How do you feel about getting the role, while there were casted so many actors? The fans of the book got 75.000 signs because they didn’t want you. How did you feel about it?
When you are going to an audition for a role that many consider as the perfect man, you expect people to be suspicious. But I don’t really care.
There are many girls that would like to go to bed with you. How do you handle it?
I don’t know. I don’t have enough time to stay in a place. I only meet journalists. But it’s really weird that 10-years old fellows come to me and say “Please bite me!” .
Speaking of biting, who you’d like to bite?
I don’t think I’d like to bite anyone. I don’t like biting.
Have you ever had lessons to manage your profile? Your fans are young people. Was there anyone who told you what to do and how to be?
Yes! They sent me in a centre to learn how to manage my profile for the media. I thought that it’s very stupid. Probably I can do whatever I want because I’m a vampire in the big screen. I was supposed to have the profile of the “bad” guy. It’s hilarious. I remember that when I went to that centre, I was having humor to their questions and they looked annoyed. They accused me of opposing to learn how to manage myself for the media.
What is most important to you? To be an actor or a musician?
Both are really important to me. I think I take them seriously. I mean that I haven’t written music for a long time, I don’t want to be another actor who played in a successful movie and then released an album. I want to compose a really good album, but sometime that it won’t be comparable to acting.
What kind of music do you want to make? Indie rock or folk?
Folky rock!
You have a song in the Twilight OST. Have you been asked from the director to write it?
Well, I’ve written it a long time ago. A crew member gave it to the director and she put it in a scene, without telling me. At first, I didn’t recognize it. I was happy and I suggested putting it, retaining my anonymity but they didn’t let me because of the marketing. That was my first song that was recorded officially.
How was your life before getting the role of Edward Cullen?
Last year I had a great apartment in Soho where you could go to the roof and watch the great view. I played music and I tried to record it. But then I went to Spain for the movie “Little Ashes” and everything changed. It was the first time that I was researching about something. I haven’t seen the movie yet but either if it’s bad or good, it surely changed the way I feel about acting and made me more obedient about what I can achieve of acting when I see the scripts.
How did you pay for a big apartment in Soho?
It wasn’t big. Actually, it was the smallest you’ve ever seen and it was empty. It only had two garden chairs and nothing else. No carpet, no heating, no bathroom. I had to go to my parents’ house to take a bath. But it was perfect. I thought my lifestyle was bohemian. I was sad when I left it.
Why did you leave it?
Because there are some renovations in London and the rent raised 5.000 pounds. I was in U.S.A. for a whole year because of the filming of Twilight. I was practically paying for an apartment that my friends were living in. So I left it.
Do you miss London?
Yes, very much. I was there before two days and I was surprised of how much I miss it.
Where do you live now?
So you’re a bohemian guy again?
Yes, someway…
Are you excited that you’re going to be a “vampire” for the next ten years?
Yes but that’s not going to last so much because vampires aren’t getting old. So I can’t do it for more than the next two years. It will be ridiculous.
For how many movies have you signed?
For three movies. The filming for New Moon has already began.
What do you think makes people so much interested in vampires right now?
I don’t know. It’s like domino phenomenon. Something is successful and then everybody is filming scripts for vampires.
Do you like vampires?
Yes. But I don’t understand those who say that they like everything that is related with vampires. I liked the first Nosferatu and things like that.
Are you addicted to something?
I was very addicted to Van Morrison.
Way to go, Greece!
"Efcarestô, poli"!!!
That first pic.........*THUD*
actually, i got that...awsome interview<3
Folk Rock!
Go Rob...
Suz <--------Folk Rock Gurl
Does anyone know if "How to be" and "Little Ashes" are going to be shown in Greece? The media havent given out any kind of information...
Ευχαριστούμε πολύ-πολύ για τα αποσπάσματα απο το περιοδικό!!!
From Greece with love!
I love reading interviews with him. He's so nice and down to earth. Charming.
yay for a greek interview!!
I wonder if he likes Greek girls lol
well now we know where the lack of showering thing probably started.
I was thinking the same thing Kelli ;)
I'm not a hygiene freak either but hell, no bathroom at all?! O_O He must have a very big bladder as well...
Aww! Poor Rob!
Where do you live?
Rob: Nowhere
T_T!! He's so cute.
Have you read Lainey Gossip's latest on Rob and Nikki?
Can't stand Nikki. I think I'm losing interest in Rob if it's true that he and Nikki are sleeping together....
