A month ago I made a post about our copycat. I didn't expose the blog at that time because I didn't want to give her hits. She deleted that blog but apparently "created" another one! I found it last night, HERE it is. This Julia.Twilight person is copying the HTML on our sites and just pasting it on her blog! Complete with our pictures, comments etc. It is not just our blog that is being copied. TwiCrack Addict, CullenBoysAnonymous are victims as well and some other blogs that I can not determine from posts.
Julia: As I said in my post from a month ago, we do not own the pictures, we do not own the stories, the only thing we own are our comments.
I spend ALL of my spare (and not so spare) time on this blog. It started with just my love for Rob but now I feel a responsibility to the people that come here everyday looking for Rob news.
Dani and I are on the look out for pictures, stories all day through. We don't make money off this site, we don't gain anything.
I can not wrap my head around to what you are doing! YOU are stealing our posts so shamelessly! I can not find a better word than LOSER to describe you. Shame on you!
I am sorry for this rant post.
Shameless thing to do...well, all of us here know how much work goes into what you do and are grateful for it. Like you said, we count on you (no pressure, ha ha )and for someone to STEAL your work....shame on her. However, they do say that cpoying is the sincerest form of flattery.No matter, you've "outed" her
, and she should be embarassed, we all know the truth!
Copycats = RobKat wannabees
Julia, you suck spidermonkey ballz
G & D you rock our world!!!
Suz <-------bows to her queens of robworld
Gozde, you should bury a comment like (This is Julia and I am stealing everything for my blog from real, honest bloggers) or something like that. Maybe even bury a link to this blog. :)
Lilly, that is such a good idea....so sneaky ;)
Thanks ladies. you all are too kind:)
I got so angry last night when I saw it! I mean seriously!
Good idea Lilly, I'll take it up a notch and add "Julia is a ho" in all of my comments from now on :))
By the way right after I posted "we don't make anything off this site I saw that someone bought 3 books from our amazon shop! We made $3! :))
Sorry to hear this Goz. You and Dani work very hard to keep this the best site to check for Rob news.
Thanks for all your efforts. Julia should be ashamed of herself.
i was going to say the same thing lilly. haha!
man this is pretty rude. some people are just so lazy.
Good morning, everyone!
Gozde, your site makes me happy everyday. I wake up thinking of checking on the news about "our Rob" and the comments.
I used to check the other sites as well, but I don´t do that anymore, because Robsessed is SO MUCH BETTER than the others...
She should be ashamed, but she is probably not; she doesn´t have any conscience at all (that could make her feel guilty),otherwise she wouldn´t be doing that anyway. Jezz, I am always so careful in stuff I write in my papers at school, I always add way too many "notes" giving the credits to other authors... I would be having no sleep at all...
Julia! Brrrrr.
Godze-- I just want to thank you for this incredible blog. I am 34and a PhD too. I felt like I had to hide my Robsession (i.e. what is wrong with me???) but after reading that you have a similar background I feel a bit better :) Thanks for the entertainment -- I must check this site 5 times a day! It always makes me laugh.
(p.s.-- Julia sucks :)
Well, don't worry. While a blog's content is important (I tremendously enjoy my Rob's updates), it's also the comments (and your answers to questions/requests) here that make it special. I like it that normally nobody seems shunned, and the mood is light and humourous.
You guys ARE the best ~I come here several times a day. I never go anywhere else (well except letters to rob as well) and I have to say you guys have the best, up to date info on the SEXIST guy to walk the face of the earth!
WE LOVE YOU Goz and Dani!!!
Thanks for letting me know about this.
I just went over there & looked at her site. She took Lina Zols sketches I posted recently & posted them with out giving her any credit & I asked people to please credit Lina when re posting.
Is it really that hard to credit?
Shannon: I started this blog while I was writing my thesis :) No need to hide here. We are ALL Robsessed :PP
And thank you all again! That's why I spend so much time on the blog. I feel responsible! Dammit! :P
No problem Cullen. It is not just NOT crediting! If you look at the blog you can see my (Gozde: blah blah blah)s there! She is copying the HTML source not the posts.
i tried to post some nasty comments on the copycat but i donnot thin k it got published,nasty person too lazy to do her own work.
