/Guy Rose!
Peace, Love and RobSterBation
Are you going to stay here on this thread tonight and talk about those boooooring and bad written FF that you think are THE BEST thing??? Don't you ever think of reading a real book?
Just sayin...
is there a drama free thread on here today...? geez...this is a buzz kill
someone please point the way...
I am a chick, do you wanna come and check?
If you find it TS, I will meet you there.
Sorry thirtysomething :( Let's just ignore the troll(s) and they will go away eventually. Seriously, no need to stoop to their level.
Bootstrap: yes that was it :)
anna -- I agree with your comment, people contradicts themselves all the time! I know I do it and ESPECIALLY when it comes to relationships! It depends of the mood!
Goz: no need to apologize...so not your problem, just unfortunate! and thanks for all that you do in the name of Rob :) my favorite place to visit...all day, everyday
Honestly...I can't believe people have the fucking nerve to come to someones blog...and then piss and moan about it.
Well said, Anna. I agree with you too.
I agree..."Oh Wow"
Naughty girl.. I didn't ask..
; ) but ahhh yea, thanks for the info. duly noted.
But I will say, your "handle" sorta gave it away.
Sorry, I lost some details here. When was that interview published?
I think he was bored because he said,"That's a boring question". So Rob just likes to switch his answers up. Although, that whole thing of loving 10 people and not loving one person forever thing did shock me a little. No matter it's his life and if he wants to be the next George Clonney than...In the end hopefully he'll find that person he can truly fall in love with.
Here's looking at you bb *WINK*
On this blog, is a troll someone who posts a negative (not nasty) reaction to something Rob says in an article??
There is more than one anon here btw.
Hi, Goz~~ I love this place...you KNOW that!xoxo
Oh, and hi, Rose, Mich, Suz, TS, BI, and Naughty. Have I left anybody out?
Anon posting typically carries little merit in most online forums.
If you have valid points to make, make them and stand behind them.. credibly...
With your NAME!
Ellie.. hi sweetie!
i loved the interview...i think ANON is putting too much thought into it. it's one of quite a few interviews that he has done and i think that he tries to change them up. i love him, i think that he is great and i love ALL of these interviews.
thanks, Goz, for finding these.
Ellie!!! Hey there.
Suz...seriously...I'm falling in love with you...stop doing that thing you do...
Before you leave a nasty post insulting other people's intelligence, you might want to make sure everything in it is grammatically correct. FYI, "bad written" should in fact be "badly written." Now, instead of just sounding like a jerk, you sound like a jerk AND a moron.
Just sayin'.
Rose, I don't have the strength.... to stay away from you!
Suz...I'd rather DIE than stay away from you.
Steph, that would be a "Super Human Moron", no?
Couldn't have said it better myself, Suz :)
If I ever hurt you.. I couldn't live with myself.. you don't know how it tortures me...
You ARE my life now...
(honestly, when is ANON gonna come in and tell us to STOP QUOTING THE MOVIE!!!)
@ Suz - "JOIN RobSterBation Nation!" That's hilarious!
I don't know, Rose, I may have to tattle on you to Trixie...
don't ellie.. it's not her fault..
I just fucking Dazzle the shit out of her!
LMFAO @ Ellie!
Trixie knows where she stands!
hee hee hee w/Anne
RobSterBation Nation.. good huh? I think we should get it into the urban dictionary!
Ah, Suz, just for that, you earned some time in the Naughty Room. Rob's waiting for you with the megaphone and suspenders...
Oh, wait, he's not done with Goz yet...
give them an hour or so, k?
Rose, where else am I gonna go?
I actually wonder if one of the anon (at least) is here only to stir trouble. Such a nasty way to waste your time LOL
But it would be sad to restrain the comments to registered people only because I'm sure that a lot of people (like me) started out as anons and then got bolder and registered...
Nevertheless, I would understand if Godze and Dani chose this solution considering the mood in these last couple of days... For the sake of fun, playfulness, and Robsessing in general I guess.
Ellie...you DO smell good!
No worries Anne. The anon option will stay. I don't like censoring or limiting people. I don't delete comments either. (unless they are filthy porn or something).