I also really don't care for Nikki - for various reasons - but ya know, maybe having a girlfriend would be a good thing for him and this crazy gossip will stop and fangirls will keep more of a distance and he can actually have a life. That wouldn't be so bad for him.
Anon, why can't you stand Nikki? she's a good role model and very inspirational.
"I don't like biting"
so he doesn't like it rough eh? i think we can change that!!
oooh i love the greeks! and van morrison is awesome!!
Folky rock! Lol!
Some things were lost in translation again.
Kelli and Sabrina~The apartment had no bathroom but I'm sure there was a shared one down the hallway (all those on that floor shared it). Very common in London (and other large cities with old buildings). In fact, when I visited London in the Kensington area, we flipped a coin for the room with a private bathroom and I won! Everyone else had to share a public one on that floor of the hotel.
Thanks EVI! For your scans and work translating!
Chicago girl, i guess you're right, didn't even think about it.. i feel a bit silly now for thinking that he had to go to his parents' place or to the next park to pee lol
Now that sounds more like Rob! And those picture are just... wow. Especially the one with the vampire teeth... I'm just melting. Yep, melting.
LOL @ 10 year old fellows asking to be bit..
Isn't that Michael Jackson's dream?
(oh no she didn't)
re: lainey
baseless rumors as of now. her "sources?" lol ok, she hasn't been right once this whole month.
also what does I was there before two days mean when he's answering the london question? LMFAO i don't get it.
I agree, good interview. Very real. He is adorable!! Bohemian style, I bet that changes! What do u think?
I don't like Nikki either.
I don't know about that Nikki Reed thing. In my opinion, he looks more relaxed and seems to have more fun with Camilla Belle. He seems at ease and happy with Camilla, and they are only just friends. I don't see a connection from him and Nikki in pictures at all. Even the pics of them coming from places they look strange. The pictures of her with his family, they didn't seem to happy. Yet, when I see him Camilla it loos like all smiles and good times. I would be more convinced that he was dating Camilla rather than Nikki. They seem to have more fire and chemistry. She has more chemistry with rob than her jonas boyfriend.
Jen~If it is a monthly magazine, it has a three-month lead time, meaning the interview was probably done months ago.
They likely inserted--"New Moon" is filming now--to bring it up to date for publication when it hits the news-stands...
Why does it matter who he's dating if he's happy. That's what's important. While we can all love the guy from a "distance", that being the key word, it's his chioce.If it's even true.
He's the one who knows her on a personal level. We all get the public pesona. Which IMOP she's not that bad.
Could be Paris Hilton instead.(shudders)
I don't have a problem with Nikki, Camilla, or anyone else he will chose to date. I was just speaking on the difference between the chemistry that I see in pictures. I just think that Rob and Camilla look to have great chemistry.
Last anon - I agree. I'm not gonna judge his choices. They are his to make. I love seeing him happy tho. Makes me smile when he does. Please don't give that bitch Lainey hits people. Or seat the stuff she says. Haven't we learned she is full of shit?
Now just look at oral fixation Rob in all his glory people!!!
Thanks for the translation Evi!!
I too obsess over Van morrison.
It makes me nervous that he won't do Breaking Dawn.
I don't care if he humps nikki or not. He obviously likes her as a person and that's good enough for me. I know next to nothing about her.
Anon's and everybody else- Y'all either have forgotten or didn't know that Camilla dated Tom Stu Rob's BFF for a number of years. I think they met when both were 18. I saw this old London Vouge magazine picture of Tom and Camilla holding hands and it was about Tom being a new Brit star. Right now Camilla ids going out with this Spanish tennis player who is Top 10 in the world. Saw the paps pictures. So no more VIRGIN JONAS. She is with a real man who is older than her. Rob also went to his other good friend Andrew Garfield's girlfriend birthday party. The party were Katy Perry attended. Now about Nikki they are friends as well. On Kristen's real twitter acct which they both were answering questions one day from some fans about their relationship with Rob was brought up. Kristen answered first saying he's like my bother and he feels the same and she then asked Nikki about how she felt. Nikki was like "yeah he is like a brother and how would you feel if everyone keeps asking you if you like your brother, yuck". So both K Stew and Kristen think of Rob as their brother and Rob feels that way towards them. THE END...his is not dating anyone of them. Remember he also said he perfer to hang out with girls more than guys.
