Creepiest Rob Photo Yet? I think so...
Is it Rob? Is it Darth Vader?
This was taken at the Storyeum Afterparty Sunday night. You can see Michael Angarano on the couch and next to him is Kristen with her red plaid shirt.
Should I have posted this? Big internal dilemma went on. So I decided to post with a disclaimer: Poor boy can't even enjoy a party without having a hood on to hide under. If you "meet" Rob don't be a creep, ask for a photo and if he says no move on and if he doesn't even look like he wants to be asked, move on....
And a very true observation from Erin: Pretty strong energy in this pic every single female body is turned towards him, he must be very aware of that even with his back turned.
Thanks to Anna for sending me the pic.
ehh... that's not that creepy... I mean, this one time I spent the whole night in a bar with my sunglasses on because I had been crying all night and my eyes were puffy from the tears and the booze... so was I incognito? No... people probably noticed me more... Maybe he's not trying to be incognito... maybe he wants his hood up. LOL Simple as that.
I think it's cute... but I do agree with you on if Rob says no and move on... MOVE ALONG!!!
Well, this picture can be seen as a "what to absolutely avoid doing unless your aim in life is becoming an paparasshole". I don't congratulate the person taking it...
If it was the twilight cast (I don't see them on the picture, but I believe you), hopefully some people will get that Rob-hunting is more than just uncool.
Damn Goz, that is creepy.
Rob's really a paranoid bugger. This is what having crazy fans does to a person.
Wow, I guess Kristen really loves her Michael lmao! I wonder if she was giving Rob googly eyes behind Mike's back. Like she always does. LMAO. They really are great actors...
don't feel bad for posting this Goz, Fuck them. they are the ones laughing all the way to the bank after all. Let us have our kicks I say.
oh that makes me feel sad for him
pretty strong energy in this pic
every single female body is turned towards him, he must be very aware of that even with his back turned.
Unfortunately "just one picture", etc multiplied by the number of fans he has is always going to be like this...If I had been there I would have probably been holding my breath :) but I say if you can, move on. He's not an animal in a zoo, has said many times (nervous laughs aside) how this kind of thing makes him feel
This picture is incredibly sad.
Thanks for posting this......here's the message:
why the fuck is michael who there? hmm. who cares. i pity rob thought. can't go anywhere without being noticed.
"he's not an animal in a zoo" THAT IS THE BEST COMMENT EVER!! Leave him alone, if you are a real fan, you will not bother him, he will not say no to a pic because he is too polite, so give him the respect he deserves and MOVE ON! Even the girl who posted yesterday said he was trying to hide in his jacket and she got the sense that he didn't want to be recognized....so what did she do.....OH YEAH SHE WENT UP TO HIM AND HAD TO MEET HIM ANYWAY. Nice way to give the guy a break.
Here's a thought....maybe if you leave him alone he will look across the room and notice you and have an opportunity to have some interest in you....instead of always feeling like a hunted animal who has to have his hood up and hide from all the girls who just "have to meet him" cause it's their only opportunity.
Hi Goz~ It's so sad to see Rob go to extremes like this to hide himself. What are your thoughts on WHY he has to shun pictures now, to this level? He's had pics taken of him all over the place before. You can't smell a pic...
I'd guess it's because of all the outrageous gossip about him lately. Do you think it's because it seems that ANYTHING, a picture or interview, will somehow be used to exploit him?
This is just so not Rob, and it make me sad. :(
love how oregano is trying to sport the rob look....
seriously dude, it's creeping me out.
P.S. The saddest part of this pic is all the fashion "don'ts"!
Suz you sound like Mike Newton. lol
Gozde, I don't see any problem posting it. I'm sure Rob knows if he goes out, it will be in the news. But I agree that people need to give him space.
Michael looks depressed in his latest pictures... maybe just irritated with people taking his picture.
Crazy - Take a look Rob's life this time last year, and now superimpose this over top of the current state of of his life and I believe we have our answer. There's only so much scrutiny a person can take. We all have our saturation point... and believe he's finally reached his.
It was a long time coming in my opinion. I was always amazed at how incredibly available and approachable he made himself. Just think, The Austin Film Festival wasn't all that long ago...(sigh) lucky lucky people..
Gozde - I really really love the new banner!
Crazy~ I know it really does make you feel sad.
I've been wondering how rob is taking everything recently
not that I really know him of course but I mean you can tell he's a sensitive guy
I hope he has a happy day today
Ladies...those of us who believe in Rob as a sincere loner type who loves his pals and fun ! This picture makes us sad... I am sure...this is Hell...not being able to be. I realize this is part of Fame.
For those sensitive artist types(who take their work seriously )like he seems to do...its tough...like a caged animal,yes. I personally Hate Zoos for that reason.
Sad for Rob and US who will miss that spontaneity..He and us have enjoyed. :(
I think he might be dressed like that so he won't cause a scene and take attention away from the musicians and people just trying to have fun. He has to hide if he wants to join in a bit. Bummer for him, but very thoughtful of him.
