Adaline is a singer out of Vancouver who met Rob last night at a Juno after party. In her latest blog entry she talks about how she discovered Twilight, Edward and ultimately Rob . She also shares how she bumped into him last night. Check out her myspace page! I really liked her music! I actually loved her music!
Last night I was at a Juno Afterparty at Richards on Richards (a fantastic live music venue in Vancouver). I'm hanging out upstairs and I look over...it's Robert Pattinson. I couldn't believe it! I spent the next few minutes trying to figure out how to say hi and what I could say that wouldn't sound crazy.
I walked over and he was saying to another girl, "I can't do that. I can't do that", so I pulled up beside him and said, "What can't you do Robert" and he said, "I can't take pictures tonight". So I leaned over and said, "I don't need a picture of you. You're just a normal person trying to have a good time. I'm just happy to have this moment with you. Sometimes people want a piece of you, more specifically, a piece of Edward. I'm happy to be meeting you. At the end of the day, you're just like me."
At that point, he pulled me into an warm embrace and said in my ear, "You are the first person to say that to me all day, thank you. Honestly, thank you". I said, "You're welcome. We're the same".
I told him about how I was a performer, so you never know, maybe he'll be at a show someday!
In the end it was lovely to meet the man who so well depicted the character so many people love. I can tell you two things:
1) Even though Robert is not Edward, he has the same intense stare in real life. It took me off guard
2) He smells lovely. The stinky thing is a bunch of tabloid garbage.
Somehow, my meeting with him got posted on Robert Pattinson websites because I have had over a thousand plays of my music today and it's only noon!
I have received countless messages and twitter adds. Thank you!
If my meeting with Robert introduces you to my music, then this is even more cosmic than I ever thought possible!
At the end of the day, this story is about my music and about how it seems that all of this was meant to happen. How I was meant to pick up that book, how I was meant to have all that press published, how I was meant to be at that club last night, and how I was meant to meet you.
I hope you enjoy my music and that it communicates with you. This is my passion and is what I breathe each day for. The thought that over 1400 people have heard my music today makes my heart beat fast...almost as fast as my heart beated while flipping those pages.
love love love
Please keep in touch! I'd love to tour through your city!
twitter - www.twitter.com/adalinemusic
Facebook - http://www.new.facebook.com/pages/adaline/9636373617?ref=share
Email - adalinemusic@gmail.com
Who knows, maybe I'll be on the next "Twilight" Soundtrack...with your help anything is possible :)
love, adaline
Thanks to RobPattzNews for the update on this story.
Note: All right, I admit, it does sound a bit like a fantasy :) Like how you think you would act if you bumped into Robert and maybe she IS doing it to promote her music but it worked on me. I did like her music :)
«Oldest ‹Older 1 – 200 of 217 Newer› Newest»I'm sorry...sounds like she's braggina a bit. If she made this up, she's a genius!
What a great posting!!! I can tell you right now that I think this woman is AWESOME because she treated Rob just like a normal person. See how much he appreciated it? COOL! These encounters show him that there are many of us who just think truly like him and are just happy that he's walking around in the world! Thanks for a nice pick-me-up post today! (Smiles)
*bragging :)
I didn't feel like she was bragging at all. She didn't insinuate that he was interested in her or anything like that. It just sounds like an honest account.
I can admit it... I'm jealous :)
Sounds fake but worked to promote her music...
Ooops...Looking at my original post I meant to say "These encounters show him that there are many of us who just truly like him." I don't know how the word "think" got in there. Maybe I need more coffee and another cigarette...
I think she's just taking advantage of the whole situation. I like hearing about Rob obviously but I don't think she's that honest. Actually I couldn't decide if the story was made up or not at first.
KK- I'm with you there was no bragging. Just her honest feelings of a true life chance meeting.Plus that sounds like the way he would react. He's tired of all the crazed fangirls trying to always get a piece of him. His human and he needs down time like anyone else. Hell I applaud her for taking a chance to talk to him...she had guts. THE END....
Crazy...HI! Let's be careful not to pair him up with every gal he talks to now. It was good to see your positive post on this because some of the others sound a bit jaded...
Hope all is well with you :)
Shani - Well spoken! (or written actually :)
KK - you're right, but i was just giving my honest impression of the encounter. She just happens to sound like the kind I girl I would picture him with. it's so pathetic that I have to sensor my commentary now, knowing that even my words will be taken out of context.
I'll not express such feelings again, for Rob's sake. Jesus!
Crazy - No no no! Do not sensor your comments at all. I LOVE your comments always. Truly. Sorry if I came off wrong. I didn't mean it that way! Accept my apology?? Please (just like Bella would plead with Edward??? :)
Crazy - And I have to agree with you...I did check out her myspace page and she is a cutie! And seems sweet, too!