Gozde, "YOU GO GIRL!" ;}
I want to thank you for ALL of the hard work you put into this blog. I check daily for updates and I am now more Robsessed than ever. I don't mind, but I have you (and the man himself-Rob - of course) to thank. Hahaha ;}
Feck sake Gozde, that tit is actually copying and pasting your comments too. What an arsehole.
Julia, love, give it a rest. You're bringing shame to the robsessing community.
Nasty copy-cat fiend. *scratches her eyes out* Can't copy anything if she can't see.... >_>
Loser is right Goz! The real Robsessers know how hard you work and that YOU and Dani are giving up the goods for us. NO one else compares.
I will always come here for Rob news, its the most reliable and best source for Rob out there! Thank you Goz and Dani and im glad you caught out the CopyCats!
Where is this thief located anyway? Just curious.
Great idea!!!! I will add to each and every comment i make:
"Julia will be stealing this comment from me. She steals everything on this site from www.robsessedpattinson.com. Come join us over here instead, but only if you a true fan".
We'll shut her down.
Gozde and Dani~ I appreciate this site and your work more than you can imagine. Thanks so much, but take a break once in awhile. you deserve it.
BY THE WAY, "Julia will be stealing this comment from me. She steals everything on this site from www.robsessedpattinson.com. Come join us over here instead, but only if you a true fan".
My first post!
Gozde, I am so sorry. In my former life before babies I was an English teacher and I would rack my kids on the coals for any form of plaigiarism. I know that the internet is a different world, but do you have any recourse to stop her from stealing your words? This is such a great example of our youth today not taking responsibility for their actions!
P.S. Love your site! :)
Gozde and Dani - I used to buzz around to other sites to check out Rob news. Now, I just come here and am always satisfied with what I find. THANK YOU THANK YOU for your time and dedication to Rob, to this site and to all of us. You can rant whenever you want because we are 150% behind you all the time.
As far as this Julia goes, you suck. Publish that on your site. I'm pretty sure that Rob would say you suck, too.
Random, but for a purpose:
Does anyone speak ubba dubby?
"Julia will be stealing this comment from me. She steals everything on this site from www.robsessedpattinson.com. Come join us over here instead, but only if you a true fan".
Goz~ i feel so bad for all the times I asked you a question about info i was seeking. Like you need more work to do! I'm sorry :(
BY THE WAY, "Julia will be stealing this comment from me. She steals everything on this site from www.robsessedpattinson.com. Come join us over here instead, but only if you a true fan".
LMAO @ Crazy :) Honey, she is stealing my and Dani's comments not the actual comment section but A+ for your efforts. And never be sorry to ask for Rob info! we live by the tips/comments/questions/encouragement!
And to all of you: Thank you SO much :)) Y'all are just awesome! I am so happy we can supply you with Rob crack all day long :PP
I know you are not a fan of Lainey, but she's stealing ENTIRE posts from Laineygossip.com as well, with NO credit given. I was assuming everything else on her site is stolen with no credit. That is RIDICULOUS!
Love YOUR site, read it many times daily! Keep up the good work!
Anon: she is stealing from a lot of sites :(
Goz~ another strawberry blonde moment! duh. Feel free to put it under all YOUR comments then.
You are so sweet, btw.
Imitation is the sincerest form of fuckery.
ROBsessed is the best! Everyone knows it...
Goz and Dani work so hard to make so many....so happy.
I ♥ Goz and Dani... And all the RKs...most sincerely.
This pisses me off. Goz and Dani,I can't tell you enough how much I appriciate all that you do,and that it means a lot for those of us that aren't computer savey.
You give us our much needed Rob fix everyday, several times a day.
Copy cat you suck!!! Down with the Ho!! (shakes fist).
I'm Elisa and I don't normally use my name but I have been an avid fan of your site for several months.You girls rock!
G & D - You do incredible work. I hit this blog several (ok, more than several) times a day to see what the current Robnews is. I am so thankful to you both for all the work you do, and it is shameless for people like that to be able to do that.
One can only hope that it's some young kid who doesn't have a clue, and not an adult knowingly stealing another's thoughts and comments. That's just the lowest form of low. I'm sorry you're having to deal with it, and hopefully, she'll be gone soon.
And we love y'all right back :) You all are too kind! Thanks for the support!
G & D, I am fairly a nOOb to the site and love u guys! Until u I thought something was wrong w/ me. lol I am a teacher w/ a masters degree and Rank 1 that was a closet Robsessor. TYVM for all u do! >3
Julia is to be pitied!