See how everybody is without jacket... He must have been spending a "nice" HOOOOT evening dressed like that.
I'm less pissed than the 1st minute I saw this picture, but much more sad and disapointed. Not sure which is worse.
It's not being attacked in the streets this time, it's like being in the arena with the crowd around him, watching the future pray.
I don't even see the point in bothering taking a picture like this. It's a picture of his back. Is it really worth making him uncomfortable so you can have a terrible picture of him, when there are sooo many yummy pictures of him on the net or basically anywhere else you look?
Oh how lucky all those Twilight fans were last year getting to see and meet Rob. Those days are long gone. I think his public appearances this year will be far and few between. The poor guy. Hang in their Rob, the overwhelming fan girl hype will settle down eventually, so that you wont have to hide away.
Poor, poor Rob...
This picture makes me uneasy.
We don't even know if is really him.I'm not seeing Nikki or Sam over there. And if it is him, makes really sad. I'm a loner myself, and believe me, is really easy when you are a loner to hide in a crowd. An he can't. And for a loner that is terrible. I hope he is able to handle all this.
This pic makes me really sad for him - how rubbish is it that he cannot just hang out with his friends without everyone staring and taking pics? Let's hope this experience doesn't drive Rob away from the movies - just to try and get his life back.
It might be him... the women are all around...
I think it's definitely him - all the women looking at him, the tell-tale black leather jacket and hoodie, it's him. But that's just my point - someone took a picture of him, and you can't even REALLY tell it's him. what's the point in that? To say you were in the same room with him? Sad.
Its not that its creepy, its just plain sad. I actually feel sick in my stomach for the guy. He's more obvious by having his hood up. But if he feels "protected" and feels safer that way thats the main thing.
I'd like to think his "real" fans will just leave him be. I don't think its too much to ask.
"29"? So, it was last sunday...
Danni, olá. Como está indo? Vc está em casa ou no trabalho?
Mornin' ladies -
Gozde - I'm actually glad you posted this, perhaps it will make even one young girl think twice about trying to get a picture she can post on her myspace, and let this guy breathe for 10 minutes.
Erin...interesting observation of the body language in this photo, wow. EVERY single woman is turned toward him.
I guess it's the age-old 'dilemna' of the fine line between having the right to some semblance of privacy and expectating the publicity that goes along with the MANY advantages of success and fame.
Honestly, it's hard to feel that bad for someone so blessed during this recession when families literally are losing their homes and their jobs. But from a privacy perspective, unless you're unbelievably grounded, this can't be easy for him. He's not a public figure/politician, he's - for all intent and purposes - someone still teetering between childhood and manhood, trying to gracefully handle a fame that most of us could never fathom, and would be hard-pressed to handle.
I just hope that the stone wall he starts to erect around himself won't inherently end up changing the warm, spontaneous, laughing, trusting Rob that we've all fallen in love with.
That would be the saddest thing of all.
Hi Sophia!!!
Vc desapareceu ontem!!!
Tudo bem com vc????
I hope this madness does not make him get sick, and get to the point of him not beeing able to leave the house
Estou no trabalho, e vc?
I don’t think it is only about pics being taken from fans or paparazzi, if you look at the pic, he has all the attention of his surrounding on him, every body at that party (specially women) are looking what he is doing; for a shy person as he is, it is normally nerve racking to enter into a place where every body just focus on you and you are not there to promote anything, just being there to hang out as everybody else, so I think it isn’t only avoiding pics but also avoiding to notice all the looks staring at him by wearing the hoodie
Tell you this much, it takes a heck of a strong person for this not to change them.
I don't think "creepy" when I see this. I think "poor baby". And to see all the ladies there. It's all for him. But really, if he really didn't want to be bothered, he wouldn't have gone. At least we have a pic of him finally. I've missed him so!
it's a catch 22...people liking you is cool. But people want to bear his children. Everywhere you go people (women) approach you and/or stare... it must feel so unbelievably uncomfortable. especially for an introvert and shy person like Rob.
I can try to imagine myself in his shoes, and man that would suck. Too many eyes, googly eyes on me.
I think he even calls more attention with his "Darth Vader" cap...
Danni, estou estudando em casa hoje. À tarde vou ler microfilmes na faculdade, faz parte da minha pesquisa. Ontem tive aula até mais tarde, depois fiquei de papo por lá com amigos e o meu "Rob".
Wow. I'd say, among all of them Michael is the one person closest to Rob. :)) I think in the process, he's become a really good friend to him and of course Kristen. All this extra mile he had to travel, I'm liking him more and more each day.
Já te falei do novo corte de cabelo dele, né? Ele me surpreendeu; ele usava o cabelo mais longo -- e eu adorava, mas ficou lindo com o corte à la Rob. E usando gel! Esse homem vai acabar comigo (ele e a minha Robsession juntos).
Lets give Rob a bit more credit... He knows the risks when venturing out in public... He probably weighed the pros and cons before attending this event.. Live music won!