Okay this time I AM going to bed :))
Nite nite all. Ignore the trolls :)
Nite Dear Goz.
Hey Suz...
I was in the "Robsturbation" thread earlier today. That was such fun :) Glad to see you've kept it going. You are the Robsturbation Creation Queen, it's an honor to meet you xo
Naughty Room..
Watch me drop Rose like she's hot!
Suz...no blood...no foul.
Yv, I am truely a legend in my own mind.
So good to meet you. This place is the most fun you can have with your pants on! (or off, I don't judge!)
I just SUBmitted RobSterBation to the Urban Dictionary..
Okay... WTF... Anons again...Spreading hatred...on our beloved Robsessed..posers...
Rose, Ellie, Suz... loving to twilight quotes...hello can I play.
Bi & TS.. girls hello...
Gozde~ girl we all take pride in what you do for us... and sincerely thank you.. NOW anons...go away... your not wanted.
Nite nite, Goz. Olive juice, bb. ♥
Hey Tenneil:)
Hi everybody! Girls just wanna have fun, no? jeez.
Somebody tell a joke!
Rose, the future can always change
Suz...It’s better if we’re not friends. Trust me.
Hi, Tenneil and crazy!
You don't even say hello to me..
Hello Crazy:)
Rose, what IF I'm the Bad Guy
(taking a quick peek "downstairs")
Hey Rose~ if i could dream about anything it would be about you!!
Crazzy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hola
Suz...You think I regret saving your life?
No, he and his ex did not live together for 3 yrs, they were together for 3 years. He and Tom S. had an apartment in Soho, the 'former crack den'and she stayed with them until she got her own place. Rob said he and Tom did nothing but drink heavily every night and played their music on the roof with Bobby Long for a year! No wonder she wanted her own place,lol.
Suz... bows before you...
thats all super hero stuff right
Rose AND Suz,
Right now. "It's the safest time of day for us. The easiest time.
Tenneil...It would be more… prudent for you not to be my friend. But I’m tired of trying to stay away from you.
Your Avatar...
Now I have to RobSterBate!
Girls...lets talk boy is he an indy, jock. oh I bet he's smart.....
Ellie...I’m just going to do what I want now, and let the chips fall where they may.
I know you do..
know.... WHY?
SUZ... I freakin love it also!!
Hey Rose, Ellie, everybody!
So....anyway...... I watched Twilight again for the umpteenth time today and newsflash: ROBWARD JUST GOT EVEN HOTTER! Movie Magic? I say no, Rob magic.
you know Rose, your mood swings are kinda givin' me WHIPlash
C~ fancy meeting you here!! hey girl..
Suz...Your number was up the first time I met you.
an apartment in London, and a very drunk Rob....WHY did she leave?
oh hey Crazy ;)
well, since I'm going to hell...
I hear voices in my mind and you’re worried that you’re the freak.
True Dat Yv..
You've got Opportunity, Motive..
Get in the car
You don’t care if I’m a monster? If I’m not human?
You're really not going to eat me..
I mean.. anything
Tenn, Yvonne, BI, TS ~ get in the (bus) ;)
It makes me… anxious… to be away from you.
Okay, lovely ladies, time for dinner...I'lll see you all later??
bye Ellie:)
ellie enjoy!!!see you later!!
oh what a trip it would be....
Hi ladies!!!
Good night Goz!
Have hot Rob dreams!!!
What made me po'd (well, shocked and really disappointed) was that some of Rob's comments in that article make him sound like a player. I hope he was misquoted.
gotta make hubby dinner, be back later :) c u all then
Rose, you don't know ANYTHING
Suz...I’m not always the most dangerous thing out there. Let’s leave it at that.
Lilly~ yeah I don't like the way he sounds here either. I'm going to just pretend it never happened! :)
Do I Dazzle you?
checking out the other posts gals - later!
Crazy, I think its translation issue..
do you think Rob would ever say "My character is so good he deserves to be admired"?
I mean it's hilarious if he did... but he is just too humble.
Yanno...Rob is only human...a young 22 year old human...
He's not always going to say and do everything to please everybody.
I actually like the fact that he speaks his mind...and isn't a follower.