Hmmm...well...it's too bad she has such a big motivation to make up a story (to get attention for her music.)I wish her well but I am a bit suspicious. Maybe we'll hear about it from Rob. That will really help her!
I call bullshit on the whole thing. Sound like a made up fan fiction to me. Its was ingenious of her to work in the no taking pics part too, incase someone desputes it. For someone as famous as Rob to walking around in the festival with noone absolutely none to take a single shot of him sounds very suspect. I think she wants hits on her site. Whatever. I just dont like that she using Rob name to put her music out. Totall put off for me.
I believe her, it's been confirmed, he was there, and she is a musician trying to make it, she wouldn't ruin her credibility like that.
The conversation b/w her and Rob seems a bit exaggerated. I mean, I don't know, I wasn't there....it just seems a little odd. I'm sure she did meet him, but maybe she embellished a bit?
I believe she met him and I believe he was there. however it does sound a bit exaggerated. he pulled her into a "warm embrace?" sounds a bit odd. But cool she got to meet him.
Wonder why he wouldn't take pictures with fans.
Sounds fake. But at least it's a good example of how to treat a celebrity if you see them in public.
Just one more person in a loooong line trying to use his name to further themselves. I thought her music was just average at best.
Poor Rob, so many opportunists.
KK~ not to worry! I was expressing my frustration over the fact that many will take a feeling such as mine and run away with it to a ridiculous end!
I temporarily forgot about that. You reminded me. I feel terrible.
But i will not say a word about anyone in his life, unless it's his family. That's should cover it, I hope!
uhhhhh people. Artists are expressive. In addition to that, she seems to be a nice person.
And that's that.
I think this history a little odd. I can't imagine Rob denyiing taking pictures with fans, or huging persons in public like that, but who knows...
crazy, we're not saying she's not a nice person. I was just commenting that the story seems to be a bit embellished. I don't think she's trying to further her career or anything. I'm sure she's just excited about meeting the hottest man on the fucking planet! LOL! :)
he probly did say no to taking pictures i mean there are no pictures of him anywhere recently in vancuvour and i think he was jus flirting wit her for fun hes 22
I agree with Laura, Jen, and Danni. It does sound like she embellished quite a bit! I mean, who sits down next to a person and asks them about a convo they were having with another person. Sounds like something outta sex in the city. Her dialogue sounded like she was about to recite him some romantic poem or something. Although, I could just be jealous.
Also, I feel bad that Rob had to turn do a fan. He must have had a tough week.
BTW I love this site Danni & Gozde!
I just had a look at her myspace page!! 1) she's like an adorable storybook character in some of her photos 2)her music is pretty good 3)she has an honesty about her in the video interview about the bands music. We should be afraid, very afraid.
Crazy - As long as we keep expressing our love for all things Rob, we're in good shape. And we'll just keep chasing away any haters who don't gel with that. This continues to be my fav website because of the great stories, pics and videos and the Robkats, like you:)
i agree anonymous, that would be pretty smart for her own publicity
Thanks KK!!! It's all Rob love, all the time!
Crazy - Sounds like my favorite station...mmmmmmmm
He couldn't take pictures with fans, or he wouldn't?
Also, I totally believe he met her and stuff, but I think in her excitement she may have exaggerated a tad.
As far as the "warm embrace" he gave her...have you seen some of his video fan encounters? He does seem like a full-body hugger - not one of those people that does a half-assed, pat lightly on the shoulder type of huggers. Another delicious aspect of Rob.
yes, but those hugs were before he blew up. if you look at fan pictures now you can tell he's not as touchy-feely anymore.
I believe she met him but I do think it was exaggerated.
Hi Laura, re: "embellished" - I guess it's hard to say, since we don't know her and the written word is hard to decipher feelings through sometimes. But like you say, one can sure understand her excitement over meeting Rob!!!
Jen - I guess I can understand that. Some of it may also be how he is approached by fans. Who knows?
Note: at the end ,she writes, maybe I'll be on the next twilight soundtrack, with your help we never know,
She would never write this if she didnt talk to him, Imagine what a liar he would think she is
It worked for me i like her music, do we know anything on her like age?
i must say its surprising that tehyer no pictures of him at all fromfans
Sounds odd to me. But I did listen to her music and it's really good.
but the way people, a lot of people who get pictures with him dont share it on the web with strangers, there hundreds of fanpictires that well never see
I'm so technologically stunted, I don't think I'd know how to post a fan pic if I had one :)
If she is intereting (like all women in the world andsome guys), post the history in a blog was kinda not inteligent at all.
