FOX News Sexiest Foreign Super Stars

Guess who made the list accompanied with a "mug shot" :)
  • Oscar winner Penelope Cruz is Spain's hottest Hollywood export.
  • London-bred actor Robert Pattinson went unnoticed in "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire," where he had a small role, before his hit "Twilight" put his smoldering stare on the covers of all the gossip magazines.

Thanks to Brandy for the link :)


Daneh said...

yum yum... the man takes sexy mug shots!

Anonymous said...

yeah baby! finally some appreciation for that sexy mug!!!

...wowie! said...

hahaha and a lovely mug shot it is. mmm

Unknown said...

What? Un-noticed in HP - god he was the only person, apart from Alan Rickman, who I felt comfortable fancying!

crazy said...

No-brainer, right? Boy, Rob must be loving all this that adds to the attention he is getting. Poor Rob, seriously.

crazy said...

Smitten? Are you still around? I hope to see you here so we can Robsess together...
Besides, we have a bus trip to Vancouver planned- "The Robsession Tour"- and you MUST be on it ;)
BYO GQ and PE!

Tenneil said... out there girl??? a bus ride...Heeelllloooo wheres my invite!!! dont I mean anything to you...*sniff sniff*

ana73 said...

Of course!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

ok, just looked up the dreaded Lainey Gossip and she has pics of Kristen with BF Michael and BFF Nikki walking thru the city on Sunday, so it is true i guess that he is onset with her thru this movie. also says that nikki hung out with rob a little and then hooked up with other friends.

Suz said...

Schmexy is as Schmexy does.....

crazy said...

Tenneil~~~ of course bb!! The party can't get started w/o Tenneil! TS won a prize package to Vancouver for spelling "Robsturbate" correctly, so a road trip it is! See the discussion on the EmPire thread.

"...the life I love is Robsessing with my friends..."

crazy said...

Willie. Don't ask.

crazy said...

Suz is coming too, right?? She will entertain us by coming up with more Robisms during the trip.
We'll be tripping on Robisms. Good clean fun.

TwilightB. said...

Everybody, come on!!
I hope ya'll didn't forget. Tom. is the last day to vote.

Gozde, can you make a new post on the main page to remind everyone?
Rob lost the Empire Awards but hopefully we won't lose this. We gotta vote as much as possible!!! :)

Chicago girl now in LA said...


Chicago girl now in LA said...

Yeah, Sarah, Rob's Cedric made Potter for me!

crazy said...

Thx TwilightB - i voted multiple timed for our baby. :)

Suz said...

oh, i'll be comin
but i can't guarantee...clean fun.


Anonymous said...

t: avatar stealer! lol

and we wouldn't leave without you... pack your little man and your mag...oh, and almost forgot...a suitcase full of panties

Shani said...

Yeah, lock him up for being to sexy. YUMMY!!!

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