Also, what shop do u have?
Hi Elaine, we are all "closeted" Robsessors :)) We don't really have a store but if you follow the links to amazon from our front page and buy something we get a small percentage of it :)
You are my hero! :-) I hope that she gets the message. Hmph.
TwiCrack Addict Jen
Will do! Thanks for the response!
Gozde, Isn't their a way on reporting the blog? Some people had no shame at all.
Gozde - I checked the site you posted. Based on what I saw, Julia's blog is like a portal to your site and the others. She posts a part of the news you put here but when you click on the title of the news item, the links in her site redirects to your site. That's why everything seems to look the same including the comment section because it IS your site. The http address also shows that it is your website.
I also asked a guy from our IT department to check it just to validate what I saw and he said the same thing. He did wonder what our boss was doing surfing some celebrity fan sites. LMAO! Of course I used my boss' laptop to show him! LOL!
Anyway, if our IT guy is wrong, please tell me so I can kick his ass. :)) In the end, I hope justice is served if indeed Julia is copying. However, when I click the links in her site, I always end up in www.robsessedpattinson.com :)
I'm not afraid to call people names.
Man, I really don't act my age around here. ;)
Love your site, Goz. You should be indignant. Keep on keepin' on feeding us the Robcrack. We appreciate you more than you know. {hug}
Goz and Dani, you know I appreciate y'all. You saw how pist off I was about "you know who" not caring about this site. Then here comes this pathetic, lazy, witch, Julia (copy this comment)stealing yours and many, many, others hard work. I am so sorry that you have to put up with this nonsense.That's why the internet needs more regulation. It's just to many people doing what they want without any consequences.
d6sense, it IS a portal, your IT guys is right. BUT how often do you click on the title of the posts when you visit a site? You just read the stuff and move on. so it is still stealing.
Thanks for the research though! I really appreciate it! :))
Curly: blogger says you need to take it up with the authorities if you think there is copyright infringement. They don't do anything about it :(
I take it back..
the spidermonkey is tooo good for you, Julia.. you just SUCK
Gozde -- you're right about her posting your news items in full though. Because the one about Rob's old BMW was posted in full. I can't think of any other way to protect the contents of your site other than for you to not post everything in full. That way, everyone who goes to her site will be forced to click the link that redirects to your site. Right now, the quick and easy way to get even is to outsmart the bitch. Also, maybe you should take out the link to her site already. :))
d6sense : That would take away from my site and I wouldn't do that :))
Plus the link to her site can stay, I don't care about hits. I just want people to see her for what she is and maybe leave a nasty comment, lol :))
Thanks again!
Its okay, just know that I wake up extra early for work EVERYDAY just to get my high of rob/twilight news from Robsessed and Twicrack! And during the day on the work comp=P I heart you guys, great job;)
that ass.
Copycats suck and clearly have no imagination of their own. Julia sucks big fat hairy balls and that's that! :)ROBsessed is the most awesome blog online :)
There isn't much to be said that hasn't already been said...I rarely post, but I check this site every day and I LOVE IT.
Goz-you rock.
Julia-you suck
I'm not even going to click on the link to the copycat to see how exactly she copies stuff, because I don't want to give her the hit! Take that!
First of all..you do an amazing job here..this is the only palce I go to check on Rob things.. I am 32 and when I found this place..I was so Thankful..now to see that this Stupid Julia chick is copying..I think Loser is the perfect word among other things..So Julia..if you see this...your a bitch...LOSER!!!!
i really got hooked on this site... :D
love everything u posts & the comment section is a real riot (the best people are here... boo to dazzle awards for not nominating ROBsessed)...
this is the only site i can admit my obsession for Rob... ;)
more power to u & danni!!!
she can steal all ur posts but she can't steal ur followers...
we are sticking here... ;)
I have a Rob blog but it sucks. I feel like a copycat when I post things cuz others have the same thing on their blogs. I gave up and just decided to enjoy all the other Twilight blogs out there. This one especially.
Gozde, yeah I went to check out too...wow they are so lame. Thats awful thing to do, people like that deserve to get sued. I mean come on if they are so lazy to actually write their own stuff they should at least give you guys credit. Would they be retarded enough to copy this post too on their blog?....
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