I have to confess that I used to read Lainey's site long before I liked Rob. But I do think she should give it a rest now with the Rob bashing. It could be just for the hits, but it's tiresome nevertheless. (and BORING) Only today she has, beside the Nikki news, two other references to him in her other posts. (in a post about a YouTube video of the actor who plays Draco Malfoy, stating that you can hear HIS accent while he sings. Tranlate the Lainey: Robert Pattinson sings with an American accent.)
So what, I don't see the big deal. I'm not a native English speaker, should I sing it with my country's accent? Or should Rob sing like Julie Andrews? Don't see her point. She's just being bitchy.
And then she's linking to that terrible Glamour Spain interview saying: 'He's saying he only has been attracted to TWO women is his life???'
Please, have mercy Elaine, just come out of the Rob closet already. You're starting to get somewhat bitter. She's just as bad as the Twihards she's talking about, because she's constantly talking about him as well) I'm starting to believe that it must be something Freudian, maybe she really hates herself for liking him. Remember; love and hate, it's almost the same thing.
It's interesting though, when Rob was still somewhat of a nobody, filming Twilight, she visited the set and thought he was really nice and polite. And in November, when they visited E Canada, she was rooting for a coupling of Kristen and Rob. After that; teasing him with his open mouted posing was funny for two seconds, but this puzzles me. Even if she dislikes his fans, why should he take the whipping?
And that Nikki thing? Could be true, could be BS. I don't know a thing about Nikki, she has this very wholesome American look, although nothing special, not really someone I see him with, thought he liked the bohemian thing better, but what do I know? Better her than Paris or Camilla I guess. (last one may be nice/beautful, but rides the publicity train like a PRO!). *shrugs* It's his life.
Here's the proof. ;-)
Before the fan girls start tossing darts though… Rob is lovely. Very unassuming, totally unaware of what’s about to hit. Completely oblivious to the fact that he’s about to become Orlando Bloom. He’s relaxed on set, he doesn’t complain, not even after standing in the freezing cold rain for hours and hours because the light is messing with the shot, he’s friendly, he has no personal security detail, he has no demands, he’s not extra shielded from the riffraff, he doesn’t have a driver on stand by solely for his purposes… fast forward a year, wonder if that’ll change.
I could tell her what has changed. And it's probably not Rob...;-)
Julie- Your right about Lainey because I've been reading her shit as well and remember her saying all that shit and about her love hate feelings toward Rob. Hell she even saw the movie and said her fav's scene was him walking in the cafeteria and the one when he brings Bella to school wearing sunglasses.
Oh and the recent thing about the 'stink' She said she wouldn't sleep with him unless he was Johnny Deep and because it was only his first year of fame. So yeah she is just as addicted as we all are.
He's lovely.
I agree that Rob is lovely and refreshing!
It's not my business who he dates, I'm just jealous! Gotta go watch AI! I heart him so much!
ok i just read the nikki/rob on lainey and i kind of happy that at least he is not alone all the time. i know that alot of you dont like her but can you imagine all the attention he gets and always going home alone, that would be sad. but then again it is lainey gossip just gossiping, so who knows. i really dont know much about nikki to comment about her, maybe they are really good friends with extras. at least the rumors that kristen cant stand him are a lie if they are hanging out all together off set.
oh, and "Christy" I agree with you. i worry that they wont come back for breaking dawn because they are not contracted for that one, yet.
Way to go, Greece!
Just throwing this out there-
Does anyone know where the photo of Rob in the unbuttoned *THUD* blue shirt and brown jacket is from? He looks absolutely adorable there! I wonder if there are more pics of him from that day?
Ana, don't worry. I believe there will be a Breaking Dawn, but it will be up to us fans to make that happen. Rob told MTV on the Oscars red carpet that that "Breaking Dawn will be at some point as well". My guess is they will see how much money New Moon will make in order for Breaking Dawn to get the green light.
Here's the link:
Hi, ladies!
Loving that first pic...going to try a new avatar. I just wish it was free of the watermarks.
Hi everybody!
After the Spain interview, I'm not even going to bother reading this one.
I just wanna know - have the Greeks officially recognized Rob as a new god yet?
LOL, crazy...Greek God.
Hi, sweets!
Ah, my avatar's too small!
Hey Ellie!
And I am winning to make an offering to this new god. Me, of course. duh!
Ellie~ talk about "duh" - i meant "willing". Can't think straight today. Still cummming down from earlier. Oh did I spell that wrong too? ;)
Crazy.. smokin hot avatar!
Hi, Suz!
Ellie! Hi!