If he was REALLY that uncomfortable, he would not have gone. Hard to hide if he is walking around with other cast members.
There are ways of traveling incognito. I work with musicians on a local and national level, and I can get anyone in and our of any event without anyone knowing a thing...
Unless he has totally inept people taking care of him... he is fine. When he's had enough he will call "Uncle"
He's a "twenty-something" let him lie in.. he's a "twenty-something" leave him alone.... (channeling Jamie Cullum)
I'm less concerned with Rob being shrouded in secrecy at some lame party and more disturbed by the obvious skanks filling up the room. Could the girl standing to his left be dressed any tackier?
Not to judge anyone...they could be perfectly nice girls. Dressed as prostitutes.
(For once, Kristen brings me joy--keeping it real in her plaid, non-whoreish shirt. Go, Kristen!)
Suz~ you make me smile :) I agree. But I do think that the people that work for him might be inept ...they let him got to WALMART... seriously... just sayin.
Hello....ladies...and gent..if your still around.
If you are going to call people skanks you MUST provide a name!
hee hee
Tenn... you are SO RIGHT!
That was strike #1 and #2
one more and "I" am taking over!
Suz ...did I miss something??
You taking over... I think he might like that...comfort in someone knowing him so well...LOL
Right, scrutiny. He now feels the need to avoid all pics at all costs because he never knows WHAT about him will be scrutinized. I was naively thinking, if he has nothing to hide, why put up a hood at a party? They find something, and he's learned that. It's also just very uncomfortable feeling pics being snapped all around you while you are just hanging out somewhere. So very sad. I hope he's not been upset over the last few weeks.
I'm sad also because all of the earthiness, openness, humor, etc, etc, that Rob shared with us will not be available to us anymore. Feels like it's over. He'll be unreachable, just like all the other stars. We'll be "distant" from him, just as we are from all other celebs. A "Stone wall". just hope he continues to be the same way we discovered him to be in the first place, and that he finds a comfortable way to still be able to connect with his fans.
C~ you okay today... your so serious....LOL
{{HUGS}} Crazy...
trust me Tenn.. he WILL likey..
Once I tell his people they can "kiss their license goodbye"
I will need a strong team in place..
you in?
Suz ~ do you have to ask???
you are IN like that Finger in IN!
Hi Suz, Tenn, Sophiaeveryone~
Tenn- i think the "gent" is gone. haven't heard from Smitten either, although I attempted to reach her yesterday. Miss her.
t~ thought I'd try something different ;) Don't want to saturate the place with "crazy" talk!
poor Rob :( I mean i was hoping for a recent pic today of him (having severe withdrawl symptoms) but not like this!
Suz~ hmmmm yeah that one!! LOL
C~ maybe they got that room??? or the tree??LOL
Suz~ right back at ya!
I just realized that the words 'erect' and 'hard-pressed' somehow found their way into my last post.
So much for trying to wax poetic with pure thoughts of Rob. Damn you subconscious!!
Oi Sophia
Vc me falou do corte de cabelo dele sim,a lá Rob!!!
Deve ter ficado legal. Me diz uma coisa, o que vc está achando de todas as últimas fofocas sobre o Rob?
Veils! I missed that???? I don't have my stuff today, for sure!
Veil.. subliminal messages are sublime!
Suz~ i want in on this new management team for Rob! So what is it. - the "dream team"? one can always dream.....
or the "cream team" OH!
That wasn't me.
@Crazy....that was SOOOO you!
Suz~ so this is my reputation? do i always talk like this? uh oh. i'm wondering how many i offend though.
and i do my best work in the mornings, when it's least appropriate. ;)
Suz~ on the other thread you mentioned your theater in Philly. Is your theater listed on the schedule that was put out for Little Ashes? Or did you call the theater?
girls... any thoughts on the casting of Caius??
I give it two thumbs up
@crazy.. if you are offending anyone they don't "GET" it...
and yes my theater is listed on LA site.. road trip?
Ironically, his hoodie and general posture remind me of Bella in Wide Awake. Sad.
Sorry for the ff reference, I had to say it!
He looks very good to me. I saw a pic of him in Sweened Todd, and one of him at the premier with a little "dark" eye makeup and he looked great: Good looking and a little scary at the same time.
Unfortunately, dressing like this only calls more attention to Rob. It's like wearing a huge hat and sunglasses inside somewhere. With his issues that he has spoken of, I hope he is getting help. Nothing wrong with taking meds to help with anxiety or talking about it with someone before it gets to be too much and he quits acting all together. If acting is what he wants to do, he will have to learn how to cope or it won't work.
Mine's not on the LA site, but I'm calling them. It's a definite "art house" theater. Did you get your tix yet?
Hi Little Bear~ Wide Awake "is great"!
So who is playing ARO?
it's still pretty cold in BC and he could be having a bad sex hair day.
could be on his way out for a fag? anything could be going on in this one shutter second of life...
not yet crazy.. i don't think it's a "one shot" chance.. it will prolly run there a few weeks.. are peeps getting tix ahead of time???
