Entertainment Weekly blogger Christine Snipes talks about how culture made a bad turn and people are talking about an actor's ahowering habits more than his work then she puts a picture of Rob's sweaty NYC appearance. Umm, yeah. Contradict yourself much? Oh and by the way any human being wearing a tight gray shirt (yumm) would have pit stains under that many flashing bulbs :)
Mar 30, 2009, 12:59 PM | by Christine Spines
Categories: Celebrity Scandals, Ridiculata, Twilight
It's one thing to call a guy a bad actor or to criticize his meringue-like hair or even to impugn his sex appeal. But don't expect Robert Pattinson to simply ignore the controversy that's recently ignited over the state of his hygiene. An unattributed source recently alleged that the Twilight star had been smelling somewhat ripe on the set of the sequel, New Moon. But in this brief Q&A with moviefone.com, Pattinson speaks up in his own defense and attempts to lay those nasty rumors to rest, once and for all.
All I can say is: Poor freaking, guy. Has a celebrity ever had to refute a more irrelevant and humiliating non-controversy? Where did we take such a wrong turn as a culture that this type of thing is legitimized to the point where the star is expected to defend his showering habits? Do you denizens of the PopWatchisphere agree that we've reached a tipping point when we're wasting time debating whether public figures battle b.o. more than the rest of us mortals (even if their at-times disheveled appearance does make the rumor seem plausible)?