I guess Rob like persons with discretion, and apart she is beautiful and talent she wasn't girl with discretion at all.
KK~ so glad i'm not the only one!
I ask my dh a question, (he's in the field), he looks at me shocked. He doesn't even think it's funny anymore!! LOL! (that's me laughing, not him :)
This story sounds like utter nonsense. I doubt this convo actually took place with Rob.
Ok i haven't read through everyone elses comments but I think it sounds fake. Obviously I don't know Rob but the "warm embrace" thing doesn't sound like the Rob we all know. I just can't imagine him doing that to a complete stranger, although maybe with a few drinks in him he'd be different (I know I am) so who knows :-?
Wow I'm not even sure the woman actually met him and you guys are already pairing them off. :D
Who's pairing them off?
i think that's sweet. not planning their wedding either. why would she make something like that up? i guess we'll find out in the next rob gossip interview.
I think it reads like a fan fic.
I'm not sure it is a very faithfull account, but it would be cool if it were. And at the same time pretty uncool: it would mean Rob really has big troubles to handle his current social life and it's really starting to bug him.
What I'm most suprised about is that she would share something like that on a blog, because one will easely assume she's bragging or using it to promote her stuff. She could also have toned down the story a bit to make it more believable, that's why I'm actually wondering if it could not even be true.
Unless she is trying to promote a better attitude torwards Rob from the fan (I mean less crazy).
OMG, Jodie, I thought the same thing when I first read it!!! LOL!!
It sounds like she made this shit up!
Rob is just to shy to hug a perfect stranger....first and he wouldn't deny pictures taken of himself. He hasn't before, why the hell would he start NOW??
or maybe I'm just jealous as hell cause she got a fantasy hug we are all dieing to have! Grrr!
She has guts though so I'll give her that and listen to her music.
I guess it really is who you know in this business and everyone is out for themselves. ~sigh~ If this did happen, then she's one lucky chick!
I don't find it hard to believe that he didn't want any pics taken of him that night. We need to give the guy a break. It doesn't mean he doesn't like his fans. Maybe he just wanted to be a normal person, hanging out at a music festival talking to people. Hopefully, he's getting a tougher skin to criticism and is getting more assertive to maintain some personal space when he needs it.
sounds like fanfiction. totally fake and embellished. i won't deny that she SAW him....but seriously...it sounded like somehting off of a soap opera "what can't you do robert?"...please who would seriously say that?!? she seems cute and all....but i truly don't think that whole scenario happened. Just saying..
if he didn't want any pics taken of him that night, that doesn't mean that some fan didn't take without him to see.
...i mean no mather if he asks or not. some fans won't listen
Danni - You're right though if he asked someone not to take a pic I would hope most fans would comply.
I dont mean to be stalker or anything..but I think we hang out at the same Robsites...cus I see you ask the same questions about the not picture taking thing...I wonder what are you real feeling behind those? This is my opinion (Dr. Phil moment here) but I think you need to confirmed to yourself that Rob is still gracious to his fans and willing to sign and take photos. You need to relax. All his fans have said he always been kind to them...and the picture taking thing..think about it. if she start taking the photograph everyone around them would want photo taken too. It would ruin his experience there to spend the whole festival just taking pics...he needs to have fun too. Cant be all about the fan 24/7...
We hope KK, but if was there some fans that maybe be their only oportunitty , even if is a picture off them watching a show, like the picture of Kings of Lion, it will be taken.
Anon - You made some good points!
I'm jealous! If I ever run into him, I'll faint anyway. I think I would respect his space although it would be hard.
I think she is telling the truth because she said he smelled, "lovely". Just how I thought he would. I >333 him!
Anonymous - I only hang around here, but it's possible that there is someone with my name asking the same questions elsewhere. Really, it's not that unthinkable.
And also no. I just want to know because his job is simple. Taking a pictures takes about 20 seconds, and imo, it's rude to turn that down. Without the fans who ask for the pictures, he would not be where he is now. jmo.
Anon I would respect his space to, i'm just saying that are crazy people, look the girls who ask him to bite them.
Lacey! Hey girl, how have you been? I haven't talked to you in so long!
Danni - You are absolutely right! And sadly, his entire fan base often gets judged on the crazy fans :( The majority of his fans are cool and just want to say "hi" and tell him how much they like and appreciate him.
He stayed hide on sam bradley's show just cause he propably knew if the fans saw him he would had taking pictures. If he went at Juno he knew that that this sort of thing would happened.
so i was at richards on richards last night because my friends band shout out out out was playing and rob wasn't there!