Suz - smart gal. we put so much stock in every friggin thing Rob says or does. We need to chillax sometimes, no?
Right now, I just want to see his
beautuful new films, and his beautiful anatomy.
Suz- i'm hearing that, yes, in advance. Are you seeing it wiht friends?
nope, just me
Hey Crazy, I agree, Caius looks like a good match. Pretty but potentially scary. (he was just pretty in Sweeney Todd, but it was a fairly boring role so I won't hold it against him). I just finished catching up on Wide Awake and I am having withdrawal symptoms. I need more!!
Oh, and what is it with them and British actors? Somebody in the casting team must have an accent fetish or something.
@little bear .. I finished WA this past weekend and didn't know what to do with myself..
The Office was recommended.. (shorter) and I consumed it yesterday..
Beautiful Bastard..... (sigh)
Damn computer...uuuugggghhh
None of my friends are Robsessing such as I am. They must be frigid or something LOL!
Your friends Robsessing, no?
"I'm A Loner"
Tenn, it's your avatar.. over-heatin' the jawn!
T~ go "Rob" a bank and get the money for a new dang computer. ;)
I agree with what you said. Ask permission to take a picture, if he says no... move on. Even with that, if I ever saw him... I don't think I would want to approach him or even ask him for a photo. Cause how fair is it for him that he can't go to the corner store and pick up a bag of milk without being hounded by papparzi or random girls. Poor guy...
i hope he is careful with that "bag o milk"
leaking all the way back home...
(unless you means "funbags" o milk)
Beautiful Bastard is awesome! But then so is Darkward. It's a tie...
I'm a closet Robsessor, none of my friends are interested. (or maybe they're in the closet too? hmmm) That's why I come here to robsess with you girls!
Little Bear~ Rob's accent makes my panties melt. Not all the Brits sound that way, right? Like here in the US, different "accents" depending on what part of the country. Is his a "london" accent? It's creamy, I mean dreamy. ;)
LB.. some things are just better kept to ourselves... xxx
Suz - LOL!!! you don't miss a trick! If I met Rob I'd be leaking all the way home too.
Which one is Darkward, again?
G'morning all :)
I have to comment on the picture:(
made me sad to look at it. He didn't ask for any of this, like most of the attention seeking celebs his age (The Hills anyone?)....so, that said, I hope he can surround himself with good friends & family, trustworthy people who have his back. And I can say after seeing that photo, I would NOT approach him if I did see him. And I really mean that. Even though I would want to go completely fangirl nuts on his a**.
crazy .. yes all english accents are not the same.
You can tell what part of England someone is from just like here.
That being said.. how one is educated in England also affects ones accent or affliction.
Rob's accent would be considered "posh" London never to be confused with "cockney"
You'd hear the difference immediately.
My husband is from Kent, his accent slightly differs from Robs.
The Northern accent (think Beatles) is different, and the farther North you do, it begins sounding Scottish...
I love the different dialects in language.. and the Irish accent is musical.
Rob just is really approachable. He's obviously trying to not be in this photo though. He's a superstar. I would hate to be one.
lol, Crazy! As far as I can tell Rob's accent is mainly public school posh ('public school' meaning 'expensive private school' here. I know, it's stupid). With maybe a hint of London? Not sure - I live here, but I'm not British!
And no, not all British guys sound (or look) like that, sadly. On average they're more likely to sound like David Beckham!
you know anon.. as a SUPERSTAR myself, It's not that bad..
Suz- that's what I figured. Heard the cockney lots before as well. Love how you say the irish is musical. Reminds me of my grandmother. I enjoy dialects too. I've noticed that in my )albeit) very few travels, i pick them up easily and incorporate some words without even realizing it. I picked up my dh's sicilian quickly, so they say.
Suz~ did you see my comment last night re: the commnetary i found on Twilight?
Darkward is just a pet name for the Edward in WA... or that's how I use it at least (when I have conversations with myself about the various ff Edwards. Because I'm pathetic like that.)
Hey Yvonne!!!
LB~ how does D Beckham sound? All i know is he LOOKS hot.
LB~ oh, right. Darkward. New posts on it recently? No?
Crazy, good morning, and everyone else.
C., you sound sad. Please, saturate the place with you "crazy" talk! Your talk is one of the best things in this blog.
I was sad yesterday too, because of Smitten and Tom. But, like Gozde said, they are grown-ups, they will find a way to handle it. And I don´t think they will come back.
And I feel the same way you do about Rob. He is so much more far away from us now. I miss him, even more now. Badly!
@LB You have lots of company in PatheticLand...
Suz <----Embracing her pathetic-ness
@Crazy I did.. I read it this morning and truly laughed out loud the entire time.. they were FUN!
Sophia don't worry about Smitten & Tom. they are fine and took their new found love into a more private and appropriate forum...