Suz~ like my avatar? had a little help from my friends,,,
anyone know if how to be is available to wath anywhere on the internet. please tell me if you know im dyin to see it!
Hey Suz~ Thanks for the link to check out Kings of Leon. They're great! I LOVED "closer"! Great to hear some new ROCK, for once!!!And they are so CUTE, and do they know how to rock those skinny jeans ;)
Love the new banner Goz. It's gorgeous.
Anon, I haven't heard of anywhere it's available. I would be there in a heartbeat! lol
Tess, m'love! Hi!
mmm anytime Crazy... I highly recommend their latest album... "Use Somebody" is my fave song at the mo.
But the future can always change!
I am still soooo chaufed that Rob likes FolkRock..
I run a fansite for an artist who pretty much started the "folk rock" genre...
so cool!
THANKYOU ellie! i cant wait till it comes out on tv!
Anon, it's not going to be playing anywhere near where you live?
You gotta love translations. Not sure why the hating on Nikki. She's Kristin's best friend, she's beautiful, she's brilliant (how many people are award-winning screen writers before they're 16? Right up Rob's intellectual alley)and he obviously enjoys her company. She's also the one who slipped his music to Catherine Hardwicke. Add to that the fact that she's been around the block a few times and can run interference for him, and I'm glad he's got her in his corner.
I luuurve the new banner Gozde!
Gozde... are there any new piks or rob in vancuvour?? aww i miss him
Suz~ folkrock. Would that include Bob Dylan, for instance?
have you heard Fleet Foxes. I was just introduced to them on SNL.
I just wanted to comment on what Rob said about having no bathroom since there seemed to be some confusion about how that could possibly be. I lived in that part of London for a while and my flat had no bathroom. In fact none of the flats in the whole street had bathrooms. They were pretty old flats meant for poor people. But they did have toilets. About a mile away there was a public baths where you could go to bathe. I used to have to go to a friends place everyday to bathe. I would imagine where he lived was the same kind of thing. No they are all refurbished - with bathrooms and high rents.
Sorry, let me correct that typo -now they are all refurbished.
Thanks, jalarag, I was wondering about that...
Crazy -- latest KOL Album
Only By The Night
Suz- thx.
what do u do again? who is your guy. my dh loves Dylan and would prob like to hear him...
He's been around a long time, no?
Hey crazy .. tell DH Dylan was offering a free download today (shoot, or was it yesterday?) off his website.. new song from new record.
Dylan or Steve..
you left me brat...you lose
Suz) just did, Thanks!
T~ I know! she does that all the time!!!!
Wait...Suz - Is Steve Your Guy, as in your man?
never Ten... I've been flipping back and forth..
I'm so ashamed how I spent this day..
I've done nothing productive.
define "my man"?
I'm not ashamed, really. I got important stuff taken care of (winks)
I have to sign off girls. It's been alot of fun!!
Have a good night!
Suz~ sure sure
oops - what do you mean Steve is "your guy"?
The folk rocker.
Night Crazy...xx
Nite c... have fun...*WINKS*
never mind! LOL!
G'night Suz!
G'night Tenneil!
So they just name dropped Rob on 90210. saying one of the girls in the class claimed to have gone on a date with him!
wow, funny! Yesterday I got this magazine and when i was at home I saw you've posted the interview! Noone in the world can evade you!lol Just kidding, keep on the good job!!
from greece with love!!
greece 4 ever!!!!!!i'm from greece and i just got this magazine!!!the interview is amazing..i wish rob will visit greece one day!!LOVE ROB!
You welcome girls! I'm happy you enjoyed the interview! Well maybe some things are lost in translation but it has already been translated from english to greek kai again to english!
And thanks Gozde, cause you have the greatest site ever!!! :)
Hum, my parents are greek, but I can´t ask them to read this to me. And my greek is not good enough...
Is this God is the Olimpo already?
Thanks a lot for translating the interview and posting it here!!
Always good to read his interviews
About Nikki and Rob together, I don`t know I doubt it, I think they are just friends, is seems that he can be friend with many women. I know too little about her, really don’t understand why she is not liked, maybe someone could explain…. But Rob and her seem to have a lot in common, they both seem to have similar taste in music, she has admitted that she plays the guitar too, and she writes, I mean, she wrote the script for “thirteen” and we know Rob writes scripts too, I think that makes a lot for them to be comfortable as friends, who knows if something else.. his business anyway
I realy like him,he s perfect inside and that realy counts:DD
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