And the other fin a thinks is odd. Sam lives in Vancouver, and probably he's hide with Sam. I guess Sam went with him at Juno. She didn't mentions him or anybody else.
i was at richards last night to see my friends band shout out out out play and rob wasnt there
i gues she is saying the he was outside of Richards, but i don't know
I don't think you should have posted this - she is getting undeserved press because she is on all the RP websites.......... cosmic - no - calculated - yes
Those of you saying he wouldn't say no to having his picture taken. Did you ever think that in some situations if you say yes to one picture, then you have to say yes to the next and the next etc.. Sometimes a celeb just has to say no. Also Summit may have asked him not to take pics in Clubs during filming. Those Pics "fans" often send to Gossip Bloggers.
Real of not real. She's only making nice comments about Rob. Sure better to hear than the made up crap we've heard all week.
Last Anon comment: That's what I'm sayin'! Yay for something positive this week!
I think the story is legit but maybe she was very excited about the encounter and she embellished her post. Honestly I'd do the same, I'd write that he stared at my boobs or that he told my Mexican accent was cute. Just sayin' :P
And maybe Rob couldn't take pix that night because he was supposed to be in LA for the Kids Choice Awards!
Maybe his management told him: ok, if you don't want to go to the Awards then don't go, we can always send Tay Tay (pff) just don't take pix with fans because they're going to be posted on Perez or Lainney.
KK- I try sometimes more than other times. HaHa!!!
Yeah!!! I finally got my avatar to post.
Correction: really bad fan fiction. You think Rob hasn't heard the "I'm not like these other people, I'm just like you" line one too many times? He's sweet, not stupid. Right - I'm just like you, just a normal person, now excuse me while I contact all your fans about our cosmic meeting and hint for them to further my career by helping me get on the next soundtrack. Users come in all shapes and sizes, sometimes they're pretty faces singing pretty songs. Don't turn cynical, Rob, just stay careful.
Shani - And what a nice avatar it is :) Smokin'!
Sorry I got you confused with other Jen in other sites..must be imagination working overdrive here.
Anywys...IMO If dosent want a pic taken of him, he has the right to say no. He did it graciously and the fan herself totally understand why..esp in a festival full of ppls that will mostly likely come up to him and will keep asking for pics. He will end up taking pics with fans the whole night instead of enjoying his time off listening to music. He was nice and kind to his fans thats all that matter. You dont need a picture to confirmed it.
KK and Crazy- I see y'all got dragged into some mess like I did yesterday with some Anon's
Crazy- Remember Rob's happy place. Now you know how I felt when those Anon's took what I said and twisted it...I'm just saying.
LOL! @Anon who said, "now excuse me while I contact all your fans about our cosmic meeting and hint for them to further my career by helping me get on the next soundtrack."
Shani - Yeah, that was some crazy sh*t yesterday!
I don't know why she decided to write this story.
He didn't want to take pictures with fans. It's ok, he's tired.
But God she wrote that she can UNDERSTAND him... So I don't understand why she published this story?
She didn't want a piece of him? Oh, no, she wanted only a story. It's NOT a piece of him, definietly.
You know what I think? A great story is far better than picture. Not only to promote music, just in general.
I don't want a picture, just a conversation. It's not a piece of Rob, right?
Good evening, ladies!
Some of you said HI to me in other posts... Tenneil, Shani, Danni, etc. HI!
I have a statement do make: Danni and Sophia do not speak dirty in portuguese around here. Unfortunately! I was willing to be "a lurker" on their private conversations as well. It is all about: college, boyfriends, college,... dogs?? No cats? Ok, I prefer dogs too.
Let me see in what thread I am in... Ok, apparently something about a good-looking girl that met Pattinson... I have no comments. I don't care. I came here to meet my cyber-girlfriend.
SMITTEN, BEAUTIFUL, WHERE ARE YOU? Working on a sunday?? Ok, I had some work to do today too. The curse of being your own boss. I also did my laundry (yes, I do wash my clothes; but I am not signing the list to teach Pattinson), went to the grocery store, prepared my dinner (yes, I love to cook -- got that from my father), and now, as some of you might already have noticed (since I am talking too much), I am having some wine.
Smitten, beautiful, wish you were here. White wine and cod-fish. You could play your spanish guitar for us. I would fall for you HELPLESSLY... And, later, we could take that shower that you've promised... No Pattinson, no threesome; at least, not in that first time...
By the way, I have been dreaming with you too. I fall asleep with you in my arms...
For those of you that might be thinking of something else, we are NOT going to have cyber-sex here. Or anywhere else.