I'll try that thanks guys.... my avatar is pretty hot if I must toot my own horn... but thanks Suz!!
this computer thing...its more like I need to pROBe it to find what is thROBbing in it... HEEHEE to make it better... but maybe ROBbing a bank would be better...
Suz- wasn't it great?!! I'm trying to get that link around for all to enjoy, but i hate to keep re: "posting" it like a bore. what should we do? think it's something for Goz?
Danni, que últimas fofocas? A da Nikki ter ficado "horas" no quarto dele? E a dela tê-lo acompanhado ao show do Sam? Nem tem mais fofoca, ou fotos novas dele por aí. Até sinto falta das fofocas e, principalmente, de fotos novas, né? Ninguém sabe mais nada sobre ele. O set tem sido guardado por pesado esquema de segurança. Eles tem razão -- caso contrário, as adolescentes histéricas não parariam de gritar e eles não conseguiriam gravar NADA.
Sophia and Suz!
I was sad for them too(Tom & Smitten). i like their opinions. I like to talk to them, and Tom understood our talks in portuguese.
Hi Sophia honey~ I WAS feeling sad from hearing and seeing the changes Rob is making to deal with fans and the public. I hate that things are changing. The fandom we Robsessors had until this point was great. His personality was "accessible". I don't want to get on that again. :(
But enought of that, right? I LOVE to come here and be silly with you girls, soooo much. and look at Rob, of course.
I "commented" to Smitten yesterday, but I didn't see a response from her anywhere. I'm so sad that she may not return here. I like her alot.
Eu acho realmente estranho não ter fotos do Rob, a não ser que ele esteja hibernado, é impossível, eu queria fotos novas, parece meio ridículo, mas só pra checar se está tudo bem. uma foto de costas é alguma coisa, mas não dá pra matar a saudade!!!
Crazy ~ Beckham sounds like a lower-class Englishman with a stupid voice. But he does look pretty, I'll give you that. And no, I don't think there has been a WA update recently :(((
Thanks Suz! Good to know I'm not on my own :)
(sounding so totally computer savvy here......)
How in hell do i get my own effin avatar!!! And is there a close-up picture anywhere of Rob's happy trail?
If you're happy and you know it lick Rob's trail, if you're happy...
Danni, e pode nem ser ele na foto, né?
Crazy, I agree. But he had to make those changes, fans were suffocating him. It is sad, but it is his life now... to watch the shows from wings...
Well, girls, have a good day, I have to go back to "reality".
Danni, abçs.
C you need to click on the sign up here and create a google account.. then you can edit photo girl I pry could help you with the photo thing
shhhhhh. Sophia and Danni are talking dirty again. They think we don't know what they are talking about. hee hee. Hmmm, i see Sophia hooked up with a bartender last night......ooh, on the bar. and....shhhhh....Danni finally decided to take her OB/GYN up on his offer for a free internal exam.....at 10:00 tonight....... at the same bar. what do you know!!!
I think for some reason HE ISN'T ALLOWED TO BE SEEN BY THE PUBLIC YET. Maybe because he's prepping for New Moon's big scene under the clock tower under the hood. Big Surprise for that.
I wish i was in a bar yesterday night, and i'm needing a drink desperately!!!
t~ computer better now? doncha just hate that! ~
I sent a pic file to DB. She's going to help me with that part somehow. Is she is Europe?
LOOKIE what did!!! Too small, but it's a start. I happened to have that one in my pictures file...
Lots of comments on this post.. but I may as well throw my 2 cents in. A brief story first
I spent 11 years living in New York when I got out of college and it's a place where many stars can be seen. It's hard to not get excited, but the unexpected encounters are always the ones that stick with you. I remember once running late for work and myself a this guy were running up the stairs from the subway and the exit was on the corner of a building, I came out running around the corner and ran right into someone, I mean full on POW almost knocked him over! I was mortified because he had a hold on my arms to steady me to keep me from fallig over and I immediately started to apologize when I heard him say "My fault I wasn't looking where I was going" I took a moment to actually look at the person.. it was Mel Gibson... mind you this was the early 90's.. so gorgeous! I didn't miss a beat as I extricated myself from his grasp and continued on my way, apologizing once again. The guy who had been running up the stairs next to me looked at me, it all happened so fast, and he said as we reached the corner to cross the street, "Did you see who that was?" "I'm trying not to think about it" I told him, but when I looked back Mel was waiting at the opposite corner and he looked back toward me and he smiled and waved, an appreciative friendly smile.
I don't know what he was doing there, but I do know this, he was thankful I didn't start shreaking like a crazy person, greatful that I just kept going.
This long story brings me to this point... I wouldn't want Rob's type of fame, I believe it is not something he ever really considered when he signed on for this movie, and my heart breaks that it's a double edged sword he now holds. Success and fame.. in his business, go hand in hand. His attempt to make himself accessible in order to make things calm down quicker seems to have backfired and people just want more and more of him.
