A month ago I made a post about our copycat. I didn't expose the blog at that time because I didn't want to give her hits. She deleted that blog but apparently "created" another one! I found it last night, HERE it is. This Julia.Twilight person is copying the HTML on our sites and just pasting it on her blog! Complete with our pictures, comments etc. It is not just our blog that is being copied. TwiCrack Addict, CullenBoysAnonymous are victims as well and some other blogs that I can not determine from posts.
Julia: As I said in my post from a month ago, we do not own the pictures, we do not own the stories, the only thing we own are our comments.
I spend ALL of my spare (and not so spare) time on this blog. It started with just my love for Rob but now I feel a responsibility to the people that come here everyday looking for Rob news.
Dani and I are on the look out for pictures, stories all day through. We don't make money off this site, we don't gain anything.
I can not wrap my head around to what you are doing! YOU are stealing our posts so shamelessly! I can not find a better word than LOSER to describe you. Shame on you!
I am sorry for this rant post.