* TOM.
we haven't "met" yet, however I believe Smitten was on the "little Ashes-dirty bits" thread looking for you just a little while ago :)
what i don't understand is at the begining she gives it all that "hes just a normal person like herself" speech (including the wierd convo interuption and rob actions with dialogue...which i just can NOT see happening..no way)then at the end she sounds like a major fangirl exploiting his name to forward her music.
she says to him "Sometimes people want a piece of you" which is exactly what i think shes done here!!!!!
The conversation seems overly dramatic to have happened. It definitely seemed exaggerated. Maybe she did meet him, but is trying to embellish to further her cause. It's a little sketchy, but I liked the music she had on her site.
yeah, I mean the whole "...we're the same"....ugh. I don't know if I believe this actually happened. A little opportunistic, dontcha think?
Is it possible that Rob liked her music and when they met at the after party, she asked if she could blog about meeting him? And he was like, "Sure! And can you please tell them that I smell okay?"
And she was like, "In that case, I have to tell them you hugged me."
And Rob was like, "Okay, cool."
And she was like, "I'd throw in your deadly stare as well."
And he was like, "Uh...don't overdo it."
But the problem is that she did.
This part is okay: "What can't you do Robert?" Then he says, "I can't take pictures tonight". Then she goes, "I don't need a picture of you. You're just a normal person trying to have a good time."
Up to that point, it was still okay. But then she added, "I'm just happy to have this moment with you. Sometimes people want a piece of you, more specifically, a piece of Edward. I'm happy to be meeting you. At the end of the day, you're just like me."
That's where I think she floored the gas pedal and ran over a cow in the process. LMAO! Nobody sounds like Ryan Seacrest on the first day of meeting Rob, especially at a chance meeting. And seriously, I don't know anyone who wants to sound like Ryan Seacrest! LMAO!
I hope she gets as much mileage as she can because very few talented people get the chance to make it. And Rob likes talented people so I won't be surprised if he lends his support.
If Rob was indeed at the JUNO after party in Vancouver, I highly doubt she's the only person he met there. It's just odd that she's the only one who blogged about it. I'm still hoping for pics. But, I'm just glad he finally got to relax and get his music fix. :))
where she floored the gas pedal and ran over a cow....bahahhaha that's hilalrious. But srsly, the truth :)
If this really happen and I have my doubt, she is a bit of a hypocrite.
I don't need a picture of you. You're just a normal person trying to have a good time. I'm just happy to have this moment with you.
So now I can go post the whole thing on my blog in hopes people will look at my music, because I'm such a stand up girl and don't want a picture of Rob to flaunt. If she really care about Rob as she said did. She wouldn't use the story for her 15 minutes of fame.
If it didn't happen it was a slick move or maybe just a sick move.
To be honest...she fed him a line of bs. Well, the line itself wasn't the approach. It's still saying what he doesn't want to hear but making it not. Does that make sense.
So, yea, I agree with Anon. I woulda just been like, "hey. what's up?" like to anyone not famous. She said "edward". There was no need.
I have been without nicotine and alcohol for a week. I'm a lil cranky. hahaha
Personally, I think she was DICKmatized by Rob and doesn't remember a thing. Just sayin'.....
Thank you, Ivonne!
Tom, I call bullshit!
Melissa - I know I wouldn't remember a Godd*mned thing except maybe the shot I would've had to slam before my head hit the floor! :)
Melissa, what did you mean?
Boyfriends, college and dogs are very dirtyy indeed!!!!
You speak portuguese too, then
Tom....you're welcome. You two make quite a cute "couple"...and I enjoy your non-cyber-sex banter;)
Danni, sim, falo.
Sou espanhol, mas moro em Portugal. SĂł que, apesar das dificuldades de escrever em inglĂŞs, por nĂŁo ser a minha lĂngua-mĂŁe, aqui eu prefiro escrever em inglĂŞs.
A minha garota pode ficar enciumada...
KK...."the shot you would've had to slam before your head hit the floor"...THUD LMAO:) hsuband must think I'm crazy!
You don't want to know, Tom. Hmm...I'm feeling generous today so I will tell you...
Dude, are a really a chick or what? I'm just gonna put this out there...see how it feels. Just an honest question.
How cute TOM!!!
Lets speak english for your sake then
Melissa, what exactly is your question?
Tom, by all means, please see above. My question is there, I can assure you.
"Melissa", let me see if I got it. You are asking WHAT I am? Is that it? Your english is not so clear...
Come on, do you really think that this is your business? You sound like one of the "guys in the closet" that come here everyday. Is that it? Don't answer. I don't care. It is not MY business!
Is my presence here bothering anybody else?