Crazy you leaving...
I am off to teach an aerobics class..
See you Katz and Kittens later?
Rose, I am coming to get you and then we will go away together. I will do whatever it takes to make you safe again.
Suz...Be safe.
Rose~ i agree... Rob is not a follower!!! he is his own!!
It's one of his charms, Tenneil.
Rose~ one of his many charms!!!love
Just skimming through the comments. Hi, Robsessed folks! Just my 2 cents...I think Rob was trying to be funny and was probably bored with the questions and he is a young guy who just shot whatever he thought out of his mouth (he said he does this). I don't think he's a player and I don't think he's f*cking Nikki (Lainey is trying to stir the pot and be sarcastic because she loves getting all the fan hatemail). Beyond this 2 cents, I don't know anything. I could just be full of sh*t. Wouldn't be the first time :) Take care everyone and hopefully chat with you later!
KK in da house....see you and play later!!
Rose- I'm with you Rob is gonna do whatever he wants to do and damn everybody else.
Rob wants to be unreadable, he wants to be a mystery. Something he's said time and time again. (he also said several times; and that IS very interesting information, that he felt very close to his Little Ashes character Dali; also someone who was always contradicting himself, sometimes just fabricating stories about his life. Something to remember.)
That's why he keeps switching the anwers. I mean; everyone wants a piece of him, I guess he's sometimes VERY tired of it.
It also seems, considering the answers, that he was not in a very good mood during this interview. Maybe nursing a serious hangover.
I'm also very suspicious when it comes to translations of interviews; a Spanish reporter; miscommunication happens easy.(I know, being a journalist myself) And then there's the fact that sarcasm get's lost easily in these sort of interviews as well.
But I also think, Rob being as artistic and talented as he is, can be a VERY moody guy, as most artists are in one way or the other. (the fact that he's a Taurus doesn't help here either) I personally never believed Rob is great BF material, at least not right now.
He's quite young anyway. I've known many guys at his age and beyond who were like; 'yeah right, staying with one person, or at least having that intention, why should I want that? There are so many women in the world.'
But then IT happened. They fell in love. HARD. And I personally believe men can even fall much HARDER in love and suffer even a great deal more than women. You know why? Because they can't deal that good with such intense emotions as women can.
And you simply CAN'T relate to that kind of love if you never experienced it. And then men, heartbroken as they are, downplay their feelings, persuade themselves that it didn't mean all that much to them.
He comes across, not that this is the case, but I read and interpret it like that, as somewhat bitter and dissapointed in love himself. Then those remarks make a whole lot of sense as well, you talk like that when you're hurting, dismissing love. I've been there myself, LOL.
I mean, if you could easily love ten people at a time, then why can't mr. womanizer just talk about his former relationship like it was a breeze? There's a REAL contradiction if you ever saw one. I hope he will be more intelligent and inventive while contradicting and spinning his web of mystery around him the next time. He still needs some practice at that. Wouldn't mind giving him some pointers.
So I don't care IF he said those things. He's still a young guy, intelligent ofcourse, but SO MUCH will happen to your personality in your twenties. He's still learning, getting to know himself as an adult, learning about life AND love. If he was a thirty something I would dislike him somewhat after such remarks, but he's not. I still see him as baby(not in a demeaning way though), even when I'm only 29, I see him like that. He'll learn. It were not the most intelligent answers he could have given.(if that was even his intention ofcourse ;-) But hey, he has to give interviews, in years from now he'll probably read back some of those and he'll cringe. Like we all do. Or just smile about himself back then. It's a natural thing.
And I also believe that he doesn't want girls to swoon over his answers. Giving the perfect heartthrob answers; 'Yes, I believe in soulmates, yes, ofcourse I believe in love at first sight. I'd love to live with the love of my life forever more.' I believe he perfectly knows what he's doing. He doesn't want to be put on a pedastal, so if he has to, he'll jump off, no matter how high he's up there. He doesn't want to be the reflection of the perfect Edward. So he's playing 'Rob the bad guy'. Like in this interview. He IS an actor after all. I believe the truth can be found somewhere in the middle.
