German Magazine Scans

Bravo Magazine

Gala Magazine

Young Magazine

Big thanks to kittyglam for the scans. Please ask her for permission before reposting any of the scans.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the scans. I wanted to lick my screen while viewing the first scan. I don't think Rob can take a bad photo. Impossible!

Dani said...

Anon u are more than welcome, and I think since Goz and I have been working this blog they have made a new computer screen protector because of the insatiable urge to lick the screen with the hotness that is Rob poppin up all over this place.

Anonymous said...

I know that's right LICK, LICK, LICKETY, LICK ....

Anonymous said...

These interviews have some newer info in it it seems... He even says he has a girl in LA he likes to hook up with... It's so great he might finaly have someone in his life!

Gozde said...

Umm say whaat? Translation please :)

Anonymous said...

The translation of that particular part is something like:

Bravo: Do you enjoy being single?
Rob:Well, I would like to have a girlfriend again. I m sick of being single. There is a girl in L.A., we see each other sometimes, but it s nothing serious.

I`m from Germany, and this magazine is known for just making things up. So I dont know..

Gozde said...

Thanks babe! It SO doesn't sound like something he would say :))

And Dani, I heart you thanks for the post! And kittyglam for the scans :))

Gozde said...

Thanks babe! It SO doesn't sound like something he would say :))

And Dani, I heart you thanks for the post! And kittyglam for the scans :))

Anonymous said...

Whoever gave you the scans can not demand that people ask their permission before reposting. They're scans of printed images... the images don't belong to whoever scanned them.... god, people are dumb.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree anon but I think Dani and Gozde has to put it because the person asked. It's really stupid to ask for credit for scanning something :))

Anonymous said...

Okay, about him having a girl in LA that sort of backs up that whole thing LIFE&STYLE said about Rob. Remember someone over hearing Rob saying at one of the Oscars after parties " she's great and I like her a lot." And I even remember someone commenting a while back saying Kristen said he was going out with someone. Back then I was thinking yeah right...

Now hearing about this new development I say yes he may be seeing someone. Think about it he has had a lot of chances to meet a lot of great girls. There may have been someone that caught his eye. I wish them good luck if there still together...

I too would hate to be alone having this much fame as Rob does. Because you need that support system that's real and stable . Someone who truly knows you and cares about you. Well he did say it wasn't serious and I'm wondering was that the person he was thinking about when he did ELLEN. Remember him saying no one wants to 'commit to me'. This is all interesting very interesting....

Anonymous said...

RP, if you ever read this don't you ever settle for some non commit HOE!!

You are better than that and I don't want to demean a fellow woman but she is a FUCKING FOOL!!!

If that girl or anyone else can't see fucking by now how great you are than forget those BITCHES. Sometimes it's best to be alone in order for you to learn more about yourself and to get strength enough to not be with someone who doesn't want you.Being with people like that is wasted time. Love YOU first because in the end that's who you will end up with.

Can I get an AMEN somebody!!!!

Damn do I need to be his BFF or what? Oh hell, he'll just learn with time. Oh those cruel harsh life lessons we all go through...

Anonymous said...

Cassiopeia~Thanks for the translation!


Don't believe any of that nonsense. Those so-called quotes are not the way he speaks. And on Ellen, that was just part of his humble schtick. That's just his way of keeping his privacy. Trust me, if he were really dating someone in LA, there would be photos and videos. He is hunted here!

Now back in London is a different story where he has family, friends and more privacy/far less papz.

Anonymous said...

Chicago- Well yeah that's true LA paps are ridiculous.

OH and what do you think about my advice? Because I found those things to be true during my life lessons. Except, that I had to deal with guys who were players *DICKWARDS*

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