Also, he's preparing for a role and it's a pretty sad one when you think about it "NEW MOON" made me cry.. people need to let him do his job.. and leave him alone. I know these feelings are the mom in me wanting to protect someone I care about, (even though I don't really know him). I'm sorry for the diatribe... I agree with the person who commented something to this effect earlier, if you see him and make eye contact, smile.. he'll know you know who he is and probably appreciate that you don't make a scene... and if he's in the mood or able.. he may even approach you and then you will have a memeory that will last a life time. Don't just be a fan... be a friend. In his business, those are more valuable.
OK I'm done.. sorry for the length!
(PS - I still think he's one of the most gorgeous and talented men I've ever laid eyes on... I just don't want my enthusiasm for him and his work to scare the bejeezes out of him and send him into hiding one day!)
Danni~ so was I right? huh? huh? ;)
I'm not as dumb as I look.
C email me I can help you...also...I dont think db is in europe...
Babe you don't look dumb at all.
Believe me!!!
Hi Kelly~ I truly appreciate your story and your thoughts on this. Also, I think true fans can admire from a distance and be satisfied, knowing that he already "gives" us so much.
T~ did you notice my Robrechaun?
I'm off to lunch, It's almost noon here in Brazil.
See you all later!!
gotta run gal bbs..
Hi crazy....yay, you got your avatar! Piece of cake ,right?
oh, and, "if your happy and you know it...." ahhaahhahha
I wish I could find a pic of the happy trail...hmmmm
hey everybody. I love this blog and your coments. It's my first comment here, ohhh, I'm Nanah from Brazil.
Oi Danni e Sophia. Eu li os comentários de vocês. rsss Eu gosto muito deste site e adoro os comentários, como estudo inglês, adoro ficar lendo, mas as vezes nao entendo nada. kkkkk Vcs podiam me dar uma força??? bjs
Kelly, that's a good story, and a very good point you made. I couldn't agree more. And after seeing the other picture posted today (the "creepy"pic), I know I couldn't bring myself to approach him, even if God blessed me with the opportunity. I hope all this fame doesn't mess him up too badly. Admire from afar, like we do. I heard him say in an interview,when asked what type of reaction he would prefer from a fan, and he said....no reaction at all...
I think my "Robrechaun" is magically delicious...
Welcome Nanah!!!! I'm Crazy. Yes, crazy.
Thanks Crazy... I appreciate your comments as well !
I met a lot of celebs when I lived in NY and it's was fun.. I actually had one other meeting with one huge celebrity crush... so special to me I haven't told anyone except a few close friends.. I haven't talked about it in a long time, mostly because the person is no longer with us. But it invloved an almost 45 minute conversation while waiting in line for the bathroom at a party in a loft in Soho. A magical discussion.
It happens... but just remember they are people... And Rob.. if you need to you can come a hide out in my home town.. nothing EVER happens here!! These people are oblivious!
Lol... I have to agree with Suz' first post.... What are most of these girls wearing??? I'm sorry but it looks like Rob's at a brothel... :p
and what's up with the umbrella...?
I've always said it... I'd hate to be Rob... I would be yelling to people by now but still he seems to be taking this with a lot of poise.. (keeps the paranoia inside :P)
Kelly~ You're teasing me! Who is it? No, don't say...
oh my goood damn that was so fucking creepie it anit true damn poor man and feel so sorry for beeing him living this awful life because of all the fame urk
LOL Crazy.. Can't say... but he was wanted by MANY MANY Women... his history was legendary... oh and he was SUPER SUPER sweet! And a gentleman... and very funny and down to earth.. so easy to talk to. I know he is missed.. he was too young when he was taken from us.
It´s the bad side of his job, all occupations have problems.
Mine, for instance, is to work on holidays and weekends.
In his case is having people taking pics of him wherever he goes, unfortunately.
I don´t think Rob is going to continue acting after twilight series.
He will have enough money on the bank to avoid all this crazyness.
PS: girls, i´m from brazil also! :)
Kelly- wow! You must have been dazzled. p.s. can we play 20 questions>????
Kelly - i know who it is.
Crazy.. you probaly do.. if you think about it.. it's not hard to figure out..
I just read WA(fanfic)and see the irony that Bella always wears a hood in the story. Loved it by the way and would love more good reads to tide me over until New Moon comes out.
You can look at this phenomenon in several ways. Rob is a very lucky young man. He has what only a few dream about. I have always been taught that you must give up something to get something worth anything.
My DH and I were talking about Rob's anonymity loss and my DH said, "I wish that is all I had to worry about!" Makes sense when you think about it.
I am crazy Robsessed and don't know if I "could control myself" or not if I saw him. Probably not! I'm sure I would pass out! Kuddos to all of u fans out there that help me get thru my Robless days! I heart u!
I have mixed feelings on this pic. While I agree that "some" of this attention does come with being a celebrity and if you have the right people working for you, they should be able to handle and manage these types of situations. (like someone said earlier)
He is at this private party and unfortunately, since he is famous, he can't just go incognito anymore. Showing up at a party with a lot of non-celebs or people that are not used to hanging around with celebs will most likely cause this kind reaction. Not condoning it by any means, just stating a fact.