I've got my doubts though that this contradiction/mysterything will work in interviews. I'm sure he'd gladly stop giving them for the next years all together, but it's just part of the job. People get intrigued this way. Poor Rob. A real catch 22 he's got on his hands here.
Suz~ yeah. It's a dopey interview, for whatever reason, right? That's why i'm going to disregard it.
I like video interviews. I can read him better.
Writtten interviews are "very difficult for me to read".
@Anna; WORD!
P.S. Gozde, love your blog, just discovered it recently!
Hey Julie ~ you made some terrific points, imo.
Julie - You share some serious wisdom here. Your point about being in love with 10 women but he has trouble talking about his only serious relationship is well taken. Thanks for your insightful post. I agree. The truth is somewhere in the middle. Now I really have to go because my students are almost done with their assignment. Bye!
You are so right, Yvonne, why should a girl leave a drunk Rob alone? Imagine the possibilities...
He LOVED TWO WOMEN? What was the other one, besides Nina?
Thanks Crazy and KK!(and everybody else, am new here, so HI!)
Thanks for the compliments! It were just my 2 cents. Can't help loving that beautiful contradiction that is Robert Pattinson nevertheless. ;-)(see what I mean with that it doesn't help)
Goodnight for now!
Well, ok, Elena, you've asked so kindly... aham... it was, or better it is, ME, I should say...
But I can't tell my name. You understand that, for sure...
Oh Julie, what you said makes a lot of sense.
Artist may not be the best boyfriend's materials anyway, but they sure enthrall us.
He's young and in a very unusual situation (with this hype still going strong), he's got time to figur out what to do with his life. I'm sure everything is very confused right now.
The part where he said he wanted to study at 28 made me laugh... He was saying he fellt that it was too late for him now in other interviews, I wonder what could have brought this new answer (apart from boredom LOL).
thanks, Julie, very interesting indeed!!
had to smile about the taurus thing, I'm taurus myself and I'm moody in person ;) =)
Okay I'm back for a second. Loving the introspective Rob conversation ladies...truly.
Hey all you Cancers out there (like me)...did you know that Cancer/Taurus is the best match for both? Too bad I don't really believe much of it. Except for Cancer's moodiness. I'm like HELLA moody.
Where's Suz .... I heard she was talking shit about me!
Hi KK!
Glad I'm still up now!
Cancerian here as well! High five! And yes, it IS supposed to be the best match. IN theory that is, haha. Would love to put that to the test. I'll get in line.
I also can be VERY moody. Crabby, better said. ;-)
And Sabrina, haha, Taurus' are good people. My dad's one. His b'day is one day after Rob's May 14. :-)
OK, on European time here. Have to get some sleep.
Bye! It was a pleasure sharing some of my 'Rob insight'. ;-)
Anna, I wondered about his change of heart about college too.
Julie, I loved your post! So insightful.
I could definitely understand if Rob wanted to repulse women somewhat- ha. The attention must be oppressive and scary. Maybe that's why he advertises that he has poor hygiene. etc. and thinks it's silly to commit to someone - to get women to back off!
I really like to know that to.
Maybe is the girls that he had a crush on school. We never forget our first crush!!!
Chicks still in the hotties?
Danni, do you know about some girl from his school?
Yes, Naughty, I am with the hottie/Robbie...
Maybe the other girl was the one from Dallas that he mentioned on Ryan seacrest.
He mentioned a few times that he had a crush on school, but he never told the girl.
What girl from Dallas? Maybe you babe?
Ok, I heard about that before. But, now... WHAT GIRL FROM DALLAS?
What girls from Dallas???????
Danni and Lilly! I am dying here...
Elena me too.
I thought Lilly was kidding, but you heard too. I never heard before
No, Danni, I heard ab/ the girl at school. Don't know anything ab/ a girl from Dallas.
Elena what about me!!!
I live in Brazil!!!!
Girls, gotta go now. Please, clear this girl from Dallas for me.
Yes, there's an interview with Ryan Seacrest where he talks about a girl he met on holiday in Dallas when he was 12 that he kept in touch with and then dated 4 years later (?) He doesn't say how long they dated.
I hought you was kidding!!!
Do you think is true or he was just joking?
edit: I thought
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