You guys are all funny as hell. I don't think she's lying. And her music is good. She's very pretty. And at least she's spreading positive things about him. But the whole cosmic thing is a little far fetched. If she's lying or exaggerating to further her career than don't you think the truth will come out and backfire on her? If it is the truth, than good for her. Lucky girl. I hope I would act like that if I was to ever meet him. I wonder what "lovely" smells like on Rob. **sigh**
I sent her an email, I hope she responds.
Why do I feel like laughing?
I am laughing.
Evening, Rose!!
Hello Sweet Ellie!!
Tom, believe me, Melissa is not one of those guys.
Not that it's any of your business, either. Just sayin'
Let's be realistic here!!
She LOOKS pretty, and she has her hair all over her face. And there's always photoshop. I need to see other piictures to establish her beauty or lack of it
Okay, back to Robsessing...
Oh no "he" didn't!
Hello everybody! :)
Sorry for the snark, Tom.
Just want to get back to the reason why we are all here.
since my Smitten seems to be somewhere else tonight, I am going out. It is 2 a.m. here already and I have to work tomorrow morning.
Good night, you all. Danni, see you again soon. And, Yvonne, thank you.
* TOM.
I'm just saying. Maybe she is beautiful..
Good Night TOM
Tom, I think you should give me your email address so I can show you how much of a GUY I really am. WTF. My English was CLEAR mo' fo'....I am ALL WOMAN. 'Nuff said.
AND why does my question offend you? Honestly, its a simple yes or no answer. Either you are or you are not. Just say it. OUT LOUD.
Oh, where are my manners,
Hello Rose, Ellie and Laura!! XOXO
Moooooo, crunch, gurgle. The rest is silence.
"Moooooo, crunch, gurgle. The rest is silence."
Anon, WTF is that?
Oh, and hi, Laura! How are you feeling today?
and Mel, sorry you're under the weather, too!
Hey Laura and Melissa:)
TOM ... I've been looking for you everywhere, but I think I have missed you this evening. I'm sorry. I miss you ...
Hey Ellie, Rose, and Mel!!
Ellie, I feel like total CRAP! I just got off the phone w/ my principal---this teacher is staying home tomorrow!
Honestly...why is it so insulting to be asked if you are male or female? Believe it or now...with THIS name...I've been asked it a few times...
I suppose I should be pissed off.
Well, Laura, more ff and DVD for you. That's the best medicine I can think of! lol
Shit..believe it or NOT...I hate typos.
Sorry you feel crappy, Laura...I hope you get better soon!
I think it may be insulting to someone who is OBVIOUSLY pretending to be something they are not. It kinda hurts when someone calls BULLSHIT on your facade.
I think TOM needs to put away the under-roos and put on his big boy pants...he is playing with the big girls now and we don't take kindly to fucking bullshit.
Just sayin'.....
Rose? Seriously, a guy's name? WTF!!!
Laura~I'm sorry you're sick...I am too and I wish I could call in tomorrow...sucks.
Mel, you should totally call in sick tomorrow! We can chat on FB and look for bumper stickers all day! LOL
I know, Ellie...hilarious:)
Oh, Laura I would love to that, trust me. We are just too busy and I have a lot of work to do...I will pick a day you are on Spring break...LOL
*to do that
Laura, I can get on FB at around 10:30 tomorrow. My guys have swim then...
Guys..I need to go eat something and take some more medicine. I'll be back soon!
Ellie, Mel, and Rose---LOVE y'all! :)
Ellie, if I'm not at the dr.'s office, I would LOVE to chat!! :)
Hi Tom! Sophia told me at one point she WAS talking dirty in Portuguese. She must have been kidding around then, like I was.
We're both such dirty talkers!
Bye Laura! Love ya back!
Hey what's with you ladies? First Shani ... then now Melissa... Please , please loosen up. We're here to play and have fun.
"Shadow Girl"
see you soon, Laura!
What did Shani do...and why don't I know who this is?
"See ya", Laura!! I need tea...hot tea...stat.
Anon~ TRUST ME, I am having fun.
And Melissa is making this FUN for me!
Rose, have you OD'd on the DVD's yet?? lol
Anon~All I did was ask someone a simple question and they got PISSED. Oh well. I have moved past it. Over and out.
I don't think its possible, Ellie...I never tire of watching Rob UP CLOSE...and OUT LOUD.
I wish Tom would come back...
where the hell is he?
Anon, we're all good.
Back to Rob.
Wait..what happened with Shani?
Hey, do you girls ever go on the CB any more? I haven't in a month, or so, since our last role-playing...
What's up Ladies.....
Hi, Kat!!
Hi Ellie... just dropping in for a little while... sounds like I've missed some madness this weekend :-)
Rose ♥
I've been shadowing this website for months now and it's only these past few days that I've seen some things about to get out of hand.