I feel bad for him that he can't just go hang out at public places or parties....however, right or wrong, that is the price of fame.
Theres a lot of creeps out there and I would probably be doing the same thing if I was him too. I know he is amazingly beautiful and talented, but he is a freakin human. And its okay to stalk him, just as long as its over the internet=P
And please don't feel bad for posting anything!
wow a picture worth a thousand words...
i really feel for him but i think the hood draws more attention to him, so that did not work.
as far as BF Michael, he does look irritated with the whole situation, all the pics while walking in town he looked mad.
Kelly- That must have been amazing for you. How wonderful. And so very very sad.
Kelly- there are are new threads. i'm moviing up....
What do you mean by new threads? lost
Wow, this is creepy! But not Rob, Michael being there is the creepy thing. =D
Rob doesen't like him.
''Rob: Boyfriend? Who cares? Pff!'' =D
Haha, he said this in a interview when asked about Kristen. Yeah, maybe he joked but I think he sounded serious. ;) =D
A warning in advance. ;-)
So sorry for the long post yet again. Journalist/writer here. Can't help rambling.
It’s quite hard for Rob and quite hard for his fans/admirers as well if you’re talking about meeting/talking to him.
I think he’d rather be left alone in certain circumstances, like at a club or gig. There are lots of people around and if they’re reminded all the time by fans that he’s Robert Pattinson, he can’t really relax or mingle with the crowd, as far as that is even possible.
If you’re sane enough, have a fondness for Rob and happen to run into him, what should you do? I agree with Gozde. I think you should really consider the circumstances. There’s not one general answer to that question.
Rob as a regular guy: ofcourse, he's only human and he doesn’t believe in the hype surrounding him. But his current reality is what it is, esp. when he's in public; he IS a famous actor due to Twilight AND the current IT boy, like it or not.
I believe the next 2 years will sort of be like this for him. It will change and get more normal in time.
But it will depend on the movies he’s going to star in or where he will choose to live. I don’t think L.A. will be the best place for him if he truly wants to stay out of the spotlight. London would be much better or even NYC. Many of the big names don’t live in Hollywood, why should he? James McAvoy: London. Keira Knightly: London. Jude Law: London, and so on.
He should get out of the heat the moment he can. Or otherwise he shouldn’t be surprised that the hype surrounding his persona won't fade as quickly as he would like it to. Just look at Orlando Bloom and do exactly the opposite. He said it himselves many times; he wants to act, not to be a star. And you can easily be an excellent actor outside Hollywood. Probably even a better one.
And for now; well, the hype feeds the hype. Apart from Twilight fans/Robert Pattinson fans; 'the rest of the world' believes he's the next big thing as well, due to the extensive mediacoverage, the love the Perez Hilton's of this world have for him. He sells, and he sells some more...It's a snowball effect, when will the ball come to a stop? I don't see it happening this year.
I think he's going trough a period of adjustment right now. I had a friend who became famous as well, and he went trough quite the period of adjusting. It was painful to witness at times. It was just in my little country, not Hollywoodfame. But it was NOT easy. Like Rob, all girls wanted a piece of him. It took him quite a while to accept his changed reality, he's still a great guy now, but it wasn't easy. But like I said, I think when Rob will get out of the heat, he'll be okay. If he's going to play it smart, ie. like Johnny Depp, he WILL be able to lead quite normal life.
Oi Nanah!
Mais uma brasileira, que bom.
Qualquer coisa que vc não entender me pede!
Mais uma brasileira, que bom to bem Feliz!
Ah meninas não usem a abreviação de beijos pq nos EUA não signigica exatamente beijos. Usem abrçs como eu e a Sophia!
Hopefully, he won't be like Johnny Depp. He bought an island(F**ck Off Island!"
Hey folks, it's Nanah. Thanks Crazy,i'm reading the comments I'm really happy. Well, i couldn't agree more with you guys. It's not easy to be a young actor,specially when you're very shy. And Kelly,I know what you mean. Here in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) we sometimes run into with some celebs.It's very common for us. I've never asked for pics or something like that, because they were in their day off, relaxing,doing window shopping and stuff. But it's amazing. I don't know how I behave myself near Rob. kkkkk
P.S: sorry for my poor English,I tried to do my best. I really love catching up with you guys.
Oi Dani, Oi Sara, Oi Sophia rsss
Dani, brigadão pela dica dos beijos. kkk Eu já tinha lido um comentario de vcs falando sobre isso mas esqueci e acabei colocando a abreviação no meu coment. kkk O clima das conversas parece bem legal e to animada em usar o meu ingles ( mas ele é tão pobre), mas vou tentar. qualquer coisa podem me corrigir. Abraços.
P.S: prazer em conhecê-las.
Can we start a "unless he's at an appearance leave Rob the F*@& alone" Campaign?????????????
Nanah, meu inglês tbm não é muito bom não, mas nós acabamos nos entendendo aqui.
Rob is young and shy and i'm worried. i lot of young actors starts his drugs and alcohol addictions coz hollywood life is too hard.
I'm getting worried!!!
I agree that LA isn´t the right place for Rob. He´ll be able do have a more normal life in London or even NYC. There was a pic of him reading a book on London underground a few weeks ago, it´s the sort of thing he can´t do in LA.
I just don´t understand why he continues living in hollywoood...
if I were his mom I would give this advise to him
by the way, I´m a journalist also :)
Wow, there's SO MUCH speculation here...the truth is that actually we do not have a clue. Rob could've just come in from outdoors...and he has always favored the hoodie, often worn up. He likes to cover his head (beanie anyone?!?!).
He's a smart guy and I'm sure he'll work it all out.
LOL Anon-
"(For once, Kristen brings me joy--keeping it real in her plaid, non-whoreish shirt. Go, Kristen!)"
I totally noticed how all the girls seem to be hovering and all wearing little or no clothing.
feel so sad for him
Fame is a bitch especially now with camera phones. At least he had Kristen and her boyfriend there. But if I saw him I wouldn't go up to him eithier.I wouldn't want to be apart of the crowd. And I agree that if we were caught in a moment were our eyes met and we smiled at each other in acknowledgement that would be better. It's like for a split second we were in our own world. Out of all the people he noticed me. Now that would be a way better memory to have.
I agree, Chicago. He's smart and I feel certain he knew what he was in for that night, and went anyway. He'll figure it out if he hasn't already.
Aww Rob :(
from some pics i saw of ashley greene from later that same nite she was the one wearin the red plaid shirt, not kristen...
so it probably is rob. i love him.
why does even a picture of his back make me so excited???
Nope it is Kristen. She was wearing that same red plaid shirt that day. There are pics of her and Oregano from that day. Ashley was in LA.
I feel sorry for Rob. I don't think he has the disposition to roll this fame off his back. He is too sensitive and has been severely burnt. I find it sad he is deliberately trying to hide, yet here I am checking sites everyday just to see him.
I'm sad Rob has to do this. I'm also sad that there are so many thoughtless people who have to hound a celebrity on their private time. I hope Rob became aware of people taking pics of him and pulled the hood up as a fuck you to them.
I really feel for him but it is the life he chose. I can remember back in my New Kids on The Block days...yeah I'm an oldie..lol The girls were just ungodly. I have always been more laid back with my approach to people whom I have had the pleasure of meeting. For one instance, freezing my ass off in Michigan after a concert at the tender age of 16.. whilest all the girls are screaming at the bus windows I stood at the end of the bus with my friend trying to keep warm by the exhaust..I know..lol don't laugh..hehe and I look up and I ask my friend.."is that Donnie" and she says "i don't know" and by then he was standing right in front of us!!! Why?? Because we were the only girls not screaming and acting like sluts or complete fools!!! It just goes to show that if you show alittle class it will get you where or what you want. From that point on, I got free tickets to shows, VIP passes and all kinds of other stuff. It was great. I don't think Rob is unapproachable but it needs to be done in the proper manner or just wave and let him come to you...if he doesn't..then it wasn't meant at that time...move on!!!! Well that was my two cents...Thanks, April
I was there that night with Rob and the Twilight Crew.. so i know first hand that he was not trying to "hide". He had just gotten in the lounge as this picture was taken. Shortly after this, the hood was taken off, and he enjoyed himself, being very friendly to everyone around him, including myself. This event was pretty much all celebrities (as it was the afterparty for the Fashion show and the junos) and this was taken in the VIP room, so really he had no one to hide from, as everyone was "famous" in their own way. I saw the chick that took this picture, and he was upset that it was taken because he felt "disrespected" because she had not asked, and he saw the flash go off (some model took it). I had a one on one chat with him regarding his fame.. and he did admit that he is getting sick of it already. (Just for reference purposes, he approached me first, but sure i was doing a little eye flirting from across the room hahaha). He is such a sweetheart though in real life though. As far as saying all of those ppl in that picture look like skanks, thats not very nice PS haha you have no idea how hot it was in that little VIP room. About 50 ppl in a tiny little room was not a very good set up. :P But anyways, thats just to clear it up. Sure he's sick of the media attention, but he said that night was not bad at all compared to what he is used too, because everyone in that room (which he didn't leave) had a title of their own and it wasnt a huge deal to them. Most of the ppl seen in that picture are cast members or behind the scene ppl.
Ash...Thanks for getting that all straight. Now there will be no more speculation for everyone. Atleast he got to enjoy himself.
Ok, so it appears to me that both Michael and Kristen have what appears to be white wine in their hands? hmm, interesting.
He approached you...a total stranger...and told you that he was upset with another fan in the room?? I call BS. And why were most of the women in the pic looking toward him if his presence wasn't a big deal?? Sorry, but I can't picture Rob doing or saying any of that just out of the blue to someone he doesn't know.
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