Melissa, glad to know you're having fun. I do love the banter going around. Love the Tom and Smitten exchange. Would miss that if Tom runs away.
Hi to everyone.
"Shadow Girl"
You and me both, Kat...I'm trying to catch up on all this cyber love I've been missing...
Hi, Shadow girl!
I've missed you all this weekend, it's just been a busy one for me. I have some crap to do, but I'll be on later tonight hoping to see some of ya and catch up..
I think there's a thread above this...should we move on up?
I'll see you later then, Kat! ♥
I was wondering why everyone was commenting on here...
Hey ladies - wondered why there were so many posts on this thread! Robkats in the hizzoz. I didn't read um all.
Well, Rob puts so much positive energy in the universe I'm glad if she gave him a "warm fuzzy" feeling. Good for her. Who know if she embellished or not...Her music is nice.
Moving up, Alie... see you there! !♥♥♥
Hmm - Frankly anon - the Tom and Smitten exchange is kinda cute. But the egging them on like they are in HS is ridiculous. And the talk of cyber-sex is gross. That is for a different blog.
It does sound really fishy and if it really happened and I would be Rob I would be really pissed, first she acts like she is different but she is using him to promote her music. She should have kept quiet.
I'm gonna agree with you, Marta.
Ellie - I'll see you "up" there : )
Omg, I just came across this by accident,lol. Hilarious.
I feel sorry for the poor guy.
It must suck having people use you just to get their name out there.
Treat him like a normal person? lol... he is a normal person. It would be nicer if she just kept it to herself... haha, it's okay I don't need a picture with you, I'll just write an essay about you..lol :)
This is just tooo funny.
Just thought I would throw my 5 cents in,lol... this story is hilarious.
I believe her (even though she's pretty cheesy "you're welcome - we're the same" ugh!)- if you read her whole story, she's had several "Rob" coincidences in the past couple of weeks, she says...
"I finished the book on the way back to Vancouver and was sad to read the last page. I was of course eager to see the movie. This is how I was introduced to Robert Pattinson - of course I had seen him in tabloids and knew he was this huge heart throb...well now I know why. He captured Edward beautifully. His gaze, his intensity. I laughed at how easily I had become a fan and how out of the ordinary that was for me.
So I started posting humourous comments on my Twitter - you know how Edward and I are vampire soulmates. I joked around with my friends about it.
This is where it gets interesting...
A few days ago, after I finished the book and was playfully posting about it, I had a video interview posted on the Toronto Star website about my Canadian Tour Kick off Show. As I finished watching my interview, I noticed my interview had been somehow linked to another interview...it was of Robert Pattinson. I smiled at the coincidence.
The next day I had an article published in a widely circulated paper here in Vancouver called 24 Hrs. They were promoting my upcoming Junofest show (The Junos are the Canadian Grammy Awards). I flipped open the page to my interview and who is on the page beside me? Robert Pattinson. I laughed out loud this time."
My favorite is when she says "I laughed at how easily I had become a fan and how out of the ordinary that was for me." - that's exactly how I feel. Heck, and then she meets him? I think it's a great story - if she made it up, I fell for it.
What she says about their encounter sounds totally like Rob to me - politely declining pictures vs. just walking away and the warm hug. Just because he's always been generous with taking pictures w/ fans in the past, doesn't mean he will do it all the time. After all, we haven't seen any pics of him in weeks so it makes sense to me.
Uh, MELISSA, you are talking about my guy now and I REALLY don't like that kind of talk. You're getting a rather nasty attitude, you know? And frankly, that was a pretty personal question you posed to Tom. I don't blame him for ragging you about it. Go take a cold shower or something!
(since I don't know which thread you will appear on next ... I'm also posting this on the next one up)
Smitten - That was rude. I'm frankly a little surprised at this. Tom doesn't bother me but I understand why Melissa is suspicious of Tom. She is one of the original Robkats/posters to this blog and it is very strange to have a guy on here chasing around after someone. And you have brought attention to yourselves so you have some responsibility in it. Let's not fight shall we?
I think this is horrible! Once in a lifetime chance? Yes! Right place at right time? Absolutely! Taking advantage of his obvious popularity with everything his name is attached to for personal gain? Perfect example of using any means possible. Come on, her music had 1400 hits today? That's impressive. And why? Because of the unbelievable fan base that follows Rob. I'm not naive, unfortunately this is just kind of how it is, right?!? I guess I just believe there is something to be said for making it because you've truly made it. If he actually said, "I can't take pictures tonight," then maybe there was a reason for that. He was slated to be at the kids award show? Cancelled? Maybe his attendance at the event wasn't meant to be known, but I guess that's a bit difficult these days. As for her comment to him, I felt an extreme sense of embarassment flash over me when I read! Ugh, I hate that feeling! It sounded like something I would carefully rehearse in the bathroom mirror; trying not to sound like every other fan and say just the right thing on the off chance that I would "run into" the object of my affection and/or obsession on a random day! Sounds like someone trying to cash in on his success and appears to be working. If music fails for her, she might consider a career in marketing.
Hi everyone!!
Easy there Anon ... take a breath ...
Domward and I are still looking for Stacy, anybody know her whereabouts ... not that I'm bored having him all to myself!
and is that OUR Melissa who's getting bashed here?
How's my new avatar?
Somehow this does not ring true.
braggin much?
I didn't read through all the comments...but, I tend to think she's making most of this story up. Maybe she did meet Rob. Great. Good for her. However. I don't think Rob would deny his fans a picture if they asked. He's said before that he doesn't like to disappoint them. He's too nice. Alsmost to a fault. Her response just sounds too good to be true, also. I think it's crap.
Actually, I managed to catch her blog post about 30 minutes after she originally posted it, and there was no "warm embrace" in there at that time at all. She just said that he leaned over to her and said thank you and whatnot, so it appears as though that part has changed since I originally read it.
I'm not gonna lie... I died a little inside when i read this. My heart ached for several reasons:
A) For Rob
B) Pure Jealous Rage
C) She stole my lines... no joke.
Anyways, I think Rob is freakin' awesome....and she was awesome for making him feel more human. Seriously, if people could just be chill around him I think he would feel better in his own skin...
Also... this confirms my conspiracy theory: Summit is totally pushing Team Jacob for this movie... think about it...
OK so I read some of the posts on this page... I agree... TOTALLY using the rob-encounter to push her music... She did go overboard with the pick-up line... she shoulda left it at... in the end your just like me and call it a night.
It's like kissing and telling in a way...she shouldn't of mentioned all that extra stuff - seemed kinda personal...what he told her... if it was me I wouldn't of said anything...
What will he think now that she blabbed it all over the net??
Then again... who the fuck am I to judge? Anyhow I stand by what i said if he felt good at the end of the night then good.
SMILE ROB, lots of us don't think ROB = EDWARD...
hmmm this doesn't seem right.. it's looks a little ...well a lot made up.. I think she is making this up to promote her music..
Ellie, the "moo, crunch," etc. was an homage to the pivotal scene in d6sense's bio-epic "The Ryan Seacrest Story" (See 8:01 pm)
Oh please *rolleyes* Rob would never say that, and he'd never do that!
She may have meant him. Yes. But this man would not hug a stranger and whisper THAT in her ear!!
Rob.is.shy!! She really should have just googled his video's. She obviously doesn't know him well!
how can people just trust in site world these days ??? i mean if i said i meet him in london when i had on board in the same flight with him, does anyone actually believe it?? i mean if it's true it's not a big deal after all, he just passed me out and that's it, for me that is not story, i don't know for anybody that is selling stuff or honest, sighs, it's really in thin line different here....
anyway, i don't know about this girl, and i don't want to heard her musics too, i mean, i just don't want, why i have to think she is great and stuff because she met rob, come on, that is crazy obsessed....
i agreed that robert need a fully representative to update his news, it's just a proof that he has bigger and bigger fame in second, but to call this news and need him to clear out, i don't think so, there is big time chance, he just didn't care....that is why i love him...rob power!!!
how can people just trust in site world these days ??? i mean if i said i meet him in london when i had on board in the same flight with him, does anyone actually believe it?? i mean if it's true it's not a big deal after all, he just passed me out and that's it, for me that is not story, i don't know for anybody that is selling stuff or honest, sighs, it's really in thin line different here....
anyway, i don't know about this girl, and i don't want to heard her musics too, i mean, i just don't want, why i have to think she is great and stuff because she met rob, come on, that is crazy obsessed....
i agreed that robert need a fully representative to update his news, it's just a proof that he has bigger and bigger fame in second, but to call this news and need him to clear out, i don't think so, there is big time chance, he just didn't care....that is why i love him...rob power!!!
Unless Rob was very drunk, I think he is too shy to almost immediately "pull me into a warm embrace and whisper into my ear."
I'm shy and I know I'd just say thanks, unless I was very, very drunk.
I remember that "Out & About" vid. of Rob drunk and he still seemed friendly, yet not the type to get physically close.
Self promotion is my take, sorry.
At least she said he smelled good and the tabloids were rubbish for saying otherwise. That gives her some points in my opinion.
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